You might be an audiophile if...

With apologies to Mr. Jeff Foxworthy, thought it would be fun to come up with (clean) examples of the wretched excesses that us poor audiophiles are subject to. I'll start it off. Extra points for originality and wit.

You might be an audiophile if your stereo costs more than your car. Or your house.

You might be an audiophile if - you've ever had to choose between a girlfriend and a new pair of speakers.

1) your on-going discussion about the glass table in the listening room with the wife eventually leads to an accidental hammer falling out of you pocket (onto it) as you were walking through the room to go fix something else..

2) You cancel the Stereophile cause you're ears are better than the reviewers ("what were they thinking when they said that!").

3) You're 4yr old son can point out that that's Louis singing and playing the trumpet, and Duke is on the piano (at the right times during the song of course).

4) Your spouse gave up on you long ago....
You called Rives Audio to assist on the selection of your last home purchase (you'd be surprised how many times we've done this now).

You're designing a new home and you spend more time with Rives Audio than you do with your architect on the remainder of the home.

You converted a barn in your backyard into the ultimate audiophile getaway.

You are a successful practicing doctor(s) and decide to abandon that to sell high end audio equipment and have Rives Audio design the showrooms (two brothers come to mind here).

You ever considered buying a building in Manhatten to build the ultimate audio room because you wanted it convenient and closer to your office. (true story)

The last words you heard before you made an audio purchase were: "Hang on, I've got to introduce you to someone. I'll conference them in, hang on." (Jonathon Tinn clients know what I'm talking about here)

You watched a Vin Diesel movie and suddenly had the urge to buy audio equipment. (JTinn clients will understand this too)

You have more invested in records and cds than your retirement accounts.

You ever wondered if you should paint your interior walls with textured paint for added diffusion.
... if your wife knows all the high end audio brands and pronouces them correctly.

and is your home page!
Letterman's Top Ten for Audiophile and Home Theater Obsessions:

10) You get a complaint about noise...from your local airport.
9) Your electric company builds a substation in your backyard
8) Your H.T uses as much cable and wire as found in 3 average homes
7) Your speakers are bigger than your refrigerator
6) Every time you play a Bach pipe organ piece, seismographs register activity
5) You get rid of your wood stove, because your tube equipment puts out more heat
4) You have more filled equipment racks than your local radio station
3) Your new preamp is the best one you've ever heard, and your system is finally finished. You trade it in next week for a different one.

2) You own at least 10 different vinyl pressings of every Beatles and Stones album
1) You can "hear" the sonic differences resulting from a 3 degree ambient temperature change.
You see that ad for "A Perfect Pair" in the back of Stereophile and honestly notice the tubes instead of the boobs.
You get home after a long day at work and after turning on the ceedee player, set the tt platter spinning, spending a half hour looking for the perfect disc and or LP (the amp and pre were already on from the night before), checking to ensure your room treatments are all in place, cleaning the LP you may play, settleing down in the sweet spot, listen to the system for an hour, AND THEN WONDER WHY YOUR SPOUSE ISN'T HOME AND CALL HER CELL AFTER THE LP HAS PLAYED BUT THEN REALISING YOU HAVE THE PLACE TO YOURSELF, YOU TURN THE CELL PHONE OFF AND SETTLE IN FOR MORE GOOD SOUNDS!
You can hear the difference between the UPS, FedEx & postal truck as they're coming down your street and if they pass your house (after you've jumped up like a kid for the ice cream truck) you get bummed out, 'cause it's another day before your ________ arrives.
You get aroused listening to your wife expound on the sonic characteristics of various 6SN7 tubes with the local hi-end dealer.
you have plastic surgery to look more like michael green or mathew polk......or you've trained your dalmation to do that 'his master's voice' thing

I can actually hear the difference the UPS, Fedex and Postal trucks. LOL
you get a mullet haircut to look like MG, film your wife taking the dealers 6SN7 - SWAP HER FOR A QUIET PAIR !
Then you won't need a lock on the door to keep her from bumping into the speaker blocking the doorway, or the cd rack behind the door, fooling your speaker that there's actually a wall there.
Must go & Silclear the wires into the dedicated main - installed last week but it must have slackened of half a turn by now.
We can all hear the difference between UPS,Fedex & ups - always the same result tho, broken new toys!
Alright honey, but we have to do it in front of the stereo. The tubes have finally come up to temp and I just have to hear this new 200g pressing of.......
You might be an audiophile or a computer whiz if you have the moniker "Prpixel", heheh.
You have your entire LP and CD list downloaded to your palm pilot and take it with you shopping so you won't buy any more duplicates. (guilty)
This thread's HILARIOUS !!
I'm guilty as hell on ALL counts !!
Only thing I need is that converted room from Rive's link, with a *secret entrance door* and no ringing phones.
(Yeah, the Kharmas would be nice too)
the word "180 gram" elicits a new purchase despite your having both vinyl and cd copies of the recording already

your carpet has long needed replacing but you've spent those funds on several cable upgrades (true story)

you stay single so you won't have to deal with the waf factor or placing speakers too close to the wall

your front wall in specially reinforced to hold your turntable stand

your electrican asks what the second curcuit breaker is for

your daughter's car will have to wait till she's more responsible or those new Von Schweikerts are yours, sorry honey

a colleague tells you about his great surround sound setup and you resist telling him he could have had a decent starter two channel set up

your artwork on the back wall is made by echobusters

when a hurricane is threatening - you pack your valuables
tube pre amp, turntable, amplifier, interconnects

you don't know who the ceo of the company you work for is, but you can discuss at length the standing wave frequencies of all the dimensions of your music room

you can't wait to get $1800 spare dollars to buy a record cleaner you've read a master's thesis on at audiogon(Loricraft)

the record store owner gets nervous when you tell him you are going on vacation next week

you claim no exemptions on your taxes so that refund is big enough for a serious upgrade

Steve of Great Northern Sounds has dibs on your firstborn

your treasured stash is a few pristine sets of NOS 6922s

you've spent more on balanced power than your air conditioner costs

you're the only person in the audience that thinks the cinema's THX system is grating on the ears

you not only have a dac and know what one is, you insist on several digital output formats

your friends own boats, you actually use your hobby on a nightly basis

you cringe at the word digital

you spend hours on speaker placement and can actually hear
great width and depth after all your toils

you know the sonice coloractions of various cables, amps, etc more distinctly that a vineyard owner knows his wines

you'll sleep in the wet spot to have first dibs on the sweet spot (sorry - couldn't resist)
Audiotomb, unluckily these days I'm finding the sweet spot more accessible than that rare wet spot, heheh.
You spend 30 mins reading this thread on your computer at work, laughing out loud, risking your job and reputation.
With my vinyl??? I want to be buried in the Classe amplifier flight case, with the vinyl in there too...

Will that affect the resale value of my amp?
Nrchy, who knows, maybe that would spark a trend - the fresh corpse tweak. You could even spwan variations, like the cryo'ed corpse as cable dressing. The possibilities are endless. Actually I guess I know I;m an audiophile, since I've rambled on for much too long about an imaginary, and morbid, tweak. Time for bed.
Your maid has passed a 50 question test on the care and handling of high end audio gear (all essay questions)!
... the names of your children are
Conrad Johnson_______, Cary ______, Callisto_______, Avalon_______,Aragon(not Aragorn)______, and Merlin Porter!
Your Maggies look like coffee tables on end to your house guests. If you find any of this sh-t funny or TRUE!
You tell your friends (for the 20th time) that you're 'done', and they just roll their eyes. You want to defend your sanity but don't since they'll never understand anyway.
the UPS and FedEx guys know not to stop when they see the wife's car in the driveway.
Yet another Denon; a DVD-3910. I also ordered an HDMI cable. FIgured if I'm getting new eyes, I might as well try to get the best picture. I will play around with it for a few weeks, then start looking into mods.

I hope you have better luck with this unit. A lot of people have these modded and I've never heard of a problem with them. May the search end here. Good luck!

Until the next format change, heheh.


I really wanted to buy the 5910, but was concerned about investing big bucks and then HD-DVD comes along. Even if HD comes out this Christmas, I think I'll still have about two years before there's enough software and the players are "affordable" .

you listen to a CD of Whale songs(No background music)for the soundstage qualities...I did.
When I bought a pair of Carver's Amazing Loudspeakers in 88 I actually had a friend that thought they were ironing boards.
your wife actually understands why spending $800 on a single pair of cables is desireable. Hint: try throwing discussing more trivial non-technical topics like how you'll afford shoes for the kids, etc. Er, OK maybe not.
You finally convince your wife the cost of the new speakers and amp will be offset by the sale of the old equipment on Audiogon...

Once you have her swayed to buying new audio equipment. Then switch the story/logic to... "how can I sell the Spica T-60's and silver faced Classe amp. They are classics. I'll never forgive myself. Besides it's good to have a backup system. Our son (who's only 9!) will be able to use them in the playroom. I can't bear the thought of him listening through some junky system from BestBuy. And we'd (yes he said we!) will end up spending at least what I'd get for them on Audiogon at BestBuy on a subpar system.... "

and you're an audiophile wife if...

that all makes perfect sense!
You're planning on replacing a perfectly good refrigerator, becasue it makes a little too much noise..
your girlfriend suggests that you put your whole house on ball bearings to reduce the negative effect of the earth's vibrations on your audio system.
If your wife spend her money on facial reconstruction surgery to make it identical to a Black Diamond Racing puck so you will look at her .
Your dogs whine an alert even before the UPS driver steps off the truck. True story.
The only reason you got bent out of shape when the gas prices soared was the raise in shipping costs of the gear your just ordered.
when your girlfriend of 5 days arrives from another country , moves in and gives you her money from her 2 year savings to buy new speakers.that was exact 25 years ago ,still have the guess what? no, not the speakers ,changed manny of those.
Your local audio dealer sends you a sympathy card when someone in your family passes away, and it's signed by the the owner. (True story.)
Don't invite certain people (wife's best friend) to dinner parties because they have two 3 and 5 year old hellions that see my audio equipment as an extension to their play things. I really, really do not like the parents either. They blame me for having as they say, "a disease."
........your posting on this thread instead of eating Thanksgiving dinner.