Wife stepping on speaker wire

I'm looking for a heavy duty, thick pair of speaker wire that she can see from a great distance. I have never come across a person that has no regard where she plops down her size 8's. Any suggestions would be a god send.
Schubert, Right-way Audio marketed these some years ago. They look like insulators that you see on telephone poles, but not made of glass. I cannot find any such firm now. I bought 24 of them.

I had never heard of one per cable either until I was urged to try it by the Right-way owner. Sometimes I just cannot achieve this but consistently I have found it best.

Geoffkait, I have never tried fishing cords from ceiling eye hooks. Perhaps this is because my ceilings are 11 feet up and also because it looks so crappy. I have used cord from tripods left over from my photography days. For some reason, perhaps vibrations, I prefer isolators.
Suspending cables and cords from fishing line from eye hooks in the ceiling works for me. Kills two birds with one stone. It's what the pros do.
Tbg, SC= Speaker Cable.

Thanks for the info, never heard the one per cable before.
What make do you use?
Schubert, I don't know what SC lifters are, but I find porcelain isolator with glaze are clearly best. I have yet to find a cable including power cords that is not improved by being isolated. Furthermore, one per cable is best.
Is there an consensus as to whether SC lifters make a difference
I've never detected any on wool or synthetic carpet or wood floors. A bit on concrete though but still not night or day.
Be a man about (even at the risk of a marital dispute) and tell her how much those wires she's stepping on cost. Or, you could just raise the wires a few inches off the floor, with either home made supports or any of a number of commercially made cable supports as many dealers and cable makers advise us audiophiliacs to do.
I would not ever leave any cables in contact with floors, I would suggest relocating the speakers so you can keep the speaker wire off the floor.
Buy her some very high heels and usually one good ankle twist does the trick.....would have been a great gift today. Try flat cables or put a throw rug over them. PT

Put up a sign that reads,

These cables emit a small amount of radiation.
Any contact may cause thighs and butt to swell.
@ Mr I: I thought Madeline Kahn pulled it off better, in 'Young Frankenstein'. Guess if the stitches had been better......
I always felt that the original Bride of Frankenstein was kinda hot.
Anyone else???
Put up a sign right by the cables that reads: "Step on these cables and I will never have sex with you again!" Oh wait ...
Lloydc, perhaps but I doubt it.
It is impossible to flatter a woman too much IF you say something that has a grain of truth to it AND you really want to.
Put up one that says ,I want to make love to the most wonderful women in the world" and your outcome will likely be different .
Put up a sign near cables saying "Let's have sex" she will never come near them again.
Had a friend with a big dog that ate cables for lunch. His solution was speaker cables in aluminum conduit clamped to baseboards. :) LOL.
Tell her not to feel too bad. I stepped on the Omega Mikro cables made by Mapleshade, you know, the really fragile ones with the 54 ga conductors. It wouldn't have been such a big deal except it was CES just before opening day and Pierre was standing right next to me.
Yep; over a decade. He certainly must have broken both her feet, long before now!
Irreconcilable differences, no question.
If the judge is an audiophile, he might even consider that as moral turpitude, gross negligence, or intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Send her to her room with no dinner my wife would NEVER go near my system. Good luck.
We're talkingabout a creature that doesn't mind putting up the lid, but resents putting down the seat. I put my cables under a rug, and after time they made a groove in the carpet beneath it. that isn't seen, so not resented, and technically it was a higher rise under that throw rug, made of the same carpet, bound at a shop, but worked for some reason. Maybe make a ramped trough, and toss her choice of rug over it.
As a women who's father is into audio and now who's husband is into audio I find that finding ways to include the cables into my decor is a challenge but one that keeps me on my toes litterly.
I thought it obvious that my comments, like those of many others, were made completely in jest. I wonder if I'm the only one who got four ... yes, FOUR ... nasty emails from Mrs. Hughes ... LOL. Personally, I'm betting she steps on more than just speaker cables (oooh, boy, now I'm gonna get more hate grams from Mrs. Hughes ... LOL).

Hey lady ... lighten up.
Use duct tape (preferably brightly colored) to tape the cables to the floor. Serves two purposes ... protects the cable, and makes it much easier to see, all in one !
That's what we used to do with guitar and mic cables when we were gigging and it works a treat. Hardwood, tile, carpet, duct tape does it all.

Is there some sort of spray you can get to spray the floor around your cables to keep your wife away ? "Wife repellant". (perhaps beer would do it).
Place your cables off the floor with fluorescent colored paper cups and for added benefit place x-mas wire down on the floor.
If you try most of these suggestions you'll end up divorced like the one guy. From a woman's point of view she's probably trying to get you to hide them. Wires or cables being visible on the floor looks horrible reguardless of how nice they look. Most women spend hours putting together the decor of a room and when you have speaker wire running across the floor it destroys her dream. Run the wire under the carpet or along the side of the wall. This would solve your problem. Question, did you speak with her before laying the wires across the floor? Maybe if you did you never would of had this problem to begin with.

I don't know any back ground information, but have ya'll actually had a conversation about it (other than you "telling her not to step on your speaker wire")? If you're "telling" her to do something, chances are she'll do the exact opposit.

Go to Home Depot and get 5" dryer hose - the pliable version and insert the cables into these. Although I can't speak to how the sonics will change as they have a wire wrapped in them so one can bend them to position but the low WAF should make her realize just how important your cables are to you. Because of their size I can't see how she can miss them and should have no problem avoiding them... Sonics aside what about that sturdy black pvc pipe, also available from HD???
How about going to officemax and buying a cable cover ? I have the same situation - I just put a thin piece of foam over the cable, and a small throw carpet over that - works fine.
I am looking for some seed money for a cable company to be called "Barbed Wired Audio Designs Limited", Our Motto "she'll step on em once, but that will be her last"
Easy, get some diamond ring and place it every six inches on the wire. She'll see it from miles away.
Bear traps on either side of the wire should work.--Of course,I'm divorced--!!
Paul, in my experience, spousal behavior modification only works one way...female changing male. If the male should attempt to try this, specific and sometime legal remedies may apply/occur. Usually, you just end up on the couch.

The way I see it, you have two battles to fight, only one you'll win. If she will let you put your speakers where you want to in the room, consider this victory and let the cable stepping phenomea continue-split loom may divert this enough. If you push the speaker cable issue to much, then she may move the speakers against the wall-you loose, but your cable is ok.
The key to success here lays in spousal behavior modification, rather than audio tweaks and home remodeling:

(1) Call Invisible Fence, have them surround the speaker cables with their own cables, and make her wear that collar ... it works with dogs ... it should work with your wife (I've seen her);

(2) Surround the cables with electrified bare wire ... this works with horses (no further comment);

(3) Keep one of those HUGE squirt guns (squirt cannons, actually) handy. Squirt (well, fire away!) when she comes perilously close to the cherished speaker cables. This works quite well with cats in behavior modofication, and I figure if it works with one pussy, then ...

(4) C4 ... strategically placed. This is a one-time behavior modification approach, and an extreme example of the art. Try this only if (1) -- (3), above, fail to achieve the desired results.

(8-(l) Doh!
One thing you could do is buy you a REALLY cheappair of speaker stands made from MDF, sit them between your amp and speakers, and use them as a cable props. If this does not work find you some yellow "POLICE LINE - DO NOT CROSS" tape and string it up from wall to wall in front of your entire system.