why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
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gdhal"If you understand his position, why are you intentionally misspelling his user id"

It looks like gdhal has become sensitive today that is ok I think costco is funny even though I did not originate that nickname I researched it and found it is the name of a major "warehouse" type store in the US I also think your "Bob>Amy>Bob>Amy" refrain is also very funny because absurdity can be an element of humor kind of like the Brits with Monty Python in fact whenever I see you're  "Bob>Amy>Bob>Amy"  I picture John Cleese doing his funny walk I do not know if you have that in the US you might want to look at Youtube it is probably there.

clearthink - I understand exactly you’re position costco your faith is the TRUTH and any one who’s beliefs in any way......
....blah, blah, blah

If you understand his position, why are you intentionally misspelling his user id? Maybe you have no respect for it? Or maybe that is part of your *faith*, *religion* or music that interests you?
kosst_amojan"It has nothing to do with the hobby or audio. It has to do with a guy spouting myths and nonsense. It doesn't really matter what topic somebody is speaking on, I don't like liars"

I understand exactly you're position costco your faith is the TRUTH and any one who's beliefs in any way are not in perfect alignment with yours are myth tellers and false prophets or perhaps just mentally ill and deluded this is a reflection of the tremendous power of FAITH and religion it is actually very common and if you do not agree that it is so common it is only because your "church" has such a small "congregation" and your gospel is not more widely embraced.

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costco_emoji, so you built a cheap amp in your mom’s basement. Who cares?
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Gosh, dynaquest4, did you think of that all by yourself? Good...for...you... You’re...ve-ry...in-de-pend-ent.
geoffkait"Lighten up, Costco. It’s only a hobby"

For you it may be a hobby, or part of a business but for people like costco it is not it is FAITH religion belief and lifestyle they follow a different gospel!

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"why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable"

I'd be surprised if anyone chooses to buy expensive cable, but that depends on what you consider expensive. My definition of expensive is an amount higher than I can, or am willing to spend.  I try not to buy expensive anything.  By my definition, everyone has a different bar height for expensive.  Many Mercedes owners won't consider buying those expensive Bentleys.

Few of us start out buying gear at the limit of our spending tolerance.  We learn as we go, taking incremental steps until we're satisfied or at least hit our spending limits.  For me, I'm now done with my entire setup including cables.  Could it be better?  You bet. Every component I have could be improved, but sonically better gear is too expensive.


It doesn’t matter whether the information carried by HDMI cables is electrical pulses or rabbits. They are still audio and video signals. You know, like digital satellite signals, they are audio and video signals. I didn’t say they were analog signals.  The signal, whether the information is digital or analog is an electromagnetic wave. As such it’s subject to the same rules as any signal traveling through any cable or wire, e.g., purity and construction of conductor, purity and construction of connectors, dielectric material, susceptibility to RF, and “directionality” of the wire. That’s why Audioquest “controls directionality” of their high end HDMI cables, like the Carbon I use, as well as all of their other high end cables and power cords. It’s not a commie plot or an elaborate trick to fool gullible rich kids.
jandewitt - We don't feel the need to buy expensive cables, we feel the need to improve our system.

It's analogous to going to a hardware store and asking for a 1/4 inch drill bit. What you want is a 1/4 inch hole.
We don't feel the need to buy expensive cables, we feel the need to improve our system.
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Blah blah. Blind test. Some can’t tell some can tell. You have to have the ear. Or more importantly your own ear 
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When all you can do is throw mud.. I think your arguments are finished. Time to throw in the towel dynaquest4!

Not throwing mud...making an opinion known. My opinion. You are also free to espouse an opinion. Try to limit the personal defamations if you can. This is common on this forum...defame the message AND the messenger.

And, BTW, I was saying something good about, in my opinion, a product of very poor value. Give me some credit! 😎
Why do people feel the need to keep replying to this thread?

Doh! I did it again.........
tobor007 - Perhaps have a friend(s) over that is a music lover, but not all that knowledgeable about most of the audiophile products such as cables. Switch some cheap cables with the expensive ones. See if it makes these obvious differences to him, you think you hear. When he can’t pick the crap from the shinola, perhaps its time to spend your money elsewhere.



Caution: Be prepared for the nonsensical commentary feedback which calls into question the kind or type of test involved. 

Think Amy > Bob > Amy > Bob !!!

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Perhaps have a friend(s) over that is a music lover, but not all that knowledgeable about most of the audiophile products such as cables. Switch some cheap cables with the expensive ones. See if it makes these obvious differences to him, you think you hear. When he can’t pick the crap from the shinola, perhaps its time to spend your money elsewhere.
Do you really think companies who manufacture an entire range of HDMI cables like Audioquest are perpetrating a hoax?

I keep telling you guys...not a hoax.  These fancy cables are relatively pricey to produce because they are made to look expensive.  Looking cool has value!  Sorta like wheels on a Jaguar...way more show than go...more form than function.  But of value nonetheless.

Just let's be honest; admit you buy them mostly for the looks.  If you cannot then you are being hoodwinked.  Or you want them so bad to sound "better," they magically do.

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geoffkait - “Do you really think companies who manufacture an entire range of HDMI cables like Audioquest are perpetrating a hoax?”

No. They are perpetrating a business, to make money. Hel-loo!

>>>>Business doesn’t equal hoax, Einstein. Your logic is all messed up. Companies make products at various prices points to appeal to a wider range of budgets and performance. You know, like Toyota and Mercedes Benz and Samsung TV. Duh! 😛

You have to know when to speak up. You also have to know when to remain silent. - A. Einstein
Settle down, Calvin, we’re talking about audio. HDMI cables carry audio and video signals. Besides, as I pointed out, there’s a broader issue here.
geoffkait - Do you really think companies who manufacture an entire range of HDMI cables like Audioquest are perpetrating a hoax?

No. They are perpetrating a business, to make money. Hel-loo!
HDMI cables simply don’t make any audio difference. Period. End of story. Cables carrying analog signals, yeah. Cables transporting serial packet based data with ECC QoS don’t. Anybody who tells you otherwise is lying.

Calm down, Costco. You are confusing the signal with the information contained in the signal. The signal is the same as any signal, an electromagnetic wave. So the signal is subject to the nature of the cable like any other signal. The same logical fallacy was used to try to claim all digital cables sound the same. Which is not true either. Satellite signals are “digital” but they are electromagnetic waves. 

Do you really think companies who manufacture an entire range of HDMI cables like Audioquest are perpetrating a hoax? That would be a lot of work for the purpose of perpetrating a hoax, no? You personally are free to buy whatever price level you wish, obviously. So is everyone else. Hel-loo!
HDMI may not I,don’t know. But audio cables make a difference. I don’t have to,have anyone tell me I hear it myself. If you can’t hear it don’t buy it
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Blah blah blah. Cables make a difference if you can’t hear it you are in the wrong hobby.  You should go be a videophile!
Obviously the directional arrows on speaker wire is so you know to reverse them in Australia and  Bizarro world. 
I've been slowly replacing my cables with low to medium upgrades from the original .50 cent supplied ones and note a significant increase in the  quality of sound. My last purchas of a pair of 18" cables said to give them a 175 hour burn in time. WHAT? Can that really make a difference to the human ear?
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geoffkait - No offense to you personally, gdhal, but you’ve made it abundantly clear you haven’t the slightest idea what “directionality” even means. This conversation can have no porpoise anymore. 🐬 Ta ta!

No offense taken. I didn't think you'd have any kind of answer to my questions. Tell you what though, I'll extend the request to answer my questions (in my 04-13-2018 11:05am post herein) to anyone else who believes as you do. 

No offense to you personally, gdhal, but you’ve made it abundantly clear you haven’t the slightest idea what “directionality” even means. This conversation can serve no porpoise anymore. 🐬 Ta ta!
Even when telescopes suggested different the idea that the planets and the sun orbited around the earth was hard to abandon. The perplexing problem of the holy Trinity has occupied our 'finest' minds for centuries.

Even crazier... Einstein received death threats. From other scientists.
geoffkait - ....Wire is wire whether it’s a fuse or cable. They’re all di-rec-shun-al....

On the contrary, haven't you been paying attention? I'm not disputing (although I'm not agreeing either) that the manufacturing process and/or technical measurements cannot or do not support directionality. What I'm stating is that you cannot hear a difference with the naked ear.

Additionally, given your example and if true, it would then also mean that the wire in the walls that you plug the amp into (forgive me, I do realize you often use a battery powered Walkman), the transformer wire in the amp, the wire the utility company has used to provide power to the home, and all other wiring in the speaker voice coils and other components also must be in precise and correct "direction".

Very well. Lets imagine that somehow all of the aforementioned has fallen into place. Lets further imagine that all other concerns you/others might have are adequately addressed.

How does this change your "enjoyment" of listening to music?

And please speculate, in what way should someone else, such as myself, expect to benefit if all wire directionality were perfect?
Yup, puddin’. Haven’t you been paying attention? Wire is wire, whether it’s a fuse or a cable. They’re all di-rec-shun-al. I used the example of fuses because it’s easy to grasp. Cough, cough...

I appreciate your spelling my user id correctly. Thank you.
geoffkait - .....When one checks for directionality of fuses he doesn’t know which way is the right way, so it’s essentially blind. Also if there are many fuses in the system one must pay attention whilst flipping fuses....

I thought, ’cough cough’ - see what you’ve done, I must be catching your cold .... that we’re in the **cable** thread.

Or, are you now stating that speaker wire, its direction, and the fuse direction go hand-in-hand and are directly related?