why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.

Showing 50 responses by gdhal

why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

Because their "feeling" morphs into a non demonstrable "belief".

....and even had your fraudulent representations deleted by the forums thoughtful and purposeful moderator's....

I do recall a number of your threads were also deleted.

As to fraudulence, I look at a bit differently. As soon as I mentioned my rationale for wanting to skype - because seeing and hearing you lends credibility to the authenticity of your interest - and that it is a  possibility you are merely a 14 year old school girl without the financial means and/or legal authority to enter into any agreement - did I validate your insincerity. 
Love to spend 10k on cables because they sound way cool.


They sound even cooler once you've reversed their direction.
The quote is in an article in Forbes titled "Scientific Proof Is a Myth". The main premise of the article is that "nothing in science can ever truly be proven. It's always subject to revision."

Tell me all that you know
I'll show you
Snow and rain

- Robert Hunter, Jerry Garcia

....... and all manufactured wire is directional.

Untrue, to the extent there is any audible distinction a human can detect with the naked ear.
Inequality is indeed on the increase everywhere, and that is not good news for the mass of the population or for growth prospects. 

Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't mean to stare
We don't have to breed
We could plant a house
We could build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
clearthink - Do you have any proof of this gdhal...

You continue to place the onus of proof on the wrong party. 
geoffkait - There is no onus on anyone to prove anything.

Right! If there were, I estimate more than 80 percent of your posts throughout this forum would be removed.

Additionally, cables shouldn't introduce anything into the music program, they should only eliminate outside interferences. Anything else you "hear" after switching cables, IMO, is voodoo magic.


And that is true even if you "reverse" them. :)
It’s oft times quite humorous and entertaining to read opinions about so called exotic cables that second guess what people who actually have experience with them say. What the ding dong?

Except the "experience" cannot be reliably duplicated when any kind of objective test is brought to bear.


What I stated is untrue is Geoff's statement that all manufactured wire is directional.

Note the operative word *all*.

If you still believe my statement is untrue, perhaps you and I can prove it together offline.
Looks like gdhal is playing his silly little game again. Trolling for dollars with fake blind test scam.
On the contrary. It looks like certain members create more than one user id. 😎


And Geoff, of course you could simply admit you’re wrong. That all wire isn’t directional. And, even if a manufacturer creates a wire intended to be directional, it doesn’t mean any audible difference can be heard with the naked ear. This way, by your admission, we can all begin to think clearly and not be concerned about whether or not ones anatomy is tough.
elizabeth - All drawn wire is drawn in one direction. Not two.
But that doesn’t make the wire directional from an electrical conductivity perspective.
elizabeth - .... there could be a difference and a possible measurement no one has found yet? I personally am not saying there is. But no one can say with absolute certainty(with the current state of the art) that there is NOT....

I’m saying with absolute certainty you or anyone else cannot reliably hear an audible difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed. You seem honest. Try a blind test for yourself where a friend of yours reverses the cable without your knowledge. Be honest about it and report back whether or not you can hear a difference.

EDIT: and in this context a blind test is simply a situation where you cannot see or have prior knowledge as to what is or is not actually occurring. Simple really. No need for a lot of nonsense regarding the duration of time between sound 1 and sound 2. You know, do the Amy and Bob test. Throw on Amy Winehouse. Then throw on Bob Dylan. *You* should be able to hear the difference 100 percent of the time and under any circumstance. *I* can. Seems to me (and many other naysayers) the proponents of expensive cables or reversing cables should be subject to the same standard.

cleeds -Why prove it offline? Why not submit your "proof" to the scrutiny of the group?
Because (a) I’m not the one stating there is a difference and (b) proving that there is or isn’t apparently cannot be done with written words to the satisfaction of the forum. You know the saying, "ain’t nothing better than the real thing".

^ Only thing phony comes from those who state they can do the impossible. Audibly detecting with the naked ear a difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed falls in to the category of impossible.
geoffkait - Just as there was something wrong with the programming of the HAL 9000 computer.....
Point well taken Geoff. And yes, the avatar is that of the HAL 9000. I never said, implied, or wrote there isn't anything "wrong" with me  though. In fact, if you search the forum, you can easily find that I've stated "I’m proud to be in the minority". But among the things I know are "right", are the inability for humans to do the impossible. And the impossible includes hearing a difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed. 

It's obvious - to me anyway - you haven't understood my previous posts in this regard, or you wouldn't ask the question(s) that you do. Carry on....
Oh and cleeds, elizabeth, geoff, et al, I give you my permission - although not my blessing - to spend as much as you like on expensive cables, if you're among those who "feel the need" to. :)
cleeds - Please feel free to correct me. My understanding is that you've proposed testing the audibility of wire directionality, but whenever anyone expresses interest in such a test, you direct the conversation offline. What part of that do I have wrong?

The part you have wrong is that I'm *NOT* proposing testing the audibility of wire directionality. I'm proposing *YOUR ABILITY TO HEAR IT* with the naked ear using mutually agreed objective testing. You know, like Amy and Bob.

"Hearing" is something that can only be accomplished offline, true?

Consider yourself "corrected".
^ Headphones would be fine. I've previously posted my test scenario. That was rejected for invalid reasons. Nevertheless, I asked for *YOUR* (caps lock must still be broken) test, and that too was rejected as being to much to ask. In any case cleeds, *YOU* (there goes that nasty caps lock key again) cannot hear a difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed.

Besides, I already gave you my permission to spend whatever you like on cables. After further review, I neglected (unintentionally mind you) to give you my permission to reverse your cables. I am hereby giving you my permission - although not my blessing - to reverse your cables.
cleeds - I obviously don’t need your permission for anything.

At least certain statements of yours are true.

Heads up, according to cleeds, it would seem you too have a problem with the caps lock key. 

The audioquest web page you refer to is applicable to interconnects, not "ordinary" speaker wire.
cleeds - Why? Why the secrecy? What are you afraid of?
Certain communications are inappropriate given current forum policy. Sorry.
geoffkait - Audioquest controls directionality for all of their interconnects, speaker cables, power cords and HDMI cables....
Good that they "control it", doesn't mean YOU (darn that keyboard)  can "hear it".
^ Unable to discuss anything cleeds as my posts get deleted. Sorry. Do as you will and/or believe as you like.
@elizabeth  and @btw22 

If the game is lost, then we're all the same
No one left to place or take the blame
cleeds - I'm not a moderator - just a member here like you.

No, you're superman, capable of the impossible, and who purportedly can hear the difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed.
cleeds - I never made any such claim
If you are now admitting that you *cannot* hear the difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed, then you and I have nothing to discuss/communicate on or offline.

cleeds -Please get your facts straight.
Don’t worry. Your accusatory statements, such as but not limited to, "your $25K "listening test" hustle" have been recorded and reported to the moderator.

I had no idea you were so wise.

Learn to speak, speak with wisdom like a child, directly to the heart.
cleeds -  ...I did express an interest in testing the audibility of cable differences - including directionality - in an objective, scientifically valid test....
As did I, with the inclusion of what is typically found in ones back pocket. To this extent, you declined. Have a nice day.
It would be advantageous for the humble scribe not to have posts referring to the humble scribe removed because of increased notoriety.
^ Of course I can relate to cd318. If you read many of his posts throughout the forum, they are accurate, well written and devoid of sarcasm and nonsense.

Basically the complete opposite of your posts.

Why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable?
Because you get what you pay for - same thing applies to audio cable.

Truth is though there are different applications for cables. Interconnects being one, and speaker wire being another. There is such an abundance of information - and listener testimonial - stating that in the case of speaker wire, anything other than "ordinary lamp cord" is essentially unnecessary and indistinguishable audibly. The only thing one gets in this case is more broke.
geoffkait - That can be very powerful in these sorts of “debates.” Cough, cough!

Try and detect/hear the difference between ordinary speaker wire and the most expensive/exotic there is in a blind test. That’ll end the debate.


I hope you're not catching a cold.

geoffkait - .....When one checks for directionality of fuses he doesn’t know which way is the right way, so it’s essentially blind. Also if there are many fuses in the system one must pay attention whilst flipping fuses....

I thought, ’cough cough’ - see what you’ve done, I must be catching your cold .... that we’re in the **cable** thread.

Or, are you now stating that speaker wire, its direction, and the fuse direction go hand-in-hand and are directly related?

I appreciate your spelling my user id correctly. Thank you.
geoffkait - ....Wire is wire whether it’s a fuse or cable. They’re all di-rec-shun-al....

On the contrary, haven't you been paying attention? I'm not disputing (although I'm not agreeing either) that the manufacturing process and/or technical measurements cannot or do not support directionality. What I'm stating is that you cannot hear a difference with the naked ear.

Additionally, given your example and if true, it would then also mean that the wire in the walls that you plug the amp into (forgive me, I do realize you often use a battery powered Walkman), the transformer wire in the amp, the wire the utility company has used to provide power to the home, and all other wiring in the speaker voice coils and other components also must be in precise and correct "direction".

Very well. Lets imagine that somehow all of the aforementioned has fallen into place. Lets further imagine that all other concerns you/others might have are adequately addressed.

How does this change your "enjoyment" of listening to music?

And please speculate, in what way should someone else, such as myself, expect to benefit if all wire directionality were perfect?
geoffkait - No offense to you personally, gdhal, but you’ve made it abundantly clear you haven’t the slightest idea what “directionality” even means. This conversation can have no porpoise anymore. 🐬 Ta ta!

No offense taken. I didn't think you'd have any kind of answer to my questions. Tell you what though, I'll extend the request to answer my questions (in my 04-13-2018 11:05am post herein) to anyone else who believes as you do. 

geoffkait - Do you really think companies who manufacture an entire range of HDMI cables like Audioquest are perpetrating a hoax?

No. They are perpetrating a business, to make money. Hel-loo!
tobor007 - Perhaps have a friend(s) over that is a music lover, but not all that knowledgeable about most of the audiophile products such as cables. Switch some cheap cables with the expensive ones. See if it makes these obvious differences to him, you think you hear. When he can’t pick the crap from the shinola, perhaps its time to spend your money elsewhere.



Caution: Be prepared for the nonsensical commentary feedback which calls into question the kind or type of test involved. 

Think Amy > Bob > Amy > Bob !!!

jandewitt - We don't feel the need to buy expensive cables, we feel the need to improve our system.

It's analogous to going to a hardware store and asking for a 1/4 inch drill bit. What you want is a 1/4 inch hole.
clearthink - I understand exactly you’re position costco your faith is the TRUTH and any one who’s beliefs in any way......
....blah, blah, blah

If you understand his position, why are you intentionally misspelling his user id? Maybe you have no respect for it? Or maybe that is part of your *faith*, *religion* or music that interests you?
clearthink - It looks like gdhal has become sensitive today that is ok I think costco is funny even though I did not originate that nickname I researched it and found it is the name of a major "warehouse" type store in the US ....

Oh, seeing that you researched I understand much better now.  Sorta like if someone were to refer to you as "Everclear", right? Thanks for the explanation.