Which interconnect cable to upgrade first

Hi,  just a hopefully simple question.   I'm considering upgrading my interconnect cable in my digital system which looks like this:

Network Streamer -> Preamp -> Power Amp

If I were to only upgrade one cable, which one should I upgrade first?   The one from source to preamp, or the one from preamp to power amp.   IOW, which will give me bigger bang for the buck.

Any suggestions, opinions, advices, or experiences are appreciated.   Thanks very much.




Probably. You want your components to perfectly reflect the sound you want, then upgrade your cables, interconnects, and power cords… tweak your audio space/ Then enjoy, until your next upgrade cycle.

@xcool ..." I've been thinking about tube preamp for some time, I might give it a try one day."  

There is a chance you may decide to change interconnects again if you go with a tube preamp -or- if/when you upgrade tubes later on. 


Hey @ghdprentice ​​​​@decooney , thanks for the suggestions!   I've been thinking about tube preamp for some time, I might give it a try one day.    


[@xcool] Hey @ghdprentice I remember running the cables 24 hrs straight for 4 or 5 days from my source to my preamp. The preamp was off when I wasn’t listening.

I did like a few things about the cable between my source and preamp. Very spacious and details. I did wish I can hear a little more bass, and a bit warmer. From what I understand, the Clear Reflection is supposed to have the warmth of the typical Cardas cable with extra details from their Clear line up.

Curious about your experience with Cardas. Thanks!


@xcool > Believe it or not - most of the versions of Cardas interconnects i’ve owned or demoed in the past 30yrs sounded different, yet one factor typically remained fairly constant (Including all former Golden series and the newer hybrid Clear Reflections i tried as well). Resting in place, connected, and not touching them for at least 14+ days; Playing or not... Relaxing the tension of the dielectric inside (used or new IC cables) after being coiled up in a bag or box, matters too. It smooths out a little bit more over time. Only way to know is to try it first hand and validate it yourself. Best of luck.



Thank you for giving us the update.

I skimmed the string again. you have great equipment, but… Long term, I think you would benefit moving to tubed equipment. I am an Audio Research fan myself… but ideally what you want (I was finally able to get there… income had much to do with it) is components that perfectly reflect the tonal balance of your tastes… then choosing completely transparent interconnects becomes the objective.  I have worked with many of my systems just like you are.  But after forty years at working at it… I finally got all high end tube equipment and they sound simply spectacular… I got rid of all the Cardas… it has a slant to warm side and always suppresses the details. Good in most systems. 

Maybe when you get some time go listen to a Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, VAC, or Cary tube system and see if they are not fundamentally more in line with your tastes.

Hey @ghdprentice @sdl4 and @thyname I thought I would give you guys one more update.   I went back to listen to the Cardas Clear Reflection again this past weekend, and it really sounded wonderful!   I love the spaciousness and soundstage of this cable.  It actually sounds warmer now than before, and the bass is also very decent.   The only thing that would be a negative for me is that it can occasionally sound a little bit bright to me, probably because it actually has more details than the Kimber Select.   I'm ultra sensitive to bright sound, and owning a pair of B&W speakers can add to the challenge.

Anyway, I'm definitely keeping both the CR and the KS.   They both have their own strengths and weaknesses.   I wish I can find a cable that combines the strengths of these 2 cables.   That will be another project in the future.   For now I'm happy to have them both in my collection.  😀

Thanks everyone's help on this topic again!

Hey @ghdprentice I remember running the cables 24 hrs straight for 4 or 5 days from my source to my preamp.   The preamp was off when I wasn't listening.

I did like a few things about the cable between my source and preamp.  Very spacious and details.  I did wish I can hear a little more bass,  and a bit warmer.   From what I understand, the Clear Reflection is supposed to have the warmth of the typical Cardas cable with extra details from their Clear line up.

Curious about your experience with Cardas.   Thanks!



I completely agree with SDL4. We’re they broken in? I have a lot of experience with Cardas, and am still scratching my head on your experience with them.

Thanks @sdl4 I was surprised by the sound of the CR between my preamp and power amp also. I really did like the CR between my source and the preamp. It was very spacious with nice details. You are right that every system is different and everyone has different preferences. At the end the Kimber just worked out better in my setup.   I'm still considering keeping the CR just to give myself some varieties.

Thanks again for your help!

xcool,  Thanks for the update on your cable search. Your experience reinforces the reason why it is so important to try out different cables in your own system to see what works best for your equipment and listening preferences.

I'm a bit baffled why the Clear Reflection ICs sounded bright and thin between your preamp and amp since I've never heard the CRs sound that way and those aren't descriptions typically given to CR cables. The bottom line, though, is that you were able to find some Kimber Cables that match your system well, and that's all that really matters.

Upgrade everything asap be a sport.However amp to preamp first if you can't be a sport.



Thanks for reporting back. Great to hear your comments. Very thoughtful and well written, good job.


Yeah, that is why there are so many brands of interconnects. Why, most of use end up keeping a few… The next upgrade, you’ll want to be able to swap in a couple known interconnects. As I upgraded equipment, I actually went back to some of my first purchases, as at first I bought the most neutral I could find, but they did not sound good. Over time you learn what some house brand sounds like and you can predict what kind will sound good (after decades).

Thanks @thyname Appreciate your comment.   This forum has helped me a lot.  I had bought so many components based on the suggestions and comments I found here.   It's my pleasure to be able to contribute and give back whenever I can.   

Thanks again.

@xcool : You taking your time to come back here with your findings and experience is much appreciated. Not everyone does that. Your detailed post should help many members of the community, and this is exactly what these threads are about.


I am not surprised with your findings. I have owned both Cardas Clear Reflections and Kimber Select (al three tiers of Select XLRs). The KS1116 is by far the best value for the money with Select

Hi, I just want to circle back and post an update to this thread.   I ended up trying 3 XLR cables:  Kimber Carbon, Kimber Select KS-1116, and Cardas Clear Reflection.  I didn't try the Zavfino Fusion because they were out of the XLR version at the time.

I ruled out Kimber Carbon after a few weeks.  It's not a bad cable, it has a bigger soundstage than my Hero, but it is also a tad brighter in the high end, which is not what I want.

As with the Kimber Select, I find it sounds very close to the Hero on the Source to Preamp link.  The Select is a little bit more forward, and a tad warmer.   Soundstage is about the same.  I can't say I hear a big improvement over the Hero.  It confirmed for me that the Hero is a very good cable at its price.    I then tried the Select between my Preamp and Power Amp.  Wow, I was immediately impressed with the extra bass and warmth coming from the Select.  That really sealed the deal for me.

As with the Cardas Clear Reflection, I like it quite a bit on the Source to Preamp link.  It sounds very spacious and projects a bigger soundstage.  Bass is not as deep and prominent as the Kimber Select.  Nice details on the high end but with a tiny bit of brightness occasionally.   Not as warm sounding as the Kimber Select, which I found it surprising because most comments I read about Cardas cables tend to state they are warm sounding.   I then tried the CR between my Preamp and Power Amp, and I really did not like how it sounded.   I sounded bright and thin.

At the end, I decided to buy another pair of Kimber Select and replaced both Source to Preamp, and Preamp to Power Amp links.   I still have the Cardas CR, and still deciding if I should keep it.  I really wanted to like the CR, it's not a bad cable at all, and  I got it at a great price for an open box demo from Music Direct.   Just that it my case, the Kimber Select satisfies the 2 goals that I set out to achieve:  warmth and bass, although not much improvement on the soundstage.  Another question that this exercise answers for me is that, the upgrade between the Preamp and Power Amp makes a bigger impact in my system.

Anyway,  hope this helps and thanks to everyone's help on this thread.

Thanks @sdl4 for your first hand experience on Clear Reflection.  Very helpful indeed!

I have extensive experience with Cardas Clear Reflection XLRs, and I support the excellent suggestions from @thyname and @ghdprentice. There is also a long and enthusiastic review of a full loom of Cardas CR on the Steve Huff Photo website. 

I currently use CR XLRs between my DAC and preamp and between my preamp and power amps. The CR has a beautiful midrange and is extended on both the top and bottom without sounding harsh or fatiguing. It provides a hint of warmth, but it also provides the clarity and detail that is heard in the newer Cardas cables in the Clear line. It's a wonderful cable! 

I upgraded to the CR after extended use of the Cardas Parsec XLR. The Parsec is a very good cable, but compared to the CR it sounds a little softer and less transparent. Until I got a second CR XLR, I used the Parsec between my preamp and amp. I experimented with using the Parsec between the DAC and preamp, but I preferred the sound of the CR between DAC and preamp because it presented more characteristics of the better cable.

I would also second thyname's comments about the Zavfino Fusion XLR, which is in a similar price range to the Cardas Parsec. I wouldn't call the Fusion a warm cable, but it's not especially cool-sounding either. I guess it could be described as fairly neutral, but it has a naturalness and purity that is very seductive. I'm just starting to listen to a "not-yet-broken-in" Fusion because I want to move my amps closer to my speakers and need a 5m XLR to do this; unfortunately, a 5m Clear Reflection is very expensive, so a 5m Fusion may turn out to be an effective cost-benefit compromise for me.

Best of luck in your search!

thanks @ghdprentice ​​​​@thyname the Kimber Select KS-1116 and Cardas Clear Reflection are both on my short list to try.  

i’ve not heard of Zavfino, but might do a little research on them.

I’ll be looking at XLR connectors. 

Thanks again. 

My recommendations for your new interconnects (by the way, sorry if I missed this, XLR or RCA?):

1 - Since you are a Kimber fan, take a look at KS (select) series. Even the copper ones like the KS-1116. Yes, pricey, but they are extremely good, and you can find them online used much cheaper

2 - The Cardas Clear Reflection @ghdprentice  suggested above

3 - Zavfino. These are extremely good for the price. Not a mainstream brand like Cardas and Kimber, but very good value for the money. Example: the Fusion RCA or XLR 1.5 meter pair for about $300: 


@xcool.  “Lumin T2 -> Parasound JC2 -> Parasound JC5 ”

Nice, elegant well chosen components. It is nice to see a system like this. Given the equipment I would go for neutral with ever so slight touch of warmth. I would give a consideration to Cardas Clear Reflection. I think that is in the price range. You can never 100% know the result of an interconnect but to me this would have just a touch of warmth and coziness to the sound.

Thanks @jdub39 there has been a $500 price drop on the JC2 on every online dealer.  Maybe it’s time to get yourself a holiday gift 😀

I wonder if there will be new update on JC2  coming soon.  JC2 has been out for quite a while now.  

Experiences will vary depending upon each person's system. I wish there was one answer that works for all but there isn't.

Going against the grain here but I find better cables from preamp to amp the critical link therefore deserving your best IC's there!

Nice on the JC2 can't wait to get mine to mate with my JC5

thanks @soix I’ll take a look.  

@ghdprentice here’s my setup:

Lumin T2 -> Parasound JC2 -> Parasound JC5 

looking for better soundstage and a tiny bit warmer sound without top end harshness.

If you really want significant improvements in these areas, try this AZ Silver Ref ll.  It’s half price here, so if it doesn’t work out you can sell for little/no loss, but I’ve used these for years and think you’ll be thrilled with the results. 


Xcool, you have a good cable now but for a warmer sound I would use a Kimber PBJ. Put it between your amp and preamp. That should warm it up nicely. After that put another one on your CD player. 

looking for better soundstage and a tiny bit warmer sound without top end harshness.

I upgraded my interconnects starting the source to preamp and then, the preamp to amp.  My rationale was minimize signal loss as close to the source as possible.

I upgraded to Kimber Kable  - Kimber sells trade-in and demos on eBay and are easy to deal with.


IMO both at the same time. Getting a new one, while still keeping the old one in the chain will likely not reveal much on the new cable. Just my two cents

Thanks. Right now i’m using the same brand/model cables for both links. They are Kimber Kable Hero’s. They are actually not bad for it’s price. i was considering going up the chain to the Select or Carbon line, or possibly another brand like Cardas. i’m hoping to improve the soundstage and warm up the sound a tiny bit.

Anyone had made similar upgrade before? would like your opinions on these cables if you do.


The biggest bang for the buck will come from replacing the one you have now that is the worst.

I find the closer to the source the bigger the difference, but once you get the interconnect you can obviously try it in both positions and decide for yourself. The bigger question is, which interconnect to choose, which depends on what improvements and sound characteristics you’re looking for. Best of luck.

I would do the streamer to the preamp first, as it will preserve the signal closest to the source.