Which balanced IC between pre amp and power amp?

Hello all,
looking for some rec’s For a balanced interconnect between my B&K pre amp and power amp. B&K CS 117 to a B&K 125.2 reference. Second system so not looking to drop a ton of cash. New to the balanced world so any help is appreciated. So far I’ve read good stuff on Silnote, cardas neutral reference, Cardas cross, AQ, morrow, or signal cable
thanks in advance
@stringreen ,
+1, you beat me to it.

I know AtmaSphere, Ralph Karsten, believes that differences in  balanced cables brands will be minimized IF the equipment follows the balanced protocol (AES 47). And, just because equipment has balanced input/outputs doesn't necessarily mean it follows that protocol, so best to check first with the manufacturer.

I use Ralph's interconnects (25 feet) in my system and short speaker cables (6 feet) as speaker cables will impart more coloration than balanced interconnects.
I have a completely balanced system using all Ayre fully balanced components.   If indeed your stuff is fully balanced, there isn't much difference using any good (and maybe some not so good) balanced interconnect.  The speaker cables have great differences, but not so using balanced interconnects.
Pro audio shops will make up cables to your order from excellent materials at a reasonable price. In my best system, I use balanced cables made by ProAudioLA from Mogami W2549 and gold-plated Neutrik connections. I think a 25’ pair, some years ago, was about US$100.

In single-blind tests, a number of experienced listeners (including a composer and an audio designer) found the cables notably less colored than some $2200 cables from a boutique brand that I was evaluating.

(The Mogami cable is similar in quality to the Canare recommended by another poster. Both are widely used in the commercial recording and broadcasting industries.)

For a second system I too would not want to dump a lot of cash on wires.  I just read about Raven cables, and on their website their Soniquil balanced interconnects are listed at $119 and come with a 45-day trial period.  What intrigues me about these is that they seem very well made, and the designer used them at shows with $40k worth of his top electronics that he also makes, and his rooms get rave reviews.  That says a lot to me, so they certainly seem worth a shot. 

Another cheaper per option would be Cullen Copper XLR interconnects that cost a very reasonable $95.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 
I disagree with zkidd regarding Signal Cable being bright. I find their cables to be anything but. I use their balanced top of the line Silver Resolution model with Mcintosh. It replaced much more costly cables. I'm completely  satisfied with them and have no desire to play the cable game any longer. Back in the day i used B&K separates with great sucess. Their sonic signature is a little to the softer side of neutral, so the Signals I mentioned will give you more details without any harshness. Plus you get a 30 day trial period, and Frank is great to work with. But as always, with cables you need to try them to find the ones that float your boat. Hope this helps.

I think you’ll be surprised how a set of Canare Star Quad XLR cables sound and they’re cheap. B&H Photo has 3ft pair for around $40. They’re sold as singles so make sure to order as a pair. Be surprised if you purchase them you won’t agree they’re pretty darn good. Fairly neutral cable that does nothing wrong.
I run balanced ICs between everything I have. IMHO the balanced cables are not much different than anything with RCAs., and I mean by the brand such as Silnote XLR is sonically not much different than Silnote RCA. Others will argue than XLR's are only better for long lengths. I disagree. I think Silnote is a good start but like all cables the more you spend the better it will be. Silnote, Amati cables are a great cable, and Acoustic Zen Matrix. I am not a fan of Morrow, Cardas is too sweet for me, and Signal too bright. I run tubes nothing solid state save for the phonostage so YMMV. Like everything else in audio it is all system dependent.