Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?




Excellent choice!

One of my earliest vinyl buys was Rain Dances. Love 🐫!

Right now...

The Best of Sting.

Unhalfbricking -Fairport Convention
Raising Sand- Plant +Krauss
More Blood,More Tracks - Dylan
Picked up a 4 chrome cassette box set few days ago for pennies.

Crossroads ... Eric Clapton.

Cassette #1 on now.
Just as a btw....

Did these forums die and they forgot to let me know?

Where did everyone go?
Did they all suddenly get a life?
@uberwaltz - I'm listening to records mostly this week, and I only post those in the "what's on your TT" thread. When streaming I post on your "what are you streaming" thread. Same for CD's. I post those on the "minority report" thread, but haven't listened to many CD's lately. 
@reubent .

I do exactly the same as you know.

I guess it was a generic question as ALL music threads appear to have died down a lot.

Shoot , not just these but really all threads in general, apart from some of the more inane ones to be found under misc audio.

Maybe people DO have a life in summer?
Fancy that......
@uberwaltz - You may be onto something. I think people do have lives outside of their listening rooms and AudiogoN. The weather has $ucked in the Midwest and Northern US. Maybe, since the weather finally broke, people actually went outside? I have wilderness first aid training for 16 hours this weekend and a 7 day sailing trip in the South Keys in a couple of weeks. I won't have access to music, or AudiogoN........

Happy Summer to Everyone! Go outside and smell the pollen and mold (it's been really wet here)! And enjoy!
No access to music?
For SEVEN days???

How will you survive?


I tried the real world once.

It was awful....
@reubent .

Actually I was ready to come to Cincinnati as bought a Vette from the Vette dealer( Seven Hills Cars) on Blue Ash Rd.

But they made me a killer shipped deal so leaving them to deliver it for me.
@uberwaltz - I'll be humming "Sailing" and "Southern Cross" while I'm looking at the stars at night.... I've always got music. It's just in my head....
Hey Guys, 
I spent a few days in the mountains (blue ridge) with my family, had a great time but no music except in the car. Did a bit of hiking with my daughter, son & wife. They're in better shape than I but I beat them at eating more (great) food! Now it's time to unwind (LOL)

David Grubbs / Rickets 

Good to see another camel fan on the board! 
Touche @reubent .


I am sure my new toy would have been in capable hands indeed!
@uberwaltz - My son has his learner's permit. We could have shared the driving.

That sounds so confidence inspiring!

Glad you had some great r&r.
All need recharge some times.

Might have to spin some Camel later although I am up to neck in trying to catalogue my collection on Discogs and attention span for vinyl is not there!
Just listened to a peggy lee album called let’s love...sounded fantastic. Then listened to an album called living marimbas tijuana taxi, I highly recommend it! Each of these records cost me a whopping $1!
Sounds good (literally) audioguy. There is so much good reasonably priced music out there right now. It's a great time to be a music lover!

Royal City / Alone at the microphone 
Camel - “Mirage”

Oh, you like Emerson Lake and Palmer?  Me too.  Hear that phrase and synth technique?  Well, Bardens did it first....
@audioguy85, I have that Living Marimbas record!  $.25 Thrift Shop acquisition from a few years back. Never played it though. Will dig it out and let you know what I think but I’ll bet it’s great.
My favourite Badfinger album...

Last time I posted with correct name admin removed the post!!!
uber, They removed one of mine for having that word in it as well. Just doin' their job I guess

ediaz, I saw them in concert a couple years ago. Great show

Frente / Shape  
Not really IMHO.
Their software triggers a message that a prohibited word has been used.
IF they actually looked at the post they would see the context and understand.
Instead they just hit the delete button.

Sorry but I get a bee in my bonnet on poor forum moderation being an ex moderator on other forums and knowing how it should be handled.

Ok rant over......
My mix: Virginia Coalition-Pat McGee Band-Carbon Leaf-The Freddy Jones Band.  

I have none of this on vinyl so.....
james, I was listening to "Carbon Leaf" earlier this week. / Good band

Lyle Lovett / Joshua Judges Ruth
@boxer12, I noticed and I agree.  I enjoy challenging music but sometimes I just need music that’s accessible and fun.  
Listening a lot to new (to me) stuff from millennial groups, mostly via Tidal...

CHROMATICS    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQz5jc1_tro

STILL CORNERS    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7szSgKm-bqE

Try the links, or go to hi-rez website like Tidal or Spotify & take care not to blow out your woofers on "Camera".