What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
Operating Room RN, 20+ years. 15 years at tauma center. Now part time in nice country hospital. 52 years old. Time to enjoy the music.
About $12k, all used and some DIY.
I'm 28 and I prepare a PhD in cancer research. I live in Toulouse (South of France). Maybe I will be in USA next year for my post-doc... ;o)
+++ Was wondering if the data in this thread might be useful, so I charted the ages +++

Jim, you have too much time on your hands.
Okay, this discussion of the data forces me to update my profession and age. I am a retired professor of political science and 68. There is much travel in my future and the possibility that I might need another system for a second home where it is cooler in the summer than in central Texas.
41. English Teacher: 80% 8th Grade/20% Community College
Surprised I didn't see any teachers during my quick scan of the responses.
own a retail business for 30 years.age 50, system cost about 40,000 changes all the time.
Retired electrician with an american auto manufacturer (54 in August), so I'm not feeling too secure at the moment. I would like to become a Tycoon...is anyone willing to sell their tycoonery?
I own a calibration laboratory as well as a refurbished/rental test equipment company. 45 years old for two more weeks!!! With my first paycheck from the lumberyard when I was 16, I bought a Panasonic quad 8 track player, had 4 speakers in a 6x8 room that my parents wouldn't let me listen to unless they weren't home. I've constantly traded up and traded both stereo equipment and test equipment to get where this system is now so even though it retails at about 180k (ugh), it cost much less I hope. I started hi-end about 10 years ago, and still have about 10 pairs of speakers sitting around the house.
I am a Senior Semiconductor engineer and have been in the industry since Oct 1981; Born in 1959.
My system is put together with all used equipment from this site.
Soundlab m2's,Theta casanova,Sim Moon Orion dvd/cd player;
triplite lc1800,transparent interconnects and speaker cables, and Cary Slam 100's (with a pair of Odyssey mono extreme SE's still in boxes).But the fever is hitting again to try something!!
Chrisla, you are doomed! Ten speakers pairs lying around after only 10 years in the hobby. I have been around this hobby for nearly 50 years! I would be buried in speakers at your rate of accumulation. It is bad enough that I have two big boxes of interconnects and power cords lying around.
51 married 30yr, three daughters 28,26 and 24. build for myself, small shopping center, ice-cream business.
Marine Scientist and Program Manager for environmental nonprofit, 49, married 24 years, 2 almost grown kids who smile at Dad's "hobby".
I am a IBT - Handyman by day. Inventor\woodwork by night. Love to work with my hands. My dream job would be a small Hi-Fi shop with 1st class service for audiophiles on the budget-based on trust and fair play.
Also generate a small profit from few houses that I own in N.Y.
I am a 33years old, wife and a cute little girl.
Came to US 16years ago as a exchange student-like it and stayed.
Total system price- 53,000*
* room-audio-video-tweaks ac room treatment
started over ten years ago with $1000 system.
retail service manager for home improvement. 35 yrs..married.. baby due Thanksgiving..system retail for approx 50k...but the only items i buy new are for turntable...never could come close to afford the gear if it wasnt for second hand
I work in the broadcast tv equipment industry as a wanna-be engineer. I'm 10,220 days old which is almost what my stereo has cost to date
39. PA tech, former recording engineer for 18 or so years. Getting off the road and going into telcomm ( No frequency over 2K !! ) Can't list the price in fear The Lass may find out. Did tell her the used speakers were cheap due to age. Like who uses wood horns anymore!

That is 3K and stay out of telcomm. I am telling you this for your own good. 300-3k is voice.
Your plot is very interesting, and I appreciate the possible insights. I would be fascinated, however, by a comparison to the age distribution of forum participants in general. Hope you are still a participant in this one!
55 year old humble and lowly Painting Foreman for Davidson College, NC

Likewise, humble and lowly $4K (retail prices) system

To match my humble and lowly paycheck

But it good to my ears for the money spent.
51 years old, co owner of an auto racing service business,system retail some where around 10k, most collected one piece at a time through the years.
Wow, nice to see all the diversity of ages and professions. I'll be 60 in two weeks and make my living as a risk analyst for mortgage banks.

49, RADAR systems integration technician. Spent almost every spare dime I've made on music. $5K on equipment and another $10K on program material.
31, I'm a server engineer (glorified way of saying Windows support guy) at a hospital data center. I used to be an installer/ designer/ contractor for A/V and low-voltage control systems, though. That's where I my obsession stems from. My system book value would probably be about $18k but like most of you in the biz I got some sick deals over the years that made up the majority of the value of the system.
I am a Nurse RMN/ psychologist in UK. I dream about exotic esotric type hifi, thats all I can do apart from scouring the exdem/second hand/ebay etc sites.
YESSSSS.... I crave massive power amps....KRELL, Gryfon.....HMMMMMMMMMMmmmmm....BEAUTIFUL CD PLAYERS THAT LOOK LIKE RECORD DECKS.........instead of the crap system that I currently have. BAH!
I am in my upper 70's, from a medical background, with
a system costing upwards of 50K and worth, probably,
25 to 30K on the 'goN today. Latched on to a JBL D150 speaker in 1955, added the bass-reflex enclosure later
when I added a ring-
radiator and a JBL cross-over. Now that was 1956.
Best HiFi in the neighborhood, I'll tell ya.
23. I'm a bid writer responding to RFPs for an integrated library system software and services provider. Trying to save up for grad school and build a system. Invested for 3K.
59. I am a partner in Vitality Science. We formulate all natural remedies and supplements for cats and dogs. We have many testimonials from people stating we have saved their pets' lives!
30. Steam turbine power plant operator. Still building the home theater, should be done by the time my house is finished (being remodeled). Just picked up some Super Clefs and am now in the market for a B&K a/v507 and a pair of Wyred 4 Sound monoblocks.
51, global business mgr for a leading radio communications corporation - have three 2-channel stereo systems in my home - main system @$22,000.00 retail - probably won't ever need anything better than what I have now - very satisfied listener.
Translator, investor; 53 years old. Bought first audio system in 1971. Got rid of everything in 1990, started over again in 1999.

Presently $40K invested in one three-source system and two two-source systems, all two-channel only. Most of the gear bought used.
I'm 60. a bus mechanic at a transit authority. I've been into audio since I was 17, over the years I have aquired a 80k system.
42, attorney who represents individuals against health, life and disability insurance companies. Married 15 years with 8 year old twins.
Actuary, 41, just back into the upgrade mode after I discovered vinyl. obsessing about cartridges, having a blast with records. Have about 10K in my system.
Biggest purchase was 4K on a preamp, enjoy things so much more after I quit looking for bargains.

Several years ago I got spectral amp/preamp, and no longer felt the bug to upgrade. I'm sure this was also driven by my favorite high end store, progressive audio, shifting its focus. Now looking at better spectral power amps. And will visit overture if I'm ever out that way.
38. Patent attorney, former electrical engineer. Started my system around 4 years ago. First piece of gear was a REL Stadium 3 sub that my wife bought for my birthday -- little did she know what she was starting...
American gigolo.1980 feature film.The film's tag line "He is the highest paid lover in Beverly Hills.He leaves women feel more alive than they've ever felt before."
Richard Gere starring as Julian Kaye i a male prostitute in Los Angeles whose job supports his expensive tastes in cars,audiophonic equipment and clothes.Ring a bell anyone? LOL
autodexr, where are you going to get your mba? I went to the Anderson School at UCLA, wish I was still in school instead of facing "reality" and working everyday.
Kitchen and Bath contractor on the Ct Shore, 51 years old.

I purchased most of my stuff used on Agon for under $5k. That got me a new KAB 1210 M5G w/Goldring 1042 cart to a CJ PV10-Bryston- Alon Model 1's.

I go to CES yearly and listen to all the megabuck systems- have yet to hear anything match the music coming from Carl Marchisotto's gems. I have no desire to try anything different, just constantly looking forward to the next time I can listen to music in this system. The soundstage, top to bottm, back to front is HUGE and holographic with voices and instruments floating in space as though you were there live. One lp after another of spot on musical nirvahna. If you have never heard one Carl's speakers you owe yourself the treat but beware you may spend the rest of your days trying to locate a pair.
I'm a 35 year old audio visual service manager for the larget pro a/v integrator in the country here in Detroit. I'm married and a father of three young children. At one point, I had a $25,000 system. Now I have two HT systems that total $5000 and don't listen as much as I would like. I look forward to my kids getting older so I can get away from watching Disney movies constantly....
operator bio-reactors


I don't earn a lot of money but i don't go on holidays and have no children now or in the future.
Electronics Tech, Senior H.E.O., fiberglass manufacturing company. System worth around $25K new, paid around half that amount, some pieces new, most used. I'm vintage 1956.