What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
So the Denon is mid fi but the Emotiva is hifi?
You know the AMC Gremiln looked like a good deal at first aswell.

Which Onkyo model did this UMC-1 beat in your comparison? Just curious.

Oh please?

Have you tried the UMC-1 in a dedicated theater room? How about the Denon 3311? I have...been there, done that. Did you actually try the DTR 40.2? I'm well aquainted with it to say the least. Have you heard one with a good amp?

People should not review gear they have not heard. Oh, and the EQ for the sub is overkill for any good sub and a proper theater room. I didn't need to bother with it. As for auto tuning for rooms, I don't like it. I can always do better on my own as can most people I know. Using starts a baseline at best and the real tweaking for a room begins. Yes, if you don't know how to do it, then go buy a Denon and stay mid-fi.

But the main reason for these devices is to deliver the sonic goods, and the UMC-1 does this better than the Onkyo and FAR better than my now sold Onkyo.

Most of the people who pass judgement on these systems and components never actually compared them. They cruise the forums and pile on about stuff they don't own. In the beginning the UMC-1 was a mess, but it's a great unit and the very effective center of my dedicated theater. If it failed me in any respect it would fly right out with the Onkyo junk.

oh please....

The UMC-1 has very primative room equalization when compared to an Audyssey capable processor. The EQ implementation of the sub (which is the most critical speaker to EQ) is especially primative using fixed EQ bands that are too wide to tame room anomolies.

I have to take your word that all the other problems are fixed...the sound dropouts, the center channel dropout, the random quieting of tv commercials and then not returning the volume to normal when the show starts. All those still existed in the "final production code" and I was running that when I decided I'd had enough and I returned my UMC-1.

Come to think of it, I wonder what happened to my UMC-1 or the others that were returned. I've never noticed an Emotiva refurbished sale??? interesting question....

No...I wouldn't recommend a UMC-1. I'd recommend an integra 40.2 (processor) or a Denon 3311 (receiver) over the UMC-1 as a better solution for anyone who doesn't have an audio tuned room...which is the vast majority of buyers. Tune them with Audyssey and you'll have a far better, far smoother sounding installation with far fewer problems, unless they have all been solved by Emotiva since the "final production software".
While many of your comments make sense, their time has past. The UMC-1 functions beautifully now and bests my friend's Onkyo that costs far more and he waited a LONGER time for it to work properly with his Sat. TV connections.

You can READ about all of the complaints endlessly. Processors are complex and hard to use correctly even when they work. I had my own problems with the UMC-1 and all have been corrected.

You make claims that the UMC-1 is outdated. Outdated for WHAT exactly? I have a very good quality projection system and a audio system that can crush cars. Video calibration is perfect. Audio is stunning and all formats are supported for my system. I have a large dedicated theater room with 7 speakers, 3 subs and it's probably better than what most people have. The heart of the system is the UMC-1, which never has a hiccup anymore. It's so good an yet so inexpensive that many people are buying them now until Emotiva releases the next one. The killer is that it pounds better processors because of the sound quality.

You can't lose with the UMC-1, at least not now. There is NO processor at any cost I'd buy today over it. I'd like to suggest actually trying these units out with updated firmware before throwing mud. New features are fun, but they have to translate into actual performance advantages to have merit. The UMC-1 does everything most HT systems would need for quite a while. It is easy and fun to use. It's better looking than other units. And did I mention that the pre-amp section makes other units sound absolutely mid-fi by comparison?
Emotiva had a bad start with the UMC-1, but they're off and running now. BTW, I have about 20K invested in my theater room (not including the music system). I would have bought a better processor if they actually had been better.

"I don't doubt some people will have troubles. Every processor does" (Robbob)

Every processor does? Ok, let us get the record straight on this one. The Emotiva didn't just have "a trouble, or two". It had a MYRIAD of issues! In fact, there was probably more wrong with the UMC-1 than any single digital product ever released in the last...the last...well heck, THE LAST EVER!!!
Simply go on any chat forum within the last year and go down the list of issues the Umc-1 had upon release. I think it's multiple issue. So, officially, the piece was a disaster when they finally went to market. If I'm not mistaken, it was basically, nearly, non-functional in any kind of multi-switched, custom integration setup, to be true! I mean, unless you used it in straight stereo, you likely either got no sound - er delayed sound, sound that dropped out, no picture, NO EQ, Volume balance problem between inputs, problems swiching between inputs, way too much bass from the sub out put that varied in output, and the list goes on!.. yada, yada
Well you get the idea.
So, while Emotiva (or whatever other behind the scenes company actually builds these things for Emotiva) may or may not have addressed either some or even most of it's issues, bottom line is that it likely STILL HAS ISSUES (without even having used one myself, we all know when we get it home we're still going to run into a problem at this point - that's a given), period! If not, SURELY the av magazines would have thrown out at least "one" measly review, so we could take an official, publisized look at the thing. But, yes, we all know it's not even review worthy at this point, er it would do the company/piece more harm that good, once they tore it appart in a review. Let's be real here.
So I think most of us can agree that it indeed should have never been released, was a total disaster, and certainly couldn't have made the company a dime - after fielding all the returns and canceled orders, and likely slim profit margin on a $700 item, etc.
Consider this, here have been probably hundreds of small time audio companies, who carefully released otherwise outstanding, glitch free, even state of the art electronics over the years, and just as many that went out of business, also. If Emotiva releases more products like this, they might was well file for Chapter 11 now!, and start looking for another investment opportunity - cause this avenue ain't workin!
I for one think it would be awesome if Emotiva went and tried for the UMC-2!!! Then they can tell everyone to expect it in a few months again! WOULDN'T THAT BE A REAL HOOT?! - tOO much!!!
Come on! that would have to be the new single greatest laugh to be had in this business EVER! Ya gotta admit. Come on Emotiva! PLEEEEEEEEEASE? Do it for us! I need a new outlet for my laughter - really. Then I would have likely, truely, seen it all in this business. Really, I just want to know how many people would get back on "the list", after all. Hehe

"Emotiva released FAR too early; I think we can agree on that" (Robbob)

Released far too early?! Surely you must be BS'ing here?! WWWWWHAT!?!....
Ok, what? With the the state of AV electronics litterally transforming yearly, the feature-set the Umc-1 offers predicates that the thing should have been released almost 2 years ago!! And youre suggesting, what that they should have released it some time later this year, or some time in 2011?! Seriously?
We're now already to like HDMI 1.6 (er, whatever) Dolby EQ, Dolby Volume, Pro Logic IIZ(height speakers, dual side speakers, rear height speakres and so on!!) and, like, freakin' Artificial inteligence HDMI switcing (like what Yamaha is offering ) and what not, on-board video calibration features, and so on, etc. And what does the UMC-1 offer? Uh, like last years features, at best! That's what if offers.
Too early? Um, no. NOT to early! - about a year and a half too late, by my calculations.
I think we can all agree on that.
Nope, I've reconcidered! I'm bitter, and Emotiva ows me an appology, darn it!!!
...Oh and I want at least 2 professional reviews on this thing, from a reputable AV magazine/reviewer, before I even remotely consider hearing any of this non sense about how this sucker is a "BUY!"
Yep, I want to hear from bonnafied seasoned audiophile AV pros (no offense Robbo), that the UMC-1 is a worthy consideration, and a quality piece before I even think about looking at the UMC-1 as anything other than the wothless-bit-of-a-piece that I've come to see it as!!!!!!!!!!
...And even then, I'll still likely be bitter, as I feel Emotiva owes me!
Heck, I wanna free amp, er at least some free coupons or somethin!...And they can throw in a life-sized 3d poster of Pam Anderson to boot, too, as far as I'm concerened!
...Hey, they never did inform me that my piece was ready, either. I feel used...
Queefee, I don't know what you were thinking either.

I own a UMC-1 and it's working flawlessly in my system. It cost 1200 bucks less than my friends Onkyo processor, and it sounds better. In fact I tried it as a preamp with the Odyssey amp and Merlin speakers with surprisingly good results. No, it's not better than my tube based Stingray, but it's sound is clearly superior to some fairly expensive processors, including the Marantz for 2200 bucks.

I don't doubt some people will have troubles. Every processor does. Emotiva released FAR too early; I think we can agree on that.

But this is a great processor that competes with anything else I've seen/tried. The new firmware seems to have gotten things corrected for most users.


Okay...how about a comment from someone with a dedicated home theater who actually owns the UMC-1?

It seems like plenty of people are forum junkies with no actual experience with the product.

The REAL story is that the UMC-1 is a FANTASTIC item that does a great job. And the real story is also that Emotiva released it FAR too soon and it was seriously in need of debugging. 6 months or so of debugging and this thread wouldn't exist.

I use mine with two BD sources and HDTV via cable. Operation is now perfect after the most recent upgrades. I previously had the Outlaw and this unit's pre-amp sounds better than that one, which I felt was on par with the Marantz.

The UMC-1 has allowed me to match the EQ of the speakers almost perfectly. There is a full 10 band EQ for each channel, so a center channel along with sides and rears can be set correctly. EmoQ works fine, but I see this type of EQ as a starting point only. The only operational flaw now? When you advance to a chapter the audio takes about a 1/2 second to engage. And that's it. I think I can trade that little issue against is easy operation and excellent preamp section!

The people who complain are always the loudest. Then there are people who love to bash a product based on that, even if they've never tried it. The UMC-1 is now ready for prime time and an incredible bargain. I think it's a better product that the 2.5 times more expensive Onkyo unit, which has inferior audio and has it's own issues.

The main thing we can all hope for is that Emotiva learned not to do this again. They HAD to know about many of these issues, but still released the product. That WAS a bad idea, and a sad error for what eventually became a great processor.

The theater!


I agree Emotiva bit the dust big time......even with all the Gorilla net marketing, you cant hide a bad product from being discovered.
"Emotiva is still working through the issues with the UMC-1. Per their forum they are up to firmware version W7.02.00.00." (jedinight24)

Come on! You gotta laugh at that one, right?. I mean we're talking about a piece of gear that has been worked on now for litterally YEEEEEEEARS! - a product that is now outdated in respect to the latest feature sets currently available.
By the time they possibly ever do get the buggs worked out, The UMC-1 will surely be an obsolete product, yes?
The UMC-1 has to be the best running joke in the history of the industry, by my recollection! There's got to be a place in the consumer electronics annals, for all to ponder, when all is said and done on this turkey, Ya think?
Well, it's a story anyhowz.
I for one am happy with my pretty descent HK AVR354 as a preamp to an outboard amp pressently. And, actually, it sounds pretty darn sweet as a stand alone unit to, running my little Klipsch quintet III system, connected up with my "Anti-cable" wires...really!! Supper clear and musical with nice dynamics and smooth balance, and excellent deail too.
Hey, who needs mondo expensive gear when you can have audiophile mid-fi gear on the cheap?!
I Call it my "AV reference recession package!"
I did, you know, give up on my emotva afterall. Heck, they didn't even ever email/call me that my piece was ready, after being on the list for all this time, either!!
Same old same old, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. They had so many folks carry their water for so long and I for one am glad this all happened because it was getting silly with the praise and hype. Its nice to face reality......well maybe not for Emotiva.
Hi Queefee

Emotiva is still working through the issues with the UMC-1. Per their forum they are up to firmware version W7.02.00.00. They are working through the problems and I'm sure they will get through it. It will be a really long frustrating journey for some but I'm sure it will get better.

Man you really have a bone to pick with them. I think you should get a punching bag and put an Emotiva logo on it and go to town on it to work out your anger with them. Yes they could have done things a bit differently but they did what they thought was right and tried to put out an agressively priced feature packed pre/pro. As for me I'm still on the fence with the latest and greatest HT processors. I'm using my Outlaw 990 till the dust settles or I get a bigger HT room.
Are they still even selling this POJ?! Oh wait, I see on their website that they are! They thought saddens me, really.
Hey is there even a professional review out yet on this "veritable bargain of electronics nightmares?" I mean if this thing, afterall, is the proposed "rock-bottom-deal", "steal of the century", audiophile grade av pre that it should be, shouldn't some pro review mag have gone and reviewed it by now?
I'm sorry. but if any electronoics company, which spent years (yes, that's right- years!) keeping the world in suspense with their highly anticipated and readily announced product, isn't getting a professional review after their prized baby had been finally been released to the general republic after all this time, to that I'd have to say EVERYONE,RUN FOR THE HILLS!!...ABANDON SHIP!
Wisdom surely has to say here, "buyer beware!" Wouldn't you think?
Well then again I guess they did, afterall, sell a bunch of Gremlins and Pacers back in the mid 70's to a bunch of unsuspecting buyers- quasi-successfully -it seems (I know, I actuall saw them on the road).
Oh and my wife still thinks Bose is the end-all of high end audio!
So there you are!...
"...I've tried the emotiva umc-1 surround processor. Sounds good but it had bugs. It would lock-up. So it was returned." (Drake719)

Perhaps I've been a little hard on Emotiva. And perhaps I've simply had "unrealistic" expectation regarding the performance (or lack thereof) of the UMC-1.
I mean I suppose it's entirely possible that to expect my audio gear to not LOCK UP during normal payback would simply be asking too much. Perhaps I should likely just settle, and be satisified with being interupted during my favorite music, or a critical movie scene!
I mean hey, after all, just because someont holds out for nearly years, waiting to purchase some representation of cutting-edge technology at rock bottom price points does not mean, afterall, that one should expect basic necessities, such as, say the "EQ" to work as assumed... nor I suspect should we necessarily expect it to recognize or latch onto a digital signal properly...and of course having features that either don't work or show up as "non-existent" are probably acceptable issues, as well. Yes, I feel I'm being a bit "needy", me thinks...
There used to be a skit on FOX's "Mad Tv" called "Lowered Expectations!" Immages of familiar scenes from that show come flooding back to the forefront of my inconvenient memory with this one! I just can't help it.
Well I guess sometimes it must be true to say, "if it looks good, and it sounds good...then there's a damn good chance that it also just might not work good, too!
Hey, it happens...
Cajunpepe, I THINK it's only $699(?)...and, yes, I'm sounding off. Hey, did someone just say the Act 3 is coming out as a different piece? YYYYAAAAAAAAH! Dare to dream. Hope, hope, hope, hope...
Um, yeah, I waited a year and a half on this Umc-1 turkey, and am mearly piping off on all this. I really don't care anymore.
I'm probably going to stick with my HK354 as a preamp to a multi-channel amp, and be happy with it for now. I really need the EQ - which apparenly is non-functioning on the Emotiva anyway. No dolby EQ or volume anyway. No 1.4 hdmi either.
Oh well. Guess you could chase all of this forever, and upgrade every other month.
Anyway, you're obviously getting what you've been promised to pay for with a $699 fishing lure. Even if it sounds great, overall, my room acoustics issues won't get dealt with properly, with no EQ on the Emo. I will be left with lots of bumps and modal ringing in my ears, with my small room. The Emo's not gunna help anyway. Better overall sonics with an EQ equiped unit, thank you.
Well, I hope all who buy the umc-1 enjoy it. Let us all know how it worked out.
Maybe I'll wait to see what the ACT 3 has to offer....
Hey, someone send me a link on the ACT3!!!
Give me the equivalent of an old Acurus Act 3, only up to date with all the latest, and I'd be happy for my movie setup! Throw in an EQ, and keep that same dynamic, clear detailed, clean sound, and I'll have another processor for a decade or so.

You wish may be answered in October. One of my distributors has sent me pricing on both Acurus and Aragon gear coming from Indy Labs in what looks like OCT.

It appears to inlcude an updated Acurus Act 3
06-23-10: Oddiofyl
I waited forever for the 997... I'm not even interested in the 998 after all the hype.
Outlaw hasn't successfully designed their own pre/pro since their initial Model 950, developed 7-8 years ago! The next-gen (970?) was sourced from Sherwood-Newcastle and Outlaw hasn't been able to bring an HDMI-based AVP out at all.

Onkyo's been offering them for three years.
I waited forever for the 997... I'm not even interested in the 998 after all the hype.
THat's true about the heat output on the Integra's...man it heats up my little equipt closet!
First, I have loaned money to Emotiva..if it doesn't work the way I want in the final release, I can return it for full money back (30 days from when the software is final).

There are many companies who have used "early announcements" to hold potential buyers from buying a competitive product...Emotiva is no different. (think microsoft; Sony; and let's not forget the infamous Outlaw 997) The nearest competitor I know of today is the integra DHC-40.1 at $300 more, and it has it's own problems with HDMI sync.

So..if they get the software sorted out, I'll gladly keep mine and I will have a bargain at $699. If I decide not to wait, I'll return it and probably buy a 40.1. If it weren't for the heat output of the last Integra/Onkyo processors, I'd probably already own one of them....Lot's of choices, lots of trade-offs.
"...if they get it fully working it's one of the bargains in the HiFi world today."

Lol! This statement really cracks me up. I'm sorry! You gotta appreciate the humor in that response. "if they ever get it working".
Come on people. Do we as consumers really need to be supporting products that aren't actually working? Has hard times brought us to this?!
One would think our standards would at least come to accept only products that actually, well um, work!!
But then again, maybe it's just me. I like to pay hundreds for products that actually function. And, to make it worse, you can see these features in the products menu and display, but you apparently can't get to em, or get them working, it seems. Um, ok...

And, yes, I do have a bone to pick. Because Emotiva strung me along for almost a year and a half, while I waited on their list, only to be presented with the current offering.
Yeah, I'm carrying a little pissy-stick, sure.
See why I've become more cynical than my usual idealistic self when it comes to the new kids on the block over achieving, under priced, latest greatest slam bang gizmos?

They do it to themselves.

it do pay to stay with proven standards a good bit of the time.

business is tough to get a segment of a market, and tougher to apparently just bring to that market.

Economics and failures such as this one have caused me to slide from 'Bleeding edge' down to the 'I can smell the edge' for acquiring newly released tech.
Wow! You must have a bone to pick with Emotiva. I have little interest in HDMI 1.4...in fact 1.3 is one of the worst standards because devices just don't work well together due to the looseness of the standard. I'll be happy with 1.3 working (and almost all mfg's have problems by the way).

The UMC-1 is on it's third beta and there are still some bugs being worked out. For the $'s, if they get it fully working it's one of the bargains in the HiFi world today.

I wonder how many folks had to buy a TV with Deep Color....even though there is no content published today in deep color. How many have 1080p HDTV's and only watch HDTV over cable which is at most 1080i.

Don't get all hung up on the latest and greatest.

If you are in the market for a pre/pro you could do far worse than an Emotiva UMC-1. And for lots more $'s, you could do better.
Well here we are folks. We are now well into the next phase of AV technology, that being 3d video on blu-ray and high def programming. And as far as the current method of interfacing this technology with an AV processor goes, HDMI 1.4 appears to be the standard method of connecting everything all up - which something like the Emotiva UMC-1 does not offer, of course!
So here this fiasco finally gets released after several years of prommised delivery, has all these troubles and functionality issues - which never really all got ironed out anyway - and we are already onto the next technology. The UMC-1 never got it all woeking, and IS ALREADY OBSOLETE!!! This HAS TO BE the greatest fiasco in the history of consumer AV! I'm sorry.
In looking back it really is hard to actually believe that this actdually went down like it did. We all waited, it came all crippled and botched up, never worked as promised, and is already passe!...history...insignificato.
Give me the equivalent of an old Acurus Act 3, only up to date with all the latest, and I'd be happy for my movie setup! Throw in an EQ, and keep that same dynamic, clear detailed, clean sound, and I'll have another processor for a decade or so.
I gave up and bought an Integra 9.8 and couldn't be happier. It was reconditioned b stock with 2 yr warranty for $850.
Can anyone who's been interested in audio gear, for at least couple decades or so, ever remember anything like this ever happening in the audio world? I can't for the life of me ever remember an empisode ever remotely close to this ever occuring! It's quite shocking to me, really.
I mean, basically, what they should have done - in my opinion - would have been to realize they had a failure in the works, aborted the whole project, appologized to all those they had hangin around, and simply offered a great discount on their other products, to those who waited!
That to me would have at least seemed more professional and, in the long term, looked better for their rep.
Better would have been in they had not decided to even anounce such a product to begin with, before they had a finished - perfectly functioning, btw - product to begin with!
Seems like they anounced to the world that they were going to start trying to piece together this project from the get go; did so early to keep people from buying elsewhere, begun figuring out a way to get the darn thing put together (outsource?), began the process, found problems after problems - and then more problems, continued on, and then started packaging the piece, and tried to collect on it all! All the while they had try and make room for all the problems that inevitably were not going away!
Bizar...poorly planned and executed?...greedy?...bad business?...stupid decision making? Whatever.
All I can say is I don't think this kind of thing has ever happened to the degree that this project, by any other company in the history of hi-fi/audio video!
If anyone can bring up an instance that was similar, worse, or otherwise - which trumps this catastrophic failure in AV history (or 2 channel), I'd sure like to hear about it! Cuase I don't remember anything the likes of this.

Seems like Goober laufman didn't get it quite right this time either. I suppose the faithful will just have to wait a little while longer.
Anyone know if they worked out all the bugs yet? Toyota has been working on their product's issues. I'm just wondering if Emotiva is still shipping things "as is" to whoever will shell out the money?! They're trying to reach me to place an order - lol.
Yeah, I'm definitely passing if nothing's changed
BTW, i am replacing a b&K ref 30 pro, so i will report back to how much improvement there is with all the new technology next week when i get it.
I was on the waiting list but passed when my time came up. I wanted room correction and it looks like the one they are using doesn't work well/has problems.
I have a new baby and will be lucky to have 30 free minutes to run the Audyssey program, let alone keep installing firmware upgrades/ bug fixes.
I opted for an Integra 9.8 used with warranty{ refurb} for $850.
Ok, my perspective thus far:
"The UMC-1 is a preamp (that includes bugs)...It does all the processing (with several bugs), but no amplifying (thank goodness, cause if it did offer amplification, it would undoubtedly have a few bugs mixed in). It has lots of features (currently, riddles with - yep, you guessed it...) for a very good price. A good bargain (if you can deal with a few glitches and bugs here and there).

Now I just might be a bit too opinionated here. But In my nearly 20 years around the AV profession, I've never seen such a catastrophe as the UMC-1! - Not even from some branded product that was built in some 3rd world country, and assembled where they likely don’t even have running water!!
I think it's a disgrace personally. That and they keep taking orders for the failure, to further the debacle.
But hey, this is just my pespective.
The UMC-1 is a pre-amp....It does all the processing, but no amplifying.
It has lots of features for a very good price. A good bargain.
So do they have all the bugs fixed/figured out yet, er what?
That sure would be a shame if they finally got em all tied down and addressed, by the time all the technology becomes outdated and the unit's obsolete.
But heck, they released the darn thing KNOWING that there were issues to begin with! Just boggles the immagination.
At this point I'd feel better just getting some av receiver, and use it as a pre-pro with an amp, before ever considering buying into a bunch of glitches, and functionality issues. Fer me anyway.

Always. Well said. Overcoming that impulsive 'first on the block' streak is a tuff one. A few blisters usually fixes it though.... that or getting older.
Old saying goes, "be anxious for nothing". If you absolutely must have it, you likely paid to much, didn't get the best deal, or had too many down-sides, likely. Seems to ring true here. I also presume the outsourced units have their share of issues also. Lol- at least with the Emo, you paid a bit less for your sins. Hehe. Still, non functioning features, burps, and glitches don't sound like my kind of bag. I think waiting to see what sorts out on all this is the better bet.
As speculation goes, that's a good enough one by me.... my thinking, after perusing the review was that Emo thru it's resources was all in on delivering units to Sherborne and perhaps others FIRST. That's ready cash. Single unit sales are catch as catch can.

at any rate, some miscalculating or unforseen items have certainly come up for ol' Emo', apparently.

The TN portion gained my interest though... for a bit.

there's lots of out sourcing going on these days I'd think with many well known makers and that's ok with me. I've seen enough of fresh entries into the market to know it's best to wait a while and try not to live on the "bleeding edge " nearly as much as I used to. And so conservative actions have settled in now.
Good points, thought I don't know what the return rate for Sherbourn has been.

I would suspect that Sherbourn would have to install their own version of GUI and other programming features into their re-badged UMC-1. That's probably where Emotiva is lacking, their hardware design is very experienced, but they may be outsourcing their software design to an unexperienced company.

Hence the price differential.


I’d ask first though how many Sherbourn procs have been having trouble via input into their forums?

Adding another $2k to the price tag if the above is true sure seems like a poor deal to me…. At first sight, IF indeed there are no changes what so ever besides the name plate. Or those differences don’t amount to anyting near $2K…. well. Someone will buy it.

The thing is this, sub contracting out production doesn’t always indicate the piece is an identical copy when it is finished. This and that part or design change could well have been implemented.

ATI makes or did, Lexicon amps… among several other brands. It’s just what they do.

Are all those other name brands the same identical amps that ATI sells under it’s own banner?

Simply altering the parts of a power supply will alter the sound… we all should know that by now. Change wiring, ckt boards, even the solder being used could make significant changes.

Which ever way this works out is fine by me. Buy & wait for the orig, or get a modified one made by them for someone else for mo’ money.

Or as was said, select something else where you perceive better performance and value to be. Being smart about buying is always the responsibility of the buyer as has always been the case. Cat Emperor!
Well, looks like Sherbourn is pumping out their new processor which is basically a re-badged UMC-1 with XLR outputs.

Sherbourn is selling their new processor for a $2,470 msrp.

Everybody still think that "you get what you pay for" mantra still holds in this situation?

Product review is on Audioholics for reference.

it's too bad things are as slow as they have been for this co. other companies have had some release issues too regarding projected shipping dates... Oppo comes to mind for one. their BDP turned out to await nearly a year from it's orig ship date. They had some issues to with firmware updates & bug fixes. however they do seem to be more 'with it' with respect to achieveing a resolution.

The statement about getting what one pays for is apt way more often than not, and sometimes subjectively overpaying becomes the rule for less eventful ownership.

Then again, such are the ongoings for brandy new products that are ushered out prematurely. I say prematurely as it appears insufficient testing and a need for revenue immediacy gained more import.

it could also be timing. Poor judgement of the time frame for all to be implemented well. Time too probably will remedy things eventually. I just find it in poor practice to promote a debut which was severely shortsighted at the on set. Promises like those put off more than warm up.
Sometimes you get what you pay for and there is no such thing as a free lunch. This has to be the worst pruduct roll out in history and I think we will have to wait a couple years to see if they are worth it.
Emotiva is in the US, unless Nashville left for Canada. Virtually ALL electronic products are assembled or manufactured in China in some part. Try to make capacitors in the US. The EPA will have a field day with you. Do not let that bother you. Emotiva has made or is making parts for companies such as Krell, Sunfire, etc for years. They have great state side support. For the buck hard to beat.....
Lol. This cracks me up! Two years of waits, promises, and garnered expectency for so many "sounds good features", and for what?!
If I ever touch the piece on the used market (shear morbid curiosity), I'll wait till they've had it reviewed, fixed all the bugs at least 2 or 3 times, after send backs, and I know it's some little great deal prepro, er whatever. Otherwise, I'll just sit back and laugh at the results they put out, having waited through the circus show they errected since early 2008!!!
Companies are not interested to give you the whole truth when their product have probel, are defective. Emotiva is no different than others, Toyota neither.

You can believe the company or believe displeased customers.

where did I get my information? From a Quebec forum where people were praising the UMC-1. It was almost chearleading.
which one would receive is UMC-1, which one was on the pre-order list. It was the best thing on earth.

Then they started to received their cherist umc-i promising to give a full review.

Nice looking, solidly built...shit I'm unable to use this and that. "I email the company and they told me it was a firmware issue and that it would be fix in 2 to 3 days.

They finally return their emotiva. I think it's sad for them.

Finally, from AVS:

Negatives ----
1. Sub sounds like King Kong is on rampage most of the time with most bass (this is not Calibration related and not good for tinnitus)
2. EmoQ does not seem to work correctly!
3. Locks up frequently (first 3 times powered on but don't hold the front button 5 seconds as it seems to set defaults just toggle power switch)
4. There are more just check the Emo forum but keep in mind there are many cheerleaders and folks can get banned and their posts deleted for being to blunt. And I have experienced most of the other verifyed bugs.
5. Levels seemed to be off and going back to level calibration confirmed this.
6. Long in the tooth in some ways at release.

Positives +++
1. The video processor in my situation was very nice.
2. Sound was very clean and with sparkle
3. With bug fixes would be right there with the big guys?
4. Emo staff are great and the return policy cant be beat.
5. No-brainer if you are upgrade eligible.

Why am I sending back?
1. My current unit is solid and working now
2. Paid full price and a even blind man could have seen the bugs before shipping.
3. Bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs.


So beleive people or companies it's your choice.
Speavler, I'm glad that your's work as you were expecting. Enjoy.