What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?

Showing 12 responses by james_lipski


Seems like Goober laufman didn't get it quite right this time either. I suppose the faithful will just have to wait a little while longer.
"It's no fun to consider that a 7000 dollar product sounds no better or inferior to a 1000 dollar product. But it happens all the time in audio."

Could you give us some examples?
"I'm anxious to see Emotiva's full blown processor coming soon."

Well you should get that based upon how you feel about the UMC-1. I bet that new one will really be something special.
Hope they beta test it before they release it, unlike the UMC-1.
"You think you can beat Audessey's algorithms with an 11 band graphic EQ?"

Well to paraphrase Lonnie (Lenny) you can only get so much for $699. We should appreciate the "brain trust" at emo-porium for their honesty.
"Other insane items from Emotiva are their CD player which I also recently compared to the Rega Saturn (and others) and their USP-1 preamp, which lost in it's shootout with a Rogue Metis tube pre-amp, but not by much."

It seems many things associated with emo are thought of as insane. I have heard the sauce used at emu-fest also described as insane by "wide ranging" Dan. So insane isn't all it is cracked up to be.
"And if you're seriously looking for something better than a UMC-1, don't be silly by suggesting Marantz, Denon or Onkyo."

Yea, how could D&M holdings ever produce a better sounding and performing pre-pro than Tonewinner.
"The unit is a fantastic buy to say the least. Emotiva is also poised to release a higher end processor shortly. It has a even better pre-amp section and even more bells and whistles. Buyers of the UMC-1 get 50% off!"

Hopefully "wide ranging" daN doesn't use the public as beta testers this time around. Perhaps some more work on tonewinners part this time around will produce respectable results. After all the issues the LMC-1 one had, to release the UMC the way they did tells you more about the "brain trust" over there than any forum posting ever could.
My issue is that the Head of the company "bIg?" dan Laughman releasing a product that he had to know had (and for many still has) multiple issues.

You know Rob how many issues the unit had upon release and dany boy and his folks over there claimed it ran beautifully. Never once has he showed sincere contrition for unleashing a bug riddled product on the public. I feel he has contempt for his customers, as he feels since he has tonewinner products at cheap prices he will always have a market share.

From what I have heard they are still working on the code. This is a joke, and sometimes being the cheapest get you an arrogant, P.T Barunm like owner. Buy what you will it is your money. I wouldn't give a Schmendrick like Laughman a penny of my money.
"James, I have no idea of what you're talking about, but if you rely on forums nonsense that's what you'll end up with."

So other owners who posted their finding on a public forum are nonsensical. Your findings however are totally sensible.

"Emotiva was 100% up front about the existing issues and the firmware update a few weeks later did the rest."

Not true and you know it.

"After owning 6 processors, the UMC-1 is the first where I was able to speak to the engineers directly who were working on the issues and knew the facts."

So you spoke with the engineers in China (Tonewinner?)

"If anyone is local to Carmel NY and would like a demo of this system using the UMC-1 I'd be happy to show it off. My system clobbers most small theaters!"

Wow, that is impressive. Are you going to buy the Emo C.I series which is supposed to clobber skywalker ranch ?

"So here's some "truth" to chew on:"

Truth is in the eye of the beholder. You want to cheerlead for emo, good for you. You do put your money where your mouth is if you own the products. As I said I find the owner to be a huckster in what he says. Throw all the heartburn inducing bbq's you want, doesn't change what you are.
"Never believe people who haven't owned the gear and are using it currently."

What if a person who has never owned it (which may speak to their good sense) finds and reports on the experiences of others who have owned it. Rob you don't have to own something to comment on it, think about it.

"If the UMC-1 is equal or a bit better than processors in the 2-3K range"

You are the only person to make this claim...

"I'd really suggest holding of until their new unit is released in the next few months. It will have bugs, but probably less than the UMC-1"

You are that confident in emo that even with two processor debacles that they will do it again ? Why would saying this inspire anybody in a right state of mind to buy the xmc ?

"I'd give it 2-3 months and get that unit which will most probably BE the so called "giant killer."

So why wouldn't emo just wait the three months and release it bug free ?
Can't live with yourself if you don't get in the last word (and version of reality) can you....