What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

ghosthouse...Roy was/ is one of the best. Seen him once when I was a kid at the University of Indiana in Indiana Pa. A-W-E-S-O-M-E show that night... thanks for the link.
The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, "The Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw".  Recorded almost 50 years ago.  Still smokin'.  
last night it was "the very best of Julie London" (2006). beautiful pix of her wrapped in 3 long satin sheets....
Hi dp - looking forward to it.  Bring some music, of course.  I'll put together a play list.  Really happy with how things sound right now.  It's my own version of audio nirvana (with a lower case 'n'  :-).   
This evening will kick off with:

Silicone Soul - Staring Into Space


See you next Tuesday!!

Great link! Thanks for the heads up. We can always count on you to get beneath the surface of music and musicianship to tell more of the story of the great music we all listen to. 


nutty, aol - You might enjoy a series of videos put up on YouTube by hoodooskidoo.  See link above.  These are conversations between Fagen and Warren Bernhardt.  WB is said  to have been the sometime Steely Dan tour music director.  The conversations get into details on composition and structure of a number of Steely Dan tunes.    

last night it was "Cannonball Adderly Sextet in New York". Fine album indeed. 
jafant - as much as I appreciate your succinct contributions to this thread, I'd argue that 5:49 PM US-DST does not qualify as "night"!...as in "What's in your CDP TONIGHT?!"

BTW - Seriously, is that GnR tour to be honored or lamented?  Never was a big fan.  What they got lately??
Crawler, S/T.

Anther track that is stuck in my head this morning... great ablumn from the 70's
"Without you babe".



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Since the fusion bug was scratched last evening I'll be going back to the origin of Zawinul, Shorter, McLaughlin, Corea, and Hancock this evening.

Miles Davis - In a Silent Way
Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
Thumbs up on Bebel Gilberto!!

Some fusion tonight

Weather Report - Mysterious Traveler
Return to Forever - Where Have I Known you Before
milpai, ghosthouse,
Thanks for stiring the Steely Dan juices for me.
Listened to "Countdown to ecstacy".

Also, Leslie West, "Soundcheck" found it's way back into the player. 

A couple of classic electronica bands at their peak recorded live.  Both of these were recorded in 1998.

Massive Attack - Live at the Royal Albert Hall
Portishead - Roseland NYC Live

milpai - we share some similar points of view. Low cost and easy maintenance are factors that contribute to my enjoyment of records via the KAB mod’d. Technics table I have. It’s not a fussy set up. Plus I do get a certain satisfaction holding an LP that was produced almost 50 years ago...like some kind of historical artifact that is still functionally viable. Regarding cynicism about the vinyl resurgence, I see it as a trendy, "hip" fad that (I hope) will soon run it’s course. Shaking more $ out of people’s pockets is what I associate with the flurry of audiophile reissues. FWIW - I too have the SACD version of Gaucho. Just got done listening to Moody Blues "Question of Balance" in SACD. Not the greatest recording ever but I enjoy the music. Going to put on Gaucho next, thanks to you bringing it up.
I do not own any LP. Though I have, in the past, listened to LPs, I never actually wanted to own them because of the cost and the maintenance of the gear associated with them. I would rather spend time to listen to music, especially with 2 growing kids. I am happy with my CDs and very recently streaming music via bluetooth. So yes, I am in minority position w.r.t. most of the audiophiles here. I agree with your point on the "resurgence". And I almost forgot to mention this - the only "reissue" I purchased after owning the CDs were Steely Dan's Gaucho (regular SACD) and Aja (Japanese SHM-SACD), because I liked that music so much. Totally worth the $s I spent.
@milpai - just curious...when you say, "I do not own a single LP....".  Do you mean by the Dan or across the board?  You won't get any criticism from me...just curious.   Around here, "No LPs" would certainly be a minority position...though we often like the minority viewpoint.  Most of the vinyl I have is stuff I've been carting around for 40 years or so.  Buy vinyl only rarely nowadays...sometimes old stuff as the spirit moves; hardly anything at all of the new, so-called audiophile vinyl reissues.  I take a pretty cynical view of most of that activity (along with the so-called vinyl resurgence) - just another way to shake $ out of people's pockets and rejuvenate back catalog sales (in my O-pinion, of course).
Hi ghosthouse,
I agree. It is a very nice album. Still kind of "growing" on me. In fact, 2 years back I collected most of Steely Dan albums. I like their music. I do not own a single LP, so I have to admit that I have not done any comparison between the LP and CD.

BTW, I ended last night's session with Dar William's "Mortal City" album.
Hi @milpai - 

Hard to go wrong with a Steely Dan album but for me Royal Scam is probably the one I listen to the most.  The vinyl I had was so-so...kinda flat. Not much "air".  The remastered CD I got recently (it's not a new release, however) - as much as I'm not typically a big fan of remasters - sounds pretty good.  Better detail than the vinyl and not excessively harsh.  I'd like to find an SACD version of TRS if one exists.  Thanks for contributing.
Tesseract - One
Anathema - We are here because we are here
Opeth - Ghost Reveries