Mystery to Me - Fleetwood Mac
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.
This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".
This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".
Showing 50 responses by ghosthouse
Yup, resurrecting this thread for an occasion to say... Working my way through Wilco studio CDs in chronological order. Summerteeth in now (gosh, this thing is LOUD). Overall, impressed with the arrangements, production and sound quality of their stuff...not to mention songs that are a little off the beaten path but still accessible. |
Tonight the digital minority report is from YouTube... Fleetwood Mac 1968 & Mr Wonderful ("vinyl rips"). Never realized what an excellent rhythm section Mick & John were. Got my toes tappin'. Jeremy Spencer's no slouch on slide. And who's this Pete guy on guitar??? ;-) |
Glad for positive responses. Was a little hesitant about starting the thread. This can be a tough community. But, yeah, the idea is just to get more music ideas about things that sound good on CD or stuff you simply have and enjoy on CD (or other digital format, that's cool too). On the Coltrane side of things, I'd like to add "Live at the Half Note - One Down, One Up". Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know but these are 2 discs of recordings from March and May 1965 shows- stuff off of tapes made during the live broadcast on late night NYC jazz radio. The pictures alone that come with the CD are great. The recordings capture the electricity of what was going down. I really wish I could have been there. Hope somebody that doesn't know them already will enjoy the music. You can find audio recordings on You Tube if you want to check it out. |
Tboooe - glad you enjoyed the concert. The only thing I have by TTWS is "Dulcinea". Haven't listened to it in years. Maybe I will dust it off. FWIW - Been listening to a fair amount of post-Police Andy Summers recently. Tonight is "The Last Dance of Mr. X". VERY well recorded (excellent sonics with crazy low bass). The band is Tony Levin and Greg Bissonette. Other recommendations of A.S. music are: The Golden Wire and Mysterious Barricades. |
Los Lobos - Colossal Head. Appreciating tonight what a great recording this is - music and production. One of the best screams ever on Track 2: Mas Y Mas (which suggests a topic for another "best whatever ever...." Audiogon thread. I'll resist the temptation). Glad to see Rbrowne liking Herbstlaub. It contains some truly beautiful moments. Do you have Les Fleurs? |
Pokey - Pinback is kind of interesting to me. Sense Field - not so much. Listened to virtually all of Blue Screen Life last night (full album on YouTube). Unusal meter on track 1, I thought. I will give them another go. Sometimes things I now like the most were not that accessible on first listen. Not sure if that's the case with them but willing to try some more. Well recorded, I will say that. Rbrowne - listened to a bit of Sunset Mission. I liked the mood they set. Still something sort of creepy about it and them, however. Sorry. |
PS - Found this by way of one of the thumbnails while listening to that second Prefuse link you had. Like this one very much...more like the Storm's called Love You Bring. |
Hello again Pokey (wasn't that Gumby's horse?)...anyway listened to Blue Screen Life all over again last night. Was tired the night before but last night I really picked up on it much more. Also listened to some of Autumn of the Seraphs but that didn't grab me as much. Seemed more repetitive and narrower in scope. I've seen that title "Non-photo Blue" on YouTube. I'll give it a listen. Trying to hear their latest, "Information Retrieved" but only saw Proceed to Memory. That sounded promising but it was late and I was starting to fade. I will also try to listen to Toy Matinee and Prefuse 73. Not sure what kind of music they are or what the "experimental genre" is. Always willing to give something new a try. If you like ambient at all, check out Stars of the Lid. I am enjoying them quite a bit. Something called "Virginia" from the Keharak Incident is beautiful, I think. Check it out. There's an interesting video with it on YouTube. |
Pokey - Quite a bit of overlap in our listening preferences. I just ordered Blue Screen Life & Information Retrieved Re SOTL...I own "...and Their Refinement of the Decline" and will order Avec Laudenum soon. The Tired Sounds" and "Music for Nitrous Oxide" can be heard as full recordings on YouTube. I messed up the spelling, that should have been The Kahanek Incident. YouTube link here: Did try out Prefuse but it was way too dissonant for me. Stumbled on Younger Brother as a result of an earlier post about a Zero -1 sampler. Check out The Last Days of Gravity. Also, if you don't already know him, see if you can find anything by Edgar Varese. He's an American classical ("aleatory") composer...had an LP of short compositions years ago that I did enjoy though I can't really abide John Cage. W/respect to post-rock (kindred to Explosions in the Sky) try Russian Circles and Mono (Japanese outfit). Recent YouTube discoveries for me though I can't honestly say I enjoy them tremendously. I'm somewhat familiar with Leaf. Try Tycho's Past is Prologue or Dive. I do like some alt country. Have most of Wilco's (think their stuff is well-recorded) and one by Son Volt. Jeff Tweedy can get a little "precious" or otherwise annoying at times. Have a high regard for Lucinda Williams. Well, that's quite the music download. Hopefully not too tedious to you. |
Hey Mofi...thanks the music recommendations. Listened to Memphis samples on Amazon. As one of the reviewers commented, can certainly hear Al Green in some of the tracks. I liked "Cadillac Walk" (Willy DeVille). Going to check out Delta Rae too. Pokey - I'll give Prefuse another try w/Extinguished: Outakes. |
OK...I'm trying but I don't know if Prefuse is ever gonna happen for me. A few things work - or at least moments in them - like Robot Snares, Golden Pavilion Temple, For Some But Not.... but mostly too much sonic gravel toothbrush. To quote the man, "For some but not for me". Likin' this 'tho... [url][/url] |
Hey Pokey - I gave a listen to Prefuse again. Have to say I DID like "Storm Returns". Had an excellent feel and groove to it. Something you'd almost like to have running as a continuous loop. I ordered a bunch of music lately (used very good or like new CDs whenever possible). Got Blue Screen Life and Information Retrieved. Pinback is think you hear it or heard it but you listen again later and it's almost like you never really heard the song before because something else catches your ear. They are worth going back to again. Also got that St Germain "Boulevard". It is very very good. Street Scene gives a taste but there's more to it than that. Some of it is like that Prefuse Storm Returns. Gonna check out your other link now. Haven't heard about Vernon Reid in a long time. I did admire his guitar work on that first Living Color album. Good reminder. I'll see what I can find of him on YouTube. |
Pokey - gratifying that you took time to listen to all those suggestions. Especially pleased Varese clicked for you. Thanks also for your suggestions. You are providing me with a new window on music. BTW - going back to Prefuse led indirectly to (re) finding St Germain. I'd heard some tracks on Pandora but didn't remember the name correctly. Couldn't locate it again. Check out St Germian's Boulevard (also Tourist). Either "deep house" or trip hop depending on who you believe. Either way, works for me. |
Pokey - good to find a kindred soul...when you get a chance, check this out and CRANK IT UP.... |
Maybe I was the last to know... Ulrich Schnauss Try this for a taste... |
Recent talk about Willie... I was in the grocery store this AM. Walking down an aisle towards one of those displays right in the middle of things. This one had a collection of CDs. Of course what do I immediately spot lower right corner about second shelf up from the bottom but Red-Headed Stranger for $7.98. Of course, I had to get it. Interesting liner notes. Didn't realize the significance of it to his career or to country music. Self-financed and recorded for under $20K in a day and a half. It was his first recording for Columbia. This version: Columbia/Legacy The American Milestones; a 2000 Sony reissue produced by Al Quaglieri (not that I know who he is). Track listing seems a little odd. A couple of tracks clearly marked as "bonus". But also some before these that I didn't recall being part of the original release. Will have to check on-line about that. |
Same decade, similar memories, Swampwalker. The music still sounds pretty good today (okay some tracks haven't aged as well as others but still enjoying it). Also listened to Children of the Future and Brave New World last night. Planning on Sailor and Number 5 this evening (sans THC happy to say). Ciao. |
This link is for Pokey77 if he's still listening (and anyone else with similar tastes). Check out Chronaut and "Modern Classical", in particular. |
Hey Pokey - good to hear from you. Hold ups while waiting for a moderator to clear a post can be frustrating
but no problems. Glad to hear what you are listening to. My system is in dry dock as it were, so listening with headphones off my Mac Air and mainly YouTube though I did also just recently find something called "MixCloud" which is where that Chronaut suggestion is located. Turns out he, Chronaut, (a Lithuanian, if I recall) is not a composer - at least I don't think so - but has put together and uploaded different "mixes". So far, "Modern Classical" is the one that hooked me most immediately. Actual artists used in his mix are noted so this provides another multi-branched path to more possible music. Among categories or key words, I do see "glitch" as per your fav Prefuse. I've been doing a LOT of sampling/dabbling although I did also spend a good bit of time listening to some early solo Joe Walsh, "Barnstorm" and "So What" among others. Pretty sure I already told you I bought "Blue Screen Life" and Information Retrieved" by Pinback. Like both but IR especially. OK for now. Ciao. |
Pokey - Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well. No problem on the MixCloud/Chronaut "Modern Classical" recommendation. There is a LOT there. That one mix and another by Lowlightmixes, called "I Fell Asleep at My Desk" (really) - have opened up a huge "vein" of new music for me esp., Loscil, Jasper TX & Irezumi (the "composers"). Hope you get some downtime for music soon. Very gratifying to hear you are enjoying the thread. In a non-ambient vein, been enjoying various videos of The Band on YouTube. Found good uploads from a 1983 concert they did in Tokyo (post-Robertson). Ordered the CD as a result. 30 years ago and that music still sounds fresh and wonderful to me. |
Hey Pokey - glad you are finding time to listen. Others (Tboooe?) have mentioned Sonos. I am curious what that is. I looked at their website and am guessing it's the "Sonos Connect" that is meant. What does that do for you? Is it better than streaming from a laptop; e.g., USB out to USB converter to DAC to pre-amp/amp? I will check out Big Dish & Robbie Fulks. If you get a chance and as is convenient, do let me know what you think of any of the recordings I mentioned - but especially those found in Chronaut's "Modern Classical" mix. Helios & Eluvium are also worthwhile. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND ALL. |
Pokey - Thanks very much for taking the time to explain Sonos and check out the music I suggested. Agree with you about "A Winter's Dub". I think I listened to about 15 sec of it and got bored pretty quick. The stuff in the Modern Classical mix by Chronaut was way more emotionally involving to me. I've listened to it repeatedly. I'm a subscriber to Pandora too...between it, YouTube and lately MixCloud - not to overlook the recommendations from A'gon members like yourself - I'm getting exposed to a lot of different music. Another tip for you...check out something called "Wondershare" (assuming you aren't already familiar with it). My bro-in-law turned me on to it. I used the free video downloader for a few months and finally upgraded to their "AllMy Tube" product. It let's you download music videos and then covert them into various audio formats including WAV. They have another product, "AllMy Music" that purports to do the same - but audio only - from any streaming video OR audio source. Might be something you and others reading this thread will be interested in. One again - I wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. |
Hey, Pokey - good to hear from you. Always enjoy checking out your music choices. Happy New Year to you too. I did check out Robbie Fulks and The Big Dish. Can definitely see the talent in Robbie Fulks...greatest unknown songwriter kind of a thing. Big Dish...didn't do a lot for me at the time. Like many things, might be worth another try before completely closing the door. I remember when Lyle Lovett released JJR. Don't own it and only heard one or two tracks from it. Might be worth further investigation. |
Pokey - as ever.... A few things there new to me. Only have "Humans" by Cockburn. I will check out Speechless. Also Dntel and Evax are new for me. Notec - thanks for posting. So far only had time to check out Vuelveteloca. Found Telekinesis and Jinete Galáctico on YouTube. Like them. Sort of reminds me of Ramones. To me, these guys "get it"...about the essence of R&R, that is. |
More than one night's worth of digital listening here... Thanks to Pokey77 for the Rasinhill recommendation. Found "Nameless" on YouTube. From that upload stumbled onto some interesting post-rock stuff by Moonlit Sailor ("So Close to Life"; "Colors in Stereo") and Sunlight Ascending ("All The Memories...."). [FWIW - Subscribe to 9eCn3 aka 9EricCN3]. The gem, though, might be iambic2, "Under These Stars We'll Sleep Again". In addition, I can't recommend strongly enough "Unleft" by Helios or "Copia" by Eluvium. I wish more were able to hear and appreciate this music. |