What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey

I’ve considered myself an audiophile for over 3 years now. In those 3 years I’ve owned over 12 pairs of speakers, 10 amplifiers, 4 pre amplifiers, 7 DACs all in search for the perfect sound. What I’ve come to learn is I knew nothing when I started and now have some, not all of an understanding of how this works. Im passing this on to anyone that’s getting into this hobby to help fast track them to a better sound and learn from my experience. If I were to do this all over again, here is where I would start and invest my money.

1. Clean power- I wasted a lot of time and probably sold very good gear thinking it wasn’t good enough because I didn’t have clean power. I installed a dedicated 8 gauge power line with 20 amp breaker and hospital grade plugs for approximately $800. This was hands down the single biggest upgrade. You really have no idea what your gear is capable of delivering until you have fed it with clean power.

2. Speakers-this is where I would spend the a big chunk of my budget. I could make tweaks all day to my system but until I had speaker resolved enough to hear them, it all seems a waste of time. I discounted many things like cables because I couldn’t hear the difference until I had speakers that could actually produce the differences. Keep in mind the room size. I believed that bigger was better. I actually now run a pair of very good bookshelves that have no problem energizing the room. 

3. Amplifier power. Having enough power to drive the speakers is crucial in being able to hear what those speakers are capable of delivering. Yes different amp make different presentations but if there’s enough power then I believe it’s less of an issue and the source determines the sound quality more.

4. Now that I have the power and resolution to hear the difference between sources, cables, pre amplifier, streamer, DACs ect. This is where the real journey begins. 

On a side note, my room played a huge roll in how my system sounded but not a deal breaker. I learned that it’s possible to tweak the system to the room by experimenting with different gear. I learned that speaker size based on room size is pretty important. Have good rug!!

For reference my set up

Dedicated power

Lumin U1 mini

Denafrips Venus 2

Simaudio 340i

Sonus Faber Minima Amator 2

cables, AQ full bloom. NRG Z3, Earth XLR, Diamond USB, Meteor Speaker cables.


"First off are Audiophiles ever happy with their components?"

I'm ecstatic.

I’ve been in this great hobby for nearly 50 years. In the early 1990s I was fortunate enough to be able to join Walt Bender’s (Rest In Peace Walt) subscription by invitation (Audiomart biweekly magazine) which included hundreds of used pieces of hifi gear.

Here I was able to try many different pieces of used hi end gear from companies such as Krell, Mark Levinson, Audio Research, Classe Audio, Sequerra etc. that I could never have afforded new. I was always able to break even, so shipping costs when I would purchase the gear and the $25 subscription fee twice a year were the only downsides.

Today, there are Websites like Audiogon and US Audiomart that function in a similar way, allowing those of us who don’t have the astrobucks to purchase hi end gear new, to do so used.

Ironically, after all these years my hearing is not what it used to be and I listen less critically now, and simply enjoy the music itself. The high end gear is long gone, yet I have settled with some nice components that faithfully honor the music without breaking the bank. 😊




A few additional things that have helped me greatly in my journey:

(1) Be open minded to information and experiences of others on these threads, and not dismiss things because I am unfamiliar with it. Same with reviewers, but with a grain of salt. I never would have considered room treatments, dedicated power lines, value of cables, speaker placement, vibration control, etc. on my own

(2) Find friends that are also in the hobby that are knowledgeable and will be open to lending you equipment to audition. I have been able to join a golf league that has quite a few audiophiles in it. I’ve been lucky enough to test gear from Denafrips, Musician, Holo Audio, Chord, Schitt, Buchadt, Phiharmonic BMRs, Ascend speakers, DDCs, Supra cables, Zavfino cables, Cullen cables, Audiolab, and a bunch more as a result.

(3) Be honest about your budget, and stick to it. I have a mid-fi budget, and can afford mid-fi components…..hopefully those that punch above their cost.

(4) Be happy with what you have now, even if you lust after other products. I love my Bluesound Node 130 with upgraded PSU and LPS, Denafrips DDC, upgraded cables…..but am saving up for an Aurender unit. Would love a pair of Tannoy GR series of speakers, but in the meantime adore my Buchardt S400 Mk II speakers.

A lot of cable bashing here lately.  I know cables aren’t appealing like a shiny new DAC, amp or speakers; but they are just as important. Good cables and clean power are needed to realize the full potential of your system. 
I understand how difficult it is to lay down serious cash for something that will be nearly hidden in the back. You kind of want to pull people to the back of your system and show them your cables.  “See how great they look?”  “Dude, it’s a power cord”. It won’t go well.  If you are devoted to great Hifi you will take the hit on upgraded cables and power cords.  Otherwise it’s all show and no go.  
Just like a hot rod, no one will see nor appreciate the work and care you put into the engine build.  They will see only the resulting performance.  Or the athlete who trains alone at high altitude for a few months in order to excel in the games. 

Some  thrive on and need to show their incredible “attention to detail” in setting up their systems, the need to show off how intelligent their considerations when they fall for the marketeers siren call.   Oh, the irony.

@synthesianguy +1

yes, diminishing returns + self delusion that there is some sort of ultimately attainable "perfection" somewhere out there "over the rainbow" are both powerful forces that can drive discontent and damage actual enjoyment ... 

covetousness of bling prestige is also a powerful negative force

@jimmyblues +1 sir.. 

"Ironically, after all these years my hearing is not what it used to be and I listen less critically now, and simply enjoy the music itself. The high end gear is long gone, yet I have settled with some nice components that faithfully honor the music without breaking the bank. 😊"

Well, I really hadn’t thought that a dedicated 10gage 20amp line would make much difference. I’ve played around with power cables and conditioners and I’ve only noticed maybe a 5% increase in clarity at most. So I ask to those of you that have experienced huge gains, at what price point are your electronics?  Are we talking ultra, hi or mid fi?  

I have had dedicated power to my stereo system since 1989.  Every house I have bought since I have taken the trouble to run a dedicated line to my stereo but I didn’t add a dedicated line to my current house until I retired a couple of years ago since it was the most difficult to do of all of my houses.  It is worth the trouble.  First of all, a dedicated breaker and power line reduces voltage sag- ie, drops in voltage as the line is loaded down.  I consider a stable voltage source a big deal for good sound.  Second, it reduces but does not eliminate electrical noise from other sources inside the house.  There is no single silver bullet that fixes all electrical noise for a stereo system.  Each step taken removes a small amount of noise and grunge that affects S/N as in background noise, improves clarity and makes the highs sound sweeter.  It nearly killed me to spend what I did on a power conditioner but it works.  It adds to the improved clarity and sweeter highs.  And then power cords do even more to reduce background noise and improve on the highs as well as bring out more detail.  I have said it before, buying expensive power cords takes a lot of grit and determination.  They aren’t sexy.  They are nothing to look at but if you want the best sound out of your components that you can get then they are necessary.  And much to my disappointment, good power cords matter after the power conditioner.

I have what I consider a hifi set up just because I have all the right names.  And well, it does sound killer…. 

Just think, Had you done your Homework you would have learned-wisdom and understanding-...Most of those issues are available...price to spending.... Knowledge in = quality out.. IMHO

@jgandy +1

"I have always been audiophile atheist regarding wires, power conditioning, audiophile magazines (although I have subscribed to both since their inception), and  most of the myriad other ancillary devices marketed to the audiophile."

right... such things might be tiny tweaks, though I too am an educated skeptic...,

but the bang for the buck is proper speaker-amp-room synthesis


"Ironically, after all these years my hearing is not what it used to be and I listen less critically now, and simply enjoy the music itself.

The high end gear is long gone, yet I have settled with some nice components that faithfully honor the music without breaking the bank."


2 simple sentences that speak volumes.



@dman1974 : Good post. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the music, the gear, and most importantly, the journey. Life is short


"An interesting observation I've made is that the older audiophiles tend to focus on things lower in the chain, like speakers and amps.

The digital generation values and focuses on cleaning up the source and thinks that makes more of a difference in their setup."

Maybe the "older" audiophiles have been around the block and know a thing or two about proper - or at least best bang for buck - priorities?  There is that possibility.



Good question.

My first direct line was put in when the average value of my components was ~$5K. It had a pretty big impact. More than a great interconnect.  What makes it hard to access is that the more expensive the components invest more money is in power management of each component. So, each component becomes more sensitive because of its high quality and less sensitive because of more sophisticated power management at the same time.


My current average component cost is now $20K. I recently added a separate direct line for my power amp. My feeling was that the incremental increase in sound quality was $5K… the cost was $1.2K. Helping me to calibrate, I recently had swapped power cords and interconnects… so I understand the $/sound quality improvement.

I think with less costly components… the gain could be even more. Since the components have invested less in power management.

I feel luck in that nothing huge comes to mind. Maybe it's because I'm cautious.

@curtdr  you just made the observation I was thinking of sharing for days.

After 45 years, I know what I can audibly discern and know what I am paying for in this 'general' order:  critically first is speakers, power amplifiers/pre, then source components although if analog, cartridges are important.

When I started, late 70's college, one norm was 50% speakers and cartridge, 50% turntable/arm and receiver/integrated. Well thought out in my mind.

Understanding the sound of all types of speaker technologies is smart. Once you know what you enjoy, find a few of the best sounding brands (to you). and work on acquiring a great model. if you're looking high-end, think used as they're taken care of, and the drop from retail is amazing on high end (e.g.: my used Raidhos).

With speaker sound, brand, and model done, I'd tailor the system components to complement it. Do not be afraid of some quality DSP room correction fixing your bass and room if it is in a true 'living area' and not sequestered in a cave (no cave for me). Decent cabling makes sense, outrageous cabling is for folk with no sense. (They think they hear 'something else' and that's nice at what they spend, $$$   :-)

(If you're wealthy and cannot make up your mind and exchange gear for fun, this advice wouldn't be for you.     Some of us are budgets, small or large, and still want to maximize the end result, not take losses on constant switching around 'in search of something greener'.)

… so I understand the $/sound quality improvement.       

@ghcprentice, that was what I wanted to say exactly, and that's what I pay for.

I hear far more with a $ speaker change than for an amp change. That's me. That's my ears. I think diminishing returns hits electronics faster than speakers.

When I was serious, over months I had a dozen pre-amps in my home for audition in the late 90s when you could to that. And, although subtle, I did hear differences, and more so in power amps, less so in better digital gear.

And so, I always spent my money cautiously (keeping gear for years until upgrades) and just where the most audible improvement occurred. That wasn't $5k speaker cables for me. I just want the best overall sound for the $ donated. :-)


Interesting thoughts on % investment here. Current mid-fi rig with very enjoyable performance. Vintage solid state pro audio power and wide baffle box speakers are my “hobby within a hobby” can ya tell :)

Wharfedale Linton 85 Heritage speakers $1200 Open Box

REL T5i Sub - $500

Recapped/serviced 1984 Crown PS-200 Amp - $500

Auris WiFi Streamer/DAC - $200

Mogami 3103 Speaker Cables ~ $90

Schiit SYS Unpowered Preamp Switch w/ Pot - $50

Monoprice RCA/1/4” Jack Interconnects - $50

I confess to being a bargain hunter with a high snake oil aversion, but the info here is extremely informed and many of my choices for systems I maintain for our home and our kid’s homes benefit,

PS: Just winding down a forty year career in marketing communications, I’ve had the good fortune to promote many successful outdoor events including large music festivals, motorsports, international whitewater championships and indoor sports and concerts…so my affection for pro audio production probably is not the typical audiophile focus, but you gotta love classic road gear, LOL.

OP you're doing it just fine, and I did it similarly. Starting (or re-starting) my music and HiFi hobby in 2019, and especially during Covid and with a young family, I was able to buy or try and experiment with a bunch of used gear up and down the chain in my system along with the help of a friend in the hobby who lent me things to try/compare. I agree, the differences are apparent quickly between pieces. 

I too had a budget, and whenever it was time to upgrade something, sold stuff and fully paid for the next piece. I bought quality stuff, not top-shelf, and it all sold for equal or more than I paid ...and taught me a ton. Also, a savvy shopper can find remarkable deals if they know what they're looking for when it comes to components, cables or anything. The gap between the retail price and what I've paid for my gear is huge.

Keep on keepin' on! 

Post removed 

From the time I bought my first receiver in 1977 until now I have been driven to improve upon my stereo sound system but it wasn't a constant or consistent endeavor.  I might go a few years between upgrades because I was either satisfied with the sound or caught up in work, cars, or by the mid 80s home theater.   Not every change turned out for the better.  I tried melding home theater with hifi.  That lasted about two years around 1990.  I built a dedicated listening room in late 1994 including acoustic sound absorbing panels.  I applied my NVH knowledge from working in the auto industry.  The sound was killer.  That was probably my peak in sound quality until just the last few years- and a whole lot less money in gear.  I bought my first Sota turntable in late 1992.  The sound blew me away.  That drove me to build the room but not spend more on gear.  Interesting looking back how I went that route.  It was out of necessity with a 2nd baby on the way.  Unfortunately, I got to enjoy that room for only about 2 years until I relocated.

My stereo was my stress relief at the end of the day.  The music lets me relax and just focus on the sound, the words and the instruments.  But once I heard a distortion, or an edge in the highs, anything  like that would start to annoy me and the problem would grow in my head until I had to do something about it.  So instead of stress relief it would become a stress point.  I would either stop listening for a while or start hunting for a new piece of gear.

Once I had the perfect system.  I enjoyed it thoroughly and immensely.  That lasted several years.  Even a hifi buddy advised me not to change a thing.  But no matter, I got the bug in me to change things up.  New speakers lead to a new amp.  New amp lead to new cables.  New cables lead to a new preamp.  New preamp lead to a new amp.  New amp lead to new speakers.  Thousands of dollars and a couple of years later I felt like I was back to the sound I had with my system before I started making changes.  It was a bitter lesson, but like a typical man, even knowing I made a wrong turn I refuse to turn back.  (I have literally turned back while driving just two or three times in my life.  One of them was in Prague.  No street signs, confusing roads.  Never did find my hotel.  Found my way to the airport, turned in the rental car and took a taxi to the hotel.  Man oh man, once the taxi got me there I realized that I had never even gotten close.)

So a few years ago as I was about to retire I made revamping my stereo system one of my projects.  The other projects, of course were updates and upgrades to the house as hopefully this will be my final home.  I relocated a lot over my career.  So I visited some good ole stereo shops, Axpona and read and read online.   My stereo project replaced my career basically these past couple of years.  That includes building some of my own tweaks and racks in my shop.  After putting in all of the effort and spending a fortune, I can say that I have exceeded my peak sound that I achieved in 1994.  And yes, I have done much work to my listening room here including GIK panels, a new floor and other acoustic treatments.  Not to mention- two dedicated circuits with hifi outlets and lots of spring based isolation.

My conclusion is that the room is the single most critical component.  The stereo system can make up for room deficiencies but it can get costly.  A stiff floor is critical as well as absorbing the bass reflections in the corners.  Next are stiff walls and ceiling to eliminate what I might call ghosting.  I'm thinking about secondary reflections from the walls, floor and ceiling as they vibrate from the sound.  Too much absorption kills the sound.  I learned that in 1994.  So don't overdo it with the sound absorbing panels.

I am reminded of a story:  In the early 1990s I got to visit the echoic chamber inside the Chrysler Tech Center.  It was a very large room with all walls and ceiling a few degrees off square.  The center of the room had a chassis rolls and at that moment a Chrysler minivan was under test in the room.  This room had hard surfaces.  Even a whisper echoed around the room for several seconds.  One had to be very careful in this room if not wearing ear protection.  Even a handclap could become thunderously painful.  My point is:  be mindful of making a room off square.  (I'm not talking about a vaulted ceiling as that can be a benefit.)  The sound in the room needs an exit.  The exit can be as simple as an open door.