What do you recommend for a solid state for office

I am looking for a solid state integrated for $1500. Obviously it can be used.
Easy to drive two way bookshelves are the speakers. Nearfield listening. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Actually I have two novels out, and a third on the way. The first two are on Amazon.com/kindle.
Thanks for remembering.
Larry, I remember reading part of a novel of your's some time back.
Good for you, enjoy the weather and best wishes.
I am using SET amplifiers and most likely will forever.
"Zd542, very interesting. I have used Naim Nait 5i for 2 years and I found it to be the single best equipment one can buy for that money. I was driving a pair of Tannoy Turnberry SE speakers with it. Supremely musical!
Pani (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Maybe it was a good match for your speakers. I got horrible results with mine. At first, I tried it with some really dull sounding speakers that didn't have a lot of detail, and it sounded OK. The second I hooked it up to some detailed speakers, it just fell apart sonically.

About a week ago, I was talking to someone in a different thread, and he pretty much had the same experience I did. But don't think I'm trying to talk you out of keeping yours, or anything. I'm just giving you another example. If you are happy with yours, it would be foolish to get rid of it.
Thanks Iso.
I'm now in Florida living on a lake, 2500 feet from the ocean. Life is good. Fully retired, writing novels.
How have you been??? What are you using for a system these days?
The redeine signature 15 would be ideal. Very natural sounding, very small and low profile footprint. Should be wellunder your budget used.
04-09-15: Zd542
"04-08-15: Pani
Naim Nait 5i"

Have you ever heard one of those things? I used to have one came to the conclusion that it was the single most over rated audio component I've ever heard.

Zd542, very interesting. I have used Naim Nait 5i for 2 years and I found it to be the single best equipment one can buy for that money. I was driving a pair of Tannoy Turnberry SE speakers with it. Supremely musical!
For an office, I like the Bel Cantos and Wyreds in particular because they are small packages that use high efficiency CLass D amplification to get teh most bang our of a small reasonably priced package.

I also like Rogue Sphinx for similar reason especially if one has a phono but I think the box is a bit larger and might not be as convenient in an office environment depending on where it will reside physically.
"04-08-15: Pani
Naim Nait 5i"

Have you ever heard one of those things? I used to have one came to the conclusion that it was the single most over rated audio component I've ever heard.
I have been very satisfied with the used Simaudio i-1 that I picked up here for $650. I often see the i-1, i-.5 and 250i for good prices. They are class A for the first 5 watts, so in near field listening you would have very pure sound. They are well reviewed and solidly built. They also double down into 4 ohms, so you'd have quite a range of speakers to chose from. And if you end up bringing it home, it will sound great it a larger room, too.

Best, Scott
I tried a few pairs of active studio monitors and didn't find the sound quality to be that good. You should be able to get much better sound with separates that cost less.
Post removed 
Bel Canto S300i speaks for itself for half of what you want to spend for used unit. It will work with bookshelves like magic
Outstanding performance at any volume level, precise and detailed and very analogue sounding similar to class A amps or tubes, compact size, never runs hot and also an eye candy.
Are you using PC audio? Need USB in? What kind of speakers are you driving?
Can't imagine you'd be going very loud in an office so most anything with the right features for you should work quite well. What's best for another may not be what's best for you. I'd focus on well reviewed products with the features you need and things should work out well.
Heard an LSA (if memory serves) integrated a couple of years ago that was extremely good in this price point (used)......