What do you recommend for a solid state for office

I am looking for a solid state integrated for $1500. Obviously it can be used.
Easy to drive two way bookshelves are the speakers. Nearfield listening. Any thoughts are appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by mapman

Can't imagine you'd be going very loud in an office so most anything with the right features for you should work quite well. What's best for another may not be what's best for you. I'd focus on well reviewed products with the features you need and things should work out well.
For an office, I like the Bel Cantos and Wyreds in particular because they are small packages that use high efficiency CLass D amplification to get teh most bang our of a small reasonably priced package.

I also like Rogue Sphinx for similar reason especially if one has a phono but I think the box is a bit larger and might not be as convenient in an office environment depending on where it will reside physically.