Vinyl lovers I must be crazy

I have been in the hobby for about 40 years and it seems that I enjoyed my simple system back in the 70's more than my high end system of today. My old system consisted of a receiver (sherwood, marantz) a basic turntable (later upgraded ro a B&O) and various speakers. My current system the cables cost 5 times the entire 70's system and the rest of the gear is top notch. I am not saying the 1970's system was better but I think I enjoyed it much better than today's system. The 70's system was a all vinyl system and my current system I strictly listen to Cd's. Is that the problem listening to CD's? For you vinyl lovers what do you think? For those that made the switch back to playing records are you listening more now? Enjoying your system more? What type of vinyl dollar outlay did it cost to reach vinyl nirvana?

Any feedback would be appreicated. Thanks!
I would get used table/arm for about $1500, would add $750-$1000 used phono and $500 new cartridge.
Bob - I went back to vinyl about 4 years ago and have not sat down on my main system and listened to a CD since. It is that big of a difference for me.

The only 3 things I don't like about it: cleaning records, flipping sides (20 or so minutes only) and not all my favorite artists are on vinyl.

Sonically there is no comparison.
I have gotten some great replys. I have decided to jump back into vinyl. I will start out slow and if I enjoy the music and experience of using a TT I can upgrade later. Realizing that the vinyl system will be only as good as the weakest link with a budget around $2000 - $3000 what percentage should be allocated to the TT, phono pre & cartridge?
Yes, you are so right. I so hate CDs. I love all my Vinyl. You certainly need to go back to vinyl. Enjoy you music - not the format.
Yesterday I spent a good bit of my time at my kitchen table, working on my laptop, and listening to vinyl through a pair of cheap ($250) bookshelf speakers that sit way on top of my kitchen cabinets. These speakers are connected to a receiver via romex electric wire with at least a 40' run. My wife was cooking and my daughter was doing stuff on her PC and we were playing Linda Rondstadt, Stones, and Radiohead and Of Montreal and we were all enjoying it very much.
Analog sound creates a different experience than digital. You feel it in your stomach like a cup of warm milk. Digital assaults your eardrums and eventually causes listener fatigue, no matter how good your system. I get the complete "analog" experience from my very modest $400 turntable as well as from my much more expensive 2nd system. Vinyl also allows you to bypass the glut of today's poorly mastered, slammed to the limit digital recordings. A turntable is a "must have" if you love music, at least until something better comes along.
Do the analysis of the value of the dollar over time and see if you really are paying so much more today than yesterday. Granted, most of us have more buying power than we did back in the 70's. My experiences then and now tell me unequivocally that my current system is light years beyond what I could have obtained back then.
I find that the only thing I can play my hundreds of LPs on is a turntable/LP player. If I try to cram an LP into a CD player it bends to crap and makes me look like a fool. Or set an LP next to my Squeezebox Touch...nothing. It doesn't work. SO...I use a Linn/Akito/AT400mla...that seems to do the trick!
You are not crazy. Go back to vinyl, you will really enjoy it just as much as you did before.
The 70's system was a all vinyl system and my current system I strictly listen to Cd's. Is that the problem listening to CD's?

All the nostalgia aside, it seems you answered your own question. I remember one of the Stereophile reviewers stating that a correctly set up analog system will always beat a digital system, or something close to it. I don't have a problem with people enjoying their CDs, but for me personally, a digital system can NEVER be as enjoyable as analog so I don't subscribe to the "enjoy your music irrespective of the medium" camp. To me, my system and my music are one organic whole; one cannot exist without the other to provide ME with an enjoyable experience. My tube amp smells like music to me when it's on; the smell of hot tubes evokes a visceral sensation that I associate with listening to beautiful music. The organic sound of vinyl simply cannot be matched by CD, SACDs, or whatever else they come up with out there because digital's very existence is predicated on a flawed concept - it tries to reproduce what is a purely human creation. Perhaps I'm getting too philosophical here so here's my stance on the reason you don't like your CDs: the only way to truly experience music and fully appreciate its beauty is through analog playback. Digital playback should be left for boring work commutes and cleaning as background filler.
I imagine you have a good system if your cables are as expensive as you imply. Consequently, "dabble" in vinyl won't be a huge equipment outlay as a good turntable, cartidge, and a moderate priced tube phono stage might give you a taste of vinyl magic for your curiosity. I think a turntable w/cartridge in the $900 range and a good used tube phono stage for $3-500 should get you back in the ball game. If you don't like it, you can sell it without much of a loss. I came back using a used B&O I had forgotten I had and with a $100 phono stage got hooked. Got a better phono stage, than a VPI turntable. Now, I'm 90% vinyl for music listening. Also, replacing my solid state with tube gear (first with a preamp and later amp) finally got me to the full analog heaven. Now, I can't listen to any digital source for long after getting used to the warmth and lush sound of tube analog. I hope it works for you as I'm a music lover of your same generation and taste. Best wishes and happy listening.
Ask a witness what occurred during the "crime" and they will recall most accurately within the first 24 hours. Every 24 hours later, accurate recall diminishes dramatically. 40 years's the emotions tied to the music or event we recall. These feelings tied to an event, like in your case music, can make listening to music with your head stuck in a toilet to be the most memorable moments in your life... possibly the most enjoy full.

Disclaimer: do NOT stick your head in the toilet...unless you're planning on flushing.
My first "high end system" consisted of a Yamaha receiver (forgot the model #, but it was the first year of their "digital" tuners), a Bang & Olufsen Beogram 3404 table, and Mission 717 speakers. I bought it all from Audio Breakthroughs on Long Island back in 1981. The music was sublime, and I loved every minute of listening.

My system now is considerably "better," and I really love the way it sounds. For me, it's always been all about the music. Of course, I can buy better components that I now have, but, for me, the music still sounds incredible, and I love my evening listening sessions. I love listening to music, and I don't think I ever listen to the electronics. And now, I am really, really enjoying vinyl. I still have most of the 500 or so LP's from my 1970's college days, and I've bought about another 300 LP's over the past few years. I also have about 700 CD's, and I have a computer --USB DAC source as well. Whatever the source.....the music is what matters !!!
I think since I started reading equipment reviews in Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, etc., that I tend to think more about how the equipment is performing and how it's affecting the sound, versus just listening and enjoying the music before I started reading these mags. Other times I just listen to music without regard to how the equipment is performing, but it takes more effort to do so. Reading hifi reviews has sensitized me more to focusing on the equipment and performance, rather than just enjoying the music. I have been into hifi since 1969, with KLH speakers, Scott receiver, and Dual turntable and I enjoyed the music without focusing on the equipment, even though by today's standards that equipment was limited in performance. This was prior to my focusing on equipment reviews.

So, I guess if one just wants to focus on enjoying the music, and not the equipment, maybe stop reading hifi mags and equipment reviews. It may help.
Are you sure that the problem is not simply that your present high quality system is revealing deficiencies in the recordings that your 1970's system did not reveal? In which case vinyl vs. cd has nothing to do with it.

Just a thought. Regards,

-- Al
Many systems today can be highly detailed (bright) and lack warmth and texture(flat). If you craft a synergistic system around what you want, there is no doubt in my mind that you can have a great high performance system. My experience leads me to tube based system, higher efficiency speakers, and vinyl playback.

I played a CD today for first time in a long time and only because I was listening to a particular artist and didn't have that particular title on vinyl. It was good but not as great as listening to my vinyls.

I thank you for your remarks. I actually do enjoy the sound of my system but if my faint memory remembers correctly I just remember enjoying the music instead of worrying about the equipment that I currently have. Was that because back in the 70's I didn't have the money to upgrade or I simply enjoyed my stereo? Proably both! I asked about the investment amount needed for a TT setup simply because my gut feeling is a cheaper setup like a Rega 3 might be good but lacking in many ways and if I do reinvestment in a turntable I want to give it a decent shot. As I suggested in the title of my thread I must be crazy.
Elizabeth has points. Vinyl is not for the faint of heart. I am attempting to go back to vinyl these days, but I am still drawn to the ease of digital- especially with music servers.
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You're 40 years older. Of course the music sounded better back then. I can think of hundreds of things that seemed better back in the 70s.
Getting old sucks but the alternative is not acceptable.
Thanks for the replies. I do have at least 200 records that I saved from the 70's & 80's so I have plenty of vinyl already. Yes Elizabeth living was great when we were young and carefree. Maybe this is why vintage equipment is starting to become popular with some audiophiles, or perhaps some of that vintage gear has some of the magic that most of the current products lack. Anyway I am still looking for more replies on who has gone back to listening mostly to vinyl and what type of cash outlay was needed to satisfy you vinyl needs.
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I don't think that vinyl or the digital sources has seen an improvement as much as speakers and a lot of the other components of a system has over the years since the 70s.
Buy some used vinyl gear on A'gon that you could turn around and sell if necessary, buy some new vinyl, and see if you find the magic again.

I did. Very light now on digital.

First thing I bought that changed my thinking was a Clearaudio Performance table, and a simple Sumiko Blackbird cartridge.

It was magic.
for me the differences between CD and Vinyl primarily lie in sound quality and dynamic range. even with my system(s) comprised of high end gear of mixed vintage, the differences are stark.
i found that most of my commercially recorded CDs sound horrible. beyond that, most modern recordings have little or no dynamic range which becomes tedious pretty quickly.

i will say that i rarely put on a record without sitting down to listen, tho i will pop a CD on and move about the house, doing various things, or take CDs along in the car to listen. so there is a big difference in HOW i listen to either medium. i have two systems, one up in the living room (no TT) where i don't always sit and listen, and the other in the basement, where i almost always sit and listen.
for an experiment, you could probably replicate your old system (for the cost of a 'cheap' interconnect...), buy a few albums, and see the difference between your recollection of it and the reality. it'd probably be better than you expect for that kind of $... but not as good as you remember it being.
I have found that a typical problem is that as you spend more money on a system you tend to listen to the system more than music. How is the bass, the dynamics, the resolution etc. instead of what is mozart trying to say in that piece. I don't think it is a cd vs vinyl thing because I can enjoy both.