
Discussions musicslug has started

has anyone tried playing an itunes library (on an ext. HD) on a newer mac with imusic? 14372
will my itunes library on external HD play on the newer Mac music app?174710
loud intermittent pops from DAC, possibly related to long USB cable from computer11249
Problem duplicating my external HD onto another one218317
I have a macbook pro going into a benchmark DAC - what's the best upgrade path?333615
what's the cheapest device that will run itunes and connect via USB to a hard drive?12283
will changing to solid-state make the bass in my wilson sophias better at low volume?430637
music file storage/playback suggestions please22186
extending the range of USB from computer to DAC - suggestions?11982
upgrade suggestions from wilson sophias (original)?12317
burr-brown vs. sabre vs. ?5690510
hi-rez downloads on the cheap19830
budget digital interconnect421312
how long can you leave a CDP on 'pause'?399518
attn. CAT SL1-mkIII owners: phono upgrade path?31082