Vibraphone recommendations?

I love the sound of the vibraphone. 2 of my favorite albums are Tjader-ized by Dave Samuels and Return Of The Candyman by Charlie Hunter.

I've never been able to get into any of the classic jazz vibe players like Gary Burton, so I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some newer albums, like the 2 mentioned above, where vibraphone is the primary lead instrument?

Joe Locke (a virtuoso vibes player) has a Henry Mancini album. It's excellent. Do a search.
Definately check out any material by Bobby Hutcherson. One that I like is the Cuban influenced "Ambos Mundos". He is a virtuoso in the true sense of the word.
not 'newer', but have you checked out Walt Dickerson? ('to my queen' may be my favorite of his)
You should definitely check out Gary Burton (together with Ralph Towner) "Slide Show". It's brilliant..... and high end sound by ECM!
Good luck!
Milt Jackson has tons of releases worth checking out. My favorite is "Soul Route". Also, Victor Feldman's "The Arrival of Victor Feldman" is very good.
I second Bobby Hutcherson. The 'Live at Newport' album from 1965 with Archie Shepp is astounding.
I totally agree with the boys who recommend Bobby Hutcherson. He is great and he made some classic Blue Note albums under his name and as an important sideman.
Stick with Cal Tjader and, buy the newest Verve version/re-release of Soul Sauce. A 60's classic.
Some of the late Milt Jackson recordings are excellent - The last two 'Very Tall Band' recordings with Ray Brown and Oscar Peterson on Telarc come to mind.
its funny that this topic has come up - because just yesterday i was thinking that one of the best cds i own and that i would take with me to any desert island in the universe is:

Gary burton & Makato Ozone - "Face to Face"

this was recorded in 1995 "direct to two track" grp records

i constantly have played this cd over the years as a reference cd for the tone of the vibraphone - it has never been captured so wonderful as is here - you can have your lionel hamptons and milt jacksons all day long - but this is the one that takes you to vibraphone heaven
