Vandersteen TREO CT's with Pass Labs XA60.8

Was just wondering if anyone has heard this combo together?

The TREO’s being at 86db sensitivity are a little tougher to push, but the Pass amp, being "pure Class A" is quite buff.

Also the TREO’s being 6ohm give the Pass amp a little more head room.

Just wondering. Anybody heard this combo?
Guys, I know this is stupid, but if you can try the Belles amps, you may be shocked.  For my ears, I have found them to be as good as products that cost much more.  I read folks say that all the time and cringe, lol.  There are some products that punch higher than they cost, but the Belles line seems to be very special from top to bottom.  Just a thought as I know one dealer who sells a lot of them with Vandy's.  Just a though.
Good to know ctsooner. 

The 30.8 is stereo, so I’m sure that is the one you were listening to. 

2psyop, I agree wholeheartedly. A truly high quality American product. Can’t find a bad thing said about them as far as sound is concerned. Weight, heat, and power consumption...yea, there is a little bitching. But that is like buying a loaded Hummer and wanting it to get 30 mpg! NOT what it is purchased for....
I don’t think one can go wrong with Pass, I think they make one of the better audio amps.
I think it was the 30W one, but it could have been the larger one.  I ran mine for a couple of years with the Ayre AX7e, which is A/B and a smaller amp than my AX5/20.   The Pass he brought over wasn't large, was a stereo not mono and had plenty of weight in the lower register.  It was a couple of years ago.  I went to the Pass site to see which one and it probably was the 30.8.  

When you say "that Pass", to which are you referring?

The 30.8 or the 60.8?
I had a friend bring that Pass over when I owned the Treo's (Now Quatro) and it sounded great in my room. I have a large area to fill up too, but I also one listen at 85db or so when seriously listening. I use a sound pressure meter app from my listening seat, lol....I highly recommend it.
d2girls... "I dont think the XA30.8 leaves class A at 60w, rather at 30W."  

That is exactly what I thought, but if you go to their website under the XA30.8 and check out the "spec sheet" under "documents for download", it has it right there. I was floored! How conservative is that 30?!?

This is from the 6moons Srajan Ebaen :   On a forum, I found Pass Labs' own man Desmond quoted as saying that "the XA30.8 will output 90 watts @ 1% into 8Ω and almost 150 watts @ 1% into 4Ω." In short, the paper ratings here are arch conservative.

This thing is buff! 

 Make sure you also listen to the new Aesthetix Mimas integrated amp
 Vandersteen at seminars and shows discusses advantages of amps with zero feedback as the preferable pairing and pulls up mostly with Zero or low feedback type designs. While pass will work for you and is certainly one of the better manufacturers it pairs best with speakers that benefit or need more control with its feedback..
 The new Aesthetix Mimas zero feedback, amplifier designs is one of the best matches we have experienced with the Treos CTs 
 Best ,
Treo's with proper amplification and setup sound amazing. And you don't need mega power to make them perform.
while i am a big big fan of Vandersteen powered bass, Treo properly setup will shock ya...
The old audiophile adage that "you can't have too much power" has a great deal of truth to it.
That is kinda the route I thought I would take. Want to hear that Pass Labs “house” sound through the TREO’s, but just do not have the cash for a couple 60.8’s....right now. 

Great to know that the 30.8 can handle the Vandy’s though. TREO’s don’t have that powered bass though. I do still think it will sound damn good in my small room though. 
I had an XA 30.8 hoooked up to my Quatros for almost a year. It sounded very impressive, with glorious midrange and top to bottom excellent presentation. However, in comparison to the 60.8s, it was somewhat deficient in the center image and didn’t have the same balls-out drive and bass slam, even with the powered subs.
Now that is something I REALLY wanted to hear. I seriously did not think that anyone would pair a XA 30.8 with the TREO's. Because that is really the route I would like to go. 

Curious Doni...What size room are you running this combo?

Right now, to the best I can do the math, I cannot get more then 65 watts in my room. It is just too loud for my small space. Which makes the XA 30.8 a better fit for my room, being as it leaves "class A" at 61 watts. And you saying they sound FANTASTIC with the TREO's has really peaked my interest. My wallet would be much happier as well! $6800 to $13500 is a BIG jump!

Not sure what you mean by "either integrated" though. The XA 30.8 and XA 60.8 are both not integrated.

If could elaborate on that, and also the Fantasticness of this combo, I would love to hear your thoughts. 
I’m running Treo CT’s with a xa30.8 and they sound fantastic!  I don’t think you would be disappointed with either integrated.
I’m running XA 60.8s with Quatro CTs, which sounds amazing. Your combo will make the amps work harder, but they’ll probably be fine. That 60 watt rating is very conservative.
Yes, I am thinking that the Pass Labs XA60.8 should be a good match for these speakers. I am hoping that someone out there has or has heard them together. Would love to hear thier pros and cons.
Have not heard this but I run mine with a 40 WPC Naim
it is a condo so eviction level sold is never a goal
I have heard the Treo CT with 50 wpcMac gear up thru 120 WPC Rogue
all lovely but I am biased with three pair of Vandersteens....
Looking at the specs, it shouldn't be a problem. 60wpc is on the low side, but Vandy's aren't a hard speaker to drive, unless you want to fill a concert hall room.
And, no I haven't heard this combo.

When in doubt, contact Mr. V., or John Rutan at Audioconnection (also his Agon moniker, if you want to PM).