Vandersteen Treo CT or Proac D48R

Has anyone done a listening test of the Vandersteen Treo CT and the Proac D48R? If so, please share your opinions.
I never heard the Treo so I can’t comment on them. My friend has the D48R and I will say it is one of the best sounding speakers that I have listened to! BTW, Audio Connection in New Jersey sells both brands. You can give John R a call and I am sure he will give you his opinion on both speakers!
+1 on contacting JohnnyR for the differences. I own the Treo CT's and love them but John has played the D48R's many times. They are a very good sounding speaker as well. I'm sure John can give you an idea which would be a better fit for you. Good Luck!
We need to create a sub-group of those who have had the good fortune to enjoy JohhnyR's hospitality in Verona!

I love the deep, weighty, bass from his Treo CT's - I think he uses an Auralic Vega G2.1 DAC and probably a class A Belles power amp. Great speakers for their price.

I found the tweeter a wee bit too bright, though, that might be his room issues (they weren't in his listening room at the time but in the front of his store).
A bright Vandy carbon tweeter ain’t the tweeter, I have two pair Treo CT and 7mk2..... look elsewhere 
One more vote for Treo CT, though I’m sure the Proacs are comparable.  You just have to choose the one sounding best to you.  
I have the original Treo's without the Carbon Tweater upgrade and they are absolutely fantastic. A good friend of mine that I listen to music with has the Quatro Wood CT's and they are quite nice. 
Long story short: you need to hear these yourself.  They're both good speakers, kind of level on the playing field, but you'll almost certainly prefer one over the other.  Unfortunately, we can't tell you which.
I own the ProAc D48R and love them - especially after listening to the placement suggestion from JohnnyR. He knows these speakers as if he built them. His placement suggestion made the speakers sound incredibly wide, tall and musical. You should listen to both the speakers and decide for yourself, like I did.
Take a trip to beautiful New Jersey and come hear them with Johnny R. and you’ll know what to do. AND you get to experience the splendor that is The Garden State — the unsung jewel of the northeast — as a bonus!
Thanks everyone for your comments. I have recently visited the Audio Connection and John R. gave me his expert advice on both the Treo and D48r. I have also listened to both. Both exceptional speakers. I decided to go with the Proacs. I had the response 2's years ago and always like the Proac sound. Will be driving the Proacs with the Aesthetix Mimas Integrated amp. Now just waiting for the delivery and setup.

Nice combo!

Hard to move to something different once you develop a preference for ProAc.
@danbnjshore — duh, shoulda realized you were a fellow NJ resident.  Anyhoo, congrats on the excellent new speaks!  As someone who counts both ProAc and Vandy as two of my favorite makes I’m curious what Johnny R. said about them to you.  
@danbnjshore,Congratulations on the purchase. You will have fun with these speakers!

I have a personal preference for time and phase correct speakers but some people are not as sensitive to this in a loudspeaker. This is why we offer a selection of quality speakers but it is rare for one to live with time and phase correct speakers and go back to a non time and phase correct box speaker albeit a high quality one.
congrats. late to this party, but I was a very long time Proac user and still love the brand.  I love the speaker you got. I switched to Vandersteen Treo's after visiting Johnny to buy a set of new Proac's, lol.  That said, you will LOVE your new speakers and congrats.

congrats on the Mimas….also

Look, if Johnny sells it and stands by it, it’s good.
I agree 100%. He's one of the few who actually undersells.  He will show you the least expensive way to get what you want.