Upsampling refers to increasing the sample rate of an audio signal to make it higher resolution, typically to match the requirements of a specific system or to improve audio quality by adding more data points. For example, you might upsample 44.1kHz audio to 192kHz to get a smoother signal.
Oversampling refers to the process of sampling at a much higher rate than needed, often used in digital-to-analog (DAC) conversion or signal processing. It helps to reduce errors like noise or distortion and allows for more accurate signal reconstruction when converting between digital and analog formats. For example, oversampling might involve sampling an audio signal at 8 times the target rate (like 8x the base sample rate). This is what I do when I upsample FLAC files to 3X DSD
So, upsampling is more about matching a higher target sample rate, while oversampling is usually about improving the quality of signal processing by sampling more frequently than necessary.
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