TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???

I'm looking for input from tube amp lovers that have switched from tube to solid state amplifiers and not looked back.

What tube amp did you move on from?

What SS amp provided the same level of musicality, keeping you smiling for the long-haul?

I've owned a Plinius SA-102 and an Ayre V1XE, both of which are respectable, decent sounding SS amps. However, neither of them could provide the enjoyment of the better tube amps I've owned from VAC and McIntosh.
Geoffkait hit it right on the sweet spot. Note how never have tube amps been called upon to sound like solid state amps but the other way round is ubiquitous. What chases what? Let's get real, the only advantages solid state amps have is longer term reliability before parts need servicing
And perhaps heat generation. I used to buy into the current doubling thing when I was in my Bryston, Krell phase, but that ship sailed a while ago. Tubes from here on or until they make them no more. Nothing sounds better to my ears, especially the midrange.
Going on 2yrs with the new CJ MF 2550se after Classic 60se. Never looked back. Musical and gets the bottom octave right.
The Great American Sound (GAS) Son of Ampzilla. This was my first amp in the high end arena and I have held onto it all these years. I have been through many others, both tube and solid state, and there has never been that feeling of, Oh, I just can't bear to part with it. After pulling the Son out of moth balls for so many years, I was able to establish what this amp did that others didn't; the entertainment factor of the Son was so much better. It was sent off to GAS Audio for a reference rebuild and it is so much better. It is so much better that I haven't even started work on my Golden Tube Audio SE 40 Special Edition putting in a full-tilt Sonic Craft mod.
07-19-15: Geoffkait
Sorry to burst anyone's bubble but there is no such thing as a SS amp that sounds like a tube amp. If you believe there is I have some Florida swampland to sell you. It's simply one of those oh, wouldn't that be nice beliefs.
I am considering Ayre but have heard reports that they sound lean compared to Pass or even the older class A Krells (which are by no means tubey sounding). Friends tell me the midrange is very natural sounding and clear but lacks body. True?
I'm a tube guy for sure, and Ayre is one of the only solid-state brands I've heard at shows that consistently pleases my ears.
I agree with Grannyring that hybrid amps come the closest to the best (high
powered) tube amps I have heard.

I use the Lamm M2.1 monoblock amps myself, which are very close
sonically to the Lamm M2.2 amps that two of my friends use. (These use
just one 6922 tube in each amp.) The best high powered tube amp I ever
heard was the VAC 300.1, and the Lamm M2.2 came the closest to equally
it, (compared side by side in the same system). In fact they bettered it in
the bass response as well as speed, but was not as good in the mid-range
or the treble response.

My two cents worth.
Sorry to burst anyone's bubble but there is no such thing as a SS amp that sounds like a tube amp. If you believe there is I have some Florida swampland to sell you. It's simply one of those oh, wouldn't that be nice beliefs.
I found the closest I could get was with a hybrid amp. Yes, it has tubes, but just two long lasting signal tubes. I use a Lector VM200 hybrid that comes close to my 845 amp, but just not quite as special:)
Plinius SA100MKIII is the closest in tone and inner 'magic' but without the three dimensional qualities tubes have
"What SS amp provided the same level of musicality, keeping you smiling for the long-haul?"

Ayre and Theta.