Tube amp for Zu Omen

Looking for recommendations for a tube amp to drive a pair of Zu Omen DWs that are on order. So far, on my short list for consideration are the Decware SE84UFO (or the SE34i.5 Rachel), the Coincident Dynamo, the Line Magnetic 211iA and the Cayin A-50T. Scanning the forums, I almost pulled the trigger on the Decware SE84UFO having heard about its holographic soundstage and transparency. However, that the 2W seem a bit too low in my 12 x 20 room. Also, tube rolling isn't an option with that Decware model if I wanted some flexibility. I've also heard about the Bottlehead Stereomours but am a complete newbie so dont have the confidence or time to work on a DIY project. Are there any other brands I ought to consider given my rather modest budget (would like to keep it under $2000 or so)?
I listen to a mix of folk (Dylan/Peter Paul Mary), Fleetwood Mac, Dire Straits, Floyd, jazz (Brubeck, Miles Davis, Diana Krall, Buena Vista Social Club etc.) and I plan on playing at low to moderate volumes.
Appreciate your help!
Thanks again everyone! 
When I bought the Cayin, the other option was a LM 216; I preferred the Cayin over the Line Magnetic at this price level.
Migueca, thats a comparison which is hard to come by. I need to now find a Cayin dealer to check one out!
I own a pair of Omen Def connected to a Line Magnetic 219ia - a fantastic marriage! Previous to this amplifier I was running a Cayin MT 45 Mk2 with very good results. When I bought the Cayin, the other option was a LM 216; I preferred the Cayin over the Line Magnetic at this price level. 
But in your case I would consider what the folks at Zu have to say - they know their speakers better than anyone else. And of course, your own taste must always prevail. 
I would contact Ralph at Atma-Sphere directly. He sometimes has demo's or upgraded equipment for sale. That's how I got my MA-1's and MP-3.
I couldn't have afforded it otherwise.
Thanks for all your responses! Zu folks did suggest the Almarro, the Melody or used Dynaco ST-70s. I'll be auditioning the Melody and the Line Magnetic 211iA. With my limited knowledge of tubes, I'm a bit wary of buying 'used' gear or tinker with kits (a la Bottlehead etc.) and prefer equipment that I can get some kind of service on if I ever needed it. And yes, based off what I've read so far, the Atma-Sphere OTL amps seem to be fantastic; unfortunately they're just not in my (current) budget.
I have always heard that Atma-Sphere amps/pres are outstanding with Zu speakers. I have a pair of Omen Defs and would love to find out once funds become available. 
I would try Quad Classic iis or an Almarro A205 

I prefer Melody to Line Magnetic, but ymmv.

I powered a pair of Zu Unions with Atma-Sphere MA-1's.
Holy Cow, that was sweet! They were pretty close to my Vandy Treo's.
Thanks, Ralph.
That speaker has always been a good match with our little S-30 amp- its a very tube-friendly speaker. I don't know if you can find one used in that price range or not.
I recommend Will Vincent's custom-modded Dynaco ST70. Outstanding quality and beautiful workmanship! I own his single-end 45 (built on the same chassis - beautiful gloss white finish!). The SE45 is only 1.75 watts, so it may not go loud enough with the Zu Omen. But the ST70 with 30+ watts will do nicely! The price is about $1400 (and well worth it!). Will is in Idaho. I will try to post his phone number.