To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

I, jea48, said no such thing! The above quote is not mine!
@cleeds, what page is the said quote on?

@ Roberttcan, if you posted that quote I suggest you delete/remove it immediately.

@ cleeds, if you placed my username on the quote, shame on YOU!
@jea48, what I pasted into my post was from content posted by @roberttcan. His post has since been been deleted - apparently by the moderators - along with a bunch of other posts by @roberttcan. I’m sorry if he misquoted you. He caused a lot of headaches for people in this group and it looks as though the moderators have deleted his account.

I don’t "invent" quotes from others. If you read my posts, you’ll see I’m pretty thorough about pasting exact quotes, and don’t typically paraphrase what others are saying. This post that concerns you is an example of just that: I quoted roberttcan accurately. That’s easy to do when you cut and paste!
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Then you won’t have any problem with deleting your false post in question.
Pardon me, but my post wasn’t false in any way: It accurately quoted roberttcan. You’ve now set the record straight that he misquoted you. Thank you for that.
It would be a sad thing if your post in question was used to promote your Beware the audio guru. thread and demean my character in the process.
I don’t "promote" any thread here and certainly don’t intend to "demean" your character. That’s why I’m happy that you’ve clarified the record.

Roberttcan was a problematic contributor here. That was the real problem and now that he’s gone, let’s please move on.

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Move on? Delete the post!Really? Produce that post of Roberttcan .
And yet you posted what he supposedly said. You have no proof he actually said it.
I have no plans to delete my post which accurately quoted roberttcan, and I can't reinstate posts deleted by the moderators.

If you think it inappropriate or unfair to you, please alert the moderators. I’m pretty sure the moderators can also confirm the accuracy of the quote I used from roberttcan, so perhaps that will put your mind at ease.
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Why are you trying to push this onto the moderator?
It is the moderators who control this group and I am not going to acquiesce to your demands that I delete a post that accurately quoted another user. Period.

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jea48, thank you for your insight, that's interesting.....I'm not big into electronic at all, but, the info you provided makes sense to me.....
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I would like to say I appreciate cleeds comments that keep some from getting out of control on this forum. I am glad he comes on from time to time.
However I really appreciate jea48 because he is usually helping someone to enjoy there system more. I really appreciate that jea48, thanks. I think of you as having big shoulders helping others and not letting things get in your craw. That is a big complement that I reserve for people like Almarg.
It doesn't matter one iota, but I think jea48 is deserving of a little respect here. But it doesn't matter because i think he will continue to help others here. And I appreciate that.
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It doesn’t matter one iota, but I think jea48 is deserving of a little respect here.
Actually, it does matter, and I couldn’t agree more. I’m absolutely confounded that jea48 thinks I’ve said anything negative about him in this thread. Really.

I’m inclined to think there’s a misunderstanding here and and I’m happy to help clear it up, if I can.

So, to @jea48 : What exactly is it that I’ve written that has prompted your claim that I’ve engaged in "personal attack" on you? Because I have no clue. Somewhere, in the back-and-forth and back-and-forth in this thread, it looks like some confusion has resulted. I’m not blaming you, but please help me out here. Let’s clear this up.

cleeds & jea48:
couldn't you children do this crying offline?

If roberttcan is a problem, what is Mr Kait?
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I have no skin in the game, simply have been lurking and reading, but perhaps I can clear this up from what I read on the other thread. I did not read anything about jea48 wanting to set up a room, but cleeds say below to roberttcan that he has encouraged this activity but received luke-warm reception and appears amenable is this thread to the concept.
Politics aside, it sounds like a fun audiophile activity with some comfortable chairs and a glass of wine.

cleeds2,511 posts10-24-2019 10:35am roberttcan
You just assume I have never done these tests. I have, and more ... I am not under any illusion that all the typical measurements done fully characterize an amplifier. It is one of the reasons why I designed a specific piece of test equipment for a customer ... IF the direction of a cable, independent of a shield is as plain as the nose on my face, then surely it is dead easy to replicate this, blind tested?
Here we go again with a call for blind testing, an exercise that is of very limited value - if any at all - to the typical audiophile. I just don’t understand why those who call for such tests don’t conduct their own, and then share results with the group.

I’ve also suggested that the blind testing advocates organize such a test and recruit subjects from Audiogon. It could be interesting to have such a test session at an audio show, for example. (Caution! Results of such tests can be surprising - and even demoralizing!) When I’ve offered such suggestions in the past, I’m met with orders to do it myself, or required to put up money in a wager, or have an agreement with lawyers regarding the test.

To be clear, I think the results of these tests are not always what they seem, and I question the ability of these tests to correspond to what we actually experience as listeners and audiophiles. But they have their place.

Perhaps the problem is that it is not a simple matter to conduct such a scientifically valid, controlled double-blind listening test. And if it’s not properly conducted, a test obviously has no value at all.
312 responses 
cleeds2,511 posts10-24-2019 1:40pm roberttcan
I am willing to test on any system you wish to configure ...
Let's see if the group can agree about what that system might look like. Then you could try to assemble something comparable at one of the major audio shows, and invite Audiogon readers and others in to participate.

It was sloppy-copy by cleeds.
roberttcam wrote:
No worried, I think jae48 said he would like to set up a room

Now that jae48 has deliberately fabricated false quotes, should I sue?
Report him to moderators?

As my dear old Nan opined, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen"

Really, children.

If roberttcan is a problem, what is Mr Kait?

>>>>Uh, the winner? Do I win a prize? 🤗
But if I annoyed you, glubby, doesn’t that automatically make me a winner? Yes, it does! 

School, as a kid, my mother would say, “You should enjoy it. One day you’ll have to work for a living.” No, I won’t, ma. I’m going to be a comedian. 🤡

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@geoffkait 😊

Plot spoiler: "Joseph attempts to cannibalize John, but John pours the restorative potion from the laboratory over Charles's bones. Charles's skeleton reanimates, and begins to tear the flesh off Joseph, before the two disappear in a cosmic explosion."  [From Wikipedia / The Resurrected]
I have a product I call the Re-animator. It practically does the same thing and is a lot cheaper. And, no, I’m not promoting my products.

"But if I annoyed you, glubby, doesn’t that automatically make me a winner? Yes, it does!"
It would not necessarily make you a winner, but would surely make me a loser. Thankfully, you did not annoy me. Not yet.

"I have a product I call the Re-animator. It practically does the same thing and is a lot cheaper."
The same thing as what? You got my interest now.
"Yes, you can pick anything you like from your inventory. Enjoy!"
"But what if I don’t WANT a placebo?"
Bad luck. Rumors are flying that all your products are a placebo.
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cleeds should have been attacking you instead of me.  
I didn't attack anyone.
I don't remember it that way. but I don't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday.
You had a soft boiled egg and a glass of Tang because it reminds you of your NASA days...
Maybe so. And you had a Hoagie because it reminded you of your days at Subway. I didn’t mean to interrupt the pinhead convention.
"It's all your fault Geoff. 😊"
It rained whole day. Give us a break.
Kudos for being able to write an almost complete sentence, glubbers.
There are too many fuses out there now, all giving a different flavor, better subjectively, yes.

Absolute improvement, NO!

Well, thanks Synergistic when my Blue fuse blew, not even a an email reply on whether the fuse could be replace for a fee as it was a week old!

I tested my equipment with the stock fuse, no problem!

So whilst there was a sonic flavour , warm and full with the Blue fuse. I soldered a 1cm long, 0.015mm silver wire.

The rest was history, it shows how veiled and blue the Blue fuse was.

So, readers will be able to make a judgement, Yellow better? maybe....... But what is the flavour of the day apart of the maybe next purple fuse being again better than the Yellow.

Stay tuned for this space,, 1 year later.
In every confrontation of good vs evil there has to be a winner. Fortunately, this time it was the good. The miscreant has been sent in his way. Rejoice in the victory, gentle readers. For all the losers out there, get over it. Dust yourself off, get back on your horsey, and ride! 🤡
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