Those rare albums that are great on first listen.

You know the ones. They blow your mind and make you glad you're an audiophile.

Share your favorites.

For me it’s usually some style or vibe I haven’t heard before. My list so far is around 20, but I’ll keep it to my top 5. Feel free to share as many as you like.

!. Poe ‘Haunted’
2. Spirit “Twelve dreams of Dr. Sardonicus’
3. Midlake ‘The Trials of Van Occupanther’
4.Tori Amos ‘Little Earthquakes’
5. Skindive  ‘Skindive’



Stunning piece i remember listening for the first time 50 years ago ...

But with Cambridge Choir ... 😊

@mahgister I have seen them perform it twice. Both times in old churches necessary for the correct performance. 

Marvellous experience then...

I cannot forgot the Allegri Miserere  piece nor the Spem in Alium of Thomas Tallis first listening...

I was and are always stunned..


@mahgister I have seen them perform it twice. Both times in old churches necessary for the correct performance.

Do these questions seem to generate answers that reply more to the question “what are your favorite LPs”, or is it me?

Placebo 'Meds'. My daughter and I loved the line 'Let's follow the cops back home
and rob their houses'

Death Cab for Cutie 'Plans'. Includes a song that'll make your spirit soar.

Western States Motel. There's just something about this chill indie band I love.

Neil Young 'Harvest'

Uriah Heep. My and my buddies loved all of their albums. Blasting on the way to school in my '55 Ford wagon.


Do these questions seem to generate answers that reply more to the question “what are your favorite LPs”, or is it me?

Yes they do.   But, since

"Those rare albums that are great on first listen." is a matter of personal opinion, that is what is going to happen.

Renaissance - Turn of the Cards (1974)

Prog, influenced by late Romantic era classical music, elevated by the voice of Annie Haslam. 5+ octaves, near perfect intonation, dynamics, power, loads of emotion.


That voice sent shivers down my spine the first time I heard it!


Do these questions seem to generate answers that reply more to the question “what are your favorite LPs”, or is it me?


Not for me.

My entire music listening history is rife with: bands, musicians, composers, genres and subgenres of music, that took time and work to get into. Many, if not most of my favorites, did not immediately make sense to me, until I gave them multiple listens, in order to be able to wrap my mind around what they were doing.

My first example of this, would be the prog band, Gentle Giant. They were recommended to me because I was already listening to quite a bit of prog at the time (Yes, Genesis, Camel, King Crimson, etc), but I was not ready for what these guys were doing: the dissonance, the unique harmonies, the stop/start rhythms, etc.

A year later, after listening to a bunch of other prog, and I decided to take their LP’s off my shelf and give them another try. It was like a light went off in my head. What was I thinking?! They quickly became one of my favorite bands, and have more longevity than a lot of other bands of their time.

Same thing happened again with the entire subgenre of avant-prog. These bands use even more dissonance than GG, also use atonality, extremely complex and unpredictable song arrangements, free improv, complex time signatures, etc. Again, it tool me months to wrap my head around avant-prog, but the subgenre is my favorite prog subgenre.

Happened again very recently with post 1950’s (up through the current era) atonal, serial, avant-garde, experimental, classical music. Now, I can’t get enough.

So, for me, much of the music that takes time and "work" to get into, seems to have the most longevity, has emotional depth, and holds up to repeat listenings better.

Lubomyr Melnyk......... "Fallen Trees"

Popul Vuh................"Aguirre"

Laurie Anderson.........."Mister Heartbreak"

The National................"Trouble Will Find Me"

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds..... "The Boatman’s Call"

Khatia Bunatishvili........."Labyrinth"

Sandy Denny 'An old fashioned waltz'

Joni Mitchell 'Ladies of the canyon'

Best of Etta James

Thanks soix very good choices for me ...😊

I did not have them ...


Just thought of a couple more from Joe Sample and Oscar Peterson.  Great music throughout and all well recorded…

Gary Burton, Chick Corea, Pat Metheny, and others - "Like Minds"
John Coltrane and Rashied Ali - "Interstellar Space"
John Handy Quintet - "Live at the 1965 Monterey Hazz Festival"

Gary Burton, Chick Corea, Pat Metheny, and others - "Like Minds"
John Coltrane and Rashied Ali - "Interstellar Space"
John Handy Quintet - "Live at the 1965 Monterey Hazz Festival"

Marjorie Fair - Self Help Serenade

I was mesmerized during that first listen.  Each successive note and song seemed like it could not be more the whole thing was unfolding according to some cosmic plan.  Yeah, well, whatever.  If you weren't right there you wouldn't know, would you.  

(Thanks to Pokey77 for turning me on to that one.