Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama

Hey Audiogonians,

In the vast, vibrant universe of audio reviews, where the line between subjective opinion and objective analysis often blurs, a new saga unfolds. It involves a Youtuber, well-known within our community for their take on speaker designs – designs that, while innovative, haven't shied away from criticism. The plot thickens with another Youtuber's revelation: the speaker's designer and manufacturer has filed a lawsuit against a reviewer over their less-than-glowing feedback.

The core of the debate? Whether it's acceptable to push back against reviewers when their findings diverge from what manufacturers desire. It's not a new drama; history is littered with tales of reviewers facing legal threats for daring to express their truth. Yet, each story brings a fresh perspective on the delicate dance between free speech and brand reputation.

This particular episode raises several intriguing questions:
- Where do we draw the line between constructive criticism and damaging feedback?
- Is the courtroom really the arena for settling disputes over reviews, or should dialogue prevail?
- And crucially, what does this mean for the future of honest, independent audio reviews?

This isn't just about the nitty-gritty of legal battles, many of which remain cloaked in confidentiality and technical jargon. It's about the principle: the right to voice one's opinion in a space that thrives on diversity of thought.

So, fellow audiophiles, what's your take? Have you ever felt swayed by a review, only to discover a different truth upon listening? Have you faced the ire of those who didn't appreciate your candid feedback?

📢Let's make this a discussion to remember – not just for the controversy, but for the unity and respect we can foster, even in disagreement.



Oddly the review , which I watched before it was taken down was positive. Not even sure what Tekton is complaining about. I guess he can’t handle the truth. 

The situation is clearly explained.

Yes, but it’s all second-hand. It’s hearsay.

🎵"I see your true colors shining through..."🎵🎶

Whomever commented but didn't watch the video needs to go back and do it. 

The situation is clearly explained.

I dont mind that it was somebody in his garage or a pro; i dont give a damn.😊

It is ludicrous to ban reviewers by legal pursuit threats...Period...

I estimate freedom of speech more important than what is borderline between opinion and defamation especially if the reviewers can prove that his opinion is motivated and grounded in his experience and is not pure defamation as it seems the case here...

My sympathy here goes with the reviewers not with any designers...

Suppose the reverse, what will become of audio reviews ? 😊

A good product cannot be impeded by few bad reviews, a good product will survive with many users and reviewers good reviews anyway ...


I couldn't bear to watch the whole video but it sounds like mostly hearsay to me. Many of these Youtubers rely on drama and controversy to get clicks and this looks like nothing more than a little kerfuffle.

@tvad ​​@piebaldpython @deep_333 
That’s a spot-on summary! It seems we’ve slid down a slippery slope where disagreement equals litigation. It’s a strange world we’re navigating, isn’t it? Just a heads-up, though—we’re all in the dark about the full extent of the lawsuit and the core disagreements as per the suitor’s perspective. So, grains of salt all around!


Your reference to Orwell’s “2084” serves as a stark reminder of the fine line between dystopia and reality. It's a wake-up call to cherish our humanity, respect our differences, and keep the dialogue open and empathetic 👍

One thing to keep in mind is that the 'reviewer' is typically a business or a person doing the reviews to make money, which means saying things or creating content that maximizes hits or views.  Re-framed the question can be "can one business disparage or even lie about another business or product to generate money??  Where does offering one's opinion end and lying for money begin?  As we know from the internet, the more outrageous and extreme the content, the more clicks or views a content creator (business) will obtain.  This is one of the reason much of the content on the Internet and the news is garbage.  

I personally like our adorable Schiit Lords, Jason Stoddard/Mike Moffat’s adorable approach in all of this...Attach a 20 page audio precision measurement report for all your product in the specs page. Any buffoon measuring it in his garage and running a buffoon review website couldn’t do a better job (Come get your measurements directly from the horse’s mouth kids.)



The Tekton man should just post comprehensive measurements for all his speakers on his website. 

Can you provide links to the YouTubers involved in this?  Tough to comment on this either way without seeing the review and speaker involved.  Definitely disturbing on its face though.



Can you provide links to the YouTubers involved in this?  Tough to comment on this either way without seeing the review and speaker involved.  Definitely disturbing on its face though.

It appear to me ludicrous to settle audiophile reviews in courtroom...😊

But the fact that we are or not a "man" or a "woman" may or must now be settled in courtroom with the irrational delirium instilled in the social fabric...

Even privacy dont exist anymore in a world where our own body property can be settled also in court ...

And tomorrow there will be those who want A.I. as God and the others who prefer a  natural tree and no body modifications.

The next war will be religious between artificial life and natural life...


May God help us...😊


«War is peace and if it is not yet peace  it will be soon »--Oeorge Grwell in 2084 book

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