
Responses from 12many

Aurender Conductor V4 and Qobuz phone app don't match
I had playlist issues but those were all resolved with an update about 2 months.  Power down the aurender device too restart it.  If still having issues, contact aurender.    
Aurender Conductor V4 and Qobuz phone app don't match
Similar to what @tvad said, I would update the operating system on both devices.   Delete C4 from both devices, shut down both and reboot.  Then reinstall C4 on both devices and log in.  Make sure both are the same log in and PW.  If that does not... 
why expensive streamers
@mdalton I understand what you are saying. I don’t have all the answers. My bias was that the N150 would sound the same for all the reasons expressed and that was my technical opinion as well. Beyond that I did not want to spend the extra money f... 
why expensive streamers
@delmatae I felt the same as you give my technical background. Same exact data should be delivered to the DAC. I went from a Node to an N150 and it was easily noticeable and an improvement. Wife picked out in blind tests. I kept the N150. My expe... 
Requesting opinions about 4 specific amplifiers
I have not heard all the amps on your list, but with the 50% price drop on BHK 250, it would be hard to beat with the new warranty and not having to wonder if you are buying someone else's problems and the return policy.  I picked one up about a m... 
High Pass Filter for Mains
I went in a different direction, but researched these https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/752261-REG/dbx_234XS_234xs_Crossover_XLR.html I don't know anything about them but ASR measured one and it measured better then its price.    
Listening Room
@jgjg123 Good post - many of use have a dual use room.  I tend to agree with @asctim a bit - you don't have to focus on a single location too much.  In a music club or concert it is rare to be in a perfect spot.  You can still enjoy the music by s... 
Tracks that bring out the best of YOUR digital system
Well, I know what I am doing this weekend.    
Surge protector
Be cautions with web site reviews that provide links to buy the product.  They make money off the links and hence provide good reviews to products (or only review) that participate in the referral program.  Does not mean the product is not good, b... 
Advantage of separate Bi-wire runs
Not completely sure what you mean by separate verses internal.  If you mean that the cables are separated by a distance of several inches then it would be to reduce coupling from the signal in one cable pair into the other cable pair.  I think b-w... 
Need a 4 way electronic crossover
These don't measure too bad. https://dbxpro.com/en-US/product_families/crossovers    
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
Thanks all.  Good info.  My issue is not so much about a poor quality recording, just that some good recordings are coming across with a bit too much bass energy, while other sound good, even when they have bass content.  It may be the room or spe... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
@danager & @tablejockey   "Optimize the bass for each song or shoot for an average that sounds best for most and live with it."  I identify with this.  I listen to music that ranges from electronic dance or club music to solo vocals and it is ... 
Acoustic Zen Adagio or Revel F208?
I concur as to the F208s.  I had a pair, well, still have them but not seeing much use.  Seem a bit big for a typical sized bedroom.      
How does speaker placement affect the width of the soundstage?
I am no expert but I can offer that in my room toeing in the speakers more reduces the width of the soundstage and re-enforces the center image.  Just the opposite with toeing out the speakers.  I prefer a more toed out positioning but not so much...