The Weavers

The Weavers Reunion at Carnegie Hall.......Who actually listens to this crap? I am not talking about the sound quality, I am talking about the music itself. I own one of the approved audiophile pressings and I just don't get it.

Ah, the impact of the hard drive. In auto, listening room, and Sonos distributed music system, "Bombs Away" has been in monthly (or more often) rotation since I rediscovered it many years ago. However, due to the ripped nature of the source (in all listening spaces), I haven't seen a jacket/jewel box in 40 years - hence the blanking on the title.

Great songs, though - Gold, Lost Her In The Sun, Midnight Wind, Spinnin' of the World, Comin' Out of Nowhere, et al.

I understand that The Kingston Trio was a huge influence on Buckingham (who - to my ear - is, in many respects, a banjo player working a guitar), hence his participation in this project.

Marty - your post made me dig it out...listening to John Stewart's "Bombs Away Dream Babies". Gold is the 1st track. Vocals w/Stevie Nicks & guitar w/Lindsey Buckingham. 1979 RSO vinyl...pretty good recording. A bit of irony, I guess - the cover photo shows JS playing an electric Gibson. Haven't listened to this in years and years - bought it for "Gold" but other tracks are pretty strong too. Ciao.
Thanks Marty and Ghosthouse. Yes the Mamas and Papas are cool harmonies. Thanks again
Although I happen to not be a Weavers fan, I would call this review of the original "Weavers at Carnegie Hall" album (not the "Reunion" album) to the attention of those who have offered sarcastic comments. It was written by a noted popular music critic and journalist. Some excerpts:
... on Christmas Eve [1955], the Weavers played a sold-out concert at Carnegie Hall, initiating the second phase of their career and, in the eyes of most observers, inspiring the folk revival that led to the popularity of such performers as the Kingston Trio, Joan Baez, Peter, Paul & Mary, and Bob Dylan.... It's easy to hear what all the fuss was about, and not just because of the thunderous applause....

It's easy to hear both the sources of the folk revival in the music of Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, African-American spirituals, and international folk songs, and the future of folk-pop music as it would be enacted by the Weavers' successors in this show, which is what makes The Weavers at Carnegie Hall a key recording in the history of American folk music, as well as a singularly enjoyable live performance by a remarkably talented quartet.
-- Al
To Marqmike - add The Mommas & The Poppas to the list (or however you spell 'em).

Good call on The Kingston Trio. IMHO, they might be the clearest example of how this genre really morphed into the mainstream pop music of the '60s.

They were hugely popular, and I know that Martin Guitars considered them critical to the company's success and credits The Kingston Trio with helping fuel the guitar boom of the time. When John Stewart replaced Dave Guard in the mid/late '60's, their music started to morph toward more mainstream pop. Stewart later left the band and released one of my favorite records of the '70's "Gold".

I'm glad I wasn't born too late for the folk music of the '50s and 60's. It's genuine Americana. Bob Dylan started out as a "purist" folk guy and went on to influence so many others in pop, rock, country, etc., as did Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie. (The Byrds come to mind, and so do the Eagles and Grateful Dead). I still play some early New Christy's, Dylan, etc., every so often. Would have missed a big chunk of American musical history if I stuck my head in the sand or was too stuck in other musical genres to be open minded. Cheers from Colorado.
Kinda like Belafonte at Carnegie Hall and Belafonte Returns to Carnegie Hall. Not everyone's taste, but, Jesus Christ, what sound!
"Wimoweh" is a real deep view into American History. Specially the 45rpm version shows all subtle details....:-) job of piling on! That's what I love about this site....wit to break the monotony of addiction!
Jazzcourier, that is just some funny Sh&t, LOL thanks.
Although maybe it just "loomed" for some.
I wouldn't mind hearing of other vocal harmonies recordings that are great.
Here are a couple to consider (sound quality aside):

"Today" -- The New Christy Minstrels (one of my favorites)

"I'll Never Find Another You" -- The Seekers

-- Al
To me the best musical instrument is the voice. It is easy for me to get caught up in good vocal harmonies such as the Weavers, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, The Persuasions, Simon and Garfunkel, Peter Paul and Mary, the Beach Boys, Everley Brothers and many others. Wow just thinking about this is good for the soul. The emotional connection is hard to not capture on a good system. Sweet sounds they are. In fact I wouldn't mind hearing of other vocal harmonies recordings that are great. I am not talking about do-wop which I really don't care for.
I like them on youtube, but I can see where it would not be that enjoyable, listening audio only. Just like some Opera.

C'mon now. For Pete's sake ------ this is Pete Seeger in his youth, with one of the finest folk groups of the day.

Crap? This is classic folk, where lot's of today's genres began. Let's keep an open mind, and expand.
More often than not one can ascertain the maturity of some people by their provocative and/or inane forum posts even though you don't know them from Adam.
I'm a Weavers fan. I can see how it feels "fluffy" to those used to more modern sounds, but...

Their music develops tremendous momentum exclusively from vocals and acoustic stringed instruments. The rhythmic urgency feels (to me, anyway) like it underlies a lot of the music that came out of the rock movement and the tonality presages a lot of country music. I also think that the vocal harmonies are beyond great. I find many of those old traditional folk bands forward looking in that respect.

Clearly not everyone's cup of tea (and definitely a reach for hard rock types), but I find that there's a lot to like for an open minded fan of contemporary popular music.

J. Gordon Holt (R.I.P.): "The better the recording, the worse the performance...and vise versa."
There are different musics for different audiences. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is crap. I like Weavers much better than many of the modern performers who seem to be in a race to see who can scream louder. But many people like them too. So just enjoy what you like. There is no need to trash what you dislike.
I think its a pretty good collection of old folk songs and do listen to it on occasion just like i listen to a lot of old Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Duke Ellington etc. On most of these you can hear that the recording style is a little dated, to me however, that's the charm of it. To each his own.

Good listening, what ever you are listening to

If you grew up during the folk music period this album is a classic. If you are not into folk music you will not be into it. Your reaction is one of ignorance, not taste
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