The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


Synergistic Research does recommend the signal path to go in the direction of the writing on the fuse. From the letter "S" and towards the letter "R". But for many pieces of equipment it is an easy and quick experiment to take a two minute listen in each direction and leave the fuse in the direction it sounds best. Then there is no second guessing.


I think you will greatly enjoy the Blue outlet. I am sure your Brooklyn DAC sounds good with the iFi power upgrade.

David Pritchard
Regarding fuse directionality.....

You’d think a company such as SR would be on top of this and given the high price of entry, would mark their products for optimum performance.

The last time I had my McCormack amp upgraded (three years ago), they have a piece of equipment that tells them the correct direction for fuses that they install. This is a slight additional cost but worth it for the end user.
Think you are correct Al.

From what information I can clean, the Brooklyn has a slow blow fuse on its psu board of 630ma so right in line with your comments.

When using the dc input protection is afforded by whatever fuse is in the external power supply, for example if using the sbooster it uses a 2a fuse, again right in line .
I will have to investigate my iFi ps now.
Hi Uberwaltz,

Most likely the fuse is not in the path when the DAC is powered with DC.  But given the power consumption ratings stated on the specs page of the manual you could probably confirm that based on the current rating of the fuse.  It would probably be in the area of 3 amps or so if it is in the DC power path, and less than 1 amp if it is in the AC power path.

Best regards,
-- Al

I already have blue fuses, and a black,no need to be convinced here.

However have not yet upgraded any receptacles so that is why that last offer was of interest.

Now a question for the technical minded.

My Mytek Brooklyn dac has a fuse but I do not run it of 120vac, I have it powered of a 12v iFi power supply.
So is the fuse still in the circuit this way I wonder because if not then no point spending any money on an upgraded fuse at all
Yes the Blue fuse has directionality. But you do not need to 'Break' in the fuse for 10 days and then Re- Break in  the fuse another 10 days  by reinstalling it in the other direction. Keep it simple. Put it in. Listen to the same track several times. Reverse fuse direction. Relisten.  Pick the direction to leave the fuse on which way sounded best to you.

Have fun with this experiment.

David Pritchard
To uberwaltz and slaw:

I do hope you will indeed give the Blues a try. One of the wonderful properties about both the Blue fuses and the Blue outlets is the sound is really good within  24 hours of being installed. They do reach a further improvement by the 10 day mark, but I did not experience the common roller coaster affect that many audio changes cause.
Plus if you do not like what they do send them back!

I think it is a fun experiment to do.

David Pritchard
I think I'll give the Blues a try. Although I've been very happy with my Maestro outlets, (they blew away the Porter Ports & the FIM), with this deal, I'll be able to finally try graphene out. If it doesn't work out, I'm starting a second system I can use things in as well.
Thx David

I did not have any use for 3 more blue fuses but a new receptacle and one blue fuse I could use
Will be checking that special out as well
Another possible upgrade path is to take advantage of another of the Synergistic Research September specials and to buy a SR Blue outlet and get a free blue fuse. Adding these two upgrades made a big difference in my system. And the cost was less than many of my tube rolling purchases.

The SR September specials are listed at The Cable Company website and are available through all Synergistic Research dealers.

David Pritchard

So is the Cable Company.

I want to buy one SR Blue Fuse.

I would like to team up with 1 or 2 other Audiogoners who want to buy a fuse or two.

Any takers?

If anybody is considering trying an SR blue fuse or three.

Check out partsconnexion.

They are having a promo right now where when you buy 2 you get the 3rd one free.

Hard to beat deal.
Last Friday I replaced the Shunyata Viper Zitron power cord powering my system with the new Synergistic Blue UEF cable. Amazing value for the $649 price. As with the Blue (and Black) fuses, bass took on more detail and texture, transients became quicker and more powerful, voices and solo instruments sounded more "in the room," the noise floor was lowered still, and the sound-stage took on more space and air.


Take a look at that link. It appears that all you need is a screw driver or a hex key to remove the cover’s screws.
Greetings all, I am certainly a Novice; I need help with the blue fuse for the Emerald Physics 100.2SE.  How do you get inside to swap fuses? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

+1  shadorne

If he wasn't such a "savvy businessman looking to make more profit." he'd be a real estate agent or used car salesman.
The classic was he changed his ideas completely 180' on preamps just before his  BHK Sig preamp was to be released, for sale.

Cheers George
Only in the surreal world of audiophile threads can a genius like shadorne make the assessment that a product doesn't work as advertised without trying it for himself.

So now Paul McGowen is part of the conspiracy.
Where will this all end?
Just keep moving the goalposts and one will have an argument to make.
Is shadorne shadowcat’s shadow? Are they the same person?  Hmmmmmmm...
Only in the surreal world of Audiophile threads can Shadowcat2016 make such a factual and accurate statement yet be vilified. It seems the more crazy and illogical the tweak the more forcefully the tin foilers worship said tweak.

Paul McGowan is a savvy businessman looking to make more profit. He understands his clients well - those who spend the most on hi-fi gear are all Schiit scared of not getting the most from their system due to a wire, a fuse, a mat, a quantum dot or ......the dreaded hi-fi Bogeyman.
I have an Oppo 203 DVD player with the power supply upgrade by Oppo In additional to a higher grade transformer and higher grade capacitors, the new power board has a removable fuse. I changed out the HiFi fuse supplied with the mod to a Synergistic Research Blue fuse and yes indeed there was improvement in both audio and video performance.

I am a big supporter of these third generation audio fuses like the  Synergistic Research Blue fuses. Trying them is certainly a lot cheaper (return postage is about $3.00) than many other mod-tweeks, and one also gets to overcome the fear of opening up their equipment for inspection. Yes I  was indeed nervous when I also replaced the fuse in the Pass Lab amp. But I am glad I did. The SR Blue fuse allows the amp to sound better than the original Little Fuse did. Paul McGowan who is president of PS Audio has stated at his web site that audio grade fuses make a difference. I agree.

The PS site has several good sources of information without a lot of hyperbole.

David Pritchard
@shadowcat2016.....Not to "P" on your parade with your so called "professional" opinion but first have you ever heard the Blue fuse in your system ? If not than i dont think you are qualified to have an opinion unless you heard the Blue fuse for yourself. Second you can not " Think " that someone does not hear what he hears when using the Blue fuse. We heard the differences for ourselves because we did the comparison test with the Blue fuse against the stock fuse. The " Professional " opinion is with our hearing and what we do hear or dont hear. So with that being said your so called " professional " opinion dont mean squat .  
Definition of a professional - someone in a cheap suit fifty miles from home waiting for a bus.
So glad us idiots have all been illuminated by Shadowcats "professional" opinion.
I mean its not like anybody here using boutique fuses could also possibly have a professional opinion as well is it?
Not to "P" on anybodies parade or dispute whatever you hear or THINK you hear, but a fuse isn't going to make any difference in how your gear works or sounds..........I've been an audiophile for 45 years and a career electronics technician working on high end military gear for the same length of time. A fuse is a special resistor designed to melt if you pull too much current through it, that's it...............No magic bullet there folks. Spend your money anyway that makes you happy, not my
business, but if you REALLY think fuses made your system sound better, you need help.............Just my professional opinion.
^^^ ... Nope. The SR Blue fuse is like the SR Black fuse on steroids. Way better.

You may like it better. It's still less transparent.
Geoff sez:

  • "So, oregonpapa, here’s the 64,000 dollar question: what’s the bat eared dude from ARC have to say about directionality?"

He says that fuses are directional. Thinks it may have something to do with the way the wire is extruded.

Send the $64,000 to my home address. Thanks ...

@geoffkait ............This is what the S R Blue fuse brochure said about fuses....Q ... Are fuses directional ? A.... Yes fuses are directional . Electricity should flow from the L to the R , when you view the fuse { from the "S to the R"} .If you do not know the direction of the flow , you should listen to the fuse in both directions .One direction will sound more detailed . This is the correct way. 
I went all in on SR Blue - DAC, Amp, even REL subwoofer. It was noticeable immediately ...then very differentiated after a few weeks.
Regarding DC directionality - yeah, i contacted the manufacturer or read the forums to get the info for each of my components. FYI - most times the flow of current is the direction of lettering on the PCB. Regarding AC ...well, yes its alternating current but I accept the notion that you install the fuse assuming the ’net energy’ flows from the rear panel into the main circuit (when internal). For external fuses on the IEC socket, i just went left-to-right.

So, oregonpapa, here’s the 64,000 dollar question: what’s the bat eared dude from ARC have to say about directionality? 😛
zipost ...

There have been a couple of posts either here or in another fuse thread with a comparison between the beeswax fuses and the SR fuses. 

geoff sez ...

  • "You might have misunderstood me. Ralph and Al say fuse directionality, I.e., wire directionality, is a hoax. Follow? If the ARC dude believes that, too, he’s mistaken. I don’t care if he signed his name in blood."

Yes, I did misunderstand you re: Al and Ralph. Sorry man.  But the ARC dude isn't mistaken ... he hears like a danged bat. Hell man, ask Ralph. He and the ARC dude are friends. *lol*

anyone with experience in the AudioMagic fuses?  Any comparison between the blue fuses vs the audiomagic.  Please advise? 
You might have misunderstood me. Ralph and Al say fuse directionality, I.e., wire directionality, is a hoax. Follow? If the ARC dude believes that, too, he’s mistaken. I don’t care if he signed his name in blood.
^^^ Geoff ...

Its not just Ralph and Al.

Warren Gehl, the chief listener at ARC, told me the very same thing. Nothing leaves the ARC factory, including repairs, until Warren signs off on it after his listening tests. 


oregonpapa OP
^^^ The direction counts for sure, but the rotational position has an effect as well. In addition, that "black dot" is graphene. I think its possible for the graphene to have an effect facing down toward the circuit board. Haven't tried it myself, but I'm gonna. :-)

>>>>Cue for Al and Ralph to give us another fascinating lecture on why what we’re really hearing isn’t the fuse directionality but the accidental rotating of the fuse in the fuse holder. 
@oregonpapa ....... Ah really wow i will try it....That i am surprised about. lol..Right now i havent checked where my " black dot " is facing ....Never heard about that until now. Thanks Frank 
^^^ The direction counts for sure, but the rotational position has an effect as well. In addition, that "black dot" is graphene. I think its possible for the graphene to have an effect facing down toward the circuit board. Haven't tried it myself, but I'm gonna. :-)

@sgordon1 .......The black dot on the glass body of the Blue fuse.....I never tried facing the dot up or down as i really dont think it matters... And all the brochure says about the dot is that it is a piece of black material and do not remove it. What matters is the direction of the fuse. 
@oregonpapa.........No problem !!!! I was very happy to write what i heard.... I really was a skeptic until i heard the difference for myself . For those who still dont believe all i can say is spend the $ 150 as it is chump change to hear what the Blue is capable to do right out of the box.And it has a 30 day money back guarantee .I cant wait to keep hearing the difference the more and more hours goes on it. I only have about 10 hrs on it now and it is amazing.