The midi range, not the tweeter, is the most important driver in a speaker.

Grrr - I can't edit the title. Of course I meant "midrange."

Of course, this is not up for debate. I’m just posting something every real audiophile understands.
Looking at the db meter during music playback I’ll agree the midrange driver in a 3 way gets the most work, but it’s the integration of the woofer and tweeter that make a hi end speaker special 
@erik_squires If I used only one driver in the Vandy Model 7 it wouldn't be a Vandersteen design!
Of course, this is not up for debate.
Man, you must be conjuring up Kenjit here. 
Just go in your profile and discussions started. You can delete from there. 
But conversely, if you could only use 1 driver in the Model 7 .... it wouldn't be the tweeter.
@erik_squires Come on now...You know better!  Every driver is as important as every other in any particular design if you want the music signal you have been so careful to preserve to be reproduced as faithfully as possible.  

Example...Take a Vandersteen Model 7 Mk.II and switch out the balsa/carbon tweeter for a model 2 metal dome.  Bye bye to the continuousness of the music.  Ugh!!
The ability of a poster to delete his/her own posts seems to have been removed.