Technics SU-R1000 a new Class-D GaN Technology integrated

Maybe one to look out for.

There’s a new approx $10K integrated Class-D from Technics called the SU-R1000 Integrated Amplifier around 22 kg, 150w-8ohm and 300w-4ohms, would have been nice to see what it could do into 2ohms
Said to have many of the GaN Class-D features of the far bigger SE-R1. But nowhere yet can I find if it uses the 1.5mhZ switching frequency that "makes" the SE-R1 what it is.

Also it uses smp power supplies, even though it’s 22kg, Unlike the SE-R1 at some 60Kg because of it linear supplies.
No reviews or measurement tests as yet for this one from Technics

Cheers George
I found it quite good for a video review.

The real test will come with a Strereophile review and bench testing which will give the best insight into this very advanced designed Class-D amp that uses the newest GaN Technology.

Cheers George

I could only watch 20 seconds...soon as I saw it was Robinson I checked out. That guy brags about his 40 Year old Pioneer Receiver (which wasnt that good when it 1st came out vs competition) so any review he does doesnt carry any weight in my book.
Could only watch few minutes of that review....

Actually, the M33 uses Bruno's Purifi modules.   Which many feel (including myself) sound much better than the older Ncores.  Been eying the M33 since they announced it last year.   Hoping there soon will be comparisons between the Technics and AGD....

Here’s another video review on the "GaN Technology" Technics SU-R1000 vs the NAD Master Series M33 (which uses the Hypex N-Core class-D modules)

Seems they both prefer the Technics SU-R1000 in the upper mids highs range.

This "could be" because of the 1.5mhz (3 x higher) switching frequency it’s said they use like in their flagship SE-R1 poweramp.
Which takes class-d’s normally used 400-600khz switching frequencies output filter’s negative effects well away (by 3 x also) from the audio band, without having to use any other "alternative" fixes to cure the problem that "could" also have their own detrimental effects.
Cheers George
Post removed 
I own an A/B 105lb. amp. I love it, but I don’t have zip against class D newer technology. There are just too many good reviews now saying the sound quality is superb with the tone, color weight, and dynamics, and over-the-top musical. Class D is not the class D from 10 years or so ago, this is like saying Vinyl stills sound like they did in the 1930s, turntables still looked the same, CD still sounds like it did in the early ’80s, no everything new technology improves and digital bashing is no longer justified. As I age my next amp will be Class D, I no longer want to pick up a 105lb amp at some point. Time marches on and new technologies continue to move forward, soon most cars will be battery-powered, can sit and look back but that will not stop where audio is going, and those making Class a or Class A/B amp will soon be making class D amps that sound good, Jeff Rowland for one saw the benefits many years ago. Now Technics, Mola Mola, are making 1st class, class D amps that may take our systems up to a level we never imaged possible. These products are not cheap either and well made. 
Hmmmmm......A Pass preamp (bottom of the line) and last generation Bryston amp......whatever.  Where is the beef?

What about The AGD mono Audion's driven by a super balanced passive that might be meaningful.
Interesting online comparison to pass some time.
Recorded through some good flagship stand mount speakers

Pass XP12 $5,800 pre with Bryston power 4B-SST3 $5,695

Technics SU-R1000 integrated $9,500
He stuffed up the titles just play the middle one on each

Cheers George
After the HR review in Stereopile, I'm surprised that the LKV Veros hasn't attracted more attention.  No measly switching power supplies there--one main toroidal and two subsidiaries.  No wonder it's so heavy (and costly)!
Like I said take another drag.

To others here that wish to follow this new what "could be" the new best buy integrated kid on the block.
This could be good to follow for all the vinyl crew, with the phono stage analyzing system with calibration record that comes with it.

Cheers George 
I am not sour or bitter. Just calling it as I read it. What do you gleem from the reviews so far? I WANT this thing to beat everything. This is why I am not pleased with ALL the reviews, so far. What I read is that it is a great $10K integrated amp......but not a world beater in any way. I hope more and better reviews can shed some light. It is very clear that it is a very good integrated amp. However, the technology is so far out there that I had hoped that this amp would beat everything. I bet the AGD Audion’s are much better....then we have the $6K Mytek GaN amp coming in a few months, modded Purifi, modded IceEdge, $3K Wally GaN amp (the "waiting for Godot" amp), etc.............time will tell.

The LKS 005 DAC is superb......that DAC driving a pair of AGD Audion’s is the same price as the Technics......if the LKS/AGD combo is better....well....the Technics would be history. Of course, some people will prefer a single box and if you have a modest turntable system, then the phono in the Technics looks interesting.

For someone who preaches peace/love/woodstock all the time, you sure know how to go totally sour and bitter with things that don't even deserve it yet at every opportunity you can. 
Chill bro take another drag.
This "promises" to be a very good integrated and is way too young yet to be reviewed by anyone like Stereophile etc, it will soon. So lay off the aggro on it till things get done in due course
the lbtech review does not even compare the amp to anything except to say it is not as powerful as the Mac or what does that tell?....nothing.

The Spanish review says what?  Most of use don't understand spanish and there seems to be some pointing to a page that shows? a Mac and Pass labs integrated rated? better?  He has his JBL speakers (that don't don't image that great stock) right up against the wall......what kind of soundstage can he get?   Not very good.

These are not serious reviews.  We need a serious review by a seriously tweaky high end person....that actually describes the EXACT differences between this amp and other amps in its price range (both integrated or not) and the all out state of the art amps.....then we will maybe....know something.

The Technics SU-R1000 is Reviewer Francisco's new Reference Amp, and all other amps will be judged by now !

Ah good, ricevs was right it was the Technics not the Mytek you were talking about.
Cheers George
Hi George, 
I searched and can't find that source, it was a late night. But I did just receive more pre-arrival information from Technics. Now this is on the Jeno engine Low Jitter section so not sure if it what you are looking for, my rep says he will contact the factory for me if not.  From Technics...

JENO stands for Jitter Elimination and Noise Shaping Optimization Digital signals of various music sources come in with various sampling frequencies such as 36KHz/44.1KHz/48KHz/96KHz/192KHz. Therefore, before processing, these signals have to be upsampled to a sampling frequency that is the least common multiple of the input/output sampling frequency, and then decimated at the output sampling rate again. Since this oversampling signal processing accuracy determines the performance and sound quality of the entire amplifier, it is necessary to ensure maximum accuracy. The digital audio signal input signal is first input to the “Low Jitter Sample Rate Converter”, and the sampling frequency of the sound source input at various sampling frequencies is converted to a single PWM drive frequency (768KHz). In order to perform PWM drive with high accuracy, the signal must have no time fluctuation. Therefore, a PWM signal is generated from a highly accurate clock signal obtained by the crystal oscillator. On the other hand, the input signal contains jitter due to the influence of the transfer path, etc., and is asynchronous with the output. In order to synchronize the input signal clock with the internal processing clock of the amplifier, a highly precise Sample Rate Converter is required to have the function of converting the sampling frequency(“over”-sampling) while removing the input jitter.

Cheers, John
jwcondo It does indeed use the 1.5 mhZ switching frequency

WOW!! That’s the only confirmed one with "1.5mhz switching frequency" beside the mighty $20k+ Technics SE-R1 and they "say" also the SU-R1000 integrated has

Can you reveal where you got this info? as I looked everywhere.
Cheers George
Greetings from Medicine Hat Alberta Canada,
It does indeed use the 1.5 mhZ switching frequency. I am a dealer and I should be receiving the first one in Canada next week as they have landed on our shores.
Excited to experiment with all this new technology.
Happy Listening....John 

Here something from HiFi Blog on the new GaN technology Mytek Empire monoblocks, it’s got some get up and go into 8ohm and 4ohm.
Would have been good to see the 2ohm figure though, to see if it starts "wheezing" into it, or if it goes up substantially again from the 1000w 4ohm figure.

Mytek EMPIRE monoblock delivers no less than 1,000 watts of power to speaker systems with an impedance of 4 ohms. If the speaker systems have an impedance of 8 ohms, there is still a whopping 500 watts available.

Cheers George

It’s vinyl/stylus/cantilever/alignment/generator interaction channel cross talk on phono cartridges, nothing to do with differentially balanced circuit or wiring or not.
highend666, et al...

unfortunately the comments is turned off. Why would cross talk software be necessary, unless the product is not differentially balanced?
Here more info on this new Technics Integrated amp and they are also coming out with a new "all in one system"  called the Ottava F SC-C70MK2 that has much of the technology found in their top of the line high priced Reference R1 Series too !

Will do!
I have owned a Manhattan II and really appreciate what Mytek is doing for audio in general.

We will probably see more and more GaN based amplifiers in the coming months and years.
Below article from Infineon gives a interesting perspective on the switching characteristics of GaN, though their switching speed seem to be lower than Technics.

It really struck my how far ahead of the curve Panasonic/Technics where with their r&d, you can appreciate what they do for vinyl, but their amps should be wider recognized.
SU-G30 and SE-R1 is now 5-6 years old but still relevant.

I currently work in the IT industry for a TW company but worked in partnership with Sony for 10+ years, appreciate their history and innovations(the ability to commercialise ideas out of Universities), browsing thevintageknob you realize how the audio innovations of Sony, Panasonic etc is not that widely recognised in hifi circles. 

(One of my best experiences with Sony in audio was to try at home the TA-N1/TA-E1/SCD-1 combos with my difficult to drive Martin Logan Ascents, magical music experience, leads you to listen to albums instead of just testing different tracks)

Maybe because they create too many budget solutions with their logo on, that their PR department focus is less on the high end products so the devices is not seeded to KOL, leading to less reviews and less recognition outside Japan or maybe due to less partnership with hifi retailers in the west.

I just bought a SU-G30 and the sound is really fluid, with a glass like high end which is really 3 dimensional, with a powerful class-d bass performance. It's " only" 50w but my speakers are rated at 87db/1w and I feel 95db+ is a bit to loud at home anyway.. 
Though the streaming app feature leaves a lot to be desired (also a culprit of Japanese companies to treat the software as a afterthought) but it works really well with Audirvana over DLNA with DSD 128, Flac 192 and Tidal.

Support innovations where it's at, if it is a boutique creator or a corporate giant, r&d budgets and marketing budgets is often function of your sales revenue.


BTW, think you should start a new thread on this amp, it probably will deserve it.
Some like "Mytek Empire power amps, with GaN based technology."
Cheers George
Hmm! interesting, could be a winner. 
They talk about transistor switching (hopefully frequency used) and "very gentle negative feedback" resulting in "silky tops".
But don't give any details of the switching speed, feedback db's or what phase shifts are in the upper audio band "tops"

The thing I don't like to see is it only has 10kohm input impedance, not good for preamps with small value capacitor coupling, passives or most tube preamps, yet they give the choice of two gain setting 23db or 29db latter being good for passives or unity gain preamps.     
Time will tell when one is bench tested.

Cheers George

"....It sounds very clean, clear and smooth like nice breeze in summer mountain with high resolution.
However mid and bass are thin and light. I recalled the sound of Magnepan.

Digital input from fidata sounds better than analog input, as its resolution and tonality.
In my view it is the best except phono input I didn't listen this time."
Post removed 

I think you could try PS Audio M1200s (IcePower AS1200 modules, tube input buffer) with a 30 day.

I have a dual mono AS1200 amp from ricevs that is amazing. No need of tube preamp here

But nowhere yet can I find if it uses the 1.5mhZ switching frequency that "makes" the SE-R1 what it is.

Internationally famous Class D basher ignores DSP feed-forward circuitry in it’s entirety and posits his personal opinion as fact with zero data.

I would also like to learn more about this integrated, hoping for more reviews, particularly with comparisons to other equipment.  

A lot makes sense regarding the technology, and for someone like me that streams only for audio, and wants a HT bypass this is another nice option.  Looks great also.

I am hoping Music Direct gets a few in as they list it.  Assuming their return policy would be good with this I would like to try it (with the intent of keeping it if I loved it).

I've always liked Class D for bass, but I do like a big soundstage and do not want a treble forward unit.
Wow, lots of comments on this also in Spanish, any possibility to get the video translated in English with something quick and easy??

Cheers George
Post removed 
Another review that tells us very little.  He liked it, that is for sure. However, he did not compare the $10K Technics to his $26K Pass mono amps or any other amp or integrated amp.  So, what do we know?:  It sounds better via digital in than analog in using a Manhattan II that uses an ESS dac chip and ordinary op amps.  Whoopie!  I could have told you that it would sound better than a decent DAC and interconnect via analog before even listening.  However, how does the analog input sound driven by a serious DAC.....say the MSB select or the big DCS Vivaldi?  How does the analog input compare with a Pass or other $10K+ amp?  We will have to wait and see.  For sure, there is a lot of cool technology here in this digital integrated amp.  The LAPC feature cannot be done without it being a digital integrated amp.   The future looks good.  This really cannot be compared to a normal class D amp as there is so much more going on here.  We will have to wait for someone else to more fully review this product. Some serious A/Bs are necessary.
trinitrond1 posts02-28-2021 6:57am
Two part review up below, thank Google for translating this.
Seems promising.

Good catch, that second part is even more informative, could be a realgood unit especially for the vinyl brigadeCheers George

Technics SU-R1000 GaN technology integrated getting closer.

Looks like it’s on the way in limited numbers, as they ask for payment in Japan and it's made to order at the moment, around $8.5k.

Haven’t found if it use the ground breaking 1.5mhz switching frequency that Technics use in the flagship SE-R1, but they do say on other sites it uses "very high" switching frequency??

What I did find though for the "vinyl crew" which could interest or disgust them, is it looks like you get a calibration record with this amp, to play your phono cartridge with and the SU-R1000 analyses these tones and then digitally equalizes it dead flat. (should sound just like cd then, but the channel separation will still only be 30db at best can’t fix that)

Cheers George
They must have listened to what Cyrill Hammer designer of Soulution Audio had to say about Class-D
Guessing not. Some of the numbers on the site you linked don't make sense.
Post removed 

Here is Technics 45min!!🥴 propaganda video for the SU-R1000 integrated.  Actually it's only 24mins, the rest is for a new server or something.

Wait till you see the size of this thing on the table in front of the three boobies at 6.45 into this. It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be, no wonder it's 22kg

Cheers George