Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Thanks sabai.For a couple of hundred dollars,it has helped my system greatly.At this stage little investments on the system is where its at.Im frying bigger fish for the next several months.Have you got something else I could try.thanks
Jebsmith73,the r a l precept is good on the cd player isn't it.thankyou,you helped me out there.
I was reading a reviewer article guy from Arizona talking about how a salesman was trying to just sell him something instead of listening to what he wanted and he was really turned off and didn't like the demo of the product and he went to another place out there and had a great experience with his regular long time dealer. You live and you learn. It's good to meet genuine people in the hobby. I have met some great people but there are sharks in the water if you are not careful. Ready his experience brought back bad memories for me. I love the music I love the hobby but everyone in it is not here for the right reasons. Be careful everyone and enjoy!!! Signing off.

You're welcome. I can think of 3 low-cost things you might want to try.

1. Try making your own HFTs. Placement is crucial.

2. Try putting Tupperware-style containers filled with sand under components.

3. Try putting copper sleeves over IECs and plugs. You need to experiment here. Some locations work very well. Other locations may not work well.
Hi calvinj, I agree with your post, not everyone is here for the right reasons!, I am here for the pure love of music, I dedicated my whole life as a musician, and now that I am older and realize chaseing being a rock star is over, now I enjoy my system and my Tara labs cables, I am still building my system, that is the funny part of what some do not understand, I am getting ready to tube roll my cd-player with $500.00 a piece tubes!, The Mullard 10M for the 12AX7 tube position, and maybe the CBS 7318 for the 12AU7 position, and finally rolling the 6z4 recetifier tube to what?, I have not made permenant resavations for yet,then this player will end up on a second system I will build at a latter time, I will be very pickey as to what a so called respectable digital unit I get for the main system, the speakers I have will go on the second system as well, if I can find speakers that are very good and not over hyped and over priced!, or I might build them my self and use exotic caps inside with top tier drivers, I know people in the industry that will build cabinets to what ever my specs are, and believe this, they would never be over braced, or metal to kill the emotion of the music if I went that route, my system is on going, and will take the next few years to complete, I am a builder formost than anything, so patience and knowlegeable decisions are a must, cheers calvinj.
Hi melbguy1, welcome back to the thread, have you got your new Jorma cables yet?, I still would like to read your review of the new Jorma statement cables you are buying into, I have been enjoying my Tara labs cables hugely, I recently did a test that may interest you, the test was shocking and a suprise actually, I always wanted to know why bi-amp speaker jumper cables was so short, 8 to 16 inches, now I know why all cable brands make them short, my jumper cables are special order from Tara labs, they are NOT on the Tara labs web-site, the main science behind these Omega 10" jumpers is that the conductors around the small diameter air tubes is spaced configured in the same helix outlay as my Omega Gold speaker cables, they do not have the girth as my omega Gold speaker cables, as it turns out, no need for it, importantly, everything else is the same!, since the Tara labs The one speaker cables have more conductors and bigger air tube, I thought why not try them as jumper cables, they are 6ft long, but NOT with the same conductor outlay as the Omega jumpers or omega speaker cables, talking about a wow factor, The One 6ft speaker cables used as jumper cables was a failure!, I lost a huge amount of bass on the sub woofers section in the cabinet of my speakers, the imageing on the off axis sound was gone, I did get a little more forward sound of the presatation, but when I swapped back the Tara labs Omega Jumpers, it was like wala!, I had the complete total magic back, I cannot explain as to why I lost most of my bass useing the one speaker cables in this position, other than they must have sucked to much current from the bottom post for being to long, istead of 10 inches, with the jumpers, the sound stage was huge and layered, very deep and wide and tall, imageing on off axis was superb, bass was like a bomb going off, with defined accuracy that was unbelievable to behold, I did this yesaterday, so the Tara labs Omega Jumpers are very special indeed, they have transformed my speakers into a much, much more costly sound!, at the end of the day, I am very impressed by the omega jumpers and Happy with them, and I know I am one of very few in the U.S.A. that have these!, cheers david, good to see you.
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calvinj, did you read my post to you on 9-26-14?, do you still have the ressonence Mirus dac?, how is that coming along?, which Hf digital cable are you ueing with it?
@Audiolabyrinth, You are operating under a false premise.
Taken from this very forums own posting rules and guidelines.

"What we will decline:
Posts that are off-topic or casual bantering."

Do please make an attempt at understanding this pertinent yet simple point.
I have the resonessence but I just sold my viennas. I'm using my toy monitors. I'm not using a digital cable right now I am listening to the albums on my sd card. My system is in a rebuilding mode right now. I will report out when I get it together.
Ah,the receptacle I bought on ebay, people were also interested in a 20 amp circuit breaker.Im not sure what can happen there.cheers
Misternice, Hi, I have a 20amp circuit breaker now on my amp, as soon as I get the GTX -D for that, I have a new single pole 30amp breaker I will be useing on my amp, as krell said it would sound better and run smoother doing so, cheers.
calvij, Thankyou for your reply, keep me posted on what you are doing on your system man!, always great to listen to your journey!
Great..is there a special one to go for.I havent looked into it . I will when I go on break
I have not heard TARA LABS cables. Someday I would like to hear TARA LABS cables. Someone, I cannot remember who, says they are good.

See you are back within the guidelines. ;)
I do not understand, my 9-27-14 post to melbguy1 was all about Tara labs cables!, seems like someone is not reading the thread, and tring to start unnessary friction on this thread that has got along with everyone, and talked about many different topics with Tara labs cables, as a matter of fact, most that talk here about other topics have Tara labs cables in their system, so we talk about what sounds good with tara labs cables!, thankyou Acman3 for your post, cheers.
@audiolabryinth. Seems like your thread is dying. I just think people are questioning whether you actually work for Tara Labs. I know you don't but you need to look back what you have been saying. I'm not attacking you but it seems like you got a few folks who don't want to interact with you or if they do they seem to be a little dismissive. You can say whatever you want but sometimes we have to self evaluate. I saying this to you out of concern. I would be careful with the tara labs cheerleading. I like High Fidelity because I had tried so may other cables and high fidelity actually works for me and I had long pleasing demos with it. I know tara labs works for you I think you need to temper your enthusiasm a little. Don't dog other cables and don't compare them to things you never heard. This not an attack its advice. People on threads what to know how the cables perform in the areas of treble, bass, midrange, prat, transparency, naturalness, soundstage, realism, timbre, texture etc. people want to hear about those things more than just a blanket statement of how one cable is better than the other by a mile. People are working on their systems and don't want the other banter. I have said a few things I shouldn't but I think no matter what thread you go on. We. You and I need to stay on topic. You really need to. I think people are avoiding you. Just a little friendly advice. Happy listening!!!!
Hi calvinj, Oh No!, This thread is not dying,calvin, I talk all over with absolute no interaction problems, It seems that there was just a couple of folks that came onto this thread and wanted to read more about Tara labs cables, what they did not realize is that the bunch that talks here has atleast one Tara labs cable in their system, and we were discusseing different audio tweeks that work real good with our componets and Tara labs cables that we use, an example was ueing Furutech GTX-D Rhodium or Gold recepticles for the wall, cheers my friend, good to see you, you are welcome here.
I just wanted to show everyone that Tara Labs has just introduced, for the first time since the early 90s a new conductor in their state of the art flagship interconnect only, The Grandmaster Evolution interconnect, I am hopeing over the next few years this new technology trickles down in some new models that may be introduced over the next few years, The rest of all the new current Tara labs interconnects and speaker cables has the Generation 2 conductors that are excellent for audio as it is, so This here is the Brand new Generation 3 conductor, known as Gen 3,instead of Gen 2, this is a great topic for all of us to talk about concerning Tara labs, This is called,,,,, Making Sense of….Gen 3 Conductors

TARA Labs, Inc. has just announced the introduction of its Generation 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor, to be used exclusively in its state-of-the-art interconnect cables.

TARA Labs claims that the Gen 3 conductor has an increased bandwidth or high-frequency extension, that makes it unrivalled in important test measurements and listening tests.

TARA Labs’ Vice President of Product Design, Matthew Bond, said that the new Gen 3 conductor has the same current-carrying capability of a 28 gauge conductor but has the high frequency linearity of a 40 gauge conductor.

Matthew Bond explains why this is possible. “In a conductor with a rectangular profile, there is a huge reduction of ‘flux-linkage’ or ‘coupling’ of electromagnetic lines of force. These lines of force are created as the signal (music) passes through any conductor.” Bond said further, “In a round conductor there is a large center that tends to roll-off or attenuate much more of the high frequency information … this does not happen in a Rectangular Solid Core® conductor”.

According to Matthew Bond, the new Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor is smaller than the current Gen 2 conductor used in most of TARA Labs’ audio cables. The Gen 2 conductor measures approximately 25 thousands of an inch wide and 12 thousands of an inch in height. Bond says that the Gen 3 conductor is about 66% of the size of the Gen 2 conductor, and that it is Super-Annealed™ to increase its conductivity.

Both the Gen 2 conductor and the smaller Gen 3 conductor are said to be Eight-Nines™ pure copper, which is 99.999999% pure. TARA Labs’ trademarks for this technology are 8N™ and SA-OF8N®. SA-OF8N means Super Annealed – Oxygen Free 8 Nines copper. According to Bond, the term ‘annealing’ refers to the method whereby a conductor can be made softer and more conductive.

TARA Labs is widely known as the leader in cable technology and audio cable design. They are based in Ashland, Oregon. All cables are hand-made in the USA.
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Hi Sts, Copper is all Tara labs needs when they have their own patent on a higher grade purity copper, The occ's best is six-nines copper that cannot be annealed, annealing is a proccess that Tara labs has a patent on, useing any other metal alloy of the likes of Gold or silver, Rhodium is NOT patent, any one can use what ever metal conductor they desire,although Tara labs makes their cables by hand, they have equipment that was designed for them that no one else has to make such a conductor as the Gen 2 and the new Gen 3 conductors, then there is the dielectrics that are patent in their new top cables that no one else has, Tara labs Gen 2 and Gen 3 is Eight-nines purity copper that is unsurpassed by the industry, why would Tara Labs need to use any other metal configuration for a conductor?, Tara Labs also has a coductor lay out configuration that is speced to be exact in the two top cables they have now, that alone is a feat unmatched in the industry to achieve, their is speciality equipment that is used for doing this configuration of the conductors before the cables are made by hand, if done correctly, copper is the best conductor for audio, an example of this is the FACT Furutech of Japan uses occ copper for their base metal of their top Recepticles, The GTX-D outlets, then they plate it with either Rhodium or Gold for different sound needs for any given system, However, Furutech is the only electrical outlet company in the world that uses copper for their base metal, The out come is that the Furutech GTX-D recepticles are known through out the audio community as the most liked for sound over all others, without the copper for the base metal, this feat could not be achieved, cheers.
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Sts, The occ copper is NOT what Tara labs uses!, They have Eight-Nines copper instead of the occ six-Nines copper, then their conductor is retangular that they do have a patent on, what I meant to say, was that tara labs has a patent on their annealing proccess of their conductors!, if you believe you are making some kind of point here, then why are the cables that are thousands of dollars Tara labs makes selling?, you are saying it's only copper, I proved that there is way more to this than you realize, If I listened to you, all I need is a fricken copper zip cord and I'm done, really?, you should not undermine such a superior cable as Tara labs to benefit yourself!, If you had any thing better to offer, well then everyone would buy what you have instead of Tara labs, If you like, send me your very best cable, and in turn I will pittt it against what I have for Tara labs cables that is NOT their very best, I will be honest and fourth coming of the review, if you cannot meet the challenge here, then why do you speak out of line?
Sts is the owner and designer of Gabriel Gold cables, I wanted all of you to know that here.
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sts, there is NOTHING misinformed here about Tara labs period!, the information is straight off their web-site, LOL!, now you are saying their own information is incorrect?, really?, scare off potential clients?, I'm NOT a dealer!, that has no bearing with me!, the information that is posted by me is brand new material!, I have not repeated what I have posted, However, I believe I will to make sure all reads the profound achievements made by Tara labs, instead of being burried by sinceless post you made to discredit their products!, everyone, read my 10-2-14 post of the new Tara labs Generation 3 conductors, Happy listening to all.
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@audiolabryinth. Damn wowww. They are swinging low at you. Good luck bro. Enjoy your cables and system. I wish you all the best.
Sts, I assure you I do not need anymore resolution in my system, I cannot imagine more resolution for my system, I have enough, I have rediscovered my entire huge cd collection with awe, I am very happy with my sound, thankyou, and have a good day.
I like my Tara Labs cables but the number of responses to this thread is ridiculous! Tara Labs should be proud to have Audiolabyrinth as their spokesperson. He deserves an award for keeping this thread alive.
Just for the record, pretty sure Acrolink formerly Acrotec sells 8N copper cable.
Thankyou so very much Tonykay, I take unbelievable shitt for doing this thread of Tara labs, I am so grateful for your response, thankyou from the bottom of my heart!
@tonykay. You are so right. It goes on and on. @audiolabryinth. Hey if tara labs gets you to your musical happy place then so be it. Enjoy it!!!!! Different things will get our different ears where we want to be. Your system is your system regardless of if someone else likes it.
Geoffkait, you may be correct, I was not aware that eight-nines copper was so wide spread, however, the implentation of the conductor and dielectrics is everything, other wise, how can tara Labs charge so much money for their cables?, there has to be more to this!, I know what I hear at my home, I appreciate what Tara labs brings to my life!
I cannot understand as to why the subject I posted did not have value, Instead I caught shitt for the post I got from Tara labs web-site!, concering the Tara labs generation 3 conductors, I thought I was bringing something to the table here for the public!, I did not know that the real world was this EVIL!
Hi calvinj, what have you decided to put together for your new system?, any ideas yet?
Just don't know yet. Hobby is expensive but the good stuff you can get sounds great
Just don't know yet. Hobby is expensive but the good stuff you can get sounds great
Don't know yet I will have some high fidelity stuff in it and I will build it based on that.
Once you are at 5-9's any claimed additional purity will have an vanishingly
Minute audible affect on signal integrity.
Crystal structure and boundary will impart a much greater affect on signal integrity http://www.neotechcable.com/technology.php

NEOTECH seem capable of marketing a high purity, rectangular , long crystal structure copper wire at less than $15 a meter .

"The unidirectional UP-OCC has no electric resistance and practically no crystal boundaries. Accordingly, it is able to transmit electrical signals faster, and with less distortion than ordinary OFC and silver wires. All of these features make the pure OCC copper and silver the state-of-the art conductor materials for the audiophile cable industry"
Thankyou calvinj, I look forward as always with your audio journey, I find it quite intresting, I have learned what you like and dislike for componets, keep me posted please.
Thankyou Tsushimal, That was a great read, I enjoy learning of the attempts of other cable company's out there to try to better the Tara labs Retangular conductors that are pure mono-crystal eight-nines super annealed, did you read my post 10-2-14 of the new Tara labs generation 3 conductors?,It's called, making since of generation 3 coductors, I get the info of Tara labs from their web-site are by E-mail from Tara labs, they send me answers to my questions about their cables, what do you use for cables?, do you mix, run a full loom?, there is many good brands out there, this is really all system dependent anyway, cheers.
Tboooe, Hi, Did you order your Furutech FTX-D outlets yet?, They should capitalize on the sound of your Tara labs, The two interconnect with HFX ground station you have.
Misternice, what do you have going on?, How does the Furutech outlets sound with your tara labs Onyx interconnect with HFX grounding station?