Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hey, you do not have to take my word, check out the thread, cable recomendations, look at what the op has said!, I am NOT alone, many audiophiles know what they hear, as it turns out, At the end of the day, look at what they own!
well then, you are saying you have heard 5 differnt top cables from other brands?, how would you know that?, you do not know if the owners of them super systems had the flagship cables from the brands they were useing, and even if they were 5 best of said brands, calvinj, that is skiming the water of whats possible out there!, Go and listen to many top brands over the next few years and tell me then what your thoughts are, when you get the exsperience that I have, I will take interest in what you say about a cable called high-fidelity, Frankly, I do not believe they are in the same conversation as Best available cables!, what I see here on audiogon is people selling all the High-fidelity cables for 60% to 80% loss from full retail price on the used market, that speaks volumes!
@audiolabyrinth. If some is letting you in their home where they have those kind systems. They are going to tell you what cables they have ah duh!!!!
As far as cables being discounted i bought tara labs on audigon 60% off I got them up for sale now for over 60% off. There are not that many high fidelity up for sale that are up sale and the ones that are people are trying to move up to the high fidelity ultimates and ultimate reference with money from the sale. Frankly I don't care if you don't believe they are in YOUR conversation for best cables. It amazes me that because something is getting more attention than tara labs that you attack it like the new pretty girl in school and the girls that are already at the school are jealous and don't like her. I'm done with all the comparison crap with all the folks here. This conversation truly tells me that a lot of people who post here think their cables give them a higher sense of self worth etc. They believe their systems give them prestige and status. That whole idea is a joke to me. I enjoy the music. I never once hear the detractors talk about what they hear. They don't talk about soundstage, treble, Mids, bass, dynamics, voices, prat, speed, transparency etc. I also never here them tell us that they are listening to music and what music they are listening to. I'm interested in the music and I guess I'm not like most of the folks who post on these forums. So I think I'm gonna post a lot less and talk to folks that are in it for the music. I'm not gonna talk to folks who have self confidence issues who get real sensitive about things. We are grown a** men arguing over scientific sound mumbo jumbo that I could care less about. How does it sound??? That's all that matters to me. I see why people have started to limit who they talk to because you can spend hours talking to people here who do not have anything actually to say about sound or music. How are you gonna tell me what I have heard and not heard??? I have guys that are 25 to 45 minutes away from me that I can visit and have visited that have mega buck systems with top of the line cables. I have been to one system in this area that contains $400,000 in equipment room treatments and top of the line cables etc. Honestly, in the Dallas area I never see the mega buck systems use tara labs in this area. So to me they are not in the listening rooms of those who can afford them. I know of at least 4 megabuck systems who have the best of high fidelity in them. When we have in person cable discussions. TARA LABS are not ever brought up. I know that hurts kieth. Lol. It will be ok. Put some ice on that knot and the swelling will go down. Lol. They were not being used on the top of the line yg acoustics, raidho, voxativs, dynaudio, legacy and vintage horn speakers that I have listened to. They are not being used by the custom systems I have heard. What have you heard the top of the line Tara Labs on by the way. Chirp chirp chirp chirp. Quiet. I have decided that I'm gonna limit my posts to folks who want to talk about the actual sound and music. So if you want to talk about that then fine. However, I'm not engaging with the cheerleader mentality. Mean girls. Lol. I'm prettier than Becky and I'm jealous so let's talk about her. Lol. So high school. Well I'm gonna be brutally honest as I close this post with you kieth. A whole group of guys that talked to you on your last thread decided that when audiogon took it down that they would post to you anymore. I can kinda see why now. I don't have anything against you kieth but i can see how they felt it was a waste of time. No music talk, no sound talk. Just putting tara labs up on a pedestal without talking about the sound instead of materials. Also you never talk about the music. From this point on I will discuss music and sound only not AUDIO JEWELRY and SCIENTFIC BABBLE. I think those conversations will probably not be you. I'm not attacking you kieth. It's just I don't see you saying much outside of TARA LABS is the president, king and chief of all cables. 3 years of posts and I have never seen you once say something else good about another cable. Oh once, wireworld eclipse 6 or 7. I have heard those and they are not that good. But anyway enjoy the music if you listen at all. I think I should post less with folks that do what you do. I want to find people who talk sound and music. Good luck kieth!!! Aka "Mr. TARA LABS"
@ "mr. Tara labs" one more thing. I know you will respond angrily because you are sensitive and my last post probably hurt your feelings and went deep into your cable insecurity. I anticipate a long, heated justifying your behavior response. It's ok kieth. I got my red everlast head gear on and I'm ready to take a punch but honestly. I'm gonna put my gloves down and walk away from this very small(ring)(thread) signing off.
@audiolabyrinth. If some is letting you in their home where they have those kind systems. They are going to tell you what cables they have ah duh!!!!
As far as cables being discounted i bought tara labs on audigon 60% off I got them up for sale now for over 60% off. There are not that many high fidelity up for sale that are up sale and the ones that are people are trying to move up to the high fidelity ultimates and ultimate reference with money from the sale. Frankly I don't care if you don't believe they are in YOUR conversation for best cables. It amazes me that because something is getting more attention than tara labs that you attack it like the new pretty girl in school and the girls that are already at the school are jealous and don't like her. I'm done with all the comparison crap with all the folks here. This conversation truly tells me that a lot of people who post here think their cables give them a higher sense of self worth etc. They believe their systems give them prestige and status. That whole idea is a joke to me. I enjoy the music. I never once hear the detractors talk about what they hear. They don't talk about soundstage, treble, Mids, bass, dynamics, voices, prat, speed, transparency etc. I also never here them tell us that they are listening to music and what music they are listening to. I'm interested in the music and I guess I'm not like most of the folks who post on these forums. So I think I'm gonna post a lot less and talk to folks that are in it for the music. I'm not gonna talk to folks who have self confidence issues who get real sensitive about things. We are grown a** men arguing over scientific sound mumbo jumbo that I could care less about. How does it sound??? That's all that matters to me. I see why people have started to limit who they talk to because you can spend hours talking to people here who do not have anything actually to say about sound or music. How are you gonna tell me what I have heard and not heard??? I have guys that are 25 to 45 minutes away from me that I can visit and have visited that have mega buck systems with top of the line cables. I have been to one system in this area that contains $400,000 in equipment room treatments and top of the line cables etc. Honestly, in the Dallas area I never see the mega buck systems use tara labs in this area. So to me they are not in the listening rooms of those who can afford them. I know of at least 4 megabuck systems who have the best of high fidelity in them. When we have in person cable discussions. TARA LABS are not ever brought up. I know that hurts kieth. Lol. It will be ok. Put some ice on that knot and the swelling will go down. Lol. They were not being used on the top of the line yg acoustics, raidho, voxativs, dynaudio, legacy and vintage horn speakers that I have listened to. They are not being used by the custom systems I have heard. What have you heard the top of the line Tara Labs on by the way. Chirp chirp chirp chirp. Quiet. I have decided that I'm gonna limit my posts to folks who want to talk about the actual sound and music. So if you want to talk about that then fine. However, I'm not engaging with the cheerleader mentality. Mean girls. Lol. I'm prettier than Becky and I'm jealous so let's talk about her. Lol. So high school. Well I'm gonna be brutally honest as I close this post with you kieth. A whole group of guys that talked to you on your last thread decided that when audiogon took it down that they would post to you anymore. I can kinda see why now. I don't have anything against you kieth but i can see how they felt it was a waste of time. No music talk, no sound talk. Just putting tara labs up on a pedestal without talking about the sound instead of materials. Also you never talk about the music. From this point on I will discuss music and sound only not AUDIO JEWELRY and SCIENTFIC BABBLE. I think those conversations will probably not be you. I'm not attacking you kieth. It's just I don't see you saying much outside of TARA LABS is the president, king and chief of all cables. 3 years of posts and I have never seen you once say something else good about another cable. Oh once, wireworld eclipse 6 or 7. I have heard those and they are not that good. But anyway enjoy the music if you listen at all. I think I should post less with folks that do what you do. I want to find people who talk sound and music. Good luck kieth!!! Aka "Mr. TARA LABS"
wow!, My honesty got you worked up!, In the big scheme of things, you live in texas, that is one state, in the world wide audiophile community, Tara labs is well known and loved for their sound!, the tara cables you are tring to sale is a 20 year old discontinued version of the one interconnect!, That is amazeing that it holds 60% of it's sugested retail price,I assure you I do not buy cables that cost as much as the Zero Gold and Omega Gold, Cobalt power cord with oyaide terminations for some kind of self worth, you kidding right?, I believe a woman will do for that!, Amen, says the brothers!, The status of owning anything fine and well made that significantly is better than most will give any one prstige and status, in this case, when they have never heard a better cable such as Tara labs,it will have that effect!,I tell you what, here is a internet address you can go to and get all worked up all over again, http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showthread.php?15272-Taralabs-grandmaster-evolution-new-top-of-the-line-cables-from-Taralabs&p=276898#post276898 Read that and you will know it really is a closed in world you live in to believe that Tara labs is not Talked about and known through out the world as some of the top available cables money can buy!, the part I really do not understand is the FACT you know nothing of the top tier Tara labs cables, you have never listened to any of them!
@audiolabyrinth. My point exactly. I don't know. THe way you talk about High fidelity I would think that you heard them all. I never say one is better than the other unlike YOU. Lol. Man you are funny. I don't know. I just said here in Texas they are not in the systems that I have heard. I never said they were not good or criticized them. I don't need the world to tell me something is good I judge for myself. Forget it you don't you don't get it. I'm not gonna let you ajitate me. Lol. Good luck. I'm not gonna bother anymore. Lol.
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Hi melbguy1, Good to see you, tired of explaining the reality of cables to someones who is in a closed in world with no cable exsperience!, I have a pair of vintage 1992 JBL L-7 speakers that do 30hz to 27khz, Bi-amp, 4-way, 68 inches tall, 12 inch inside fireing woofers speakers with special order Tara Labs Omega jumpers from bottom post to top speaker post,That are not on the Tara Labs web site, The speakers are 3ft from side walls, 3 ft from walls behind the speakers, 5 degrees toed in, essentially no toe in, but the 5 degrees made a profound difference, nearly 7ft apart!, these mated to the Tara labs Omega Gold speaker cables are one of the most profound speakers I have ever listened to!, oh, I rotate from time to time the poly crystal speaker footers and still points ss footers, I really took them all out currently, I found that the plith that comes stock under the speakers sound best, why, I cannot explain it?, my front end is a lovely sounding Vincent cd-s7 cd-player that does 24/192, it has a American vintage 6z4 recetifier tube in the power supply, then it has a 12au7 tube, and a 12ax7 tube inside the unit, David, this is my second vincent cd-s7 player, it sounds hugely better than the Ayon cd-2s player!, I run this unit direct to amp, I have incredible speed and transparency doing so, the vincent bested the bass in a krell brand new digital unit that was a little more money, The vincent is only $2,800.00,, I have been through 5 cd-players that costed alot more money, I would put this little unit up against any didgital $10,000.00 on down in a a/b shoot out!, a giant killer I must say, David, this unit conveys music emotional!, never listener fatigue!, just pure musical, you will like this, its a german player!, however, I believe it is made in china, but, this unit is the best, most reliable product I have seen that china has assembled, vincent has very strict building guidlines, you know how the germans are, perfectionist, David, I will soon be tube rolling, however, I am in no hurry, the 6z4 tube I will have to just get another one of them, there is no better tube for that application there, I have some exotic tubes picked out like the RCA 12BH7 Red Label or RCA 12BH7A Black plates for the 12Au7 tube placement, and likly Telefunken 12Ax7 tubes, However David, I only have one chinese tube in my player stock, the player has a Harmonix tube, and the 6z4 tube is vintage American tube, I am afraid to go down that tube rolling Rabbit hole!, meaning, I would be pissed off if I spent money and lost the perfect profound bass and incredible treble extentsion I already have, cheers.
Hi there,hope all is well.I thought best to let you know,after having the gtx on for a week,it does sound good right out of the box.And now the rhodium,the rhodium is the one to go for,imo.Its not bright or harsh sounding.Alot
better,(on my system).Im yet to have both going at the same time,to maximise each of there potential.The revelation audio labs precept is the best pc Ive owned on a cd player,keith.I have no doubt there is better,this one will do me.
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@melbguy1 that is interesting question. Even my vienna acoustics beethoven baby grands retail at 5500. Even used they sell 3500. But I don't know I have seen some cables that really do some great things. I wish I could hear the higher end tara labs just to see how they sound. The cable company doesn't send them out as demos anymore. I wonder why they are not. It would be interesting to hear the higher ups. I won't comment on them since I haven't heard anything past the ones.
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Gentleman, I assure you these JBL-L7 speaker will desamate most speakers in sound quality!, I do not care what anyone believes, I have modded these speakers with Tara labs Omega Jumpers that are not on the Tara Site , The vincent player destroyed the Ayon cd-2s player in sound quality as well,any of you are welcome to my home to listen for your self, I have nothing to hide, as a matter of fact, I would love to see your faces when you hear these speakers, amp, cd player, the result would be priceless to see your mouths hit the floor!, I have listened to many of the worlds finest over priced speakers, and this digital player is awsome direct to amp, I have litened to $10,000.00 and up players out there that plain riht out suck!
I am a High-end audio Builder like no one you have ever seen before, I do the things I do for many reasons that does not have anything to do with money, I am formost a believer that speakers are the most over priced componet in the high-end audio chain!, It is an incredible effort to find a speaker that is extreme resolving and balanced in tone with the world class Imageing that I demand, the perfect sound stage presatation, tall, wide, deep, and off axis!, I ALSO CANNOT STAND SPEAKERS THAT CANNOT BREATH THE MUSIC PROPERLY!, A speaker that is overly built has no emotion to the sound!, that is like playing a fine violin with 20 braces in it or made of metal, that sound is terrible!, I know what music souds like, I have been a pro musician for most of my 46 years here on Earth, so regarless of what you may believe, you need to listen to whats here!
I will also say, I do not believe Misternice has any tube equipment!, this is interesting that he says the Rhodium outlets sound better on his system, I will also note here that he is a proud owner of the discontinued Tara Labs Onyx interconnect with HFX ground station that is right under my Zero Gold in performance in the old Tara labs model line up, cheers.
Melbguy1, The JBL-L7 speakers in stock form retailed for$2,000.00 in 1992, that would put them in todays market alot higher of a retail price new!, I will also go ahead and shock you even further!, years ago, I had a pair of Cerwin vega PA speakers for the stage that was built for keyboards, they were the V-15E speakers, they were three way Horn loaded speakers that rolled off the treble at 16KHZ, a bullet horn, and a big mouth horn and a folded 15" woofer, guess what, most of the vocals come out of the 15" woofer, I had Krell Class A amp FPB 200 and Tara Labs Best cables at the time with 3 grounding stations on the interconnects!, two mono stations, and one stereo station, the speakers were 106 sensativity and did 40hz, Guess again? that system sounded better than the one I have now!, I had my own inventions for speaker stands, my own resonance tuning devices that I invented, and I modded the speakers with quality internal wireing,I also added gold plated 5-1 speaker post, I got laughed at on a regular bassis!, well, lets say I made money with that system taking from bets that it sounded better than their multi thousand dollar speakers and system!, what I am saying, never underestimate a system entirely to you hear it!
Hmmm judging something you never heard. I don't know who would do a fool thing like that. LOL.
Hi..I have a tube cd player and pre.Out of the box the rhodium has more bling and music coming out.it .It could be it takes longer to settled down or its a better match with my other rhodium bits and pieces. Ill put the gold recepticle in as well and try the pc in different positions. .But if I had to pick one or the other. ..it would be the rhodium. .I like what it does.I think you will have to try it just to know...do you think ?
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Hi,I thought this gtx thing,mite be a sore point.But I had to say my unbiased findings.Along with several other posts.The rhodium is the best,on many a stereo system.Its not forward,its bang on,more dynamic and a lot closer to where I want to be.cheers
congrats on the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium Misternice, I was under the assumption you had all solid state system, I stand corrected, I am sorry for the mix-up, so you have tube cd-player and pre-amp, ok,do you have the Rhodium outlet on your tube cd-player? cheers.
Melbguy1, Hi, do not leave, I enjoy your postings here, who cares that I have retail $45,000.00 cables on my system?, that is my bussiness, everything has been smooth untill you knew that I had some vintage JBL speakers and a German chinnesse made cd-player, this does not matter David, we go back along way and I enjoy talking to you, please forgive me if I said anything wrong, I am sorry if I frustrated you, I did not intend to, cheers.
Misternice,A very important question here, Do you have The Rhodium GTX-D on your tube cd-player?, I look forward to what you have to say about your impressions of the Gold GTX-D recepticle compaired to the Rhodium GTX-D on your system, thankyou Bob.
Hi,I have the amp plugged into one socket,and the voodoo power box plugged into the other.The cd player,pre are plugged into that.I will take out one of the voodoo recepticles,and install the gold gtx,and see how that goes as they are far superior.I will order another rhodium and install that into the power box aswell,as it can take two by two recepticles.My instincts tell me to have two rhodiums in the power box,but one step at a time.Who knows the gold my find a home there,it still is a very fine piece of audio kit.With the rhodium,I lost a lot of brightness,Im hoping to lose more when the power box gets a make over with gtx.
Interesting misternice, great feed back, please keep it coming, so you have not put a Rhodium GTX-D or Gold GTX-D on the tube cd-player to hear which one sounds best with that position?, can you do that test for me?
Calvinj, congrats on selling your Tara Labs, The one interconnect with chassis ground, $899.00 was a fair price for a discontinued 20 year old cable that does not sound as good as the 2014 Tara Labs The One with HFX grounding station or the ISM on Board version of The one, really, congrats are in full order, it is difficult to sale any thing these days!, cheers to you Calvin.
Hi,Ive put the gold gtx,in the power box.The cd player and pre are plugged into that.When another rhodium arrives,then I can do the a,b tests.At this stage its another big gain,with the rhodium at the wall and gold together.Ive got a smoother,fuller sound with detail,blacker back ground.Hence Im hearing a few things Ive never heard before.The next rhodium is on the way,then we'll see.Hope that's help full.
misternice, I know it may be a pain in the butt, but could you put the cd-player straight into the Rhodium and see what that sounds like then take the Rhodium out of the wall, and then put the Gold in and plug cd-player into the wall with the gold, you will get a A/B test like this, and I would be grateful of your trouble, and I will know for sure which one is best for tube digital so I can procceed with buying the one I need for my tube digital, thankyou.
+1..Misternice I would love to hear your opinions between the Gold and Rhodium.
Hi,to do that keith,I would have to take out the amp pc which sounds the best in the wall.I can tell you which ones sounds best,the rhodium,though I could be wrong.I guy on audiogon ,has just listed 3 for sale.Theres only one way to truly know.
I can put the amp pc in the voodoo box and do a a.b between the rhodihm and the rhodium gold combo..which is better than just the gold.Ill do it after work and let u know what the cd player does
Misternice, Thankyou for helping me and Tboooe, however, be careful, it's not wise to run a power amp into a power conditioner, your amp will either sound quirky, or get hot from starving from power if it is a high current amp of over 150 watts per channel, I look forward to what happens here, and your impressions, cheers.
Hi,its not a conditioner,its a power distributor,and it actually didn't sound too bad this time with the amp plugged in it.So I could give you a little insight.The cd player plugged into the rhodium,opened up some and I could see further into the recording.I could only have the gold,if it is like it is now,through the rhodium wall plug.The gold is too polite,and you give up speed and dynamics.This is only my point of view.I did try out the pre and the amp aswell, while I was at it.The box has a rhodium iec and I used the harmonix xdc2 pc,between the wall and box. ? what do you think ?
Pink Floyd release a new album on the 10 of November.I need some new music.This album should be interesting.
very Awsome indeed Misternice, I believe, on the most part, The Rhodium GTX-D on tube digital is It from your very useful feed back, I already have the best speed and slam I have had on any system that I have ever owned, so to keep that, and not to add a sound that will change my sound, The Rhodium would be good for that position, what was your impressions on the solid state amp between the Gold and Rhodium?, Bob, whatever is your best sounding, biggest gauge for conductors power cable should go on the wall to power distributor, a power cord in this position carries the biggest burden of most componets, so if the Harmonix xdc2 fits that description, then you have what you need there, look forward to more, you are doing a fine job!, Happy Listening.
Hi..there was no comparison. .the biggest gains were the plinus and rhodium.The amp and gold gtx even on the wall were average at best.
Misternice, so you are saying that in your best opinion, The Furutech GTX-D Rhodium sounds best on each piece of equipment over the Furutech GTX-D Gold?
Yes,at this stage anyway.Maybe each one,takes a lot longer,maybe more than the other to burn in.After two weeks,rhodium is still superior.Im sure others feel the same.Other posts certainly think so.
Sabai was onto it.They were too busy arguing,I sort of lost interest,in what they were saying.Im the sort of person who has to find out for himself,so not a problem.The next person,could have a different opinion.Im looking forward to the other rhodium arriving.
very nice Bob, job well done, you have been a huge help to me, though I may have brought the whole idea up on this thread of the Furutech GTX-D Recepticles, you concluded what sounds best to you, and I trust your ears!, we have been talking here for a long time, many come and go, but you are there, Thankyou, so if you are out there Tboooe, read Bob's- Misternice's conclusions of the GTX-D outlets, I look forward to your other Rhodium to Bob, we can now see if more than one is to much, or better?, cheers.
Thank you Misternice! I was leaning towards getting Rhodium anyway and your findings helps to push me over the edge! I will placing my order soon.

Glad to hear you're getting good results with the rhodium. I suspect this will be the case for many people.
Hi Sabai, welcome back to the thread, seems the Rhodium works for misternice, I trust what he hears, I am going to get a Rhodium for my tube digital, Sabai, Do you think the Rhodium will be a good fit over the Gold for my Krell 700cx?, Misternice preferred the Rhodium on his solid state amp too,BTW, can tell us about your system?, that would be a very good read, How long have you been doing audio?, I want everyone here to get to know you and discuss audio with you, thankyou.
I was under the impression that this thread was created in order to discuss the relative merits or otherwise of TARA LABS CABLES?

@Audiolabyrinth, Your stratergium to keep this thread, ergo Tara Labs marketing, at No1 slot, may appear effective, however this, together with your Zealot like spamming, both here and on the HiFidelity thread has actually turned me away from any interest that I may have held in auditioning Tara Labs as a potential candidate for my intended speaker and XLR cable move.
Perhaps an unexpected side affect that you might like to consider!
This thread started out about Tara Labs Cables....That has long passed. What should we call it now?
This is the Peoples thread!, I have said that months ago, However, I will be inputting some info about Tara labs new offerings here soon, now that the small bunch of us has concluded the investagation of the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold, to be honest here,other than Tara labs information, we do not bother with, oh, you must stay on topic, really, get out of here, that is for snobs!, any one can talk about what they want to here, this is the internet!, free to speach, everyone knows if they have questions on any Tara labs cables to come here and ask me!, I am glad to share all that I know, other than pricing, that is between you and Tara labs, and Tara Labs Dealers, if you want to see real buzz about Tara labs new cables, just go to whats best forum site, and Audioshark forum site, the shark site owner himself is getting the new Tara labs Grandmaster Evolution cables, he knows there is no better cable system available!
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