Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Alright guys I played the Cascade file another 11 hours and continue to hear improvements especially in extension of highs and overall decay of notes. I will play the file for a few more days.
Tboooe, wow!, I have not down loaded the Tara labs cascade Burn-in file my self, after reading your exsperience here, I will get it down loaded in the next couple of days for sure, thankyou Tommy for reporting your impressions.
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Good call Melbguy1...I've been running the TL burn in for about 40 hours now. I've been listening to my system every 10 hours or so and as expected the most dramatic improvement occurred initially (10 hours) though I continue to hear little improvements. I imagine after 50-60 hours I think I should be done, though I will admit I do not have golden ears so I cant hear every little nuance or change.
Melbguy1, are you leaving us?, Holidays?, do mean vacation?, How long will you be gone?, make sure you come back here when you get back, I have enjoyed your company, cheers.
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Melbguy1, The brand new Tara Labs Evolution Zero interconnect and Evolution Omega speaker cables will be in the october issue of Stereophile audio magazine, Enjoy your vacation david, get back to us here when you get back, your friend, Keith.
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LOL!, kudos, The opposite, you would be up all night re-discovering your recordings, Ha, Ha., on another note, I cannot understand as to why Tara labs has not posted their New power cords on their web-site yet?, The new Reference Cobalt power cord, The New Omega Power cord, The new Grandmaster power cord, I have known about these for a couple of months, then again, I knew of the New interconnects and speaker cables for a year before their introduction to the public!, cheers.
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what a great post melbguy1, you hit it on the nail head for sure!, cheers to you david.
@audiolabyritnth. Look at the other thread. Enjoy Tara Labs!!! Remember Tara labs are fine with me. Happy listening my friend.
Hi Calvinj, I seen that, since you are an attorney, you should know that a Tara Labs The one with grounding scheme only, not a HFX version or a ISM on board is not a realistic comparison, since Tara labs has not made that affordable, least performing version of what you owned, The one with grounding scheme, since the late 90s, that is like comparing a new BMW car to a old Toyota camry car, I hope you understand, To me, your comparison of High-fidelity cables to Tara labs has no meaning, you never owned an adequete current model of any Tara labs cables, cheers.
@ I have owned the 2 with ism on board kieth. Now take that!!! I sold it. Lol.
calvinj, you do not need to get frustrated, The two with Ism on board is a good cable, however, There is NOTHING that High- Fidelity cables makes that even come close to the performance of the legendary Zero Gold interconnects and Omega Gold speaker cables, cobalt power cord that I am listening to at this very moment, It is the most natural sound on MY system I have EVER heard in my life, bar none!, and YES, I have listened to the high-fidelity cables, just another flavor of the month with NO significant meaning behind them!, Imagine, Tara Labs also has two new models of cables above mine, I suggest you read Michael freamer's review of the new second from the top Tara Labs Evolution Zero interconnects and Matching Evolution Omega speaker cables coming in the october issue of Stereophile magazine, Guess the conclusion of the review?
A'lab, What kind of tale are you spinning? I have the October Stereophile in front of me and I don't see anything close to what you say. Maybe I have the JV printing for non-believers??
If I made a mistake, and the review does not come out in stereophile untill november, so be it, however, it's stereophile themselfs that told me the review would be in the october issue, maybe you should look more closly into the magazine?, The good news is, tara labs themselfs told me the review is coming in stereophile, so, just wait and check it out, I'm sure it will not be long!, and another thing here is you need to learn respect on how you talk to someone, and the fact I do not know you is even worse!
@audiolabyrinth. I'm never upset with you kieth. My cables keep me in a happy place.
Alright I played the Tara burn in track for over 75 hours. And yes they made an improvement to my system. Improvements were mainly in decay of notes and more detail in the midrange.

Can someone pls explain to me why a burn in track can make changes to a system?
Hi Tboooe, I often wondered about that myself, my only explaination would be that the burn-in disc has a wider frequency response in all directions of the sound, where most music is limited, an example of this is that most rock music only goes down to 40hz, that is the bass guitar and kick drum on a drum set.
Melbguy1, any feed back on the furutech GTX-D Gold you care to share yet?, do you believe it needs more time?
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I totally agree with Melbguy1 regarding power and its importance to music. I am not sure I agree its higher than room treatments but certainly it is important. Right now the foundation of my electrical system is the PS Audio P3 AC Regenerator. Added that to my system improved the sound dramatically in every regard. Next I would love to run some dedicated lines and optimize my grounding.

And Audiolab I have not purchased the outlets yet. Just too busy right now but I will get around to it.
Tboooe, I still have not purchased my outlets either, I am though!, yes, I have heard many good things about the ps audio power regenerators, I know an exteme amount about electrical dedicated lines and grounding, so, tell me, what are you going to do to optimize your grounding?
melbguy1, that is what I have been told, 100 hrs for a cooked furutech GTX-D to settle in the system, after much research, I do not believe I will go with Rhodium, I do not believe a forward presatation is in the real!, cheers.
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Melbguy1, what is equipotential grounding?, what is virtual grounding?, I know many different gounding schemes, just not the big facy words, my idea of the perfect circuit is illegal here, a dedicated ground for each outlet period, I have done this before, It is in my opinion, the very best that can be done for SQ, cheers.
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I totally agree with Melbguy1 regarding power and its importance to music. I am not sure I agree its higher than room treatments but certainly it is important. Right now the foundation of my electrical system is the PS Audio P3 AC Regenerator. Added that to my system improved the sound dramatically in every regard. Next I would love to run some dedicated lines and optimize my grounding.

And Audiolab I have not purchased the outlets yet. Just too busy right now but I will get around to it.
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well fellow members, as it turns out the Review did NOT come in the october issue of Stereophile of the New Tara labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega cables, However, It will be in November, no later than December 2014!!, I only passed along what Stereophile had told me, I suppose when the review came out it must of got changed the last minute, since recommended componets come out in this issue, cheers.
I have the Tara Labs Zero Gold and Omega Gold that had an 18 year run as best available, no other audio item in History of audio has ever had a run such as this!, now, The order of pecking for my cable is as follows, The Tara labs Grandmaster Evolution as#1, The Tara Labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega as #2, The wireworld Reference Eclipse 7 cable system as #3, The Tara labs Zero Gold and Omega Gold as #4, then The Nordost Odin cable system as #5, I am proud to have a cable in the top five world class cables!
system dependency may vary for the Zero gold-Omega Gold and the Nordost Odin cables, on some systems, the Zero gold and Omega Gold is better, and On some systems The Nordost Odin is better, so the order of #4 or #5 will go back and fourth!, cheers.
calvinj,I am not sure that the wireworld Eclipse 7 cable system would be better on my system than what I have here, since I built my system around my cables, system dependency would come into play, However, The new Tara Labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega and Evolution Grandmaster is clearly a no comprimise cable system that was designed to better what I have!
The Tara Labs Omega Gold speaker cables are the warmest with most resolution musical speakers cables I have ever heard on my system, they have incredible Natural dynamic contrast to the sound, very vivid images of all instruments, layered, and seperated within space with a very deep sound stage, the Tara labs will never give you listener fatigue, or never sound cold, analitical, or steril by NO means!, An incredible speaker cable that deserves all the acclaim that is has garnished world wide, It is extremely rare for a product to live up to all the reviews, awards, etc..., This, is one of the only products I have listened to that fits the bill of all the Rave reviews and positive comments by users about it, I am impressed with the Tara laabs Omega Gold speaker cables!, Defiantly one of Tara labs greatest cables ever built., cheers.
@audiolabyrinth. I tried the wireworld eclipse 7 system. I was not impressed. I had it for a couple of months on a demo. It was just average. I can't speak on the higher level tara labs because I have not experienced those.
I really did not believe the paid review on the wireworld eclipse 7 either!, I am listening to an analog recorded cd called Fire house, an old early 90s pop Rock band, It is startling the SLAM this krell modded 700cx has with the Omega Gold speaker cables and Zero gold with HFX ground station, and Cobalt power cord, Bass that is so defined,extremely deep, and Real, I feel like I am Rocking a concert!, every nuance, every cymbol, everything is over the top, I can not even imagine Tara Labs has two cables better than this NOW!, and three power cords better than what is here too, I am having Happy Listening!
calvinj, I have a question here about High-fidelity cables, why is it that they are NOT at any audio shows u.s. or world wide?, I have scanned the participates boards of up coming shows, and High-fidelity is NOT there, why is that?, why no stereophile Review or The Absolute Sound Reviews either?, I do not get it, if this cable is so profound, how come stereophile and The Absolute Sound has not deemed them best available, or even reviewed them?, they have been circulated long enough to be in the thick of it all!
@audiolabryinth. Who knows. This business is more than just performance. Politics can be at play. I don't know. I guess I take all reviews with a grain of salt. I don't look for them to rate what I hear. You have to follow your own ears. Lol. You oughta know that by now. I love those magazines. However, I have bought things that they said were good and at times sounded like crap. It is what it is. This cable is fairly new. 5 years is a short time for a company like this one. I'm through with comparisons. If it works for me I don't care what they say.
@audiolabryinth. Just got a question. Why do you have this anti high fidelity obsession. I don't obsess over tara labs. I'm happy that they work for you. It's not a competition. I know some of the guys on that thread pushed your click button but you have to be comfortable in your cable of choice and your own opinion. Man enjoy your cables. I will enjoy mine. It's cool. I think they people get upset with you because you tara labs to the end of the earth and you put down all the other stuff and everything comes back to tara labs. I'm not offending you kieth. So don't go getting your blood pressure up.
It's ok calvinj, I support Tara labs because I have never listened to a better cable any where!, I have been to half the united States of America in search of the Best cables and audio, most I cannot afford, some I cannot afford but Buy over time with payments, It would be very cool if we could find a way for you to hear just my cables!, I do like you calvinj, However, The only exspensive cables you have ever owned or listened to is the High-fidelity cables!, man, I have listened to the best from Nordost, Tara Labs,Purist Audio,MIT, Transparent,Audioquest,Kimber cable,Siltech,Cardas,XLO,Synergistic Research, some High-fidelity cables, etc.. just to name a few off the top of my head, I have listened to more than whats listed here, going all the way back to the mid 80s to now, I admit, there are some very good cables out there, Tara labs stands out more than any other cable, one of many traits Tara labs has that is a signature in their sound is the most defined articulate full bass you will ever hear when you get to their top cables, Tara labs extended resolution from top to bottom is just pure incredible, and you never get listener fatigue which goes along way in my quest for audio, I do not have a anti high-fidelity cable obsession, I have a anti Obsession to people who have not heard any cable that is top models from other cable Brands and deem High-fidelty the best!, That is about as meaningless as compairing Rotel to Dan D Agostino Master Audio Systems!
@audiolabryinth. Well that's wrong I have heard the best of other cable brands. I've heard 5 systems above 200k in cost with different cable brands. Once again there you go. I have had a 85k demo system inside of my home for an extended period. There you go. You are tara labs funny. I guess. Check my threads. I went on a listening tour. I've had great equipment in my home. Whatever man.