Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

This is 3/4" of wire, in the mains supply! And I can't believe the increased depth of soundstage these SR black fuses are throwing. I just listened through to Massive Attack's third album Mezzanine and what immediately sticks me is just how well my kit is sorting out all the textures and detail. There is both acoustic and electronica elements so tightly layered into this recording and it can be rather difficult to sort it all out and present it with analog warmth. Yet, in these early burn
-in hours, these fuses are already proving to pay for themselves. Bravo!
Audiolover ...

Excellent choice on the SR Black power cords I have about 100 hours on my level three SR Atmosphere PCs. The 3-D effects I'm getting from the addition of the cords is really, really good. These cords create an uncanny aura of silence from the system ... and that allows one to hear deeper into the sound stage in a very natural way. I know that the SR Black PCs,  according to SR's Facebook page, has the same effect in lowering the noise floor. Your going to be very happy with your purchase. 

By the way, it would be interesting to see your results from the PCs, from initial installation to total break-in posted in the SR PC thread that I started in the "cable" forum.

Happy listening ... 

Congratulations on your upgrade. I am convinced you are going to hear your Sony really open up in the best possible way. Going from Furutech to Synergistic Research "Black" fuses will be a positive major change.

Plug in those power cords and give them 150 hours to break in!
No fair peaking. Hard to resist though!

David Pritchard
Slippery slope......

I can't believe what I have just done. I just became one of the first owners of the black cords. Ordered 2.  One for CD player and one for preamp.  With the free fuse offer, I ordered two for my scd-5400es. One for the digital transformer and one for the analogue transformer. They will replace the furutechs that currently reside in there. As well, a black fuse will be replacing the red fuse in the preamp. 

I am a bad man. 

^^^ Yep, just about right r_f_sayles ...

The Black fuses reveal their promise right from the initial installation. You are most likely noticing a hard edge to peaks, strings and higher pitched instruments like flutes. In addition, the music just doesn't seem that involving at first either. As they burned in in my system, the fuses just seemed to open up from one listening session to another. At that point all settles in and the improvement from just a fuse swap is quite an ear opening. 

Please post your results as your two fuses break in. Thanks ...

The SR black fuses (2) just went in the kit cold from the post box, about 30 minutes warm up, and I que up the first record, Susanne Vega Close-up vol.1. Between the fingering of the guitar, the bass line, and her breathy voice all are more vivid (than with the stock rat shack fuses), no question.

She may present a bit raspy and not quite as ethereal, or liquid, the performance at times may sound a tad confused, which should resolve over time. Now I haven't tried flipping the fuse orientation yet though, so we'll see about that. I look forward to these, very much, after adequate burn-in time.

Fortunately my preamp and phonostage are hybrids and though the signal path is tube driven, the power supplies are SS and basically never get turned off, so the fuses will see current without a need to run the tubes (or my ears) for their entire break-in period.

Does this sound about right on first blush gentlemen?
Always check with manufacturer! My equipment is not under warranty so I do not worry about that possible issue . Having said that, If I screw up my equipment- I am the one to pay the bill. I believe that the Synergistic Research fuses are safer than the 10 cent fuses. My systems now have a total of 22 SR-Black fuses.

David Pritchard
Can changing fuses have an effect on warranties?  Sorry if this was mentioned already. Thread's kinda long to search.

"If you Buy the new black PC you receive a SR Black fuse for free.Same for the Red. Nice Deal."

SR sure knows how to up the ante. If I was not happy with the power cords I already own, I sure would be tempted...

I have had "designer" fuses in my equipment for many years, starting with HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses in my Primaluna tube monos. I ultimately ditched the HiFi Tuning for the SR Reds in my amps and never looked back. Reds also went into my Bel Canto DAC/Pre and my Bryston BDP-2. The results were stunning, especially in the BDP-2 which, in my system, had a kind of range-y bass (ethereal--and not in a good way). In January I was able to upgrade the Reds in the Bryston to Blacks within the 30 day trial period--just lucky since I didn't know the Blacks were coming out. Today I received a Black to swap tor the Red in The Bel Canto. This is already making great sound, though my own experience tells me that they will come in and out of focus and tonal balance for at least 150 hours.

Everything the Reds do the Blacks simply do better. As enumerated by many others on this thread, the Blacks produce an even lower noise floor, better delineated images within the soundstage, better 3-D dimensionality, better defined and more extended bass and, something not often mentioned but very apparent to me, is that instrumental textures are so much better resolved. Particularly bowed-bass and other strings, reeds, horns, male and female vocals, even Hammond B-3.

I have really enjoyed following this thread... 
I heard it at this years Rocky Mountain Audiofest and was impressed. The Synergistic Research Facebook page has a good description of what it does.

David Pritchard
anyone try the SR Black Box....some good reviews by stereo times and positive feedback......not sure how a low frequency resonator array fixes room bass issues but is intriguing albeit $1,999!!!

If you Buy the new black PC you receive a SR Black fuse for free.

Same for the Red

Nice Deal.

A reminder to all satisfied "Black" and "Red" fuse users. These fuses help the TV systems also. I put a "Black" fuse in a ZVOX sound base that sits under the TV and it definitely was worth the effort. Movie dialog and music were improved. Increased clarity.

David Pritchard
What a listening session I had tonight. All fuses are broken in ... and the SR Atmosphere PCs are really getting there as well. I keep saying it ... but here it is again: I never in my wildest imagination could ever imagine that I would have an audio system that portrays such realism. It just keeps getting better with each session. Uncannily lifelike. 

CD of merit from tonight's session:  Kevin Mahogany "My Romance." 

Here is a big, chesty, Black, soulful ballad singer whose voice appeared before me and filled the room like a big, fat, juicy tenor saxophone. Such clarity. Such beauty. So much soul. Such an emotional connection with the performer and his music.  If you haven't heard Kevin Mahogany, you need to get this CD. Its a masterful work of soulful impressions of the Great American Song Book. This is what you'd be looking for:

Hurry! Its only $1.95 plus shipping. 

Take care ...
fourwnds ...

Thanks. Glad you took the plunge on the fuses. The first RED fuse I bought, with much skepticism I might add, was such an astounding upgrade and improvement in my system that I just couldn't keep quiet about them.  I was kinda like a new born again Christian ... I just had to spread the good news.  :-)

And that gets me to aolmrd's post. Its just simple economics where price reflects value. Look how many folks on this one site, and internationally as well, have been willing to part with a certain amount of dollars for the fuses ... and also consider that SR is willing to part with the fuses for X amount of dollars in return. Both parties are walking away from the table feeling as though they got a fair shake. As long as SR is selling the fuses for X price, and as long as the consumer is willing to part with X amount of their dollars to obtain the fuses, why in the world would SR consider selling them for less? Like most businesses I know, SR is in it to make a profit. And in SR's case, we have to admit, they do a wonderful job of churning their profit dollars back into R&D to come up with even more great products ... at affordable prices. A good example is the new Red and Black PC's. Its a happy and profitable collusion ...  we get what we want from SR ... and SR gets what they want from us. 
OregonPapa, I almost feel obligated, as I'm so stoked, to say thanks for starting this thread as well as everyone else who have shared their enthusiasm. I would have never considered spending so much on a fuse if it weren't for your guys willingness to call it like you hear it. As illogical as the prospects for improvement seemed with the return policy there was no reason not to try it for myself. Bottom line, I've spent far more for far far less. I went from a RadioShack to the Black. Back to the music. No need to think about that phono stage upgrade anymore for anyone that might recall my semi-recent thread. 

Both the red and black fuse are a huge value in regard to what they provide the user.
I am giving thought to the less expensive power cables. 
I view it this way, the fuses deliver excellent performance for their cost, that's the bottom line.
Given that fact, you could say the power cables are a fabulous value if their impact on performance is proportion to the SR fuses. What matters to me is sound quality performance gain per dollar spent.
Hi aolmrd1241, I have to totally agree with your analogy  of your post,  +1 !!
It leaves me to wonder why a fuse [at 3/4 inches long!!!] that sells for $120.00 and a power cord that sells for $499.00 [at five feet long!!!] using the same materials and processes can be justified in SR's pricing scheme (And yes,I know its their call). I would think that a power cord using a substantial amount more materials and labor versus the minimal amount needed in the construction of a single fuse would validate a much lower fuse/price point cost ratio than the math indicates.

I am not dising  the merits of the fuses in question,just the huge disparity between the materials/cost needed in the construction of both products....8^O
audiolover ... 

Why not be the first one to audition a new SR  "Black PC?  I have four of SR's level 3 Atmosphere PC's in the system now and can tell you that they are fantastic. The realism in the system at this point is uncanny. The new "Red" and "Black" PCs reportedly do much the same for a LOT less money. I believe the "Red" PCs start at $299. 

This is from SR's facebook page:

" Introducing NEW RED and BLACK UEF AC Power Cords from Synergistic Research. 

UEF RED and BLACK power cords feature the same UEF technology and sonic characteristics as our award winning Red and Black Fuses but on STEROIDS. Think about it. SR fuses are tiny and yet unbelievably powerful given their small size. Now imagine that exact same UEF Technology and materials applied to power cords 5 feet long! These new cords are flexible, affordable, and capable of delivering high current on demand while out performing power cords that cost thousands of dollars.

SR UEF RED Power Cords feature 12 gauge conductors that are treated with a proprietary conditioning process and then Quantum Tunneled with 2,000,000 volts of electricity just like our RED Fuses.

SR UEF BLACK Power Cords feature 12 and 10 gauge conductors that are treated with the same conditioning and Quantum Tunneling process as our RED fuses and feature UEF Sheilding and Graphene, just like our new BLACK Fuses.

If you like the amazing sound staging, low noise floor and musical realism of SR RED and BLACK fuses you will love these new state-of-the-art power cords that offer performance that exceeds reference power cords costing thousands of dollars.

SR RED AC Cords $299 5ft Global MSRP
SR BLACK AC Cords 12 gauge $399 5ft Global MSRP
SR BLACK AC Cords 10 gauge $499 5ft Global MSRP"
Someone pm me if they know where to get the sr-black's at a great savings,  I'm looking at  $520.00 retail otherwise, I have to have 4 of them if I  decide between these and the audio magic beeswax fuses. 
Oregonpapa, exciting news! I hope the black pc comes in 20 amp! I wouldn't mind one my power amp. Anyone here going to audition one?
Black quantum fuses are in my Lamm reference system ,wadia transport and wadia dac. Great sound!Big improvement!
I need 0,125mA large slow bow rail fuses
Tonight's CD of merit ... Ike Quebec "Ballads."   Big, fat, in the room tenor sax accompanied by a Hammond B-3.  So relaxed. So beautiful.

These SR fuses are allowing the music to flow in a relaxed manner just like the relaxed manner of live music. Its always struck me when listening to live orchestral music that no matter how loud the peaks are, it still remains relaxed sounding. There's no "cringe factor." My system is like that now thanks to the technology in these SR Black fuses. Quite remarkable.  
Mid40sguy ...

Nice!  Now you know what we've been raving about. Welcome home. :-)
Electroslacker ...

I tried flipping the Black fuse in the line stage last  night. I had it right the first time. When it was in the "wrong" way, the system sounded as though it was out of phase. Put back in the opposite way and everything just locked in again and was wonderful. 
Not to be tedious, but a lot of equipment has cartridge fuse holders that push in on the back of the unit, then turn to lock.  Has anyone flipped an SR Black in such a cartridge, and if so, did you think it sounded better with the writing on the fuse reading towards the back of the unit, or towards the front of the unit?  That is, if I'm pushing the fuse in with my thumb, is SR reading towards my thumb, or the other way? Thanks for your patience.

In all my components with rear fuse holders, rear to front direction.
Not to be tedious, but a lot of equipment has cartridge fuse holders that push in on the back of the unit, then turn to lock.  Has anyone flipped an SR Black in such a cartridge, and if so, did you think it sounded better with the writing on the fuse reading towards the back of the unit, or towards the front of the unit?  That is, if I'm pushing the fuse in with my thumb, is SR reading towards my thumb, or the other way? Thanks for your patience.

Glad you put ego aside and tried the fuse both ways. The fuse direction is proof that one should not let the laws of physics formulated in the 18th and 19th centuries be our only guide to sonic improvements.

Spent a couple of hours googling "Graphene". Interesting stuff. Hard to make in big sheets but easy to make in little flakes . There is graphene on or in the BLACK fuse. I am sure we will see adhesive dots of graphene to place on various components soon. Maybe a new type of WA Quantum Chip coming.

I think your fuse will now gently improve over the next three or so days.

David Pritchard
I shared with everyone after installing a BLACK into a Modwright 9.9 powersupply not much happened. Many here suggested I rotate it 180 deg. I did that tonight. Stunning, huge awesome value!
How can a fuse be so significant? How in the heck should it matter the direction of a silly fuse? 
Stupid hobby, I love it.
^^^  Audiolover ...

Isn't it amazing how much information we keep unraveling from our music collection? I made a comment awhile back in this thread about the sound of the piano. After installing the Black fuses, I could actually hear the piano make its presence. Not the notes ... but the wood, the creaking, the movement of the player on the bench, etc.  

On the power cords ... I'm using SR's Atmosphere level 3's in my all ARC system at this point. Simply amazing PC's.  You may be interested in that SR has just released a "Red" PC and a "Black" PC. From what I understand, they offer a LOT of what the level 3 Atmosphere cords do ... for a lot less money. You might want to check them out. Same technology as the Red and Black fuses.  Check out SR's new PCs on their facebook page. 

Update time guys-

oh my...... After a week of break-in the sound has improved tremendously. I have staggering resolution and transparency.  I haven't listened to the system critically for a few days, allowing it to cook meanwhile.  Listening to Mingus is an aural delight.  You can hear all the "Oh yeah's" and "know what I know's with such a clarity. I've never heard such transparency from my system. Mind you the arc electronics still have stock power cords. Time to upgrade the red to black in the pre. its truly a new birth of sound. Never knew my quasi ribbons had so much to give!  Awesome.  Too bad I have to go to work.  

The article you linked to must have been written prior to the discovery that wire is directional. Or that it is exposed to the deleterious effects of vibration, RFI and magnetic fields.

Hi Audiolabyrinth:

Absolutely a used market for these premier fuses depending on the values would be my guess.


Thank you Charles, look forward to traveling the path that you guys have been point on for some time now. I’ll be happy to offer some impressions as soon as they arrive.

I will buckle in for the long drive oregonpappa, thanks for an eta. As with all journeys, beyond the ride, it’s nice to know that the destination is totally worthy of it.

David, sounds good, thank you for your thoughts on the power amp fuse upgrade positioning. How do you like your Zana Deux OTL, need I ask? I’ve always admired the Moth designs and what Eddie has gone on to do.

Happy Listening!

Although you do not have fuses, Installing the Synergistic Research Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT) in your CD player may result in a major improvement in sound. I have them in both my SACD players and they are effective. Same return policy as the fuses and removable if you sell your player. The fuses + ECT's in a cd player is very nice.


Three screws in back secure the lid. After removal the lid slides back about 3/4 inch and then lifts straight up and off. You will have to use a thin Blade screwdriver to get the lid to slide back. There are 7 fuses in your player. I have replaced all  7 - great improvement. But you will get a significant effect replacing just the main power fuse. I suggest using a 3 amp small slo- blo BLACK fuse instead of the original 2.5 amp fuse. Fun to look inside that player. I like mine !!


I would suggest replacing only the 5 amp fuse at the IEC inlet. On my OTL Eddie Current Zana Deux headphone amp this made a nice improvement.

David Pritchard
Here’s the AH site:

Regarding the sound of the AH Platinum Ref fuse... it may be a bit warmer and richer than the stock fuse... and... maybe a bit less clear in the upper mids and highs than the stock fuse - difficult to tell since the differences are so subtle.  Sort of like the difference in the sound between silver interconnects and copper ones.  
Post removed 
Post removed 
Hi gwalt,  thankyou for your response,  I understand your logic,  that said,  I wonder if there is a market for used fuses if I was to experiment with the best mentioned on this thread? 
sayles ...

Just remember to have patients. 79-150 hours for the break in. Until that happens, you'll be looking for more. Then ... Walla!
Well welcome back to audiogon  r_f_sayles
I like your approach of beginning with your upstream components I look forward to your comments as your Black fuses burn in.
Ok you guys, this thread has finally done it...

Just ordered a pair of SR BLACK fuses for my pre and phonostage.

I’ll have to pace myself as my Atma-Sphere MA-1 OTL Silver mono blocks take three fuses each (780 USD Ouch!). Next to IEC, the Output section B+ is 5 Amp slow-blow, the middle fuse is the filament fuse (warmers?) and is 5 Amp slow-blow, the third services the driver circuit and is .5 Amp slow-blow. I see no need to upgrade fuse the filament circuits, but the B+ output and the drivers, perhaps. Could anyone comment on if you feel my logic is sound here, this is getting pricey???

I'm confident at this point that I will have all of you to thank when this is said and done and burned-in. It's nice to be back on A'gon!

Happy Listening!
I would like to try these fuses in my sa11 s2.  I cannot get the lid off.  Is there a trick to do it.  Which fuses should I replace?  I think there are six inside


To answer your soundstage question from above I would say the soundstage expanded only by the notable affect of the blackness so you could see into it much further with the Beeswax and the instruments and voices sounded off with naturalness and body. If I were in your shoes it might be tempting to try the AH and the Black with return policy if you had to have 4 fuses. Even then it would be tough because I believe it takes 150 minimum on any of these to settle so you need to find a component with one fuse to get a better handle. I will echo with Charles post above on all of this being tricky and it is no different than cable shopping but in the end many fewer choices. If you could find one component or had a friend with a one fuse component it would help as the decision is ultimately yours.

I would never load up my system with all one fuse just because I like the first one therefore I am trying the second one in my second component. In my case, I really have only have 4 fuses total to load into components so I have that in my favor. If the second Beeswax works the same then it will likely be game over but I just want to get it the way I like and be done so my experimenting will be a while. Unfortunately, this is a slow method taking patience but being picky has paid off for me. The Beeswax takes 3-4 weeks but rewarded me dearly.

In the end, to each his own, but please don't ever think that one fuse fits all because it simply is not true as in my case but I will agree for certain you need to fine tune with these after market fuses as they just allow a quieter flow of energy but each have their qualities which is for you to decide. The Beeswax should be on your list to try.

gwalt (Gary)


Hi Charles,  I agree with your post to me,  really,  all of the post here is a basis to get my interest,  everyone's equipment is different than mine here, I only have two component's in my current system until I assemble a second system within the next two years,  as I said,  my digital front end apparently does not have any glass fuses that I see, I  will up-grade my digital in the future,  however,  the Vincent cd-s7 is so good,  it's a keeper for atleast a second system,  this player was to my liking over a much costlier ayon cd2s player,  the Vincent was sensitive to power cord changes,  huge impact on the sound,  as if it's a totally different machine in a incredible way,  I have learned over the last couple of years,  it's not what something cost,  but rather what a component does for the listener's-owner satisfaction. 
I can only speak for myself in this regard. The "placebo effect" may be occurring in your particular case (who knows?). In my situation recently I have re-inserted both the stock fuses and the SR 20 fuses.    Easily the SR 20 is heard to be better than the stock fuse.  When I return to the SR Red and/or the Black fuses, the improvement is undeniable, they are just superior sounding (the Black being clearly superior).

Not every tweak I've tried in past experiences has been successful, regardless of what they may have cost or my  expectations.
In my case I can state without hesitation that the SR Black fuses are an excellent addition to my system.  I can also accept that in your case the outcome is different for whatever the reasons may be. If the costlier fuses were only marginally better or just different, that's what I would report. That isn't the result of my listening.