Responses from bassdude
Need to learn about Audio Research I've gotten good results in driving all my speakers, including Maggies with an ARC Ref 5se preamp driving a Hegel H590 amp, or a Class D Audio 470C amp. The ARC preamp adds some tube sound (air, soundstage, detail resolution, etc.) - which sounds... | |
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ? You have some good options (some already mentioned - ATC’s, Magnepan, Vandersteen, etc.) - but - my choice would be (was) - the following: 1. Linkwitz Orions or LX521s - nothing compares to Linkwitz open baffle speakers (is any better). You can f... | |
Connecting External DAC's and Pre-Amps to Hegel Integrated Amplifiers? Hegel just responded saying that the HT mode sets the Hegel pre-amp to a "fixed high level" volume of 85 (85% of the maximum volume of the H590) - which is very likely too high, when the ARC 5se is even set to 0 (100% attenuation). I don't unde... | |
Connecting External DAC's and Pre-Amps to Hegel Integrated Amplifiers? OK - thanks for your guidance. Hegel's guidance is more or less the same as above. As I read these comments and the Hegel guidance I am concerned that I might risk damaging the speakers - if - I understand correctly. Hegel says the followin... | |
Connecting External DAC's and Pre-Amps to Hegel Integrated Amplifiers? Thanks for your suggestions. After experimenting a bit - I was able to do the following: 1. Connect an external DAC to the Rt and Lft channels of the H590 - which did improve the sound quality over the internal DAC, quite a bit (a Schitt Yggdras... | |
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable? A lot of good advice here - which pretty much adds up to "The Cartoon" above - "Don’t Waste Your Money" - unless: 1. You have a pretty decent collection of vinyl albums... and/or... 2. Lots of money to invest in acquiring such a collection of "h... | |
Legacy Focus SE or PS Audio FR20 Have to agree with the majority posting a response here on this topic! I have the Legacy Calibre XD speakers... and... they are superb in all respects - very few others sound as good - as is true of any of the Legacy speakers when properly set up... | |
A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair. Klipsch Forte IV or III - great with tubes or SS... | |
Help Select an True Bookshelf Speaker Only alternative for a true bookshelf speaker with no rear port: | |
New room needs new speakers, I need your help The best there is: ELS 57 - the reference: 1. Magnepan LRS+ (None better with right set up - essentially an ESL 57) 2. Harbeth 30.1 / 30.2 (again - superb with the right set up - ESL 57 like) 3. Clayton Shaw Caladan's All above best... | |
Buying and Selling; shipping items and As the seller, I only accept certain payment (cleared check, or money order, etc.) and shipping terms of FOB (Free on Board) - in which the buyer’s shipper picks up the item, the buyer pays for shipping directly to the shipper, and risk of loss du... | |
Speaker List narrowed down… An interesting challenge - to make a "gathering room" sound as great as a "listening room" (AV Room) - by choice of speakers... no matter the cost (up to $25,000). Not a challenge most would take on - since it’s so difficult to achieve - at any pr... | |
Macintosh MA352 vs PrimaLuna 300 EVO Hybrid It depends on how much you like to "fiddle" with your stuff and how much flexibility you want to drive various speakers. If you're a "tube guy" then get the tube amp. You don't mind (even like) fiddling with your stuff. But - if you just wa... | |
My wife weighed in…she wants piano white tower/bookshelf If its not going to be a primary "listening room" and only a "gathering room" - then - Assumes aesthetics primary + sound quality (in order of priority): 1. Cabasse Rialto or Pearl - depending upon your design. "All in one system" no wires... | |
Help Deciding On New Speakers For Small Room, $10k budget Several of these suggestions are great! And provide superior sound quality in the right room with the right set up. But several may not be easy to place in your room. In order of priority: 1. Quad ESL 57s - nothing better with right room and set ... |