Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I would say you will probably have the best success using Accelerator as your speaker cable and Acoustic Reference as an interconnect from source to pre. Precision Reference is the step up from Accelerator staying the same family, Acoustic Reference is a different sound. And of course APex is a combination of AR and PR.
Just got a Tesla Hologram A and next Tuesday I will have a T2.
So , I finally will be able to put to test which Synergistic power cord is best on my Preamp.
If the T2 does prove to be the best, I will then try the Hologram A on my Amp.
I also have Apex Interconnects and a Hologram D on my Digital.
Ozzy -

I've also found that the longer you let these cords settle in with each other, the better they sound. I listened to the recommendations of SR and my dealer and then just let the cords settle in. I have been rewarded with the best sound, by far, that I have ever heard out of my system. I guess my point is to not make decisions with these cables too quickly.
I have a T3 on my amp and a T2 on my source. Since I cannot swing the cost of a Hologram what would you guys suggest I try on my Transport? Also, which cords have you guys tried on Power Conditioners? Thanks so much for the help.
As I said earlier in this thread, I have a T-3 UH going to my conditioner with excellent results. I'd ask Ted or Elliot or your dealer about the Transport.
Hi Fplanner2000, is that T3 UHO a 20 amp IEC cable? I heard the Powercell uses a 20amp power cord. Thanks.
Rydenfan, I have the same configuration as you (T2 on my source & T3 on my amp). For the Power Conditionner, I use the T3 which is perfect for this use.
How does the older A/C Master Coupler stack up to the new T3? Anyone heard both?
RE: my posts 4/14 and 3/17 regarding bass response - decided to do a little investigation of my source - APL 3910 that had just come back from a laser repair. Turns out the volume on the DAC board had somehow been set very low - increasing it brought back the dynamics and bass that I had been lacking and missing(I had to first find, then READ the directions to change these settings using a separate remote) - it was a hunch that definitely paid off - I got tired of moving the 400# speakers in search of more bass, etc.

What I am hearing now is really nice - full, tight, and deep bass integration with great mids and highs, excellent depth, imaging and a "rightness" to what I am now hearing that I got a slight taste of before, but now have the "whole enchilada" so to speak. I have just been grinning for the past 2 hours. For some reason, I'm now getting hungry.....

Thank you Ted and others for all your help - I was a little hesitant to report my findings, but figure that if this helps one other person having a "system problem", its probably a pretty good thing...
Just tried the T2 after 4 days on my Audiodharma cable. Definatly an improvement over the Electraglide Epithany X that I was using on my Preamp .

T2 compared to the Hologram A on my Preamp...???

You guys were right! The T2 on my Preamp is better than the much more expensive Synergistic Tesla Hologram A.
The Hologram A seemed to have too much upper bass boom, the T2 settled in nicely with a big soundstage.
That's one of the things I like best about SR cables/products you don't have to purchase their most expensive cables to achieve the best results...
I had a similar T2 experience yesterday. Took my T2 (and my PowerCell, but that's another story) to a friend's house to try on his cdp and phono-pre. Both pieces were connected to the grid with pc's that retail for $2100 ea. In both instances the T2 was the "no-brainer" cord of choice. Almost 75% less expensive, very flexible and weighs next to nothing... what's not to like?

In the 3 systems where I've tried the T2, there was a characteristic they all shared... the T2 helps create a more frequency balanced sound top to bottom. Bass, especially, was taughter (but not lean) and more transparent. We noticed too that nothing was spot lighted... it was all just there very clearly without any murkiness between performers and their instruments. One more thing... there was a coloration to the sound, but unlike I've heard with other cords (and this seems to be one of the hallmarks of the Tesla line)... and this coloration was that of each instrument, not the overall sound.

When 'philes mention colored sound, typically they're refering to the overall sound imparted on their system. With the T2 in the mix we heard the individual color of each instrument. Voices and instruments sounded very different from each other. Their individual characteristics were there in spades.
Since the T2 power cord proved to be a good match for my Preamp over the Hologram A power cord and thus saving me money, should I also consider a lower model balanced interconnect to be used from my Preamp to Amp or stick with buying another Apex?

What I have so far;

Hologram D power cord on Digital
Hologram A power cord on Amp
T2 power cord on Preamp
Apex interconnect from Digital to Preamp.
Ozzy, Synergistic recomments and I have also tried the Precision Reference I/C between preamp and amp. It was made to compliment the Apex when used between CDP and Pre.
I have installed an furtech iec in my Monster 7000 power conditioner. I already use a T3 on my rotel 1090 (which is directly plugged into the wall. The rest of my gear is plugged into the Monster power conditioner. Should I put a T2 or T3 on the power conditioner? Thanks for any input.
Ozzy, you should really try Precision Reference from pre to amp, that is what that cable is designed for.
Thanks for the great advise and for saving me some money.
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Tvad- I'm actually running the APL through my preamp and raising the volume on the DAC board has cleared up the bass problem. It is obviously increasing the output to the preamp, with excellent results. I am presuming the volume control on the Sony remote is communicating with the DAC board inside the 3910 as per Alex's instructions.
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So I got a T3 from the Cable Company loan library (as well as a JPS Power AC+ on recommendation from someone) but I'm quite disaapointed. My McCormack DNA-500 amp has a 20A IEC and I requested 20A IEC'd pc's to evaluate. The JPS is indeed one, but my real need/reason for this eval was to hear the T3 on my McCormack, and compare it to my existing Audience PowerChord. Instead, they sent a standard 15A IEC'd T3 and a $25 Interpower 20A IEC adapter dongle! Can I assume that this is a weak link, or am I making too much of it? Thx
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In my opinion, the 20a amp adapter has to be a weak link and will alter (however much) the sonic end result of the SR T3. Unless the Cable Company informed you up front that they could not send a 20 amp T3 cord and asked if sending a 15 amp T3 along with a 20 amp adapter was OK, this is poor service on the Cable Company's part. Mistakes happen; my dealer sent me a 20 amp T3 because he didn't look in the box before shipping it and assumed there was a 15 amp cord in there. I was disappointed when I opened the box only to find a 20 amp cord I could not use. So it was shipped back; but the dealer made things right with me. That was a mistake on the part of the dealer. But this sounds like the Cable Company did not have 20 amp T3 in stock and expects you to accept the compromise of using a 20 amp adapter. The Cable Company's service in my experience has been inconsistent, sometimes absolutely great, sometimes not so great.
I would try the adapter anyhow. You should still notice quite a difference over the Audience cord. If you don't or its not as great a difference as you had expected, then I would call upon Cable Company to make it right, if possible. I used an adapter on my DNA-500 with an Elrod Statement PC for about a year with good results - I may have missed the final 5% of performance, but I was OK with 95% and a well-broken-in cord.
Overall the Cable Company's service (and Joe in particular) has been very good. Even when they occasionally screw up they make it right (extend a loan, loan at n/c, etc.). I expect the same will be true here. Additionally, Ted saw my post an already sent me an email saying SR will make it right (and that, yes, the adapter will affect the sonics, as assumed). I'm ok with all this, just disappointed that it happened, and wanted your guys opinions that it was indeed a weak link.
Tedmbrady, how do you like the T3 on the DNA-500 vs the JPS? The T3 does take a long time to settle in to sound it's best. Mine took over 3 weeks to get its full potential.
I can't yet say because I sent the borrow back to The Cable Company so they could send me the proper 20A T3, etc. They were apologetic, accomodating and will make it up to me, with great assistance from Ted and SR (as they've both done in the past.) I'll likely do T3 vs a better competitor, though, like Gargantua or something. I'm breaking in so may things right now (Mundorf crossovers of new center and surrounds, etc.) that I'm likely not gonna re-borrow for 30 day or so. I'll report back as soon as I know something.
Yep... I've had my PowerCell for approximately 2 weeks. Would be happy to answer any specific questions you might have.
How do you like it compared to what you were using in the past? I would like to know are there many sonic improvements? I was expecting to receive one today but there was a slight problem with TCC. Things happen...

I upgraded my Accelerator speaker cable to the Precision Reference I'm loving the change. I can only imagine what they will sound like after the break in period.

BTW, you have a sweet system.

How I do I like it... well the other line conditioners I've owned all sounded fine to me (guess it often comes down to which flavor one prefers). And I was doing the usual upgrade dance for all too many years, but as usal something was always bugging me about my system.

So along comes an opportunity to get a PowerCell from the first production run. As a result my system has changed in an important/major way. Finally I feel that I'm hearing what each component is capable of with no apparent loss of dynamics or extension. I'm hearing what is typically associated with each of my components when reading their reviews born out of listening in ultra revealing reviewer's systems. One of those "... so this is what they're talking about" kind of moments.

Dynamics and extension (top and bottom) are up several notches. Distortion is also down to where playing louder and dynamically challenging passages results in no breakup as was often typical before. This was also observed in my friend's vinyl set-up. There was an operatic soprano passage from an older London recording that would break up and we attributed to possible tracking issues... PowerCell in, break-up/distortion out.

All the above with a level of refinement (especially with digital sources) that I've never had before. A subtle sense of grain and congestion that I could never completely remove is also gone (no mean feat as I live in one of 184 condos in a one sq. block area... that's a lotta grunge in the lines).

Thanks for the info, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Hopefully I'll have one setup in my system next week if TCC can find the missing link. :O)

Thanks again,
You have upgraded your Accelerator speaker cable to the Precision Reference. Which are the differences which you noted between these 2 cables ? I plan to make the same thing as you.
Jazz 59,

The Precision Reference is much more dynamic I like everything about this speaker cable. The PR doesn't miss a beat... You will be very pleased with your upgrade.

Thank you for your comments. I will let myself try by the upgrade.

Thanks again.

I personally have no idea I do know that the PR are killer. I know the PR are getting sweeter and sweeter as each day and they aren't even broken in yet.
Any one try pairing Precision Reference IC's w/ Accelerator IC's? I have a pair of Accelerators and I tried Acoustic Reference IC's from source to pre and the Accelerators from pre to amp. I thought it sounded really good except for the fact that the vocals were somewhat highlighted and overly present. I'm thinking about trying Precision Ref's ic's with Accelerators ic's. Has anyone tried this combo?
Yo2tup, Yes, try the Precision Ref's between Pre and Amp and Accelerators on CDP. It will neutralize your system compared to the Acoustic Ref's. BUT if you are going this route I strongly recommend getting Apex for your CDP instead or at least demo them.
Yeah, that would be what I'd eventually like to do. I'd rather get the Apex now, but I can't afford it brand new. Maybe used, but I don't think they pop up that often used.
Yo2tup, I suggest you get the Apex and keep the Accelerators on Pre to amp. This is be a better upgrade for you since the I/C on CDP is so critical you need to get the best. I compared the Accel and Pre Ref on pre to amp with Apex and I could have easily lived with both combos.
What do you guys suggest to use as speaker cables?

I have saved $$$ and am very satisfied with the help on this thread thus far.

So far I have:
Hologram D on digital
Holgram A on Amp
T2 on Preamp
Apex interconnect from Digital to Preamp
Precision Ref from Preamp to Amp
Is Apex the best choice for speaker cables with my existing cables or Precison ref?
Ozzy, you have to try both. Both cables are Synergistic's top of the line. If you want neutral get Precision Reference and if you want to all a little more warmer midbass get the Apex. It all depends on your taste and room acoustics.
Extremely disappointed with the people at Synergistic Research. I placed an order for a T3 UHC and T2 from a dealer and got a very good deal on them since I ordered a few SR cables from them before. Apparently the dealer has been having trouble with SR and was on the verge of dropping the line, but was told by SR they would honor my order. SR shipped out my order but had the shipment returned to them prior delivery, and said they are no longer honoring my order since he is no longer a dealer. Eliot pretty much told me there is nothing he could do about it, and the only thing I could do is go through another dealer to get this order. Of course these dealers will not be willing to discount since I've never dealt with them before. I tried and these dealers will not budge from MSRP.

I'm extremely disappointed, I was really looking forward to my order and looking forward to outfitting my system with full Tesla's. Now I'm not even sure if I want to purchase anymore SR's.
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Yes, but I'm upset that SR told the dealer that they would honor this order. SR approved and signed the invoice, shipped out the cables, then took back their word and decided not to honor it. Just as it was about to be delivered, SR contacted UPS and had the shipment returned to them.
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I wouldn't let a problem that a dealer is having with a manufacture impact my decision on a product and/or services I wanted to purchase. Having owned a business myself matters like this usually arrive when bills aren't being paid in a timely matter or not at all. I'm not saying that your dealer isn't paying his or her bills. For the record I wouldn't know that. Did SR tell you that they were going to honor the deal you had with your dealer? Or did you hear this from your dealer?

I received nothing but great service from the entire staff and crew at Synergistic Research. They are always willing to answer any questions, you are never made to feel as if you are being rushed of the phone. Ted, Elliott and Mike have always gone the extra yard when needed.

Don't get caught up in problems that already exist between any dealer and a manufacture it has nothing to do with you. I'm sure you and Synergistic Research can and/or will work this matter out so it's a win win for all parties involved.

But then again that's my opinion. Enjoy the music things will workout.