Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Joeyboynj, Jmo, Istanbulu: I have just received several Synergistic Research cables for evaluation in my system.

I installed the Precision Reference speaker cable, and I join your comments and good advices on this cable. After only 3 minutes in the system (thus not settle-in), the sound is fantastic: 0 (zero) distortion, great extension of the band-width in bottom and the top, incredible dynamics, depth of the soundstage and placement of the very precise interpreters. It is the "real deal" for my system. Your recommendations were excellent. This cable is fabulous and makes huge improvements.

I will test the Precision Reference interconnect, Precision AC and Hologramm A in the week. I hope that they will be as gifted to make good music as Precision Reference SC.
Well, I finally received the Enigma and let me just say that I am shocked by the result. It is hard to believe that something which is not formally in the sound chain could have this type of impact.

The impact I speak of is just as Ted describes it on his website, which, incidentally, i read after i listened yesterday, so i was not pre-conditioned. The main impact are to the soundstage and level of engagement of the music. The whole spectrum of sound widened by a significant degree and the music was more engaging, smooth, entrancing. The differences between the two tubes is interesting.

I really like the TungAr on the left because of it's ghost-like qualities and the incredible effect it has on the soundstage. But, as I was listening to John Coltrane (can't remember the album), a recording with instruments separated on the channels, the WE tube on the right was much better. It brought the group together more and sounded more cohesive.

All this comes with only my ICs plugged into the Enigma. I don't even have my PC cables plugged in yet. And I am getting a pair of headphones, Sony R10, with a special shielded cable that I will be able to plug in as well.

Anyway, this is an amazing piece of equipment. It is built like a tank and is absolutely beautiful. All hand-made.

System: APL NWO 3.0, SinglePower ES-2 (electrostatic headphone amp), Sennheiser HE90.

Andy... good to read your report. Keep us up to date. Yeah, I've heard the Enigma myself and have been simply astonished... no other words for it.

Anyone else out there have one willing to give their sense of the thing?
I just upgrade my speaker's wires from Accelerator to Precision Reference and today I called Synergistic's because I wanted to hear their recommendations in my system and I asked about the powercell and they commented me the EU version is already available and it comes with schuko I have a Shunyata V-ray and he insist I should try the powercell aparently excels the vray.
My Powercell 10 arrived yesterday, and although a couple of issues arose Eliott, Michael and company (inc my dealer) were exemplary throughout. So..I have the 10 outlet version that has one powercord (T3 UHC) and 2 MPC's, one to power the cord, one plugged directly into a miniplug on the Powercell rear, next to the IEC inlet. I have that one plugged into the wall and the T3's MPC plugged into the Powercell (I need the other 9 outlets for my stuff).

One small bit of layout criticism that I shared with Eliott: I am eval'ing this conditioner against my current Audience Adept Response AR12. That box has it's outlets turned upside down (with ground plug up) and it easily accomodates wall warts in their correct polarity; they simply stick out the top, but allow for regular plugs in the duplex below them. The Powercell, OTOH, has normally positioned outlets which create a problem for MPC's and other wall warts. They either take up two outlets or they require the Powercell to be lifted off the shelf/surface to have enough clearance from the bottom outlet to the shelf/surface. I recommended either taller feet or doing the upside down thing. Eliott was very open to the feedback, as ever. long should I let this thing settle in before critical listening? SR says 3 days, yet Ted earlier told me a t3 would take a minimum of a week. My dealer is being flexible but needs realistic timeframes.

My non-critical (yeah right) listening last night showed a conditioner that created a dead quiet space, with very more detail than I've heard previously, but a slightly rounded off bottom end. The Powercel had all of 3 hrs on it.

Your PowerCell will take approx 72 hours to fully open up while your T3 UHC will take at least twice this time. As to plugging in MPC's to the back of the PowerCell, we have 2 new affordable line conditioners that work in conjunction with the PowerCell especially for MPC's and front end components called the QL6 and QL9 (Quantum Line-Strip 6 and 9). These are simple but powerful little line conditioners with either 6 or 9 outlets. When used with MPC's they significantly improve the sound of Active Shielding when used alone, or when plugged into the back of the PowerCell for greater performance; effectively expanding your connectivity from 10 outlets to 16/19 outlets with no current limiting for your remaining 9 PowerCell outlets.

As to the bottom end, wait a week and you'll hear extension, dynamics and low freq control that will surprise you.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
I have been waiting to hear from others before I try the Powercell and Enigma. Thanks for the reviews. Keep them coming.

I have a question: I have tried the T3 and the Precision AC power cords on my power regenerator. The best cord was the Precision AC. Has anyone compared these cables? And also the T3 UHO?

Ted_d, is the Precision AC recommended for power conditioners as well? It worked better over the T3 in my system. Also, is the T3 UHO an improvement over the regular T3 on power conditioners? I didnt really like the T3 on my power conditioner. It was fatiguing and was restrictive...especially in the highs. But I really like how the Precision AC sounds on my power conditioner it is much more extended and open. I assume it is a bigger AWG cable as well. Thanks.
Ted D,
Thanks. In our conversation from a few weeks ago you mentioned the QLS's (among other things...wink). My only issue was in the instance where you didn't need more than 10 outlets, just more room.

I'm very much looking forward to this Powercell opening up. Based on my purchases of the Accelerator IC's and SC's I don't doubt it one minute. :) Thanks again for the great customer service.
I'm demoing (about 30 hours)one pair of the balanced Tesla's Accelerators(Sn. TAC IC 0334 - not sure if quantum tunneling is applied on these? can anyone tell?) in my system and I'm very impressed with the resolution and dynamics, but these cables sounds pretty harsh in the highs and upper mids, and somewhat on the cold side compared with the Nordost Frey...system mis-match or something else? :-(

Any thoughts would be much apreciated!:-)
Bxxxb... I have a pair of Accelerators speaker cables wich I was using three months before my recently upgrade to Precision Reference and I passed through the same experience during the cable burn in process, there were practicly few levels and you are in the middle of it, then this strident sound in the high levels will softly dissapear but it took me around 150-200 hours to finally obtein the best from this cable.
Ted_D, If you can answer my questions above from (07-30-08), that would be great!

Anyone else that has any experience comparing the T3 to Precision AC to T3 UHC, please let me know what you found. Much appreciated!!!
Answers and Updates:

The T3 is a very good power cord for power-line conditioners but, as you have discovered, it takes a loooooong time to break in and settle down in this application. An improvement over the standard T3 design is the T3 UHC which stands for "Ultra High Current" and though the T3 was engineered as a high current power cord (perfect for high current amplifiers), after the advent of the PowerCell, a line conditioner capable of handling an entire system's power needs- power amps, pre-amp, front ends and even mono blocks, I was looking for a way to take my basic T3 design to the next level given the unprecedented current demands the PowerCell places on any power cord; hence the T3 UHC was born. As such the T3 UHC is a heavier gauge version of the already high gauge T3 design. As a power cord for line conditioners it presents music with more weight and mid-range bloom when directly compared to the basic T3 especially when you have a full system connected to a line conditioner, and it does this at a reasonable price.

However by far our best sounding power cord from the Tesla series for the new PowerCell, is the Precision AC. This cord adds a level of refinement, air, and inner detail and nuance not found in the T3 or T3 UHC when used in conjunction with a power conditioner. In fact our top of the line PowerCell 10 SE comes standard with a Precision AC power cord along with a slightly higher performance internal electromagnetic cell. So for a little more then you would pay for a standard PowerCell 10 with a T3 UHC, you can get a PowerCell 10 SE with a Precision AC power cord and 32 AMP Powercon connection in place of the standard PowerCell's IEC connectors.

As to the Enigma, as sad as I am to tell everyone, we have sold through the entire run much sooner then expected- due to the impossible to get nature of it's rare new old stock tubes. Luckily I am working on a new valve based power supply based on a Mullard tube that should be ready some time next year. In the mean time I am perfecting a set of new analogue room correction devices that correct for room acoustics and this will debut at RMAF in Oct.

I hope this answers some of your questions- perhaps if I can stop developing new products long enough I can get more of my designs on our web site : )

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research inc.

Thanks Ted for the update and the clarifications... both now and in the past...particularly on the power cords, the PowerCell, and the Enigma... and good to hear that you have found solution to the scarcity of particular tubes for another version of the Enigma!

WOW! Thanks Ted, exactly the information I was looking for.

Anyone that currenty have the Enigma and Powercell in their systems, please give us some more reviews...Thanks!
I would like to see how the powercell compares to the all new clarity cable 3D Max power conditioner.....this thing is made out of granite !
Has anyone tried a Synergistic Tesla T1 power cord on their LCD TV? I'm thinking of getting one in their slim line white color. Does anyone have one of these? Also, if you can send me a picture of what the slim line white looks like I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Synergistic needs to get more pictures and information on their website. ;-)
Yes, I purchased the T1 power cord for my Pioneer Elite Plasma. It's the bomb and totally awesome. The T1 was also fantastic on my IMAC.
I just installed three of the brand new red SR TeslaPlex quantum-tunneled electrical outlets. I'll report back after they settle in. I have no doubt they'll continue the eye-opening quiet and resolution brought on by all the other new SR Tesla marvels (Accelerator sc's, Powercell, etc.).
Has anyone heard of the Acoustic ART room treatment system from Synergistic Research? I read some stuff about it on the Luxman website

Apparently they will be demonstrating them at the Rocky Mountain show next week. I wonÂ’t be there, but I'd really appreciate some feedback from those attending or from anyone whoÂ’s heard these things.
I will be assisting the dealer (TweekGeek) in that room. Mike heard the ART last week and was bowled over (and he's not one for hyperbole). I'll have plenty of feedback cuz I need to learn about it during setup on Thursday, then we'll demo it all weekend. Great room BTW: Tesla cables, Powercell, ART, Enigma, Spectron Musician III Mark 2 monoblocks, Modwright LS 36.5 pre and SP Tech Revelations and Minis (speakers). Basically, my exact setup at I should be well-versed (except for the Minis and the ART). Room 1004 at the Marriott. C'mon up.
This thread is a veritable goldmine of SR info. . . Thank you guys! Tedmbrady, what ICs, speaker wires and PC combination will be used on the system? I am particularly intrigued about PCs for the class D Spectron amps. which being class D are capable of wild and very fast excursions in power demands.
I have wired my whole Paradigm Signature S1's,C1,ADP1's(all piano black) with Tesla Accelerator(bi-wire) and Accelerator RCA's linking Amp to PRE. I have a S.R X2 Quattro releasing 12 splits to the active shielding.
T2 - DVD Sony 777ES(later replace with Blue Ray player)
T2 - Quattro
T2 - Pre Processor(Onkyo Pro 885SC)
T3 - Parasound 2205A power amp(220 x 5)
Precision Reference AC - PS Audio Quintescence(soon to be replaced with a S.R QLS 9 Tesla Power Strip).
S.R Active Resolution Reference X2 Digital Coax(DVD)
AC Master Coupler Active to my SVS PB13 Ultra(piano black) linked with an Active Alpha Sterling Phase 2 RCA(both soon to be replaced with a Precision AC power cord and a Tesla Resolution Reference rca). I must comment on the Precision AC on my Quintescence for the reason of the dynamic imaging and resolution it brought out in my whole system. This cord is the real deal and has made the most impact to my listening experience. I am still playing music and especially for movies it can be really noticed. It isn't a minimal difference either. I can't wait to try it on my sub. It was suggested to me to try the Hologram D on my DVD, I might down the road. In conclusion I raise my thumbs to S.R for another great line of cords....AAA+++

Not sure. Maybe we still have a choice, dunno. I would assume T3's on the Spectrons but i could be wrong. i'll ping Mike 9delaer) and Elliot (SR) tomorrow.
I use the Tesla T3 on my Spectron.

SR need to do a major update to their website!! They are the first manufacturer to build products for sale and not tell anyone about them.
Totally agree. I run a small business so I can relate on how many things are on the "to do list" so I am sympathetic.
The problem is that I live in the middle of nowhere, with absolutely no high end dealers for many many hours, and the internet and audio publications are my only sense of information. I think, and I am not specifically directing this toward only SR, is that (this only my opinion) companies in cities (cities that have more people then my state) don't understand how isolated certain areas of the country can be when it comes to niche hobbies. How limited local dealers are. I love local audio stores with knowledgeable dealers, and local bike shops with great bike shops, and local nordic ski shops with various flexes of race ski to choose from but the closest ones are all seven hours away.
For me and many other web sites and mail/internet ordering are, unfortunately the only option. They have no local brick and mortar stores to compete against. I wish it wasn't the case but it is. For example, I am currently enjoying SR new outlet that I only knew about from reading this forum.
Like I said I understand how hard it is to juggle things but I agree about the website. Synergistic Research has always been great to talk to, always great about putting up with my questions (thanks Ted and Elliot) and always great about making wonderful products. Just some thoughts :)

Just came back from our initial setup of the Spectrons/SR/Sp Tech in room 1004 at RMAF. Elliot gave us T3's for the Spectrons, but we'll try Precison Ref too. He says T3 more musical, Precision Ref more detailed and laser focused. He was a lot fo help, and is a great guy. The ART (analog room treatment) is wild!!!!! Makes no sense, but works.
Does anyone know the price points for the QLS6, QLS9 and Teslaplex outlet? Also, does the QLS power strips have attached power cords? Thanks.
In response to Joeyboynj: I just purchased a QLS 9 and the price was $399.00 and it comes with a detachable cord because Steve at cables suggested I put my new Precision AC on it. The QLS 6 is $299.00. Not sure about the outlet. Do you know if it has quantum tunneling??????

Yes all the electrical stuff (QLS, Teslaplex) is quantum tunneled.
QLS 6 $299
QLS 9 $399
Teslaplex $75

ART is a room treatment that is (roughly and over simplified) based on resonant frequencies in the room, and using metals and woods to capture and dissipate them. The system consists of a Vibrapod (gold orb device that goes on the front wall between the speakers) a bass station that sits on the floor between the speakers and has a small metalic cup, and a set of side wall "sconces" and cups that go at the first reflection points. The final ART device goes on the back wall at the center point, above tweeter height. When Elliot demo'd it to us alst night in his larger-than-ours meeting room the effect was not subtle. The soundstage improved and bass tightened.
Does anyone have a picture of the QLS 6 and QLS 9 that they can send me? I need to see the plug orientation and size.

You are right Raydenfan and Solda!!! I mentioned this to Ted a year ago. Synergistic Research really needs to get more information up on their website about their new products. Sales would increase... Being too busy is not an excuse.
In response to Joeyboynj:

When I recieve my QLS 9 I will send pics to ya. I am eager to try it especially with my Tesla Precision AC power cord. How do you like your Tesla Vortex with your Accelerator speaker wire???? I have heard Tesla Accelerator sound good all-around...Let me know....

Hi Barcardi, take a look at my system link. I have upgraded all the way up the line to Precision Reference speaker cables, Apex interconnects and Hologram A, D and Precision A/C power cords. I also have the T3, T2 and Rel spec subwoofer cable. All hooked up to a Quattro. I tried most of their cables and settled on the best for my system. I'm thinking of getting the Powercell next. I'm looking at the QLS for my HT and computer systems.

Please send me that picture when you get it... I really appreciate it! Thanks!
All, I visited the Synergistic Longs Peak suite about 5 times during the RMAF show. . . I staied there a minimum of 20 mins to a max of 45 mins each time, slouching as deeply as I could into the chair. . . typically until I suspected I had staid my welcome with Elliott and Ted. I listened to Dvorak's Ruins Of The Old Castle and a few other tracks on my test CD under every possible configuration of shielding/conditioning of the Apexes available in the room.

Please note that my appreciation of any particular system is directly proportional to the value obtained by multiplying:

a. Number of times I return to a room.
b. Time I spend in a room each time.
c. Deegree of bad posture/slouchiness.
e. Number of annoying requests of listening to the same darn track. . . just one more time.
f. Amount/degree of annoying questions to the poor vendor.
g. My own state of slackjawed relaxation.

The only other suites that I have enjoyed as much were the Soundings/JRDG/Vienna suite in Marriott 505, the TED/Bel Canto/HRS suite in 589, and the TEAC Esoteric suite in 445.

By contrast, in some forgettable suites I just manage to walk 5 feet beyond the door before experiencing a sudden anxiety/panic attack with actual heart-racing, which promptly drives me out in a real rush. . .

Has anyone tried the Tesla AU79 and Magnetic Tricon ICs together or an all Magnetic Tricon wired system? I would like to know your opinions.

I too thought the Luxman/Synergistic/Vivid room at RMAF was in the top 3 I heard -- and I myself kept returning. The room had tons of air, soundstage galore, and a very organic sound. I was surprised that the Vivid/Luxman combo filled the room so well. The real shocker for me was the ART Acoustic Resonator System demonstration from Ted Denney. I sat through the demo several times over two days and was very impressed with what these devices achieve. The bass was much firmer (less bloated), the acoustic images just floated in the room and were.....clearer. The system sounded more "Vivid" with the system employed... how appropriate.

I also liked the following suites: YG Acoustics, Kharma, Symposium Panaoramas, Scaenea(?), and the Genesis room. Ironically, most of the above mentioned suites' components costed 3-10 times what the Luxman/Synergistic/Vivid did. Anyways, great sound indeed.
Some one know if there is new Quattro of planned for this year? This model is oldest of the range and does not have to be replaced.
I am really interested in a Powercell.

Can anyone share some opinions on this conditioner ?.

I have a Pass Labs X350.5 Amp, a Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp and a Cary 306 SACD player.

Presently, I have 3 dedicated circuits. One for my Video plugged into a Hydra 8. One circuit for my CD Player ,Preamp and one Circuit for my Amplifier.

So, using the Powercell with only one outlet plugged into it and then plugging my Preamp CD player and Amp into it can that be better than the dedicated circuits ?

My past experience with any conditioner says no.
There is nothing on the website.
I currently have a very nice Audience Adept Response AR12. I am very happy with it, but it is not nearly the conditioner that my demo Powercell was. The SR Powercell was much more organic yet dynamic at the same time. And plugging everything into it is absolutely no issue. To me, it's the goal...synergy within the system. I am not a fan of multiple dedicated circuits as i believe they risk ground loop issues (due to the ground differentials among the three circuits). As long as you're fine, though, and it sounds like you are a a single conditioner would not work in your world.
P.S. My AR12 is soon to be up for sale, and the Powercell SE is in my near future.
I have a powercell SE in which I plug everything including 2 mono amplifier theta citadel . It has nothing to compare with an Hydra 8. No limit of current. I do not have a multiple dedicated circuits, so I cannot say if using it would improve your system.
When you say "It has nothing to compare with an Hydra 8" it feels like you are saying the Hydra 8 is significantly better... in what ways? Or am I misreading this? Thx
There is new information on the Synergistic website about the Powercell.

Also, does anyone know if the QLS 6 or QLS 9 are mini power conditioners and also provide surge protection or are they just extra Teslaplex outlets that were Quantum Tunneled. Maybe Ted Denney can respond. THANKS!
sorry for my broken English. I could not use the hydra with my mono amp because they compressed the sound. When I got some more revealing amplifiers (Theta citadel 1.5), it became also obvious that the Hydra corrupted the highs. With the POwercell 10 SE, I am now able to plug everything on it, with good highs, no compression, and all benefits from a power conditioner at the same time. I use also Precision reference XLR and Apex speaker cables.
Thanks. Your broken English is 1000% better than my broken non-English. Your explanation is exactly like my findings as well. Although my AR12 is good, the Powercell is another league better.

The QLS's are quantum tunneled power strips. I was surprised to find power on/off switches on them, but Elliot says the switch is very clean.
The PowerCell is not a surge protector. Surge protectors all limit current on demand despite claims to the contrary. To my ears surge protection circuits degrade sound 100% of the time while offering no real advantage if you are struck by lightning. When I lived in a lightning belt I would unplug my system at the wall when ever lightning threatened or when I left on a trip as this was the only real protection option. In my opinion the audiophile community has been sold a monstrous bill of goods in the form scare tactics to push line conditioners that double as surge proctors with dubious protection from any real threat. I am not in the business of selling fear insurance.

The USA, most of the EU, and developed nations in Asia do not have power surges that will damage audio components- in the unlikely event a power surge occurs of sufficient amount to cause damage, the breaker at the wall should trip and protect your equipment assuming your home is wired to code and is properly grounded. You do not need to hinder (significantly) the performance of your system for such protection.

I developed the PowerCell with one goal in mind- to dramatically improve the sound and video of audio and home theater systems without limiting current and without the common drawbacks found in all other line conditioners. This is why the PowerCell does not have fuses or on-off switches as these degrade sound and video quality. If someone wants to protect a specific component they can plug a surge protector into the PowerCell and plug the component they wish to protect into the surge protector. While a universal option is to plug a PowerCell into a surge protector and plug the surge protector into the wall. I would opt for the first solution for specific components like video projectors while leaving the rest of the system to perform at is highest level. In my experience the main components that tend to to be sensitive to surge are video components.

As a side, to my knowledge the PowerCell is the only line conditioner on the market that filters both hot and cold AC along with Ground.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
Anybody here did compare Acoustic Reference IC with Apex IC ? Which are the audible differences between these 2 cables?
Yep, the Acoustic R's are warmer and very organic. The Apex is not as warm, but more neutral and transparent. They can retrieve details in the music like no other cable I have ever tried. The treble is very natural and extended and the soundstage is larger and more enveloping.