Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I am going to try one as well when they become availalbe. I think I am going to try the Basik and see how it you can get 2 basiks for the price of 1 Base - so...not sure if you are better off with 2 basik under 2 pieces of gear or 1 base under one piece of gear...perhaps others will chime in as these become available for demo...
Thx Scotty333, I'm going to audition a Basik under my Oppo 95.

Regards Bacardi
An audiophile friend heard it at CES and thought it was excellent and really made a nice improvement. you place it under components, so you can use it with the powercell. And my guess is you can power it with a galileo mpc if you would like. I am waiting on a unit for personal audition.
Anybody have Tranquility Base auditions, reviews or feedback?
Can it be used in conjunction with a Powercell 10 SE?
Can you power it with a Galileo MPC?

Regards Bacardi
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the Synergistic Research fans and Ted D. and everyone at S.R. Hope everyone had a safe and great holiday and best in THE NEW YEAR.

Best Regards Bacardi:)
Lol. Actually Joeyboynj, I like the silver as it is a mix of both, I've yet to try my T3SE on my subwoofer. One question, if you had a single lead Galileo mpc what would you place it on? Powercell, precision AC for powercell, power amp, pre pro. All my other 4 Galileo mpc's are dual lead. Thx

Regards Bacardi
Are you trying to say Audio Magic Snow is a little cheaper??? I'll take $2,000 scoop please.
Like selling snow to the Eskimo. Truck loads of snow. Speacial snow that is colder than normal snow. Silver snow and black snow and even gold snow. $2850.00 a scoop.
Joeyboynj, I preferred the silver bullets but did not try them in many different locations.
I am using the Gray on my PR power cord with very good results. There is a very distinct difference between the 3 Enigma circuits.
Has anyone experimented with the Gray, Silver and Black bullets? Used different ones on different components. What were the results? I'm currently using all Gray ones and very happy with the sound. I also use the silver ones one the universal speaker and interconnect cells. Thanks!!
Does any body knows where to buy synergistic hologram A SE or power cell mk 2 SE at a reasonable price? Thank you in advance.
I've been playing with the new Synergistic Research Precision AC Basik power cord for my ModWright PS 9.0 tube power supply and it sounds wonderful over stock. No congestion no restrictions. A true bargain like the recent magazine article suggested. It’s a keeper.
I'm going to order today from the cable company a Synergistic Research Precision AC Basik power cord for my ModWright PS 9.0 tube power supply. I'm using the stock cable right now. I will try the power cord in a few other positions as well. I hope its a high performing budget cable like it is advertised. I will see. ;-)
Galileo mpc with the power cell for sure, but with the speaker cell.....hmmmm, Galileo was warmer, tesla more detail, perhaps brighter in presentation. On some recordings I liked the tesla others the Galileo.

There was not such a clear winner here IMO, likely system dependent. But really liked the speaker cells nonetheless.
Tbg, I appreciate your feedback on the Apex & Cells. I can't afford the Apex right now but might be able to try the Cells with the Precision. I agree with other comments that Galileo MPCs are worthwhile.
You have to call Synergisic. They will respond much faster and you will get same day resolution.
Tbg, That is my next sep....try on one of my other systems....I sent a note to SR on Friday and assume they didn't repond because of the holiday.
Anyone experience any compatibility issues with the speaker cells and their amplifier? I repeatedly blow just 1 channel fuse every time I power up amp. I am successfully using cells between pre-Amp to amp and the source to Pre-Amp. Any thoughts would be appreciative.
Flashunlock, I compared the standard MPCs versus the Galileos in many applications but not the Speaker Cells. It would shock me were the Galileos not better there also.

Thanks for the info but I was refering to the tail strings rather than the speaker cables. Anyone else tried different cables?.

What differeces between the Galileo and the normal MPC on the Universal Speaker Cells?.

Yes, preferred existing cables, prana wire with speaker cells over the basik cables with the speaker cells attached. The speaker cells were really good and a nice improvement over the straight prana wire. I would recommend these highly.

Was really torn between the tesla mpc and Galileo mpc....liked elements of both. While i prefer the Galileo on the powercell in my system I might actually prefer the tesla on the speaker cell...

I have not tried the interconnect cell..
Anyone tried different connecting cables from the universal speaker cells to the speakers apart from the ones that comes with the kit and also use a gallileo MPC rather than the standard one?

Thanks in advance.
Mtseymour, in my summer home, I used the Galileo Univ. IC Cells and the Speaker Cells all with the Basik strings. Then I came back to Texas where I had Apex speaker wires and interconnects. I listened for a while without the Cells and then put them in. I was shocked at the improvement in the Apex. I did try the Cells with the Basiks on one source and found the sound was so far from what I had been getting with the Cells and Apex, that I put the Basiks in the bag.

I think the Apex alone are better than the Cells and Basiks, but did not really try this comparison. Remember that the Basiks are really just basic cables with no shielding.
Are Basik Strings the best fit for the Universal Interconnects Cell? I recently installed a set of Universal Interconnect Cells between my Sony 5400ES player and my Ayre K-1xe preamp, and really like the improvements (more detail, dynamics, etc) using the Basik Strings. This was similar to my experience with the Speaker Cells. When I substituted the Accelerators for the Basik Strings, I didn't hear much of an improvement. Do the Cells provide most of their benefits with the Basiks Strings? Should I just use the Strings (rathe than a more expensive IC) and save my money for another Cell?
Xmetal, What Ted said for max performance keep all interconnect, speaker cable and power cable shields separate. Therefore, yes, separate Rel interconnect from the power cable shield on different MPCs. Group only like shields on the same MPC.
Has anyone tried the Precision AC Basik power cord yet? Also, any experiences with the new Element Silver interconnects??? Thanks.
Antonkk, those are an older line and no longer in production. The current cables are for all type of systems and speakers and are now designed to use system matching between all the different current models. Their old cables for B&W were called B&W spec cables. You will find more info on them if you perform a forum search.
Thx TBG. I am awaiting two Teslaplex SE's from Scott from Scott Walker Audio. Also just received from Scott a Hologram A(SE) and a Hologram D(SE) and waiting for them two beak in. Scott's a great guy to deal with and very quick,helpful,discrete and educated in the field. I am just amazed at this SE line of cords. Anyone have any feedback on the SE line compared to the old Tesla line?

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, I think the new Teslaplex SE is better than the original, basically it is more of all the good characteristics of the original but more so. It is small enough investment that you can just try it.

I should say that you need to very tightly screw down the hot and neutral wires, as they are not wrap around.
LOL. I like that "Capice". When I was little my italian father said that alot to me. Can anyone comment on the new Teslaplex SE and how it changes the sound if noticeable.

Regards Bacardi
Tbg, What Ted is trying to say is that there is not a Powercell 4 SE. Just the original Powercell 4 exist. And there is no "SE" update for it. The only Powercell model that was upgraded was the Powercell 10 SE from Mk.I to Mk.II. All the other Powercell models 4, 6, amd 10 do not have the SE attached to their name. Therefore, your statement that the Powercell 4 SE is better than the Powercell 4 is incorrect since the Powercell 4 SE does not exist. The current model is Powercell 4. Capice?
Sorry, Ted, I thought there was a PowerCell 4, 6, 10, and 10SE earlier.

Heykay, I heard the PC 4 at the RMAF. It along with many other introduced products sounded excellent.
It's no problem using a duel lead MPC (Galileo or otherwise) on two Active Powercords. However it is not a good idea to use one lead from a duel lead MPC on one powercord and the other lead on an interconnect or speaker cable. As a rule of thumb you should only use duel lead MPC's for the same pair of IC's or SC's (and not between IC's and SC's) or for two Active powercords. "Crossing the streams" between MPC leads going to powercords and line-level or speaker cables will significantly diminish Active Shielding performance.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Hi, Can i use Galileo mpc 2 leads into two different cords? Or i have to buy 2 Galileo mpc single lead? I want to upgrade my stock mpc into galileo for the hologram D and rel spec ref cable.

There is no PowerCell 4 "SE" there is a PowerCell 4.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.

I tell ya always a day late I do not even see the power cell 4 se on their web site just the 4 and it says there is a review coming out on the 4 and it's already been surpased.

Thanks John,
Heykay, the SR PowerCell 4 SE is better than the original PC 4. Everything is better than the PS P300, IMHO.
Hi has any one on here tryed and or use the smaller Power Cell 4 to good effect? My system is simple and I would only use for preamp/transport and Dac.I was thinking of the Power Cell 4 or an older PS Audio P300 regenerator.

Thanks Joeboynj.... I have since ordered the Mk-2 so lets see how it stacks up.

Anyone tried different connecting string cables for their universal speaker cells and what are the results?.

Flashunlock, I think the improvements are due to the whole package. I went from Mk.I to Mk.II and upgraded to a SE versions of the power cords. I think the new plugs are a major contributor and are much better than the previous plus used by Synergistic. Also, the shield filters are a really fun part to fine turn the system and will come in handy as I change and upgrade equipment in the future. The Mk.II Powercell is definitely higher performance as well. Blacker background and more liquid sounding. More musical to my ears, I'm happy. If you can afford the upgrade go for it, if not then don’t listen to the upgrades so you will not know what you are missing.
Hi Joeyboynj, I will be installing SR universal speaker and IC cells in August. I think that will be about it for me. The budget is over-the-top now. But the results so far have been worth the price. SR knows what they are doing. I also do tweaking and experimenting to get the best out of my system. So far, so good (Steely Dan).

How much better is the Powercell 10-se mk-2 compared to the 10-se?. Do you think the improvements are due to the newer percision P/C or the whole package. Have you tried swaping the precision PC over the old and new Powercell's?

thanks in advance