Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Splaskin, one thing I've noticed is if I put the T3 on my QLS9 and Precision on my power amp I lose the side soundstage. I have heard that the T3 works better than the T2 on Pre but not sure about the QLS. Precision definitly beats the T2 on the QLS9 but till I get a Powercell 10SE my power cords plug directly into the QLS9 along with 3 MPC's. I would like to split them to two QLS 6's, analogue in one & digital in other. And down the road the MPC's can split better on each side of the room for my home theater use. I will be running another SVS PB13Ultra(piano black) sub behind the sitting area for movies along with the SVS AS-EQ1 subwoofer might even hear/feel the bass from where you live---LOL....

Regards Bacardi

I bet you'll love the Powercell 10SE. I noticed that some guys here don't like the Precision AC, but on my system, it sounds great. I guess that's why they call this a hobby!

Splaskin, All I've tried I liked. The only one I haven't is the T3UHC...You?

Regards Bacardi

I haven't heard the T3UHC. I do have Apex speaker cables, Precision Reference between the preamp and power amps, and Apex interconnects for the DAC. Tesla phono for the turntable.

All good stuff that can be fine tuned with proper selection of cables.

As you can see I'm a big fan of SR.
Splaskin, My system consists of 65/35 home theater so I've only gone as far as Accelerator biwire for all 5 channels, Precision RCA from amp to pre. Apex all around would cost a fortune. I will put that money I would spend for "total Apex" and get a Powercell 10SE in the end. Keep all I have for now. I am waiting for a replacement for the Quattro, and maybe no need for the QLS's: the "Transporter" . Maybe it has Tesla qualities- quantum tunneling..etc..

For now sell my QLS9 for two QLS6's...

Regards Bacardi
I heard last fall from S.R that they where coming out with a "Transporter". An upgrade to the Quattro. Maybe Tesla model......Supposed to be released this summer/fall.....

Regards Bacardi
On another note, as I am changing around my Tesla power cords, I now have a Subwoofer AC Master Coupler power cord on my SVS PB13 Ultra sub. In the Tesla line, has anyone tried any different power cords on there subwoofer???? Say a T2 / T3 / Precision AC / Tesla Reference...

Regards Bacardi
Hi Guys, just want to let you know that changing to the powercell 10-SE from the 10 was a big improvement even without breakin. The soundstage got deeper and everything else are more coherent. I now have everything plugged into the 10-SE even my big Krell EVO-1's.
Other SR products include the Acoustic A.R.T, Tesla Precision on pre amp and T3-UHC for the amps. SR will make me a pair of Krell cast cables with their Magnetic Tricon which should be interesting to hear against the Nordost Cast.
What are your experiences with the ART system? Does it really do everything some people claim? I am a big Tesla surporter but find this treatment too good to be true (small, effective, controll of low bass, etc) but that's also what I thought about cables and power cords.

Lets put it this way.... I cannot live without the art system. It is very spooky how they work and I even have 2 of the bass stations with one either side near the speakers because I cannot physically place it at center point behing the speakers.
Tbj, I know Synergistic provides a Precision AC with the Powercell 10SE. I have one… check out my system profile. I have found the Precision AC worked best on power conditioners. I did not like it on my integrated and CDP or anywhere else.

Splaskin, I also tried the T2 and T3 on my Quattro but not the Precision AC. I should have before I sold it. I preferred the T3 because its more extended, more 3D, warmer/lush presentation on the active shield than the T2. What were the huge improvements over the T3 you noticed? I’m also waiting for the “Transporter” before I make any new PC changes here. Then I may try a Precision AC again.
Also, so you are getting a pair of the new Galileo speaker cables that Ted is working on??? Is it true? Also, I have tried a T3 on a LCD TV. It works wonderful. Lots of rich deep accurate colors, no artifacts at all and the much improved sound. I’m currently using T1’s on all my LCD TV’s. Just a shade below the T2 and T3 on LCD.

Bacardi, try the T3 on your subs. You will have better synergy with your all Tesla cables. I think the Precision AC and above may be overkill here. Also, I have a T3 UHC on its way to me. I will try it in a few locations until it get settled on my QLS-9 to Teslaplex in my HT system. I have two systems (2-channel and Home Theater) both with Synergistic cables in them.
The Precision gave me more detail and sounded quicker with the Quattro.

As for Ted's new cables, I'll wait to see what he is offering.
Splaskin, if your going to the RMAF, you can hear them. You will be shocked by the price, I must say.
Joeyboynj, How did you make out with your T3UHC??? Did it work better than the T3 on your Quattro???

Also, you mentioned to try a T3 on my sub. I noticed S.R has a T1 Subwoofer cord,T2 subwoofer, Tesla Subwoofer Reference. Are they similar or same as a regular T1,T2,T3.???

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, this is what their webpage says, "We have always been aware of just how important phase coherency is in signal transfer. Now through our research we have discovered that lower frequencies are extremely sensitive to very small changes in phase coherency. For example: A 20 hertz low frequency wave requires at least 40 feet to propagate. If the phase is out, by just a little, it provides an unstable platform for the frequencies that are directly above that. Higher frequencies have shorter wave lengths and these are adversely affected by phase shift anomalies at the lower frequency range."
Would upgrading a pair of S.R Alpha Sterling(quantum tunneled) X2 Tesla series interconnects to used Tesla Precision Reference interconnects be worth the performance for the price??

Bacardi that would be a HUGE upgrade. The Per Ref is a stase-of-the-art IC for use between pre and power amp or in warm ballance systems.

I would call SR to get their input.
Power supply for MPC's? How much difference does it make? I'm not talking about the quatro or enigma, just plugging the mpc's in. I currently have them plugged into a cheap surge protector. Will I notice much difference if I plug them all into something else? What do y'all recommend?
Tunnel all you want Tesla minions...try Morrow Audio IC's for 60 days with a no hassle return. I think your gonna have to change religions:O)
Bacardi and Shellie, the Tesla Precision References are very fast and in my experience best used between the linestage and the amp. I thought the Accelerators were better elsewhere and, of course, the Apex.

Dave_b, sorry but I don't believe you and will not give them a try. Perhaps my having done such before with no benefit is my best reason.
Tbg, So you think in a full 5-7 channel home theater setup from amp to pre to go with Accelerators. I have Accelerator biwire for all my 5 speakers. I would think the 5 channel Precision Reference interconnects from amp to pre would accent the Accelerator speaker wire. Don't you? Or do you think it's overkill?

Regards Bacardi
Dave I guess you don't love MIT any longer? Based on your MIT preference and my experience with network cables, I doubt we share common taste in sound, but you never know :)
My entire system is connected with Active Tesla cables all are powered with MPC's pluged into a QLS 9 with a T3 on the QLS. The difference w and wo Active Shielding turned on is like night and day.
Ptm, I used to use a power strip for all my mini couplers just as you are now.
Finally, I broke down and bought a Quattro.
I dunno why but it really brings the sound quality up another level.
You dont know what you are missing.
I still prefer MIT speaker cables, but have allowed myself the freedom to try the Morrows. I tried the Morrow' and I liked it...sounded just like sweet violins! Each product to it's strengths and correct use perhaps? For my front end the Morrow is quite tasty.
Bacardi, I think you would prefer what you now have, but I am not certain.

Ozzy, what is the Quattro?

Ptm, yes it makes a difference. I have all of my MPCs plugged into a QLS-9 which is plugged into the PowerCell. This sounds much better than when they were just plugged into another power strip.

There will soon be Galileo MPCs.
I was told from S.R that the QLS 6 & 9 & the Quattro give the same level of performance to the mpc's active sheilding. ALSO: I've heard the price of the Transporter is very high compared to the Quattro..Around 4-5g's..

Regards Bacardi
I did not even know of the Quattro until today. I have heard the Enigma and of the prospects for an Enigma II.
Tbg. The Quattro is just a power supply for up to 12(3x4) leads to actively shield your cords. The QLS 6/9 is just a quantum tunneled power strip made up of Teslaplex outlets. No surge protection, conditioning of any sort. You can put any power cord on it like the QLS's. I have a Precision AC on my QLS and it sounds amazing. I have a T2 on my Quattro which I might change to a T3.

Regards Bacardi
Tbg, Bacardi is right. The Quattro is a small compact unit that powers all of my Active shields (12) but without having to use the big and bulky mini couplers. I think it looks better than the long QLS9 strip.
SR was kind enough to make me a few adapters to use with the older/newer style DC plugs.

With the Quattro, the wires appear a little neater and organized.

Besides, if the Quattro ever goes out, I will still have all my mini couplers in fresh condition to use.
Hasse, I'm not sure if the Transporter is an upgraded Quattro. If anything it might have quantum tunneling and may have Powercell internal qualities..

Regards Bacardi
Ozzy, I wonder why Ted has never said anything about the Quattro and why it has no prominence on their webpage. It certainly is a tangle of wires behind my system.

Bacardi, I tried several of the power cords between the PowerCell and my QLS 9, including the Precision AC. I preferred the tunneled simple power cord, but I must say its short length was much less cluttered.
They need to hire someone to finish their website! The QLS strips, along with the Quattro, aren't on there either and half the pages for the cables are incomplete.
Adwiegert, I had talked to a Mike at S.R and he said he was working on the site when I had

Regards Bacardi
It seems they have been "working" on the Web page for several years...

Great products, Great Service, but the product information needs improvement. It seems to me that getting product information on their web site would be an important lifeline for the type of customers SR seeks.

Perhaps they need to hire a High School kid to get that web page humming.
Ozzy, I agree with you on your points. It has been several years now and they have new stuff like the Acoustic Art with pics and great descriptions just releasing without finishing old stuff like T3 UHC(isn't even on site), pics of cords and even reviews(very important to new customers and anxious buyers). Get moovin S.R....."Get er done!!!!!!!!"

I agree we need to spend more time on marketing and the website. The fact is our passion and the energy of my company since Tesla has focused primarily on product development- it has been so much fun developing new technologies that we have had little time to document them on our website. After RMAF we are moving full steam ahead with a greatly expanded website which will cover Teslaplexes, QLS’s, all Tesla models, Galileo and Galileo spin off technologies. In the mean time I thank all of you who have shared your experiences and time with other audio enthusiasts.

Regarding options for Active Shielding here is the breakdown on the hierarchy of performance for Active Shielding.

Basic Active Shielding is achieved with the supplied MPC's for Active Cables.

The next move up in performance is the Quattro powered by either a Tesla T2 or T3 Active power cord.

The current highest performance for Active Shielding is achieved when all MPC’s are plugged into a QLS 6 or QLS 9 Quantum Tunneled Line Strip with either a T2 or T3 power cord powering the QLS and plugged into a PowerCell line conditioner. For most systems with a full complement of Active Tesla IC’s, SC’s, and PC’s an Active Tesla T2 or T3 power cord plugged into a QLS will be the power cord that yields the single greatest benefits of all Active power cords in your system.

After RMAF we will be launching the first spin off technology from our Galileo research program. A hand built Quantum Tunneled Galileo MPC. The Galileo MPC is point to point wired (no circuit board), uses Vishay capacitors and Quantum Tunneled diodes. It is Quantum Tunneled in a six step process- the transformer is first Quantum Tunneled on its primary winding and a second time on its secondary winding, the Vishay capacitor is Quantum Tunneled as are the diodes. Next the signal path is Quantum Tunneled as are all contact points- the two AC blades, the lead wires and connectors are all Quantum Tunneled. The net performance gain of Galileo MPCs on Tesla cables is significant and on par with the Enigma valve power supply for Active Shielding.

Regarding the Transporter, this is in the development stage but should offer the highest performance option when available. This will be a state-of-the-art system wide power supply for Active Shielding with lessons learned from the Enigma and the Galileo MPC development programs. As many have speculated it will also be expensive.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer / Owner Synergistic Research Inc.
I just moved my Precision AC from my QLS 9 and put it on my power amp, then moved my T3 from amp and put it on my Quattro, moved my T2 from Quattro and put it on the QLS9. Today I noticed the frontal sounstage moved towards me, sort of came alive and real. Surround effects became more noticeable and surrounding. I agree the T3 matches the Quattro better than the T2, no doubt. Thx Ted.

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, The T3 UHC works great on the QLS-9 to power my entire HT system. It is better than just a regular T3. The T3 UHC is heavier than the T3 but looks about the same in size. It is less congested and seems to have the juice for an entire system.

As for your sub, I was suggesting you try a T3 power cord for your subwoofer and also the Tesla reference interconnect cable to go with it. They take a long time to settle down but the results are stunning. The T2 sub cable is just like the Phase II X2 but without the Quantum Tunnel and upgraded Tesla active shield.

As for your upgrade from the S.R Alpha Sterling (quantum tunneled) X2 cables you currently have, choosing the Pre to Amp cables also depends on what you are currently usiung from your main source to your pre. What is currently in that position? Than I can make recommendations.

Bave_B and Shellie, I tried the Morrows and compared them to Synergistic. The Morrows are the second best cables I have tried. Synergistic being tops. So I continue being a minion. ;-)

Ozzy, I agree with you. I rather have the convenience of the Quattro than the QLS for the active shields. I have all my shields powered by the Quattro using a T3 power cord. I compared it to the T2 and I preferred the T3. Also, I have both the QLS and the Quattro and I prefer the Quattro. The QLS is too long in length for my 2-channel system and all those MPC's are too messy. I plug my Quattro into my Powercell 10 SE and it works great. I dont notice a difference really.

Hey Ted, how about a simple Galileo Quattro? Which I think would appear neater and organized than a QLS and 6 Galileo MPC’s.
Understood Joeyboynj, they are similiar sounds in some ways but I feel the Morrows offer more color and harmonic complexity. It's all good:O)
Joeyboynj, I have Precision Reference RCA on my left/right interconnects & Alpha Sterling X2(quantum tunneled) on center and rears from amp to Pre. I have an Active Resolution Reference X2 Digital from DVD to Pre.

Also: Are the new mpc's called the Galileos? Are they better than the old mpc's???

In regards to my subwoofer, I'm running an old active Phase2 RCA and an Active Subwoofer AC Master Coupler power cord. I would like to upgrade them both.

Regards Bacardi
Well, I got my Exemplar Music Server up and running tonight. My Mac remote desktop had a hard drive failure. This meant that I had to move one of my two SR Hologram Ds to it. I tried the T2, but it did cut it. Curiously the T2 sounds best on my H-Cat P 12. I guess I have to get another Hologram D or stop playing the sacd player. I should also say that the Hologram D did not like being moved and took two hours to get where it was late tonight. Tomorrow it is be back to its best performance.
Ted... you must tell me more about the Galileo MPC! Will we be able to upgrade our current MPCs to the Galileo? How much will this cost? Will current cables start shipping with the new Galileo MPC standard or will it be an option only?

Oh and I guess if you don't catch this post in time... I'll ask you in person at RMAF :)
Anybody have anything to reveal to us hardcore S.R finatics from the RMAF show? Anything on the new interconnects, speaker wire,Transporter, new Galileo mpc's???

Regards Bacardi
I've heard there is a new less expensive ART system (i.e like $600) that was demo'd at RMAF. I helped Eliott demo the standard one last year, and despite all the flat-earth folks naysaying it, ART made quite a difference. I've always wanted to demo it inhouse but now am VERY interested if the newer less expensive one has some large percentage of the benefits. Anybody know anything?