Streaming 101

I know nothing about streaming and would like some feedback. All I have is a laptop running windows. Is there a one box way to do everything? I have an older SACD player and don't think I can access its DAC.( Esoteric X-01 D2) The rest of my setup is pretty evolved so I would like something commensurate without breaking the bank. Internet radio is something I would really like to be able to access. Excuse my ignorance, most of the music reviews I read about these days seem to be unavailable to me via my turntable or CD player. Thanks.


OK, so let's work on wringing more out of the node, get a good ethernet cable and power cord and very important an Audioquest Jitterbug for it. IF you like it, upgrade to a linear power supply kit and eventually a nice DAC. You got good advice from @ghdprentice on the Schitt DAC for the $. You also got great advice on Qobuz as your streaming service, although i also have Tidal.

enjoy the massive amount of tunes now at your fingertips....

joey wrong strategy a node will not impress soeone who has been listening  to a highend cd player or vinyl rig  go to a storeand listen


the node is great for its price

Dude — you’re the one who said you were looking for an “end game” setup and threw out the $5k number,

LOL, not sh!t eh?

Dude — you’re the one who said you were looking for an “end game” setup and threw out the $5k number, so don’t blame us! We’re just here to spend as much $$$ as you give us.  Nature of the beast.  Streaming is for you — it’s for everybody whether they know it or not — and if you care about sound I’m sure you’ll be upgrading from the Node soon. One tip — do Qobuz and not Tidal with its silly MQA crap. Enjoy your new worlds of music! There’s no going back.

Whoa there big fellas! I need to find out if streaming is for me before I whip out the ole credit card. Bought a Bluesound Node 2 at 40% off list and will experiment. I always appreciate the helpful tips, thanks.

dacs dio move however you will not find a dac combo which can better a  lumin x1 unless you spend big bucks and than the improvements are not huge over an x1



and most dacs are osolete in 1 to 2 years unless you purchase an  aqua dac or bricasti bothof these dacs are upgradable.


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect nj 

lumin, bricasti, Aqua hifi dealers


Yep @audiotroy correct yah gonna need a DAC.  I always suggest a separate DAC as the technology is moving really quickly and it gives you the flexibility to upgrade.

just checked the player no inputs outputs only


so you have two options


1: dac and streamer


2: streaming dac: an lumin x1 will exceed the sound qualiy of an esoteric cd player


we were esoteric dealers a properly set up x1 is neerly impossible to beat


in our shop it takes an outlay of 25k to 50k to actually better the x1


we have a vast collection of dacs streamers and servers


the node idea is a poor idea as it wont show you the potantial of streaming


the node sounds decent but it doesnt possess the same kind of sound as your esoteric does, a bricasti m3 plus 432Evo server will sound as good or better

the lumin x1 will better it


We have swithed over entirely over to treaming because when it is done right you can get the ease of instant playback, with better then cd performance


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect nj

streaming specialists:

bluesound,,bricasti, 432Evo servers, llumin naim, roon chord dealers


At first glance it appears that CD player has a Bur Brown 1704 DAC which was state of the art when it first came out , albeit many many audiophile moons ago. Regardless I can only image Esoteric went full tilt on the implementation and its a good place to start with a DAC.

The default answer for people starting out here is Bluesound Node. But if you want to explore a high end option take a look at the Bryston BDP-3. It will stream Tidal and Qobuz and go Coax out to your Esoteric. It also supports DSD files. There is a BDP-3 on audiogon now for $2.2K. New they are $3.6K I think.

The Lumin products also get mush love on this site.  You might include the Lumin U1 in your exploration.

Note, Do you have wired Ethernet to your rig or only WiFi?

Thanks jbuhl, I'll have to see if I can access my DAC on the Esoteric, it's in the shop being repaired right now. The drawer wasn't working.


i also procrastinated several years with getting into streamed music until covid locked me in for several months back in early 2020... with over a thousand lp’s and another thousand cd’s it was hard to get off the dime... it has been a lot of fun climbing the learning curve, and now, 20 some months later, i stream from qobuz or tidal 90+% of the time

it is so much fun literally having the all the music out there at your fingertips, and sounding so beautiful so often

I think you can access the DAC on the Esoteric X-01 D2.  It has a coax and an optical input on the back correct?

My Blue Sound Node 2 sounds almost, almost as good as my Marantz SA 8004 CD. What fun. 

Have just begun on the streaming route.

A Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra, which is plugged into my Dac.


Have a USB flash drive plugged in with my few Hi Res albums.

A hard drive with my burned CD collection.


Have listened to the Hi Res files. Very good so far. Now have to figure out how to stream from NAS, and Spotify/Tidal.

Thoughtful replies all, thank you. I've always been a "vinyl rules" guy and had to be led kicking and screaming into the cd world,now here I am again late to the party at 66 years old! Looking forward to a new discovery, be well.

I have a couple thousand CDs. If you streaming correctly it will sound as good as red book CD and better with higher resolution music from Qobuz or other HQ streaming services. The age of ripping CDs is about over. I would not waste time and money on it. On the other hand lots of streamers come with storage... My streamers came with storage and I had ripped all my CDs over the last 20 years. I haven’t played them once.

Since your looking at fairly high quality equipment... I’ll mention Aurender again. I guess if I was looking in that price range I would recommend a Schiit Yggdrasil DAC and a Aurender N100 Streamer (no DAC in it). The Yggdrasil is very inexpensive at ~$2,500 with performance of twice that. This combo would put you in some solid performance for ~ $5K


You can see my systems by clicking on my ID... I started on my system in 1973... have been upgrading to where my systems are today.

search youtube for reviewer john darko

he has a video series on the basic of streaming... easy to watch and well explained

I think I'll investigate a Bluesound Node 2 and see if streaming is something I'll want to pursue. If I do I can get a seperate DAC later. 

This is a great idea, other than the idea to add a separate DAC to the Bluesound later. 

The Bluesound is a great entry level product and a great way to dip your toes in teh streaming waters.  If you decide streaming isn't for you, you can flip it and only be out a couple of hundred bucks.  

If you have a higher end system, you'll realize the Bluesound has some limitations in terms of sound quality.  That's when you should ditch the BlueSound and spend the time to learn more about streaming and invest in better quality products, either a better streamer/DAC or a separate streamer and DAC.

One can run Roon on a computer or a dedicated NUC.
I am leaning towards that once I get all the CDs ripped to FLAC.
Then I am looking the Topping and March Audio DAC which can be fed from a USB from the computer or NUC.

But also the Lyngdorf I got has a Roon endpoint, so I may skip a DAC.
And Roon also does the streaming interface.

Hopefully some clues ^there^ will provide some options.

You’d probably be better off looking at a Bluesound Vault as it’ll allow you to load your CDs into it, but at your budget I think you’re better served by something from Innuos, FWIW. 

Thanks, after speaking to a knowledgable friend I think I'll investigate a Bluesound Node 2 and see if streaming is something I'll want to pursue. If I do I can get a seperate DAC later. 

If I go streamer and DAC will I need a server? As I say, I’m clueless here.

No. If I’m you I’m looking hard at an Innuos Zen Mk3 (or Zenith) as it’s an excellent streamer and you can easily load your CDs into its server’s onboard memory through its own CD slot. Couldn’t be easier.  Or, you can mess with separate hard drives, streamers, integrating them, etc. and figure it out on your own. If you don’t like dealing with computer hardware/software issues then Innuos has it all done for you. Best of luck.

Thanks, I'm looking at an end game setup. Haven't thought about a budget, probably 5k. It will be my third option as I have 4.5k records and many cds.

There are so many solutions it is crazy. It will depend on the price range and your long term objectives. If you want ultimately to get to audiophile quality, most folks will get a streamer and a separate DAC. But you can get very high quality boxes that do both... look at Aurender. They have outstanding units at all price points.


If you are looking to keep improving your system, you could use your PC as. Streamer for a while... but be aware they are not good sources compared to high quality streamers. Bluesound makes a budget streamers, some with DACs. 

What are your long term plans and budget?

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