For a wall mounted shelf to isolate feedback the wall needs to be a structural wall or load bearing wall, otherwise the wall moves with the floor.
Other feedback issues, assuming the turntable is set up correctly, could be in room base response. Locate the shelf away from corners, and away from between the speakers - these areas generally have high base nodes.
Also check your set up, tracking force and antiscate, make sure the arm is mounted tightly - not loose. Check bearing and turntable feet are not loose. Make sure there are no rattles in the shelf itself.
Other feedback issues, assuming the turntable is set up correctly, could be in room base response. Locate the shelf away from corners, and away from between the speakers - these areas generally have high base nodes.
Also check your set up, tracking force and antiscate, make sure the arm is mounted tightly - not loose. Check bearing and turntable feet are not loose. Make sure there are no rattles in the shelf itself.