Speaker Cable Recommendations

I know this may be dangerous but I need some suggestions for decent speaker cables under a grand on the used market. During my search I always end up back at the same ones. Acoustic Zen, Audioquest. Does anybody have experience with Tara Labs? Less expensive Kubala? Wireworld? Shunyata? I am using a Bat ss amp with a Mac pre and Aerial 10t speakers. I like nice controlled bass with a very neutral mid and high.

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+1 on triode wire labs. I had  their speakers cables and in my system there were better than Wireworld silver eclipse 8.
Pete is very honest anD great to deal with. Eventually I changed to Audience front row that cost 5 times more but really elevated my system to another level. After that I consider cables as a component.
I've had recent experience with two of the companies that you mentioned.

When I bought my Acoustic Zen "Hologram" speaker cables I miscalculated the length that I needed, so the spades had a tendency to pop off at the connection to the amplifier. So, I decided to try a pair of used Kubala Sosna cables and I did not like them as much as the Acoustic Zen cables. Fortunately, the vendor provided a trial period to check them out, so I was able to return them.

Ultimately I ended up ordering a new pair of the Acoustic Zen "Holograms" that were 2 feet longer and had banana plugs instead of spades.  I appreciate the Acoustic Zen's more now after finding out how much I really liked them after testing them against another product. 
True you need to audition first but it doesn’t hurt to get an opinion from actual users unless you live in a large city with great dealers willing to let you drag home a ton of cables and what chance they have many on the floor in your price range? You can try many online stores that offer returns and The Cable Company and put down deposits and maybe after a few months or more you find the right cable. That’s the nice thing about buying used... if you don’t like you’ll unlikely lose much if any.
Ignore all recommendations and audition in your system in your room.

Doing otherwise is equivalent to grading silk blindfolded and wearing boxing gloves.
If you have a few minutes to spare, check out Audio Sensibility.  He makes a pretty fine product.
In my system the AP cables sound fuller, more "organic" ..., if there is a word like this to describe sound.  The instruments and voices sound more real to me.  I'm still not quite sure of the graphene benefit in Cerious  cable design.  The Cerious cables are very good but in my system I prefer the AP by a small margin.

What did you like better about the AP Solo Crystal Oval 8 over the Cerious Matrix?

All of the above suggestions are great choices. I wish you much luck in making a decision, you probably can't go wrong with any of them :-)
Please let us know what you end up purchasing and how you like them.
Wywires Silver or Platinum single run with same jumpers w/alternate +/- configuration on the speakers. All Wywires series are copper... no silver. Not a big fan of silver conductors on Aerials but you may feel differently. 
I’ve used Acoustic Zen Satori shotgun biwires in my system forever.  Very neutral and natural sounding with great tone, detail, and soundstage.  Had some others come through the door but the Zens always stay in the end.  Easy to sell if they don’t work for you. 

That said, I like @millercarbon recommendation above and would strongly consider that as well. 
I've had the Cerious Matrix in the past (as well as many other cables) but in my system between the Pass 250.8 and Tekton Encore, the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 works the best.  
Check out Triode Wire Labs. They offer a 30 day trial period. I replaced all my Silver Audio cables with TWL.
Wireworld Platinum is 100% solid silver 7N OCC. No silver clad. Very pricey though
I think all the Cerious cables sound great and are great values. For even less money don't overlook the Transparent Audio lower cost cables...
@dpm2340 - Wireworld Eclipse 7 is the all OCC-copper version in the Eclipse line. Others have silver-clad OCC copper, pure OCC silver and, I think, a combo copper-silver edition. You can find Eclipse 7 close to your price-point if you are patient.
The above suggestions are all very good.
I'll throw onto the suggest list Cerious Technologies Graphene speaker cables and if its in your price range (not sure) the Cerious Technologies Matrix speaker cables.
Harmonic Technology Pro-9. Had them in my system for 15 years until trying Wireworld Eclipse 7. Both, coincidentally, use OCC copper. Most of my interconnects are HT Magics (Kimber Silver Streaks for phono duty). 
Though much depends upon what speakers you are using, I have a bias towards Audioquest.
Synergistic Research. Get one with active shielding if you can. Then send the MPC wall warts to Michael Spallone. Find him here on audiogon. For a very nominal $50 or whatever it is now he will upgrade the diodes and caps and replace the cheap circuit board with point to point wire. The result is an already very good cable gains incredible detail, depth, power, and just generally sounds so across the board better you will hardly believe its the same cable. And it was good to begin with.
In 50 years in this  hobby I have  had hundreds and hundreds of different
speaker cables , Always a courses for horses deal .
The  least expensive I have found that sounds very good on any speaker in any system  is the Analysis Plus  Oval Nine black mesh .  About  550 $ for 6 feet . Often for sale for less on here .