Something For The Fuse Guys ...

There are fuses, and then, there are fuses. 

I'm evaluating some prototype fuses that I received in the mail three days ago. 

Over the past few years, I've used fuses from five different manufacturers. The last three were the Red, Black and Blue fuses from Synergistic Research. Each one incrementally improved the sound of my system. My favorite so far was the SR Blue. 

The prototype fuses being evaluated presently raises the SQ beyond all of the others mentioned above. The major improvement to my ears is better tonal accuracy. Instruments and voices are more life-like. The noise is reduced allowing for a more solid 3-D presentation with the musicians more solidly presented on the sound stage. Overall, more information is fleshed out of CDs and LPs. 

The manufacturer, the price and the name of the prototype fuses will come later. I don't have the information thus far. My understanding is, if all works out, the release date is to be mid-October. 

Stay tuned ... 

Has anyone tried unplugging all of the household appliances during a listening session ... TV, dimmer switches, and especially the refrigerator? 
Much rather be accused of having no sense of humor than being the resident forum 🤡.

Reminds me of the days of court jesters.......
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I’m sorry but I can’t help just thinking of Dangermouse when I hear Dangerfield.

Probably not much difference......
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He who laughs last laughs best. Thanks pragmash for letting me have the last word. 🤡 Were you raised my Amish too? 😳
BS tweak vendor Geoffkait (Machina Dynamica)
Just looked at the website... that's hilarious, I'll bow out gracefully now. Geoffkait, feel free to have the last word.
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You might find here that there is an direct relationship between the amount of conjecture that goes into promoting a product and the likelihood of a dissenting view being accepted by the promoters.

Also that self-proclaimed theoretical physicist and BS tweak vendor  Geoffkait (Machina Dynamica) will go on endlessly promoting that pretty much everything in the universe not only is intertwined, but affects your sound (which he has never even heard).

He might even say parallel universes should concern you as never know.
“I have a feeling that some people here would claim my fridge is in the signal path because it's plugged into the same ring main).”

And the reason they would claim that is because it’s true. You just said it yourself. Hel-loo! 🤡
Had to think twice before posting here as I may be perceived as a heretic. But I think just for the sake of people who stumble across this thread looking to learn something it has to be said that any amplifier which sounds different after you change the fuse has some pretty dodgy engineering.
Fuses are there for one reason - to protect you and your equipment from harm. A design engineer has put them there for a reason and if they've done 1/100th of a decent job they will have no impact on the sound whatsoever.
I would never design an amplifier without correctly rated fuses and I would never put them in the signal path... To qualify what I mean by the 'signal path' I mean the conductors that carry the signal - power supply rails are not part of the signal path (I have a feeling that some people here would claim my fridge is in the signal path because it's plugged into the same ring main).
Let's assume that the fuses we're talking about are between the transformer and the rectifier, that would mean that any small change they make have to survive the AC signal being chopped up by the rectifier, smoothed out by the reservoir capacitors and ignored by the ripple rejection designed into the amplifier... and that's before they even get near the signal path.
Running off batteries is a different matter, they deliver a clean DC supply with a low impedance and regardless of fuses may show an improvement to sound particularly with phono or headphone amps.

As fate would have it I don’t even have any fuses. Good luck to you sir! 🤡
I'm still quite confident that I prefer to listen to my "whatever's left" with a good glass of wine in hand, than to your "high end" and the worries of directionality. Never mind, I'm fine with that too. You continue to enjoy changing fuses, I will continue to enjoy changing cd's. 
Exactly! I choose the high end. You can choose whatever’s left. 🤡

My approach is that I enjoy the music. The time you spend on frantically searching for the proper directions of your fuses, I will spend with a good glass of wine and some good music. It's a choice to make. 
No, my approach it isn’t what you said. Not at all. Your approach takes tens of thousands of combinations. There are too many combinations. You said so yourself. My approach only has the minimum combinations. Your approach can never work at all.

There is no substitute for thimking.

Next, you buy fuses and replace your original fuses one at a time - checking each fuse for directionality as you go. 🔜 Then repeat the process to double check each fuse for directionality.

That's what I was saying indeed. ;) (well more or less)

In addition, I don't think that it is the same for speakers
Sorry, that’s a ridiculous and absurd approach.

Very few people have 10 fuses but whether they have 10 fuses or 1 fuse, the only approach that makes sense is to first decide which fuse you want based on reviews, testimony and price, whatever. You have to make up your mind. It’s the same with cables or speakers. You don’t have the luxury of trying everything.

Next, you buy fuses and replace your original fuses one at a time - checking each fuse for directionality as you go. 🔜 Then repeat the process to double check each fuse for directionality. The end. It’s not rocket science. 🚀
Let's say you have 10 fuses in your equipment, now you wish to start tuning, so you change the first fuse, you will buy 3 different choices, so 9 fuses remain original. You will finally select the fuse you like, after that, you will change the direction of that particular fuse to find the best result. Next you repeat this process with the second fuse, (remember, the first fuse may have to go back to the original, as that is another combination...) Now, after tens of thousands of combinations, many years later you may think to have found the best combination... However, sure enough by that time (or earlier) a new fuse will become available, and you have to start the process all over again. For those being into this, enjoy the "tuning" hobby.  A similar process is needed for cable selection, after that the footers, outlets, contact cleaners, and many other variables where you can play with. It will be impossible to live long enough to try out all the variables.... 
Summarizing we can say that some people are in this hobby because of the tuning involved, others are in it to enjoy the music, accepting that yes, if they spent many years of tuning, the result would be slightly better than with the original equipment....(a smaller group of "audiophiles" even try to understand why it sounds different, develop their own theories, which provides entertainment as per the above).... Whichever way you like it, as long as you are happy, never mind. 
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^^^ Don't know yet. There were a couple of folks who tried both the SR Blue fuse and the Beeswax fuse. Some felt there were trade-offs. 
The Orange fuse is significantly better than the Blue fuse, so let that be your guide.

jafreeman ...

Your assessment is right on target.

I’ll tell you, when I try a product that significantly improves my audio system, I’m going to report it here, no matter the flack. Over time, those who have taken the jump on these products have benefited greatly. Audiogon has benefited greatly as well. After all ... Audiogon is in business to sell advertising and to make fees from various sales. If positive reviews help that, then Audiogon makes out, and so do we, because we still have this little niche’ of the audiophile world where we can express our opinions share our successes.

I don’t see too many SR ads here other than by individuals so that probably makes you a rube. No offense. 
Yes, I noticed, as well. You are merely informing us of your test results prior to the retail release of an SR product about to be advertised here, to the benefit of Audiogon.

>>>>To the benefit to Audiogon? Really? How so?
Yes, I noticed, as well. You are merely informing us of your test results prior to the retail release of an SR product about to be advertised here, to the benefit of Audiogon.
While some threads may seem like shameless commercial promotion, just as many post about a great amp or speaker brand they have just added in to their systems. The vast body of posts on this forum is in the spirit of informing others of what works or what doesn’t for them. These findings are useful and promote interest in making changes, which means commerce for the owners---everyone wins here.
And talking about the new Orange fuse ... What happened to the new Orange Fuse thread? Why was it taken down???? Are there Gremlins in our midsts? 

Already in stages of initial development: a sort of pallid greenish indigo. Will quite literally blow everything out of the water.
Not bad, but maybe you should pick up a copy of Jokes for the John. My mother told me when I get out of school I’ll have to work hard but I said no I don’t because I was going to be a comedian.
Darn, I thought it was going to be purple. Maybe purple will be the next version probably out about early 2021. 
No such thing as a viscous circle. Rrrrrrrrr-ruff! Maybe there’s a passive aggressive tetrahedron.  🤡
By no small coincidence Lithium battery inventors were just awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry as we speak. Works for me. 🤡
And next year something else will come along that will outdo 🍊.....round n round we go. Vicious cycle isn’t it.
Just when you think things can't get any better, along comes the Orange fuse.

Geoff ... I took your advice and removed all of the fuses in the system. No sound came out.

I am sorry but that just will not do!
It will not match the decor of my room at all.

I would certainly buy an Orange 🍊fuse if I had some place to put it. Please, no wisecracks. 🤡 Am I correct in assuming no fuse is still better than ANY fuse, including the new Orange 🍊fuse?