SME 20/2 w SME V arm- Cartridge recommendations

Hello all, I just picked up a SME 20/2 with a SME V arm. This table will be replacing a Linn LP12/Cirkus/Ittok/Trampolin/Troika table. I am stepping outside of the box here as I have only ever owned LP-12's over th last 15 years I have been enjoying the hifi experience.

I was hoping that some of you could point me in the right direction in regards to cartridge selection as once again I am only used to hearing Linn cartridges. I run an Aesthetix Rhea as my phono pre so I have a some flexibility. My LP collection consists of all types of music and I don't have one type I favor most.

I know everybody's interpretations of cartridges are subjective to each individual's own hearing but if anybody has some places to start I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your time!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xharvydent
Hello: I have a SME 20/3 with SME V arm (silver wiring). I listen to jazz, classical and some 70's rock. I have found the DV Te Kaitora Rua works very well with the SME arm and TT.
I'm currently looking for local dealers that may have the Sumiko and Lyra cartridges in stock. I am leaning towards the Lyra Kleos or the Sumiko Pearwood Celebration II. I will let you all know how it all pans out.

Thanks again.
I have to endorse the V arm with Benz LPS combination as well. Absolutely stunning sounding combination. The Benz Ruby Z is also a nice match with the V arm.
Trialled on SME 20/V - Dynavector Nova 13D, Koetsu Rosewood, Lyra Helicon
In my view you are best to choose from Lyra, Sumiko, Air tight or Dynavector. In my direct hands on experience the SME 20/V has a laid back soft presentation and the Koetsu's are too much of the same. I have had/set up over 20 Koetsu's and use to distribute SME here and would never use a Koetsu an SME V. Have also had great success with Van den Huls on the V as well, eg Frog etc.
I owned an SME Model 10 and now the 30/12. I used the Sumiko Celebration and AirTight PC-1 on the 10 and now have a Supreme on the 30/12. I believe the AirTights are designed partially on SME arms as are the Sumiko cartridges. They are an excellent combination and a few reviews discuss the SME V arm with these brands.

People have also had great results with the mid-priced Lyras and the Dynavector XV-1s, though I have not heard those in my system.
In the 2k-4k range US $, I would listen to the Kleos if I was you.

Robert A. Ober
PS: 'Course it's what I have and like the fact that it gets the body of the instrument and the detail.
Lol, I should have clarified that after spending what I spent on the SME I can't afford an Atlas, MC Anna or other $7-$10k cartridges. One of these days but for now I am looking more in the $2-$4k range. I have some time to gather suggestions as the table probably won't arrive until a week or so from now.

I have a Benz Micro Glider and mint Tsurugi Ceraloy on hand to play with but I am thinking ahead. My concern is that I know that the Benz stuff is nearly impossible to get now days.

I will look at the cartridges mentioned above. I appreciate all of the input.
A Benz Micro is very often paired with your table/arm. Buy what you can afford.
The Benz Micro line is so popular that you may have to wait for one on order. Some stores will steer you to another brand because that brand is available!!!
I use a wood2 on my Goldmund. Peterh
I have had the same SME table/arm for 10 years and have enjoyed many carts: Sumiko Celebration, Koetsu Black and Rosewood Signature, and best of all, Dynavector XV-1s.
There is a new cartridge available from Acoustical Systems, the Archon. An amazing design, one of the best I ever listened to (independent from price) .... there is worse out there....
The Benz LPS shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as Atlas, Anna, and Universe. It's a mid-fi component at best.
I have the same combo and Koetsu and Sumiko's better cartridges both work extremely well on it. Talk to Larry Marcus at Paragon Sight and Sound as he can give you a very well educated opinion.
Atlas,Anna, Universe, LPS, etc....the best you can afford. Black is good, but there is better.
Ortofon Cadenza Black, a magnificent performer, have been running it since I Installed it for a customer demo 3 weeks ago, have not had the desire to take it off even though i have many other nice Cartridges. I use it on a SME312S

Good Listening
