Seeking Suggestions on Preamp Upgrade (CJ, Aesthetix, EAR)

I have about $5,000 budget to upgrade a preamp.  I am using Luxman 550 integrated as a preamp currently, it sounds a bit too lean to me.  Rest of the system are Pass XA30.5, Dynaudio Contour 3.4, Marantz reference SACD.  I am thinking CJ CT5/ET5, CJ ACT2, Aesthetix Calypiso, EAR 868, or Zesto Leto.  Thank you very much!

I settled up with a Lamm LL2.1 paired with a Pass Labs 30.5 and they paired beautifully and still have the combo in play. I went thru Lamm and they referred me to a couple of dealers since I didn't have one in Houston, wound up buying for less than $5,000.00 but not by much and was shipped to me direct from Lamm. Be glad to forward you the dealers name if interested. I did listen to three of your contenders in my system and the Lamm bettered them, the only real contender for me was the First Sound Presence preamp but the Lamm came in quite a bit cheaper. Good luck.

Hi, tooblue:  Thank you for your response.  My list contained LAMM originally but I read through the on-line information and found there were some discussions relate to LAMM's QC issue, which prompted me to drop it from the list.  Likely you have encountered them.  What is your taken?

I heard 2 aesthetix  preamp one is calypso, this are excellent unit, I will buy one, without thinking, if I can afford it, they are so neutral, and full sounding, and well made....
The other unit is 7k, I forgot the name, between the 5k and 7k, for me the 2k difference is not worth it.
How about an Atmasphere pre? Very neutral but must use a balanced amp to get best results.
How about a Rogue RP-5 tube preamp?  Loads of inputs/outputs and sounds excellent, especially with 4 NOS Mullard tubes.
For the XA30, I would consider a Convergent Audio SL1 (pick your vintage)
Out of the ones you have listed, I would think a CJ pre would sound great with the XA30, but I like silver w/ silver, not silver and gold, but some may not care about such trivial stuff........I’ve heard the Zesto extensively and it is a wonderful preamp. I don’t think it’s in the same league as the CAT preamps.....I have heard that particular EAR and it’s a good preamp, but EAR’s service and support is suspect......I’ve heard bad things.....As to Aesthetix, I have a friend who had a Calypso and a Janus, he was plagued with small unexplained issues on both of them, like unexplained noise, ground loop issues, LEDs failing.....etc....I’d just steer clear of that brand.....he is now a Zesto dealer and has the Leto and couldn’t be happier.....but even he says my CAT Renaissance sounds a good deal better........when I bought the CAT it was 10K w/ phono and 8K without.....used ones come about every now and then.....mine will never be for sale....check hifi-shark for convergent.....there are a few really nice units around 2500 or so, you could have Ken Stevens do his magic for less than 5K and have something really special.....
With the Pass amp you would do well to give extra consideration towards a balanced preamp.

The Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe preamp has given me no issues, I had the Lamm LL2 Deluxe, bought it used to live with in my system while I was on the preamp journey and had it 2 years before selling it to move on with no issues. Truth is all the preamps you mentioned would be awfully easy to live with and it usually boils down to personal preferences one way or the other.

I have an Aesthetix Calypso which has worked perfectly since I purchased it. 

That being said I do not think it would be a good sonic match with your Pass amplifier. You shoudl match it with a Pass preamp. I think Reno Audio has a trial program for Pass equipment.
Stewart0722, thank you for the warning.  I did notice there were some complaints about noise pop up here and there.  Most of them I noticed were about 10 years ago when the Aesthetix came up.  I don't know if it is still the case today.  When did those incidendents you described happen?  I will be worried if it is recently.

Thank you for the comment.  I wonder if you can elaborate a bit on Aesthetix and Pass mismatch.  I would like to have some tube sound to my system.  Everything I have so far is solid state so far.  I have been trying different cables to warm it up, and have made progress.  I hope rely on tube preamp to substantially improve the warmness of the sound.

Conrad Johnson & Pass Labs are a sonic match. The Act2 Series2 is very sweet. Additionally, I have heard the ET-3SE-very sweet as well.

I have always wanted to demo an ART(2/3) and ET-5. It is my short -list.
I have not auditioned any CJ pre-amp w/ Pass Labs, only read about their inherent synergy.

Keep me posted, mention your dealers/retailers all.
Happy Listening!
2nd note;

Pass Labs and Aesthetix are sonic matches too. Read much about this pairing. Not had an actual demo together. 
The issues I heard about were from a dealer who had purchased Aesthetix for his personal use....he wasn't an Aesthetix dealer.....It was about 2 years ago......overall, he has been much happier with the Zesto, he became a Zesto dealer after purchasing their 5K used, you should be top of the food chain in terms of a tube can do a lot better than Aesthetix.......

There is a Leto on gon for around 3500 now

If you want to have some real fun, get the Precision Fidelity C7 on gon now....these are like hens teeth, hardly ever coming up for of the most musical preamps ever made..I owned a gold one in the late 80s, biggest regret ever...selling it...this guy wants around 1300 or so.....There is also a few CJ options on gon right now.....
Hi  david, 
you have asked an open question. Soon enough, there will be just about many different preamp recommended to you. 
what is your music genre and your sound preference like? i.e laid back, relax? euphoric? vivid? big voice , wide soundstage?

there are many different preamp that will be good only in certain aspects of audio reproduction. It's very difficult to achieve absolute detail with richness and tonally accurate plus wide open soundstage if you listen to majestic performance like in a classical recording. only a handful with a heavenly price tag  preamps can do well in everything.
Hi, Phil:

Nice suggestion.  My original intention is to confine the discussion within very few items based on the paper study I did.  I have omitted some very obvious major brands based on my first-hand experience.  I prefer a warmer sound, with laid-back, live-like, classical music remaking.   I go to live concert performance pretty frequently.  To me, a lot of equipment sounds too bright and too articulate to mimic the string groups in an orchestra.  Of course, this is only to me individually, and may not be applicable to majority.

My current system is free of listening fatigue - I can do a continuous listening for hours with peoridic performance or harpsichord of Baroque music.  But to compare to a live performance, there is still a distance.  I am not talking about personal emotional involvement, just pure acoustic quality.

I cannot afford the heavenly price tag equipment.  Just acoustic sound of classical music of natural sound, so the bass requirement (I rarely listen to music played by organ) is not very demanding but mid-range and high frequency may be my major concern.

Thank you very much for posting to clarify the purpose.  

  The prevailing rule of thumb is that the input impedance of amplifiers should be 10 X greater than the output impedance of  preamplifiers.
  The Pass XA30.5 input impedance is spec'd at single ended: 15K Ohms and at balanced:  30K Ohms.
  c-j recommends an amplifier input impedance of 20K Ohms for all of the above mentioned c-j preamps. All c-j's are single ended only.
 The Aesthetix Calypso suggests recommended amplifier loads of single ended:  10K Ohms or greater and balanced:  20K Ohms or greater.
Couldn't find anything specifically re: the EAR 868, but Ear does suggest looking at the EAR 912 as this what the 868 what based upon. The EAR 912 output impedance is spec'd at:  600 Ohms.
 The Zesto Leto  output impedance is spec'd at:  150 Ohms both single ended and balanced.

What you need is to purchase a reasonable good preamp that response well to tube rolling. Most people use tubes to fine tune the degree of warmth.

EAR , Mapletree audio and Joule Electra are some of the tube pre that i find may have more warmth compared to CJ , ARC, Allnic and alikes.. do be aware that within its product line, there are also some difference in their sound characteristic too. PrimaLuna is another suggestion, however, personally i feel it's does not sound laid back, much better for music with singers. 

you have to judge for yourself how distant sound you feel that's right for you. There are many preamp that provide warmth but it's much more difficult to strike the right balance mix of detail, articulation and warmth that suited to your taste, hence tube and cable rolling sometimes can be quite handy. 
Make sure the impedance matches as suggested above by unsound, and weight your opinion about responses you receive toward those from users, as opposed to those that have not owned or used the equipment they are recommending or disparaging. 

My general opinion is that if I have not heard it I can't have a valid opinion on how it sounds.
David - there is a VAC Ren Signature on the A-Gon listing right now that would be perfect with your PASS and fit your budget easily as well.  Do NOT hesitate as this is a great pre at at great price (no affiliation, just a very happy VAC owner)
Unsound and jperry:

Thank you for the insight on the impendence matching between the source and load.  I read some on-line information on this topic.  It appears that the the 1 to 10 ratio is related to balance between the maximum power transfer and system power efficiency optimizationis.  Back to the actual impendence readings for each brand listed above, none of them can meet the requirement for the rule of thumb, c-j's output impendence is less than 500ohm, and barely 100ohm for ET5, interesting perspective.

thank you again.
Did you eliminate VTL's 2.5 and 5.5?  I've been very happy with the 2.5 for many years with a McCormack amp. Lush and non fatiguing.
Oh my, this question is a delight to which to respond.  I am a long time customer of Don Sachs who produces a 6SN7-based custom-made tube preamp in a beautiful wood cabinet.  By far, it is the finest preamp I have had in my 45 years of having good to great gear.  Don offers lots of options including a remote control, XLR connectors, caps upgrades from Mundorf Silver Oil, Jupiter Copper, to Dueland caps that increasingly enhance the performance of his preamp.  The basic preamp runs around $1800 and betters the performance of preamps many times the cost of his preamp.  Google "Don Sachs Consulting" for more information.  This is my highest recommendation for a preamp.  
Don Sachs here.  I see I have been talked about.   I would love to build the OP a preamp, but he has an amplifier with a 15K input impedance.  I could certainly use a really large output capacitor value and drive that load, but it has been my experience that the sp14 design, while a fantastic preamp, has some issues driving loads less than 30-40K input impedance.  It will do it, but sometimes may not be as dynamic as people want.  I would say this may apply to many tube preamps.  Really, I recommend my preamp for loads of 47K or higher.  It will work with anything, but sounds best with a more benign load.  Any tube amp in the world is 70-80K or higher:)

I'd recommend you investigate the Primaluna Dialogue Premium which I now own. I've owned CJ ET-2SE, Aesthetix Calypso, Allnic L1500, AR LS17SE, and First Sound Presence Deluxe MKII in the past 4 years. If it wasn't for the lack of remote, the First Sound is the most impressive I've yet heard and I would have lived with it long term. The Pirma lacks the sheer dynamics of the First Sound, but is otherwise equally enjoyable. Good luck in your search.
+1 for the Primaluna Dialogue Premium pre recommendation. Performance far-far beyond its price range!!! A tube rollers delight... 
Hi David,
I have been using the Aesthetix Calypso with Genelex Gold Lion tubes that I got from Kevin Deal of Upscale Audio. A great upgrade from the original stock tubes. The preamp has worked flawlessly from the time I purchased it. Its a neutral sounding  pre , highly musical and bullet proof.  Its a match made in heaven with my Jadis. I would highly recommend the Aesthetix Calypso ( with the tube upgrade, or you can also get NOS Telefunken, albeit , a little more expensive tubes  & get an even better sound   sound )
First of all, thank you all for the recommendations and shared your first hand experience.  It is a great learning experience.  
I have a CJ CT-5 which I use with a Legacy [Coda built] amp. I am really happy with it, but it is one preamp that you can't do much tube rolling, the 6h30 comes in 3 varieties, and the NOS version is now sky high.
If I was looking for a preamp in your price range, consider the PS Audio BHK  Signature preamp, they offer very good deals with a trade in. And a 30 day trial period.
How it would match up with your other gear, no idea. Just one more to consider.

Thank you for the recommendation of Aesthetix.  I wonder if I can ask two questions of your using experience regarding Aesthetix.  

1). What is the distance between you and the speakers of your system.
2)  inside the Calypso there are internal gain adjustment for both channel.  One is 0db, the other is -12db.  Which gain adjustment do you use when you use Genelex from Shuguang?

I noticed some complaints on the web about noise level of Aesthetix, and thought about the possible cause of it.  

I assume that the input impendence of Jadis is about 135K ohm?

Thank you very much again!