Sales or clearances happening now

I noticed a HUGE sale at Cary Audio right now. My guess is that they want to keep cash flowing and that they were also going to offer some discounts at the (now cancelled) trade shows, so they budgeted for this, partly.

Has anyone else seen any major sales on gear in the last couple weeks?

[Caveat: I know there are many more important things happening, and that our country is in a crisis. I assume anyone reading this is doing so because they are not one of the people trying to save lives, and that they see reading or talking about audio as a way to stay sane. If this post devolves into something political, etc. I will unfollow End of caveat.]
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This is actually a good thread. Companies who are liquidating will be helped with their cash flow when people buy items that have put on sale. Fire sale, regular sale or any sale  will in turn allow our beloved audio companies to stay afloat, pay rent and more importantly pay the salaries of their staff until such time that the commercial market becomes normal again

You've done nothing wrong. There's plenty of buyers and shop owners who read this blog. You just may have started something, someone or some shop owners to getting really good deals right now. Nicely done!
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A little over a week ago, I pulled the trigger on a DirectStream DAC Sr. I’ve always wanted on, so I figured why not.

I’m semi-retired planning for full retirement at the end of June.  Good Lord willing, I’ll make it to June and for a many more years afterwards.  I spend a couple of hours each evening listening to music, enjoying some of the fruits of my labor, while trying to block out all of the craziness going on in the world right now.   

Seems to be sales everywhere. Unfortunately my business is at a standstill now, which started about a week/week and a half ago, so I certainly won’t be participating. I don’t see clients coming back anytime soon. 

I had to claw my way back after the housing crash, now this. Not good, and it makes me incredibly nervous.

But, at least I have good music to play on my modest but nice system. And I do nightly to escape from all the bad news.
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@ebm I don't want to make things worse for anyone. Are you suggesting that it's better not to buy things that sellers have chosen to offer for sale?

Clearly, they are coerced by circumstances. I did not create these circumstances, nor did anyone here. Still, no one wants to take advantage of them.

But in order to decide that buying from them makes their situation worse, we'd need to know that they were actually doing something against their self-interest. But are they? Probably a case by case question, but how would one ever know?

Given all that, I think the safer course is to trust that sellers know what they're doing and why; then, it's just up to each of us to make our own decision.
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Take advantage of everybody’s bad luck.(That wonderful NOT!!)
Or help support a business that’s trying to keep its doors open by lowering their margins. There’s not going to be a lot of consumer spending going on for a while.

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 Check out the PS Audio website.
Now is the time, if anyone has been itching to get that  BHK or Powerplant you've been dreaming about.

PS Audio is doing 20% of till the end of the month. Me thinks the end date will be extended.

I won't be surprised seeing more aggressive sales from all the audio distributors, due to the current situation.
If I were in buy mode, I would consider replacing my prehistoric PPP for a P12. It appears there's even a little more incentive with a trade in!
I can get one for $2999!!

Buy now finger twitching........naaa
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Thanks for the tips.
(I started another thread about this topic and it went south, fast. Weird, too, since anyone with the time to criticize someone for posting about audio clearly has the time to do *that*.)

There's an Octave integrated at 40% off.
I have picked up some great deals from private parties, I think people are nervous and more flexible with price.
Don't apologize. Nothing that you say about sales on audio gear will make the health situation better or worse.
I have gotten emails from audio advisor and music direct showing sales on certain items. If you start a thread you can delete it. Go to profile discussions started and click on the little gear.