Rogue Audio Cronus ...what speakers do you love ?

I'm currently using my wonderful Cronus integrated amp to drive my beloved Vandersteen 1C speakers (click on my "system"). Happiness is flowing all around my music room with this combination. Which speakers are you other Cronus owners using ?? What's great about what you now have ?? What are you wishing for with a speaker upgrade ??
In response to the prior post regarding Ohms... I purchased my CMIII earlier this year when I was running LS50’s.  Sounded great but small ... Stumbled across the threads about Ohms and had always wanted to given them a try. Next thing I know I found a set of Walsh 4’s on marketplace and they sound amazing with the Rogue. People say that Ohms aren’t great with tubes but maybe they just didn’t have enough power.  
I now have the 4.3000 upgrade on order and looking forward to how it will sound vs the 30 year old drivers that badly need refurbishment. Will report back after the upgrade. 
I am always curious when I read about the CM. I have only heard it once for about an hour at Overture Audio in DE. I thought it was a nice sounding SS amp...problem is its tubes!. I did not get any "tube magic" from it...certainly unlike the MC275 I heard in the same place. Problem is the 275 needs a preamp and the numbers get much higher very quickly. I dont recall what speakers they were playing through as this was a couple of Decembers ago. I would be curious as to what/if any members have used either of these amps with Ohm Walsh or Kef R300 or LS50 speakers and if so their thoughts. I am VERY TUBE CURIOUS and will be upgrading my amp(s) in the next year but have been happy with my speakers. Now, thinking maybe its time to upgrade both...
BTW, running alternatively a Terry DeWick upgraded MC250 with an upgraded Acurus RL11 or a Marantz PM8005. The 250 has a wonderful blend of musicality and detail in its upgraded form but not enough power and the pre has no remote...and I have a increasingly bad back. 
possibly the best buy in all of audiophile land.  
i enjoyed my CMII immensely with Harbeth C7ES3 speakers.  
Tube upgraded to amperx 12AX7 and AU7, RCA 5914 12AU7 back row.  

I have "upgraded" everything but should have stopped with that system.  
I am using it with Raal Sr1a headphone which requires more than 100 watts.

Mine is fitted with Telefuken 12ax7 and Amperex 12 au7 tubes.
I have been using a Cronus Magnum on loan from a friend during the pandemic. Was supposed to be a few weeks, but I have been blessed with this lodger for a while.

I have listened to it quite a bit with Sonus Faber Cremonas and with a pair of Gallo Reference 3s.

If you have the Gallos it would be well worth the effort to listen to the pair together. I had always hoped for more from the REF 3s and the Cronus Magnum makes them magical. I will be leaving the amp in this set-up (buying it from friend).

I have been running the Sonus Fabers off Ayre equipment and have been immensely happy with them. The Cronus Magnum sounds great on the Cremonas, but it can not touch the fine delineation and impact/clarity from either the Ayre separates or the Ayre integrated.

Still, at the Cronus price point and with a built-in bias meter, you can not really go wrong with this amp.

My opinion ofis probably not the best match but a decent one and still sound very good together most of the time.  

Off the cuff if it were me the Triangle and Vandersteen ideas would have a lot of appeal
I just bought a pair of Revel F-12's. As much as I have loved my Vandersteen 1C's, these Revels have brought my system up to new heights of musical bliss. I am thrilled with the improved dynamic range, deeper bottom end (with definition and clarity,) and cohesive balance of these speakers. Anyone want to buy a beautiful pair of Vandersteen 1C's ?
I owned this amplifier with a pair of Paradigm Studio 20's v3 and had GREAT results. It was a beautiful combination. Given the price with stands, it was a no brainer for me.
I'm running a sort of scaled up version of the original poster's system: Rogue M-180s into Vandersteen Quatros. I'm using KT-120 tubes in place do the stock KT-90s. I wonder how a Cronus Magnum with KT-120s would compare to the M-180s.

08-06-12: Audioconnection
If you remove the unused fender power amp/speaker from your listening room your speakers should sound better focused. Just by havingother speakers in the same room makes them behave as a trap. Certain frequencies are then affected causing compromised performance.

I'm so glad I read this! I'd heard of this before, and visit a couple of high end stores that keep most speakers in one room and only bring out the speakers you're interested in for an audition in a separate room. It always made sense to me that the diaphragms of the other speakers could absorb and release energy, causing suckouts and resonances and smearing the timing. But I never addressed it. For the last 3 years I've had a 2x10 bass combo amp in my 2-channel listening room. Although it's not terribly large, the cab is about 3.5 cu. ft. tuned to around 35 Hz, with two 10" LF drivers and a slot port at the bottom that could presumably take in low frequencies traveling along the floor, absorb them into the cabinet and then release them into the room via the drivers acting as passive radiators.

I've noticed that when I visit audio shops that have several pairs of speakers crammed into an auditioning room, none of them sound dynamic or engaging to me.

ANYWAY, after reading your suggestion, I wheeled the bass amp out of the listening room and fired up the stereo. Eureka! It was as if I'd may a $1,000 upgrade at least, whether in room treatments, better speakers, or better amp and speakers (which would have been way more than $1K).

The congestion and upper bass overload I was hearing at medium-high volumes disappeared, the entire presentation at every volume became much more clear and musical. Presentation was more linear with no noticeable lumps, and the soundstage became 3-dimensional as I'd never heard it in my room before. Whereas I used to assume my speakers or amp weren't up to the task of playing cleanly at higher volumes, I am now ready to let this system rip on bombastic orchestral pieces and big band. Woo-hoo!

It stands to reason that the effect of removing a guitar or bass amp will vary according to the size of the cab and speaker array relative to the room it's in and its position in the room. You may not hear a difference removing a Fender Champ or Princeton. But if it's a 2x12, half stack, or bass combo placed along the wall, I suspect it will consistently thwart efforts to tune the room.

Speaking of bass traps, I wonder how a pair of PA speaker columns (such as old Shure Vocalmasters) placed in the corners might work as bass traps?
Being a Rogue and Tannoy dealer, I will second the suggestion above about the Stirling's along with the Turnberrys and also the Definitions (DC8, DC8T).
.If you remove the unused fender power
amp/speaker from your listening room
your speakers should sound better focused.
Just by having
other speakers in the same room makes them
behave as a trap.
certain frequencies
are then affected causing compromised performance.

I also have the Cronus Magnum upgrade paired with 1C's. I recently added one 2wq sub and the sound is excellent: musical, transparent; and this in a fairly compromised 12x12 den. That may be a good option for you if you are considering upgrading to 2Ces
Yes I had the Cronus with Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs and this was a very good combo, dynammic and extended beyond what the 1cs provide, though the 1cs are an incredible value. Later I sold the Cronus and the Vandersteens in my continued quest and switched to Thiel 2.4s. I would bet that the Cronus would work very well with these superb speakers too.

I would recommend the Cronus with the 2Ce Sigs hands down.
I heard the Cronus Magnum with Paradigm Studio Monitors at a dealer and they sounded really good
Thanks for the responses so far. Does anyone out there have experience with the Cronus and any of the bigger Vandersteens ?
I bought a Cronus Magnum a couple months ago to go with my DeVore Gibbon 8s. I had been using an solid state pre/pro and the Cronus simply blows it away. I had no idea my Gibbons had that much bass in them. I also recently upgraded my DAC (Wavelength Brick v1 to a v2) and the two changes really took things to a whole new level. I was planning on moving up to DeVore's Super 8's or even the I'm not so sure. I'm actually pretty happy with my set-up.
Tyler Linbrook System 2s. If I change speakers it might be Tyler's new Decade D2 or Adagios
I used mine with Quad 2805 in a smaller room. It was a great match for that room size. I had Rogue modify my Cronus and it was a really sweet sounding amp for the price.
I am using it with my Triangle Altea ESW speakers and very happy with the result.