Rockport Atria II or Magico A5

I'm considering a change from my Focal Kanta 3s and will be auditioning Rockport Atria IIs and Magico A5s soon.  I've heard the Rockports and Magico S3 IIs together,  but not the A5s. Rockports more than held their own.   

Looking for opinions as to how either the Atrias or A5s would pair with my D'Agostino Progression Integrated and M Scaler/Dave   

My space is 15x21x14 ft and I stream Roon almost exclusively.   

My musical tastes are varied - classical, opera, jazz/blues, classic rock, indie  

I listen at moderate volumes and value clear separation between voices, but with a "coherent" sound overall if that makes sense.  This is what the Rockports seemed to achieve moreso than the Magico as I recall.  

Thanks and stay safe.  

Sorry for posting all of the videos in this post, but yesterday I had 3 people from this thread ask for more A5 videos. Rather than post the videos here if anyone is interested please go to The last four videos are the A5s with the Pilium Elektra DAC and Leonidas integrated streaming with the Taiko Audio Extreme server.

I will bow out now, let’s see some Pearl or Rockport videos:)

Congrats on your Rockports? Which model, Atria IIs? Rockports ARE very natural sounding and beautifully made.

Where did you hear the A5’s and the Rockports? I ask as there are not that many A5’s circulating around yet with Covid and dealers doing demos.

I auditioned both and bought the Rockport.   

Natural sound.

Good luck in your search, 
As long as I posted an A5 video, someone saw this video and asked if I would make some A5 videos with my Pilium Leonidas, 212 pound, 400 watts/4ohnm integrated amp.  Just did these two quick A5 videos streaming Qobuz.  

All for someone showing some Pearl, Rockport videos etc, not trying to monopolize the conversation but this combination was requested by two different gents, so here ya go.....
@cantorgale   If you ever end up wandering down South, you are more than welcome to take a listen to the Pearls!

Hi, no doubt about it many people would prefer Radios, Rockports, Joseph Audio etc.  SO many super duper speakers available.  At least everyone should be able to find something that "floats their boat" and allows them to enjoy music.

Happy Holidays!!!
@cantorgale   Not sure where you are located, but if you happen to be anywhere near NC, I do keep a demo pair of Joseph Audio Pearl 20/20's on hand (and they are fantastic speakers).
BTW, I think Bob (Rhapsody) is an excellent dealer and anyone who wants to hear Magico (which many swear by) or Raidho or any other products Rhapsody sells--could not find a better dealer.
Thank you Bob:
Looking at the photos on Raidho and Magico's website it is clear that I was mistaken. They were, I believe, Raidho XT 5s against a larger and more expensive Magico. This was a few years ago. I preferred the Raidhos
If anyone is interested in "why" the A5’s are special and not just a bigger A3-

The A5’s were the next speaker that was introduced by Magico after certain driver technologies became available in the development of the M9 Magico flagship.

Alon/Magico put the "goodies" realized from M9 development, into the A5, although at a different level of course than what is in the M9, but still of the same pedigree.

When you hear the A5 in a well set up system you will see or at least I did that there are things going on ie, transparency in the midrange and mid bass, which create realism, that I have not experienced prior.

It’s a fun listen, give it a try if possible.
Ohlala, certainly you won’t find the A5 compelling if you haven’t heard them. Give them a listen when/if possible. It would be interesting to hear your first hand experience after you hear the A5’s. That’s if you choose to do of course.

Btw, the A5s are NOT just bigger A3s. As stated by the other posters they are in a different league all together.

And yes talking about any speaker without hearing it in a well set up system is nothing more than mental gymnastics, which of course is fun, but not very insightful.
The A5 are in a different league, and I own the A3. Probably better in some areas then the S3 and S5 as well. 
I have only heard the A3 as opposed to the A5. They sound like Magico but certainly junior in refinement to the S3mk2. I'm not sure what is compelling about the A5, when the Atria was preferred over the S3. My experience with Rockport is that they kind of sound like a better version of Wilsons...big, dynamic and a little forward. Both great brands, so all this talking goes out the window after firsthand experience. 
The A5 are indeed incredible, not just for their price, but at any price. However, you should hear them yourself.
As you can see, people here consistently "reconstruct” false memories. I wouldn’t have much trust in any hearsay comments.
The A5 video was also Qobuz streaming, which is a step down from our cd, vinyl or R2R sonics, but personally I’m a "streamer":)  Also a cell phone video, so it's not close especially to the in-room experience.
Btw, this video is of the A5s, but I did not have my liquid sounding Pilium amps as I had sold my demos when I did the video.  I was using fairly non-liquid sounding electronics with this video.

Hi Everyone,

Actually Rhapsody has NEVER had Q7s in our shop OR any of the large Raidho speakers other than current smaller XT-5's.  

We had D3s but that was 5+ years ago now.  We never had the larger  Raidho D-4s or D5s.  

Must have been some other shop.

Stay safe.

Bob (Rhapsody.Audio)


Would love to hear a Q7 vs. similarly priced Raidho, may I ask where such a dealer reside? 
All good comments thanks.   Have heard good things about the Pearls.  No nearby dealers unfortunately.   
Another very underrated high end contender not often discussed.
Joseph Audio Pearls. Agreed.
Hi ebm
I have listened to at least half a dozen Magico speakers in showrooms and at shows with Alon Wolf playing them and always felt that they were somewhat antiseptic. But I had not listened carefully to any Magico speakers in a number of years and the Q7s got such good reviews that I decided to test listen to them last year one on one against the similarly priced Raidho at my local dealer. I much preferred the Raidho.
But do not be offended because we do not share a love for Magico.
I am not the be all and end all of objective opinion here. However, the OP asked. To my ears, Rockport makes very musical and soulful speakers which draw me into the music and are among my favorites. I do not feel the same way with Magico ,although I do admire their heroic construction.
You may have a different opinion and you may state it here. There are many competent professional audiophiles who would agree with you and pick Magico over Rockport and indeed Magico sells many more speakers than Rockport.
Some like chocolate. Some like vanilla. I like Rockport. I don't care for Magico.

I find Magico interesting. Somewhat dry, damped, and very quiet. They didn't stir my soul but if you like their presentation, there's not many speakers like them.
Do not bad rap MAGICO the best selling speaker on the planet.You are totally wrong (blu guy).
Rockport are truly musical speakers. Magico are uninvolving and antiseptic. That's just my humble opinion.