Rick Schultz`s new cable

hi guys
let me start by saying i don`t have any financial interest with Rick`s new cable.he is a great friend of mine from 8 plus years ago.i bought his first Virtual Dynamics cables and finally step all the way up to his Genesis power,interconnects and speaker cables.
about a year ago he was working on a prototype new interconnect for a great entry level price.i sold my Genesis interconnects and speaker cables.i was afraid if i was doing the right thing by selling.he told me that this new technology would blow away the heavy and hard to work with Genesis.
out of the box they were as good if not better than the Genesis.they just continued to get better.about 500 plus hours they were jaw dropping.the sound is very natural,soundstage is huge,it fills the room.everything is out front and powerful and dynamic.
the last time i had talked to him he was hoping to get things going some time in 2012.
in this hobby we are always looking to get our systems to some kind of musical nirvana.i think i have finaly found mine.
Happy Holidays to all
oh bugger that is another thread and this 8 year old one was bumped! Ignore me!
What happened to the missing 8 years of this thread? Thousands of posts and info gone.

I tried all the original CT-1 line up to Ultimate Reference (not balanced IC's). This line has now been replaced by the cheaper Reveal, and the equivalently expensive Helix. I have not tried either.

IMO, this cable technology is spectacular for digital cables and interconnects, and also power cables. But it was hit and miss with speaker cables due to the naturally high inductance (all these magnetic cables are transmission line). Depending on the amp/speaker combo the speakers cables could be fantastic and in other combo's flat and lifeless.

The low end power cables were good, but the CT-1 Ultimate Reference power cable was an end game cable. If you want one power cable to feed your distributor and revolutionize the entire system sound, check out the new replacement equivalent, which seems to be the Helix series.

I also thought the original CT-1E Interconnects were the optimum price/performance point in the original line of interconnects if you were not into spending crazy money. But this could have been due to my own system being about 10k. A more expensive system may have been warranted to fully appreciate the higher models.

I currently use the CT-1 Ultimate Reference IC's and Digital cable and will never sell them, they are essential to getting a purity of sound out of any front end in my system.

Comparing HFC cables to other brands is also tricky, because the HFC cables create a charged magnetic pathway through your sockets and circuits, so when you swap in another cable brand it will benefit from the conduction treatment and sound better than it actually is. But this will wear off after a few days. So its best to listen to HFC cables last in a shootout.

Rick Schultz is a genius inventor and nothing came close to the performance of HFC cables for me. Though I admit it has been a few years and I have been out of the game for a while. But HFC cables were never flavor of the month or marketing driven cables. They have stood the test of time for almost 10 years now, not a lot of new/hyped cable technology ever was so far ahead in performance like this brand.
I have know Rick for quite some  time now and he is a stand up guy. His whole staff at High Fidelity Cables is 5 star. His High
Fidelity Cables have really improved my system, to where i smile when listing to it.
Post removed 
Sorry about my post. You did a great job with the ct-1. I talked to you at the lone star audiofest. You offered me the opportunity to demo your cables and some other equipment. After hearing your cables I am impressed. They are clear and clean as a bell. They offer great speed, transparency, resolution and separation. You did a wonderful job. Keep up the good job.
@Draudio. I met you at the lone star audiofest. I heard your cable they sound great. I talked you a long time there. I sent you an email and I will definitely keep in touch. Your ct-1 is a great cable. I'm really impressed. I will demo more of your cables soon. You offered them up and I'm gonna listen. You a great job with the ct-1.
Check out page 3 on here under buying power cables:
the seller says aprox retail is 50,000 give or take(LOL)
He's selling it for 20,000
You be the Judge(LOL).

What about this cable virtual dynamics judge? Was it $50k?
Nice to hear that.

Its no fun to drop a small fortune on a "quality" product and then find oneself up the creek without a paddle when something goes wrong.
I Agree and had had a long convo with Rick, really was out of the communications loop, tried both the web site and the Oddfile youtube, assumed that any support was long gone along with any hope of repair,I am going to get assistance not only with my ADA P2501, but also with the termination issues
Hats off to Rick for the assistance.
Truly good products come with truly good service. Otherwise, they may truly become just junk in a blink of an eye.
I have been reading this and want to chime in.

I bought some longer david ic's. One for a sub and another for a digital source. One of the cables went bad and without a question or problem VD took it back and fixed it free of charge.

I was never concerned at the time when it broke that it would not be fixed by the company cause of the good service I was given prior.

I have to say also, I am amazed by the humility that Rick has shown over the post and how he has humbled himself right in front of all his peers.

Seems to be showing character on Agon?
Great that such an issue is resolved. Rick seems like a genuine guy.

Lets get this thread back on track to talking about listening impressions of this new cable from High Fidelity Cables. Magentic conduction secret sauce, funky RCA connector e.t.c e.t.c
BiOdrainx is my old long term customer and a fellow I think of as a friend. His name is Joe. Joe just quite honestly could not find me and did not think of using my profile here and this happened fairly recently where now all my info is different. Joe found out the VD cables are not easy to work on and legitimately had a hard time getting someone to do it. Anyway helping Joe once we got in touch was simple and it also was my pleasure as I got to meet up with him again.
Joe, it was really good to speak with you again, sorry about your issue but so glad to help get them solved. You have my contact info now so you will always no where to turn. Although the cable didn't cause for the resistor issue as I said I will help get that problem fixed as well, when your ready just let me know.
Rick Schultz
Oh I personally know people from this forum from my area, am no troll dealer or corporation,, worked as a Crestron installer,Lurk often, rarely post, Checked The locals section and what was available almost daily,
upgrade when I can, and Although some perceive it as misguided, I am only standing up for what I feel is right, Did I take the issue a little far, yes but I felt I had no other option, I left a message tonight.
I will gladly review cables in my system. if that becomes the end result.
Bravo Biodranix for standing up for what you think is right. Based on his recent posts Draudio seems sincere in trying to resolve this issue.

I too saw his lack of history and find that unusual. Why would someone join a club and be a member for some 21 months without a post, a listing or a whisper. With no posting history from a reviewer as a guideline, I personally would have to dismiss any such comments from this individual or entity as a disguise . Tom
Bi0drainx, you owe us a review of the new cabling if that is what comes to pass. It can be your second thread contribution to this community since joining in 2010....
Rick has got on his knees to ask for your forgivness,now we will see what kind of man you are.hopefully things will be settled then you can beat it.
OK, hat's off to Rick (I have never met him or used or even heard any of his products). Posting his phone and email on this forum, wow! The ball is now in your court, Bi0Drainx.
BTW doing this has been a good reminder for me as what my goal has been as a person in the high end community. Lots of companies in high end have closed up shop or had some sort of issue where folks might be left hanging. Anyone of you can always use that number or e-mail highendaudionut@gmail.com to get a hold of me for whatever you might need. I am not sure I can always help but I will try and if not I will point you in the right direction if I can. I am sure that's true about most everyone here however. So if you ever have issue from here on in don't hesitate to get ahold of me.
BTW there are at least three or four Rick Schultz's and or more variations in audio bussiness so keep that in mind I am speaking for this one :-) I have heard they all try real hard.
Guess on the new system you can't do that so call 972 312 1904 we get this sorted out for you.
I am in the shop quite a bit if you do by any chance miss me please try again or leave your number so I can call you. I will however try to make sure I am within earshot of the phone today. By the way what is your name? I am Rick as you know. All the people here are pretty good folk and forgiving as well I will make sure your happy and all will be good.
Talk with you soon.
Okay so it makes sense as we are both willing lets work this out then. I am willing to do what I can to help. I will pm you my cell number if that works for you?
No, I will not chill out,
I have a product defect issue and it needs to be pushed, and I am allowed BY LAW to post my VD experience including photos,and if it happens to end up on google then thats fine for me,
Solve my issue and I go away, other wise I am going to continue to push the issue, complain to Audiogon if you would like but I have a VALID point.
you get a whole lot more in this life being nice.you are one day going to run into the wrong guy with your outlook on things.take a chill pill and hit the road.
Biodrainx - I'm not sure why any vendor reading your posts would ever want to deal with you at all. You seem like an accident waiting to happen.

Rick has gone out of his way to be nice to you here, a lot nicer than most of us would probably be to you given your childish, immature and insulting antics on this thread. He has hundreds of loyal customers who have known and done business with him for years. I am one of them.

You are obviously new to this whole "thread" thing as this is your first thread - I suggest you re-read the rules of decorum and for my money, you owe Rick and everyone reading this thread an apology for your behavior.

Marqmike and others above have tried to diplomatically cool you down a bit, but apparently to no avail. You had also better think twice about your "master plan" - it could get you into more trouble than you could ever imagine, plus cost you more money than you could believe. REAL MONEY, not David 2.0 money.

Best solution - knock this off, give Rick a call and work something out. Short of doing that, you come across as just someone with an ax to grind and your credibility suffers with each post you make.

Drummermitchell - why all the negativity? Taking cracks without substantiation is pretty lame, as you know.

Well I am open for a Solution, have spent considerable time, Expense, and eventually Delivered my cables to someone at CES LEAVING WORK IN Las Vegas From a data center to TRAVEL TO the Venetian and cabbing back mid-day,
Marq I am the type to push the issue to get things done, if things get ugly, Heated Arguments, Counter seo than so be it, BUT I DONT BACK DOWN.
In my experience it takes two to get to this point not one.
Sounds like Biodrainx is the kind to hold someones hand to the fire until it is burnt off. It takes two to solve problems when two are invovled in it. Both parties have to work together not one. Even though we my have legitimate concerns which I see Biodranix probably does we never demand or deface others and improve the situation. Bringing the dirty laundry to the attention of all here a audiogon dirtys the place up. Use your perceptive powers not your emotional ones and figure a way to work with Rick one on one. I would say Rick has been quite agreeable on this post to his credit even if he did seem to stiff you in the past.
Oh I am not stalking just leveraging search engines in my favor regarding my dispute,
This is an action I have verified legally with an office I work for.
Yesterday I did a search for an ADA P2150 amp [not familiar with the product] and a seller had one in perfect shape but said it had a loose RCA connection. A loose RCA with a heavy cable suspended from a poor mechanical connection could wreck havoc with any type of electronics. Searched today for that particular advertisement to no avail. Tom
So Rick why don't you send BIOdrainx one of your new generation cables as restitution? This seems like the minimum you could do. Words without action is meaningless.
David Pritchard
Bravo Rick.

Agisthos, well said. An unhealthy life indeed. I have dealt with similar issues in audio, and public catharsis rarely heals.

Bi0drainx, if you liked VD cabling, try the new stuff. I am sure you and Rick can work through this....
Point taken, I should not have made light of your inability to contact me and get your cable fixed. I know it would have been frustrating as the cables are difficult to work on at best and really could have used a professional fix. I can’t change that Virtual Dynamics closed but I do wish I had been able to help you. Sorry you had such a poor experience with Virtual Dynamics and that I was not available for you when you needed me personally. I will do better in the future and try to learn from my mistakes. I will put customer service upfront in the future in everything I do and I will never take it lightly. I realize now you were truly hurt by the cost and inconvenience the fualty cable caused you and I do not want to repeat that ever again. My goal is certainly not to create hurt but to be a help. I hope you will forgive me for failing you.
Your quite right I have made some mistakes and they always come back on me. I just hope and try not to repeat them. I will put customer service to the very top of this companies priority list.
My sincere apologies, please forgive me for not realizing sooner this was very important lesson for me and you were just trying to help me not make the same mistakes in the future and incidentally hurt and abandoned someone else. I hope to be a blessing moving forward and this teaches me what is most important it is not only the product it is maybe even more the people who invest in you. I am sure you are very very good person and I do mean that and I am sincerly sorry I hurt you.
Rick Schultz
Bi0drainx, using caps on a forum is like SHOUTING. The image we have when reading that post is you are frothing at the mouth ranting and raving. Especially with all this talk of stalking this guy on the internet, because you bought one product from his company that closed years ago?

It's an unhealthy life man, unplug from the Matrix for a day or two. Listen to some music.
Turn off the caps lock man. It makes your post hard to read and it's just rude.

Well I don't have the say here to decide what this company does in the end but I ran virtual for 9 years. I suggest based on what this company has we should be good for ten times that long so well after my demise. (which I know can't come soon enough for you..... I get it) .
All the best to you. Again sorry for your trouble.
DrummerMitchell Don, would you mind telling me who you are and what I might have done to you? I repeat, I never sold a cable even close to 50K. I actually thought you were kidding but instead your legitimatly mad about something that never happened to "someone else" you never met. Do I have that right? It seams odd at best so if it was just me you wanted to take a kick at well that is fine not everyone cares for me that has been made known. I have learned as I grow older to let it go.. Less stress.
Anyway hope all the best you, you seam like a nice enough fellow.
i had the oringinal ultra clear ic`s,they had issues.i had never had a problem getting in touch with Rick.he told me to send them back,he was working on a new prototype.these are the cables i now have and i have never looked back.
like i stated at the start of this thread that i have been dealing with Rick since 2002 or 03 and never had a problem with him.he is one of the most honest people i`ve ever met in my life.enough said.
Time will tell. Let's hear more from owners of the current cables to see if any of the statements above stand true....
Sure and when this company fails, you Will Run Silent for 6 months the come back up under another name.

Customers be Warned This will happen again.
Seems somebody bought one just before vd closed.
Retail 50,000
They had problems with the sleeve and had to reglue with epoxy,
Whether a cat or rabbit rips it apart or whatever seems quality isn't happening the higher up you go.
Definitely is funny as the pricing on all those cables was stupidly high,and for what quality(ZERO).
High price for shoddy workmanship=NO SALES and BROKE.
Too money hungry perhaps,that's what happens with greed.
Barrhead is only an hour and a half from here and I never once had a desire to check it out.
I stick with companies that take care of CUSTOMERS and have a solid track record.
I`m sure this will fail also,now that`s funny.
Sure Sure You know how to dodge customers and brag about Judge Cables Dont you, I wish I had legal recourse to go after the new company, as I would.
Yes that is truly funny. I am not sure why that legend is spreading so well, that thing will be a million dollars one day! It is truly hilarious! LOL I just wish I would have sold one of the 50-60k legends. I mean just "one" would have been nice. Real Nice!!! :-) (LoL)
Bi0 and Drummer, I had to eat an expensive pair of tube mono blocks that went south with a shipping company, no recourse, no nothing, I was basically told to go pound rock salt HONEST.